As his thoughts whirled, Song Zizhuang's anger seemed to have calmed down a lot. He no longer paid attention to Zhuo Yanjun, but turned his attention to Wen Renman, with murderous intent flowing out like a tide.

Wen Renman's previous resistance was very reluctant. How could he block his deliberate attack? The protective fairy shield shattered like glass.

The moment he fell, Wen Renman somehow remembered a trivial incident from a long, long time ago.

At that time, she was still a cultivator in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and she was still in the supervisory branch with real power.

That year, she went down to the lower world with several colleagues to deal with a small demonic problem. When passing by a certain place, she accidentally caught a glimpse of two monks fighting.

A golden elixir monk took a fancy to the treasure of a foundation-building monk, and the foundation-building monk offered it to him with both hands. The golden elixir monk noticed that the foundation-building monk's eyes were not angry, so he raised his hands and killed him.

When the white-haired foundation-building monk spent his last breath asking for the reason, he smiled sadly and lamented, "If you don't get the golden elixir, you will end up like an ant."

At that time, she thought it was ridiculous. A frog in a well could only see one-third of an acre of land. Not to mention the golden elixir stage, even monks in the Fusion Realm and Tribulation Realm were like ants that could be destroyed with just one hand.

However, at this moment, she suddenly understood the lament of the foundation-building monk. In front of Song Zizhuang, how could she not be an ant?

She struggled to open her eyes and met Song Zi's condescending and indifferent gaze. There was no guilt, no relief after venting her anger, and even no pleasure in controlling her life.

Her life or death is irrelevant.

Wen Renman suddenly understood that no matter the mortal monks, gods, demons, immortals or monsters, to the superiors, the inferiors were just ants.

The high-ranking heir of the Song family, one of the eight future leaders of the Immortal Alliance, has trampled on these little immortals from the moment he was born. Just like her who was born in Xingque, she naturally despises the foundation-building monk. Same.

So, are there some beings in the vast universe who regard these proud men as ants?

Wen Renman looked at the towering Song Zizhuang, a faint smile appeared on his lips, and he said word by word with difficulty: "All living beings are ants."

The last word 'ant' disappeared as soon as it came out of her lips and teeth. Song Zizhuang still heard it clearly. He was a little surprised, and for the first time he took a serious look at this extremely ordinary female fairy.

She was dead, her eyes were lightly closed, her expression was soothing, and she was not unwilling or angry.

On the contrary, there was a faint smile hanging on her lips, so shallow, so light, and for some reason, it made that ordinary face look extraordinarily soft.

Song Zizhuang's surprise only lasted for a moment and then went away. He restrained his murderous intent, glanced sideways at Zhuo Yanjun, whose face was full of horror, and said coldly: "Why don't you get out?"

Zhuo Yanjun composed himself, took one last look at the bodies of Wen Renman and Xu Yaya, and left in a hurry.
As teams from all forces in the eight major immortal realms joined the battle one after another, the two elite armies of the Demon Clan were severely damaged by Shao Haoyue. The remaining advantage of the Demon Clan was lost. Without any other intention, the battle for the place to return to the ruins is gradually tilted towards the immortal clan.

As soon as the war situation relaxed, the cities became lively after the war, and the most lively one was Linshui City.

The original small city square, due to its status as the commander-in-chief after the war, has now been greatly changed. Immortal mountains and pavilions are rising from the ground, and people are flowing in.

Recently, the story of the confrontation between Shao Haoyue and Song Zizhuang through the Supervision Bureau has become a hot topic in restaurants and teahouses.

"Hey, have you heard? The inspector sent by Yue Palace to investigate the Song family's defense area came out of the handsome tent of Young Master Song in Guiyu armor." A man said excitedly, lowering his voice.

His voice was very low, but the immortal's five senses were so sharp that almost half the city heard him.

"I'll go, can you speak? What do you mean you were sent by Yuedian? That's the supervisory envoy, of course sent by the Supervisory Director-General!"

"Yes, yes, yes, look at my mouth, my mouth, please forgive me." The man patted his mouth a few times, his face full of annoyance.Trouble comes from the mouth. For some things, the essence is one thing and the statement is the same thing. The layer of cloth cannot be pierced.

These were all minor incidents and were quickly dismissed by everyone. Someone jumped out to answer: "Of course I have heard of it! A senior sister of mine was working under the eldest son's account. She was on patrol that day and saw Zhuo Yanjun with her own eyes. Come out of the main camp wearing Guiyu Armor."

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a medium build, standard eyebrows, and a popular face. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of everyone's eyes falling on him. He looked around and continued: "The inspector's name is Zhuo Yan. Jun, I heard that he is quite famous in the Inspector General. He is known as a calm and selfless person.

But when she came out that day, she could only maintain her composure. She didn't even pack her things and left the defense zone in a hurry. "

With first-hand information from insiders, people were even more excited, and another group of people joined in, urging again and again: "Tell me in detail, do you know what happened inside?"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes rudely, "That's a Chinese army camp, not a teahouse or restaurant. How could I possibly know what happened?"

After scolding him, he rolled his eyes, changed the subject, and said, "But, not long after she left, the other two inspectors..."

"Oh, come on, say it, stop being so pretentious!"

"Hey! The bodies of the other two were thrown out. They were accused of spying on military intelligence."

"Peeping at the military situation? Hahaha..." The gossip swallowed the sneer in time, cleared his throat, and said sternly: "Peering into the military situation is a serious crime and cannot be forgiven."

After contacting Zhuo Yanjun, who seemed to be running away, everyone guessed the truth about Shiqi. It was clearly that the Song eldest son was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Yuedian, and became angry and vented his anger on the supervisor. The two supervisory envoys suffered a disaster.

Everyone looked at each other with a tacit understanding and did not continue on this topic.

"I remember that those two inspectors were sent by the General Supervision Bureau to report back to the eldest son on the results of the investigation into Yuedian's absence from duty, right?" Someone started a different topic.

This man is also a wonderful person. He bites the word "Director General of Supervision" very hard and deliberately slows down his speaking speed.

People suddenly realized that the other two supervisors were the ones Song Zizheng was looking for. If he wanted to vent his anger, his first choice should be Zhuo Yanjun sent by Shao Haoyue. How come it was the other two who died instead?
"Didn't Zhuo Yanjun come out wearing Guiyu armor?" someone reminded quietly.

"Yes, that is a top-grade immortal weapon, Guiyu Armor..."

"Isn't that right? Gui Yu Jia's defense is good, but the eldest son is Daluo Jinxian. How can that thing be able to block the eldest son's attacks?"

The crowd was quiet for a moment. Yes, Gui Yujia's strong defensive nature meant that for the middle and lower soldiers, he could never stop Song Zizhuang.

So, why did he let Zhuo Yanjun go?
Could it be that Song Zi was afraid of Shao Haoyue?

After a long time, someone said dryly: "Who is the eldest son? Why would he target a small fairyland? It is possible for a small inspector to be weak in cultivation and be affected by coercion."

He spoke vaguely, and everyone understood what he meant. The two supervisors might have been affected by Song Zizhuo's anger. Gui Yujia couldn't stop Song Zizhuo's deliberate attack, so it was okay to resist the unconscious anger.

Most people don't recognize this answer. They prefer the former conjecture. Isn't it proof that Song Zizhuang chose to attack the Jun family?

When people tacitly communicated, communicated through voice or looked at each other, the middle-aged man who had previously given the inside information calmed down and slowly withdrew from the crowd.

Before leaving, he looked at the people who were immersed in gossip, with an imperceptible sneer on his lips.

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