"By the way, why did Yuedian target the eldest son of the Song Dynasty?" Someone suddenly asked in the passionate gossip.

"It's better to be angry than Lan Yan."

"Yes, what's there to ask?" The person who answered was a woman in blue. She was not tall, her eyebrows were slightly dark, and she looked very heroic. She shrugged and said, "As we all know, the Jun family and Wei Lin Make good friends, this choice of defense zone is equivalent to a public statement.

The entire army in the Junjia Defense Area has fallen. Who knows the next target... Ahem, cough, cough, didn't Yuedian already go to the Lantau Defense Area? Needless to say, why? "

"You mean Yue Dian was acting out of emotion and left his post without permission for his own selfish interests?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense, I don't mean that." Tan Yun, the previously carefree woman, immediately became alert and glared at the man who asked quietly, with a look on her face that said, "Don't even think about digging a hole for me."

Her best friend Yang Zhi also supported her: "People with dark thoughts will see everyone as dark. What we mean is that Yuedian is a gentle person, and the most unfavorable thing is to bully the weak."

Speaking of the latter, Yang Zhi felt something was wrong. Didn't this imply that Song Zi was bullying the weak? She felt as big as a fight.

The others also knew that this topic could not be discussed in depth. Their minds were spinning so fast that they had already thought of other topics and opened their mouths to throw them out.

"Have any of you seen Wei Lin? Is he really so beautiful that he can make Yue Dian fall in love with her at first sight and do this? I think the portrait is quite ordinary, very different from this immortal."

Tan Yun rolled her eyes and retorted unceremoniously: "Fuck you, you are such a bear, can you compare with Human Guard Lin? Can you quickly improve your cultivation, or can you cross two great realms to kill the enemy? "

"That's right, let alone crossing two major realms, it's good if you can defeat opponents of the same realm neatly."

The man was not convinced and retorted: "You think Yuedian is you. If she really valued talent and ability, how could she have set her sights on the Dragon King's illegitimate son back then."

The two best friends were speechless. The Dragon King's illegitimate son was really worthless except for his appearance. Shao Haoyue treated him differently. Apart from his appearance, they really couldn't think of any other reason.

Thinking back, Tan Yun said: "That day when Wei came to Linshui City, Ah Zhi and I were responsible for the reception at the city gate. At that time, we focused on his legendary experience and courage. Looking back now, in terms of appearance, he was not bad. "

Yang Zhi nodded and added: "The eyebrows are exquisite and picturesque, the temperament is elegant yet heroic, and there is a vigorous vitality, just like the green bamboo after the rain, tall and upward! Especially a pair of phoenix eyes, pure and clear at first glance, breathtaking when you look closely .”

Many people in Linshui City had met Wei Lin that day, and many people also added their words. After describing it, everyone looked at each other in shock. It turned out that Shao Haoyue was a beauty addict!
Some of Shao Haoyue's admirers could not accept this conclusion and immediately retorted: "This doesn't mean anything. We are immortals. As long as you think about it, who is not the sword-shaped eyebrows, starry eyes, dragons and phoenixes?"

"Looking good doesn't mean stunning. You can't deny that the illegitimate son of the Dragon King and Wei Lin are both top-notch in appearance."

"In terms of looks alone, we in Xingque have no shortage of beautiful men. Prince Shen, Prince Long, Prince Feng, including Prince Song, all of them are stunningly beautiful.

There is also a beauty list. Although the person who made the list is a bit boring, everyone still agrees with the ranking. With Wei Lin's appearance, he can be ranked in the top ten at most.If Yuedian is good at looks, why isn't Tushan Xihe, who is third on the list, attracted to him? "

"Beauty list? Do we still have this thing in Xingque? Who is at the top of the list?"

"That Dragon King's illegitimate son."

After a brief introduction to popular science, everyone started to discuss it enthusiastically.Upstairs, the young maid in green looked at the woman who was frowning more and more, and said angrily: "The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes! Sir, I'm going to teach them a lesson!"

The woman sighed and smiled bitterly: "They are right. In this world where strength is respected, a vase that is just beautiful is not worthy of being remembered by others."

Qiuye looked at her worriedly: "Master Lingzhou is not as bad as they say. He is kind-hearted and is many times better than these people."

"What's the use of being kind? A good person is bullied by others, a good horse is ridden by others. Being kind but without strength is weakness."

Qiuye couldn't refute. Although he didn't want to admit it, this was the reality. Even the children of the four families and four clans were nothing if they didn't have strength.

She sighed secretly and tried to change the subject, "Is Yuedian targeting Song Zizhuang really because of Wei Lin? Has she regained her memory?"

Nan Mi shook his head: "The calamity of Nirvana is not that easy. It should be revenge for the Ye Murdering Rain incident."

Ever since Shao Haoyue came back, there has been no follow-up to this matter, as if it had never happened that night when Shao Haoyue landed in Japan and Shao Haoyue was seriously injured and dying.

But how can the Feng Clan knock out their teeth and swallow their blood?
Combined with the ownership of the Yueqing world, interested people have more or less guessed the answer. Now Shao Haoyue suddenly attacks Song Zizhen, and the Feng clan is forced to accept He Tan, which can be said to be a certainty.

"Aren't the children of the Feng Clan not going to the negotiating table?" Qiuye couldn't accept it. Is this the same Feng Clan that wiped out the Liu Clan in one day and cut off the Liu family's bloodline in a few months?

After a long time, Qiuye sighed: "As expected of Yuedian, Tou Tie will seek revenge directly from those with higher strength. Now those top-ranking aristocratic sects can rest assured."

"It's not all irony. The Song family already has a rift with the Feng clan. If you target Song Zi, at least you won't make another enemy." Nan Mi raised his eyes and looked out the window, filled with emotions in his heart. These are the children of the rich family, dandy, willful, tyrannical, and cruel. Emotionality and so on are just deceptive appearances. In fact, every move they make will take the interests of the family into consideration.

Qiuye did not hear the emotion in her words, and raised his voice: "That must be backed by strong strength! Looking at Xingque, how many people dare to blatantly target Song Zizheng?"

"You admire her very much?" Nan Mi turned around with doubt on his face. If she remembered correctly, Qiuye had always been afraid of Shao Haoyue when he was in the lower realm.

"My aunt always told me about Yue Dian's heroic deeds in the past. I have always admired her since I was a child. Moreover, she was so kind to the little flower fairy. We are all flower fairies."

Nan Mi understood that when Qiao Yun told them about Shao Haoyue, it was definitely not to promote Shao Haoyue's great achievements, but in the hope that they would stay away from him.

However, the flower elves and the little flower fairy came from the same origin, so they naturally took on her perspective. In their view, Shao Haoyue was not domineering and willful.

Once his position changed, Shao Haoyue's behavior could be called chivalrous and righteous, helping the weak. This is why Shao Haoyue has many admirers in Xingque.

Seeing Qiuye's eyes filled with admiration, Nan Mi sighed: "Mu Qiang is the nature of living things."

It's a pity that neither the Goddess Palace nor her is the stronger one.

As soon as she finished speaking, a faint voice sounded outside the door, "Pity for weakness is the difference between humans and animals."

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