"All right."

Shao Haoyue's words interrupted Xia Yiyi's thoughts. She subconsciously looked at Shao Haoyue and said, "I answered your question, now it's your turn to answer me."

not good!

Xia Yiyi immediately became alert and quickly closed her eyes, but it was of no use. The moment she closed her eyes, she saw peach blossoms flying all over the sky, one by one, rustling like rain.

The light blue sky is gentle and lofty, just like that person, so elegant that it is almost unreal.


The ethereal call came from behind, from far to near, as if it had traveled through endless years; the tone was gentle and casual, the same as countless times before.

Xia Yiyi unconsciously curved the corners of his lips and turned around briskly: "Master."

The young man's white hair floated from the sky. His pale pink and almost white clothes were so comfortable that they blended into the sky. It was hard to tell where the sky was and where the clothes were. There were pink flowers between his eyebrows, which made him look even more holy.

Despite tens of thousands of years of getting along day and night, Xia Yiyi often wonders, is someone like her master really a demon?He is clearly more immortal and more like an immortal than those immortal kings and immortals in Xingque.

"It's been * years and Yiyi has grown up."

The voice of 'Master' became more and more ethereal. Xia Yiyi didn't even hear a few words clearly. However, she knew what Master was talking about and couldn't help but smile sweetly: "After more than 9000 years, it's time to grow up..."

Later, 'Hou Yu''s eyes became gentler and his voice became more ethereal. He could not remember what he talked about in the summer. He only remembered chatting with his master about daily life and reminiscing about the warm days of the past.

Looking at Xia Yiyi who was sleeping deeply, Wei Lin couldn't help but sigh that Shao Haoyue, who had the memory of Xingque, was very familiar with the charm technique. It was not like before that she needed to make eye contact to guide her into an illusion. Now, every move she makes is like a charm. Words and actions can easily draw people into illusions.

But he didn't quite understand the purpose of this interrogation. Shao Haoyue didn't ask about the demons and pretending to be Mu Yan, but about Xia Yiyi's personal situation: when he transformed, how long he was conscious, and when he became a disciple and became Yu Wait.

However, Lian Er's inquiry quickly solved his doubts.

"Your Highness, do you still want to investigate what happened back then? Fairy Huahua has returned."

"Just because she's back doesn't mean that what happened back then can be revealed." Shao Haoyue said calmly, with Lian Er's familiar murderous intent surging under his calm eyes.

"But the guards responsible for protecting the fairy were all dead, both openly and secretly. The demons who kidnapped the fairy also died in that battle, and there are no clues at all."

"That's why we need to find out more." Shao Haoyue didn't want to talk more about this matter, so she told Wei Lin to leave after saying a few words.

Seeing that Wei Lin was silent all the time on the road, he asked, "What are you thinking about and not talking?"

Of course, why Mu Yan died and why she appeared in the lower world.

Wei Lin had asked this question before, but Mu Yan had always avoided answering it. Naturally, it was difficult for him to get to the bottom of it.

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin said: "Your illusion is very powerful."

"It's normal. Ultimately, the art of enchantment is about peering into people's hearts. When I asked her her name, she blurted out Houyu. She couldn't hide her pride. It shows that Houyu is very important to her. It's right to start with him."

Wei Lin nodded, "That's right. Your illusion is about seeking truth and creating things. Unlike other illusions, you don't need to spend more time on confusion."

Shaohao Yue stopped.

After noticing her behavior, Wei Lin felt a little strange, "What did I say wrong?"

Shao Haoyue looked at him quietly. She actually practiced the art of creation. Very few people knew about it. Even brothers and sisters like Shao Haoyao didn't know. The reason why the master asked her to practice the art of enchantment was Cover this up.

And Wei Lin knew...

She stared at him for a long time before gently shaking her head, "It's okay, let's go back."

"You are finally back!" As soon as the two returned to the war zone, Yu Fu came up to them with an anxious look on their face.

"What's going on?" Wei Lin was very surprised. Yu Fu was smart and capable, but it was rare to see her expression.

Yu Fu glanced at Shao Haoyue worriedly, "Luodian is here."

"Him?" Shao Haoyue wondered, "What is he here for?"

Yufu naturally expressed her ignorance, and Shao Haoyue didn't expect her to know. How could it be a small matter for Shao Haoluo to come in person.

The two of them quickly rushed to the living room. From a distance, they saw Shao Haoluo, Nightingale, and Lan Qing sitting around a table eating? !

To be precise, only Shao Haoluo, Nightingale and Lan Qing served him with some anxiety.

It doesn't appear to be an emergency.

Shao Haoyue's hanging heart fell to the ground, and Xuan'er silently summarized another characteristic of this fifteenth brother in his heart - being indifferent.

"Brother Fifteen, what are you doing here?" She asked directly.

Hearing her voice, Shao Haoluo threw away his chopsticks, swallowed the food in his mouth and stood up and said: "You are back!"

"What are you doing here?" Shao Haoyue asked again.

Shao Haoluo chuckled, scratched his head and said, "I'm asking you to borrow money."

Shaohaoyue: "..."

What a messy excuse, can it be more presentable?
Shao Haoluo seemed to be worried about her rejection. He took a few steps forward and said expectantly: "They say you are the richest among our brothers and sisters, except for the seventh brother. I owe a lot of debt to the seventh brother. I'm sorry to say any more." I borrowed it from him, and other brothers and sisters also helped me a lot, and I didn’t have much money..."

Wei Lin originally thought that Shao Haoluo's borrowing money was just an excuse, but now he hesitated.

After arriving at Xingque, he learned a lot of rumors about the Feng Clan. Regarding Shao Haoluo, the most widely circulated one was that he was heavily in debt. It was said that he had borrowed money from all the Feng Clan's direct descendants, peers and elders.

Occasionally, I have to pay it back, but very rarely. I usually pay it back this time and borrow more next time.

Xu didn't want to be embarrassed and thrown out, so he only asked people from the Youfeng clan to borrow it. In the years when Ah Li was away, he naturally couldn't borrow it from Ah Li's subordinates.

Therefore, Ali is probably the only member of his clan who has never borrowed money.

If you really need it urgently, it’s not impossible to come all the way to Ali to borrow it.

Nightingale and others who had the same idea as him first breathed a sigh of relief, and then were filled with emotion. The future leader of the Fire Phoenix Clan and the direct descendant of the mainstay of the Feng Clan would also be short of money.

Shao Haoyue rolled her eyes and said hello to go in. As she walked, she asked, "You won't really borrow Yaoyao and the others, will you?"

"Not only that, my uncles and aunts also helped me a little."

"You can't do this. You have debts all over the place, and your reputation is not good. Brother Qi's family has a big business, and it will last you a long time. If you ask Yaoyao and the others to borrow it, they will be short of money later, so you have to ask Brother Qi Emergency.

Why go to such trouble? Just ask Brother Qi to borrow money. It's better to owe money to one person than to owe money to a bunch of people and build a reputation. "

"It seems reasonable."

"Not only does it make sense..."

Shao Hao Yue and Wei Lin knew better. After hearing her tone, he knew that Shao Hao Luo's borrowing money was indeed an excuse. He quickly winked at Nightingale and others, indicating that they didn't need to follow her.

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