After entering the house and placing the restriction, Shao Haoyue turned around and said, "Tell me, what are you here for?"

"I'm here to find him." Shao Haoluo looked at Wei Lin, "Have you ever seen the Blood Ming Kung in Jiuli Yuan in other places?"

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment before he found the Blood Ming Kung Fu from distant memories. He couldn't help but wonder. The Blood Ming Kung Fu was indeed a good technique in Canglan Continent, but it was just average in Qingxuan. Why did it attract the attention of the Feng Clan? .

He nodded slowly, "I have seen it before. Speaking of which, we have a deep connection with this technique."

Shao Haoluo hurriedly asked: "Who created it and who are practicing it? Do you know their origins? Is there anyone named Liu?"

"Liu? Bone Smoke Kill?" Shao Haoyue was surprised, "Is this Blood Ming Kung Fu related to the Liu family's Demonic Bone Smoke Kill?"

Shao Haoluo's eyes showed a murderous look: "Yes, it is adapted from the Bone Smoke Kill. Back then in Jiuliyuan, I felt that the Blood Ming Kung Fu had some shadow of the Bone Smoke Kill, so I reported it to the clan when I came back. After checking it over the years, It is basically confirmed that Blood Ming Kung Fu and Bone Smoke Killing are of the same origin!"

"It shouldn't be. The bloodline of the Liu family has been cut off, and everyone who knows the Bone Smoke Killing Technique has lost their souls. Why would anyone adapt the Bleeding Ming Technique? Is it because the human race has breached the contract?"

Shao Haoluo glanced at Wei Lin, who had a thoughtful look on his face. Seeing that Shao Haoyue had no intention of avoiding him, he secretly clicked his tongue and said, "Third brother also has this suspicion, but there is no clue, maybe it's Some of them found a way around the oath."

Shao Haoyue nodded, looked at Wei Lin, and said sincerely: "This Blood Underworld Technique involves the honor and disgrace of our Phoenix clan and even all the divine beasts. Please tell us the details."

As early as when he first came to Xingque, Wei Lin had heard many people talk about the mighty deeds of the Feng clan that destroyed the Liu family.

To others, this is a reflection of the strength, protection and unity of the Phoenix clan. Now it seems that there is a lot of anger and helplessness inside.

Unfortunately, he didn't know much about the Blood Ming Kung.

He sighed slightly and told all the information he knew: "What I know is limited. This technique should come from Jiuliyuan..."

After hearing this, Shao Haoluo scratched his hair in disappointment, "This road doesn't work either. Hey, where are the clues?"

Shao Haoyue said coldly: "What's the rush? The most important thing our Feng Clan lacks is patience. No matter which dark reptile did it, we will definitely get to the bottom of it!"

Shao Haoluo nodded angrily and said bitterly: "When I find out which grandson is causing trouble, his whole family will be reduced to ashes!"

Since there was no result in this matter, Shao Haoyue did not intend to continue. Speaking of Jiuli Yuan, she thought of Jiang Yurou again, and asked Shao Haoluo: "Do you remember Jiang Yurou?"

"Jiang Yurou? Who is it?"

Shao Haoluo was still angry. After hearing this and thinking for a long time, he never remembered that he knew such a famous person. He shook his head honestly and said: "I don't know him."

As he spoke, he saw Shao Haoyue's expression becoming more solemn, and he couldn't help but beat a little drum in his heart: "Should I know him?"

Shao Haoyue pointed at Wei Lin, "He recognized the resurrected Demon Emperor. He came from Canglan Continent with him and also went to Jiuliyuan."

Shao Haoluo's heart trembled, and he began to carefully recall what happened in Jiuliyuan, especially what happened after meeting with the monks from Canglan Continent.

However, he racked his brains and could only recall a few scattered fragments that might be relevant. For example, there was indeed a female cultivator named Jiang in Canglan Continent.

But he only remembered that people called the female cultivator Jiang Daoyou, Senior Sister Jiang, Junior Sister Jiang, and Senior Uncle Jiang, but he could not recall the appearance of the female cultivator.

Strictly speaking, his information was pieced together based on all the words that other monks in Canglan mentioned about monk surnamed Jiang. He could not recall any of Jiang Yurou's words and actions.The more he thought about it, the more Shao Haoluo felt how terrifying the Demon King was, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

To seal the Demon Emperor, the Phoenix Clan's ancestors exerted great efforts. Jiuli Yuanli himself and Shi Qi both had their cultivation levels greatly damaged. As long as the Demon Emperor's cultivation level was restored to half a level, they would both fall into Jiuli Yuan.

After the shock, he couldn't help but wonder, and asked Wei Lin: "Why can you remember her?"

Back then, Wei Lin's cultivation and knowledge were not as good as his own.

"I noticed this characteristic of her before entering Jiuliyuan, and I paid special attention to it later."

Shao Haoluo understood and said: "It seems that when she was in Canglan Continent, her cultivation level was also very limited. Maybe her strength is not that strong now. Is she bluffing?"

"You think too well." Shao Haoyue disagreed, "She is resurrected. Unlike other demons, after passing through the initial stage of rebirth and having past memory experiences, her cultivation level will only increase faster and not slower. .

I have mentioned her cultivation level before. Every time I meet her, she grows by a small level. Who can match this speed? "

Shao Haoluo was silent, and said irritably for a long time: "Why don't any of these nonsense make people worry-free? Forget it, I won't talk about it anymore, my head hurts!"

He desperately wanted to change the topic and forget his worries for the time being. When he saw Wei Lin, he immediately remembered something and patted him on the shoulder in a funny way.

"Hey, when it comes to the speed of cultivation, Wei Lin, you can do it. Do you know that before, Song Zizhuo and the others all suspected that you were the resurrected Demon Emperor because your cultivation level improved too quickly.

You have to thank Shiqi for this. At the meeting that day, she threw out that portrait of Jiang Yurou with her backhand, overturning all their inferences. The expressions of the people in the room were so funny. "

Shaohaoyue: "..."

Brother Fifteen is so careless, why does he still add fuel to the fire? Everyone was so intimidated by Jiang Yurou's power that day that they didn't care about being embarrassed if their inference was overturned.

"Tsk, tsk, how did you cultivate, you improved so fast, you are almost catching up with the goddess Ye Nian, no wonder people are suspicious!"

Wei Lin was very modest: "I just practiced normally and got enlightenment by luck."

"What is your epiphany that makes you improve so much?" Shao Haoluo became more and more curious.

Wei Lin smiled slightly and pointed to his chest, "The human body is the universe."

"The human body is the universe?" Shao Haoluo was stunned, "Are you serious, not kidding?"

He asked casually. Enlightenment is related to many factors such as personal experience and understanding, and the circumstances at the time. It all depends on chance. Even if the person who has the enlightenment is willing to tell all his experience, it is almost impossible for the listener to have an enlightenment.

But when he heard Wei Lin's words, he felt that while they were ridiculous, they also made some sense.

Shao Haoyue knew at a glance that Wei Lin was not joking, and hurriedly asked: "How to prove it?"

Wei Lin raised his hand, and a dark gray mist with a majestic and mysterious aura appeared in his palm: "Now, the origin of this world is borne by the complete world plane of Xingque."

He clenched his fist, took the origin of the world back into his body, and said: "Now, it is my body that is accepting the origin of the world. My body, like the plane world, can accept the origin of the world."

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