Shao Haoyao took the token from the old man's hand and threw it out. A magnificent magic circle appeared, and then a thick gray fog rose in the space. She activated the token again, and a vermilion rune gradually appeared, bright red, flowing like a flame.

When the runes were completely solidified, accompanied by a loud phoenix cry, a huge vermilion fire phoenix flew out from it.

Seeing the shadow, the Shao Haoyue sisters bowed slightly to show respect, while the old man from the Jieyin Hall behind them bent down, almost at an angle of ninety degrees to the ground.

This phantom is none other than the contemporary Phoenix Queen - Yinghua.

After the operation was completed, Shao Haoyao turned her head and explained softly: "The special order that my mother helped apply for can only go to my Mulan Star Territory."

Shao Haoyue lowered her eyes and sighed silently. The so-called rules only restricted the lower classes.

After passing through the magic circle, the two sisters arrived at the Mulan Star Territory in a short time. It was autumn, the sky was high and the air was crisp, and the bright sunshine poured from the dome and illuminated the earth.

The street was crowded with people, and the shouts of hawkers kept coming and going. A little boy in a thin shirt nimbly slipped through the crowd and came to a bun shop, "Ami, two drawers of buns!"

The brisk voice carries the unique vitality of a young man.

The plump middle-aged woman smiled and narrowed her eyes. She packed the bags neatly and said, "It's your birthday today, just two drawers of buns?"

"No!" The little boy shook his head and explained in a sweet voice, "The buns are just for breakfast. The ingredients for the birthday banquet have been prepared a few days ago."

The little boy was obviously well-liked by his neighbors. Many people looked at him with smiles. The owner of the nearby preserve shop couldn't help teasing him: "Little Huzi, there is a happy event in your family today. Why don't you buy some preserves to entertain your friends?"

The little boy looked over, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the various candied fruits on the stall. The breeze blowing in front of him seemed to have a hint of sweetness, making him gulp down his saliva.

After a while, he struggled to look away from the candied fruits and shook his head sadly: "Ami only gave me money to buy buns."

The owner of the preserve shop was overjoyed and neatly filled up two handfuls of preserves and handed them over: "Oh, this little one looks aggrieved. Come on, come on, Ami will give you a handful."

The little boy named Huzi's eyes lit up and he ran over to pick it up. He thanked her sweetly: "Thank you, Ami!"

Xu Shao Haoyue was watching too intently. After sending the little boy away, the owner of the preserve shop quickly noticed her and immediately greeted her enthusiastically: "Girl, would you like to try the preserved fruits? They are all fruits from this year. They are made at home and kept clean." net."

Shao Haoyue was stunned for a moment and politely refused: "Thank you, no need."

I didn't expect the boss to be enthusiastic, so he quickly packed a few and handed them over: "You're welcome, come and try it, you won't be charged. My family's craftsmanship has been passed down for three generations. No one who has tasted it can say anything bad about it!"

"Yes, girl, her preserves are really good. In Luoshui City, her preserves are the most delicious. Almost every household buys them from her. You will know after you try them!" The owner of the bun shop on the side also advised her.

Not only the bun shop, but also people from other shops around, including many passers-by, enthusiastically recommended this preserve. If this person was not a mortal in Shao Haoyao's world, she would be worried about some conspiracy.

Unable to resist the enthusiasm of everyone, Shao Haoyue had no choice but to accept the candied fruit and said, "Thank you, Ami."

She picked a piece and ate it. A hint of sweetness spread in her mouth, but it wasn't cloying. It was really good. The owner of the preserve shop asked with a smile: "Ami didn't lie to you, did I?"

Shao Haoyue nodded and praised with a smile: "Sweet but not greasy, it's really delicious. Ami, I'll buy two..."

Hearing the compliment, the boss narrowed his eyes with a smile, and before she could finish speaking, he neatly wrapped up a large handful and handed it to her: "Whatever you want to buy or not, just eat it if you like it. Come on, Ami will give you another handful." , eh, this girl is so beautiful, like a fairy girl."

Shao Haoyue was stunned. Was this too enthusiastic? After the trial, she refused to buy and gave it away. Does this lady really know how to do business? It’s a miracle that it hasn’t closed down for so many years.

"Ahem, Ami, I'd better buy it. It's not easy for you to do business."

"Here," the boss said with a face, raised his voice slightly, walked out quickly from behind the stall, came to her side, and returned to his smiling and enthusiastic look, "you call me Ami, how about eating some candied fruits?" Got it? Just take it if Ami gives it to you."

As he said that, he couldn't help but put the candied fruit into her hand.

Shao Haoyue could not resist again and had to accept the gift. While thanking her boss, she sent a message to Shao Haoyao: "The mortals in your world are too enthusiastic."

A faint smile appeared in Shao Haoyao's eyes, "Do you know what Ami means?"

"Auntie or something like that." Shao Haoyue was a little confused. Isn't this obvious?

"It's what my mother meant."

"What?" Shao Haoyue was confused. Whether it was the boy before, or other children, or young people, they almost always called middle-aged women Ami. How could she be mother?

Shao Haoyao did not answer her questions, but looked at the boss and said softly: "Four generations living under one roof is a great joy. We sisters also want to be happy. I wonder where this old birthday star lives?"

Shao Haoyue became more and more confused and observed the enthusiastic shopkeeper carefully.

As the master of Mulan World, he can understand everything with a single thought. How could Shao Haoyao not know where Huzi's family lived? She could only use the topic to talk to the store owner.

However, no matter how she looked at it, the woman in front of her was just an ordinary middle-aged mortal, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Ninety-nine, isn't that a long life!" The boss was filled with emotion when he mentioned the boy's Asi, "The old woman from the Jiang family is famous in our Luoshui City for her abilities! She came here alone decades ago and used A handful of leaves cured the heart palpitations of the Yao family in the north of the city for many years. She earned five taels of silver and opened a medical clinic, thus taking root in Luoshui City.

Soon they gave birth to a daughter and a son... Now they have a large family. Huzi just now is her only great-grandson and the youngest of the seven sisters. The most important thing is that people can teach and the younger generations will be diligent and polite..."

Shao Haoyue frowned when she heard this, but Shao Haoyao's voice message sounded in her consciousness: "Do you think the Jiang family values ​​boys over girls?"

"Isn't it obvious? After seven daughters, she still has to give birth to a son. Her granddaughter-in-law is really pitiful." The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and her expression couldn't be controlled. She shook her head and sighed, and continued to complain through the voice, "Beast If you don’t treat such a raw person, do you still treat them as human beings?”

Shao Haoyao covered her lips and chuckled, "That Huzi only has six sisters, he is the seventh."

Shao Haoyue had a question mark on his face, how was this calculated?

The smile in Shao Haoyao's eyes deepened. After thanking the owner of the preserve shop, he walked slowly towards Jiang's house and changed the subject again, "It's been a while since I've been here. What do you think of Luoshui City?" (End of Chapter)

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