Shao Haoyue was even more confused. She really didn't know what medicine her sixteenth sister was selling in her gourd. She glanced at it and said, "Most people have rosy complexions and should live a prosperous life."

This can also be seen from the enthusiasm and generosity of the owner of the preserve shop. People who live a tight life will rarely give away products and drive away customers no matter how kind and hospitable they are.

"Eh? The overall appearance of the people here is pretty good. The ratio of handsome men to beautiful women is almost catching up with that of the monks." Shao Haoyue stopped casually and steeled himself to observe carefully. He was surprised again.

There is an endless stream of men and women on the street. Not only do they look good, but they are also in good spirits. Whether it is shop owners or pedestrians on the street, the ratio of men to women is almost the same. Women interact with men in a graceful manner, without the suspicion of most mortals.

"The folk customs here are quite civilized!" She praised sincerely, and immediately became even more puzzled by the Jiang family's preference for sons over daughters. Generally speaking, the more backward and poor the world is, the more serious the phenomenon of favoring sons over daughters.

The old lady of the Jiang family has great medical skills. As long as there are no special wasteful things in the house, the Jiang family will not be too poor. Why is son preference so serious?

With her consciousness widened, she discovered that most of the doors of shops and houses in the city were wide open, and many of them had no one at home and the doors were open.

“If you don’t pick up lost things on the road, the people’s customs are simple and honest!”

Shao Haoyue felt like a cat scratching her heart. She took Shao Haoyao's hand and shook it, "Sister Sixteen, stop being so pretentious. What on earth are you going to show me? You can't be the one who protects me so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, right?"

"Pfft." Shao Haoyao smiled, like a snow lotus blooming, the sun was shining, it was so beautiful that it made Shao Haoyue's curiosity fade a little, and she sighed to herself: If the Sixteenth Sister smiled more, she and she would be together. Lingzhou, who is at the top of the beauty list, really not praised!

Shao Haoyao's eyes fell on her hand, his eyes soft, "This is the first time you have been so intimate to me."

"Uh." Shao Haoyue realized in hindsight that what she just said was coquettish. When did she regain this skill? So skilled!

She wanted to take her hand away, but under Shao Haoyao's gaze, she felt a little embarrassed and her hand became stiff for a moment.

Shao Haoyao didn't seem to feel her embarrassment. He naturally looked away and said calmly: "Actually, this is an experiment I did."

Shao Haoyao exhaled silently and retracted his hand, "Experiment?"

"This matter is still your fault. Didn't you reject me back then? I just wanted to understand your hobbies and get closer to you. You have basically read Xingque's story books, so I went to find it in the mortal world, but after seeing After coming down, I found that Fanchen’s words were very strange, such as:

The male protagonist subdued a beautiful woman. The other party mistakenly thought that he was going to rape her first and then kill her. He shouted forcefully, "My skills are not as good as my own. Come if you want. Kill me as soon as possible after you finish." The male protagonist looked at the beautiful woman and said, "I But I'm not interested in you,' and then the beauty almost fainted from anger.

She should be grateful that she didn't have to be humiliated before she died, but why did she almost get knocked out? "

Shao Haoyue should not be too familiar with the storybook routines, and said: "Most of these are written by men, but they are just their imagination of women. Of course, some women also write like this. In the eyes of these people, women naturally love beauty, and even Better than your own life." Shao Haoyao nodded, "There are also some women with outstanding status, military strength and wealth. When faced with a young boy who is just starting out or is just rising, their way of teasing is, 'Is the little brother? Are you greedy for sister's body? If so, sister can spend a night with you.

It's outrageous. How could someone take the initiative to use themselves as a resource, or face an ant that can be easily crushed to death?

More importantly, this is not a fiction in the storybook. I have seen such people with my own eyes, such as Fairy Lan Qing, who is the best among the ascended immortals of the human race, Daluo Jinxian. Although this is just her trick to lure enemies. , but it’s extremely outrageous to subconsciously regard one’s body as a resource. "

"They are also victims," ​​Shao Haoyue sighed. "Most of these female cultivators were born in the ordinary world. Although their cultivation and status have improved, those bad thoughts have been engraved in their bones and have always affected them."

After entering the mortal world, she realized how difficult it was for women to live. After sighing secretly, Shao Haoyao continued: "After in-depth investigation, I found that these are all caused by the patriarchal system, so I chose Mu Lan and conducted an experiment."

Shao Haoyue was stunned for a moment, then widened her eyes: "Is this a matriarchal society?!"


Shao Haoyue looked around, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became. At the beginning of the birth of the new world, the first societies that appeared were basically matrilineal societies. However, with evolution, the matrilineal lineage will mostly be replaced by the patrilineal lineage. "The matrilineal lineage is not only found in the primitive period." Is it? It’s so prosperous here..."

"False!" Before she could finish speaking, Shao Haoyao interrupted with a loud voice, unable to conceal her anger, "Who said that the maternal line is backward? What a big panic! Only peace can lead to development. War destroys everything. Compared with the father's line, Matriarchal societies last longer in peacetime and evolve more rapidly."

After finishing speaking, she realized that her emotions were too indignant, so she took two deep breaths to calm down her emotions, and answered her previous doubts one by one for Shao Haoyue: "No matter whether there are girls in the family or not, they are all called sisters by habit. Instead of brothers and sisters, there are seven children in this generation of Huzi's family;

They were not born to the same mother, but three sisters of the Jiang family gave birth to children together, so it was not that the Jiang family favored sons over daughters and had to have a boy;

Normally, the mother's sister is called Ami's, and the mother's sister is called Amijin. However, children in a family are raised by everyone. Children who are born within the same year will be breastfed by this person for one meal and for the next meal. Breastfeeding from that is very common.

The children themselves can't tell who is the biological mother, and of course they don't care. Ami, Ami's, and Amijin are only distinguished by age, not closeness.

They even extended it to include all adult women as Ami.

Of course, the most fundamental difference between matrilineal and patrilineal is the institution of marriage.

In the walking marriage system, there is no such thing as marriage. Young people's love is like making friends. It only depends on the personal charm of both parties and has nothing to do with family property. Those with bad personalities and extremely ugly appearances will naturally not be able to get married. Generations choose Down, the overall level of people's appearance is naturally high;

There is no need to form a marriage or family, and there is no conflict of interests. The relationship between men and women depends entirely on personal charm. Women in a matrilineal society do not expect to have one pair for the rest of their lives, and people do not think that having too many sexual partners in a woman's life is promiscuous.

They only need to enjoy the relationship and never worry about being abandoned or getting pregnant out of wedlock. On the contrary, they are most afraid of men clinging to their lives. "

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