out of cage

Chapter 107 Chapter 4.03

Chapter 107 Chapter 4.03
Dangxing Ephemeris, 1082, Longyin Town.After the buildings in the town have been drenched in snow and water in winter, they have started a new year's plan. In spring, the vines that have been bald on the bricks and tiles for the winter begin to spit out new leaves, but the vines are still the same vines.

In the martial arts gym in the west part of the town, the instructor Ma Xi watched over the boys wearing protective gear in front of him as usual, practicing basic posture one by one.

There was no surprise or joy on the instructor's face, as if: the class teacher who has worked for 21 years in the 20st century has long since lost the passion of educating people and opening a blind box. Most children understand about the same. This kind of insight makes them "more efficient". They still have hope for a few people and invest more and more effective energy.

Compared with those in big cities who are taught by famous teachers and have space ejection and other equipment to cultivate wisdom roots, the ambitions of young people in these small villages are a bit sighing.

Ma Xi sighed, all he had to do was find a few good seedlings so that they could go to the big cities.


There are ten basic moves in kendo, the most important are three moves, drawing blade, parrying, stabbing.

The battle must match the pace and quickly adjust the position.

After formal entry into the swordsman, the battle can only be performed at a distance of more than three steps and less than ten steps.Therefore, it is very important to use steps to supplement tactical moves.

The swordsman's warping frequency is limited, and there is a CD of about 20 to [-] seconds. For rookies, space warping is not proficient, it is best not to warp first, otherwise it will be predicted by others after the warping, and immediately start A single stab in the back will kill you instantly.

Therefore, basic moves and step control are very important for swordsmen.In an emergency, it can be life or death.

Of course, if the level difference is too large, such as a swordsman, the frequency of the jump can reach once a second.Even mastering space skills can jump three places in a row in an instant.If you were still a hundred steps away in the last second, and suddenly appeared on your left side in the next second before you made a clear judgment, it would be useless no matter how well the swordsman practiced the basic sword moves.

What's more, the weapons that match the status and wealth of swordsmen are light blades worth hundreds of thousands, with a stretching characteristic of nearly [-] meters, which is beyond the level of swordsmen's combat.


The apprentices' free training was over, and after 10 minutes, group practice began.

Instructor Ma Xi walked in the martial arts hall, shouting the key to the people in the field like a bell: swing the sword, the movement of stopping the sword must be steady, and the hand is as strong as a pine root to hold it, hold it.You, Song Dian, didn't ask you to pinch with your fingers!Palm!remember!

Instructor Ma Xi passed by the last row, and walked past Wei Keng as if passing through the air.

That's right, Wei Keng is like the air. He practiced holding the sword stroke by stroke, but in the process of swinging, he still made various minor problems.In the eyes of Instructor Ma, you can give up hope.

The horse attack instructor can judge whether to cut off the left wing or the right wing of a fly flying 60 meters away.Of course, this is not a judgment based on a single vision, but a judgment made through the multi-point visual perception brought about by space twisting.

No one would believe that Wei Keng could become a swordsman,
After all, these instructors were not good at analyzing computer data. They didn't notice that Wei Keng's ligaments seemed to be more sensitive when he bent down.


After the sweaty training, Wei Keng felt sore all over his body.

Wei Keng: "Open No. [-] space-time bubble for me."

Space Bubble No. [-] is a reward issued by the Space-Time Administration based on Wei Keng's performance in the Pandora mission.

Wei Keng turned the original soup into the original food, and changed the bubble state of No. [-] space to Pandora mode.

In this space bubble, the setting of an ecological power station is imitated. There is a towering marsh fungus production tower, which also has food. The bodies of three Wei Keng lean against the center of the tower to regulate the energy center.

Of course, now, Wei Keng is provided with a strong repair ability.It can be said that even if it is a severed limb, Wei Keng can recover through this No. [-] space bubble if he supplements enough nutrients in this plane.

This is why Wei Keng has an adult body, but he can still withstand the high-intensity training of a teenager. This is because he carries a "fountain of life" with him to restore blood.


After the simple repair of Wei Keng's body was completed, he shook his neck, took a deep breath and said, "Have you recovered? But it still hurts a bit."

System: "That's the feeling of the body feeling left in the brain, just like when your feet enter the hot water, you will feel hot after a while, and after you take it out, the hot feeling will disappear after a few seconds. In fact, Get a good feel for this feeling, and it will help your body form a memory of the movement."

Wei Keng: "Tell me, how many years do you have to practice before you can leave the mountain?"

System: "According to the target plan you are planning now, it will take 20 years!"

Wei Keng was silent for 20 seconds at first, and then maybe it was a good mood brewing, or it was a pure reflex, and he said with emotion: "It seems that I will stay in Xinshou Village for a while."

System: "I support your unique ideas in this plane, but I still hope that you can occasionally read tutorials and strategies."

Now, Wei Keng can actually get acquainted with the feeling of space warp.As long as Wei Keng actively tries, the improvement in space perception will be very fast.

The old swordsman Ma Xi used this ability to locate flies tens of meters away.

But Master Wei Keng is very stubborn, insisting on using his eyes first, as well as the coordination of the palms of the body and the waist, to hit the red heart 60 meters away.Then use these self-state rulers to measure and calculate the coordinate system of the space.

This foundation is very difficult.After master Wei Keng focused on the item of "root bone", he still hasn't come out.

Relying on the body's ability to repair, and the age of the body is constant, it is constantly coordinating.

On the plane of China, Wei Keng ended in a very reckless way, but in fact, Wei Keng was very conservative.

Those who can prepare, those who have time to prepare, will never start the next step unless they are prepared to the best.

And this already made Qin Xiaohan feel something was wrong: "This guy seems to be going to the extreme in another direction."


This year happens to be a four-year cycle, and the warping device from the big city just arrived here, and every warrior who has not yet reached the swordsman will have a try.

This is a nuclear magnetic resonance-like device, which is very large, five meters high and six meters long.In this world, consciousness can distort space, but when consciousness and space are connected at the beginning, this equipment is needed for assistance.

After lying in this magnetic device, with the strength of the magnetic field reaching hundreds of millions of times that of the earth's magnetism, the twisting of the space by the consciousness is also magnified countless times. At this time, the consciousness can twist the space into some very tiny rings in its own perception, It has the ability to accumulate and distort space energy.

Of course, for most beginners, this space energy storage ring for the first time in consciousness is a one-off, because they don't know how to save space energy, and they become unstable when jumping, making this ring disappear.

When all the students entered the magnetic field, Ma Xi guided their consciousness to operate the construction of the space ring, and rows of students stood on the playground.

Ma Xi began his last speech to this class of students.

The instructor said: "In the jump test, all body functions will be terminated in an instant during the transmission. When you recover, you will feel that your body has been reset. A qualified swordsman needs to be aware of his own state when he jumps in space. Quick positioning, so as to grasp the strength of the move."

Speaking of this, the horseman flickered for a moment, and instantly appeared behind a relatively outstanding disciple, with a cold light on his neck.The 14-year-old kid was hairy and his whole body was stiff, because the sword edge was just a little bit higher, and it would cut him.

Of course, the other disciples were not "scared by the sword tester's feelings". Those who were not involved in the sword stretched their heads to look around, and opened their eyes wide to the skill of horse attack.

Ma Xi let out a sigh of relief: "I have practiced for 20 years, and only this one style is so proficient, but the road ahead of you is endless!"


Since then, he asked the helpers of the martial arts school to put on the collar of the electromagnetic shuttle ring on each child.

These young warriors started the first shuttle in their lives.

However, one after another, they were eager to try before the shuttle, and staggered after the shuttle, as if their legs were completely numb after squatting on the toilet for an hour.The electromagnetic collars on their necks were flashing red, indicating that the shuttle wave failed.

Wei Keng approached these teenagers after the shuttle, and took the opportunity of passing water to ask them how they felt about wearing it for the first time in their lives.

This group of teenagers who had just suffered a loss started talking about Wei Keng's inquiry and began to narrate their feelings: "After more than 100 circles in the same place, I can't tell the difference between the east, the west, and the north!"

The system has just released a small task: "Participate in the shuttle and get the approval of the horse attack."

Master Wei Keng closed the taskbar with a snap, the same speed as eliminating computer pop-up windows.

Wei Keng had no interest in making the rafters.

Of course, after the system mentioned this matter, Wei Keng might as well ask about it as a third party.Gather a little experience.

But ah, once the teenagers discuss it, it's like opening a cage full of sparrows, chirping.

When Wei Keng found something was wrong, it was too late to maintain discipline.

Ma Xi here, facing a result that no successful disciple has, is extremely irritable, and hearing these scumbags start to be proud of "correct answer", which is out of anger.

As he flashed over, he stomped his feet on the floor and made a bang (after the flash, his feet were [-] centimeters from the ground, and then fell naturally), and the students around him fell silent.

As for Wei Keng, he quietly took two steps back.It's just that he didn't escape in the end.

Ma Xi stared at Wei Keng: "Are you curious about the feeling of traveling through space? Come on, try it!" He squeezed the last two words out between his teeth.

A 'praise' came from the system interface: "High, high, high, really high, your..."

Wei Keng: "Get lost."

With a smile on his face, he said to the horse: "Curator, I, I was wrong."

The system persisted and continued to 'suggest': "You have to kneel down, so that you can be sincere."

However, she just "reminded", unexpectedly Wei Keng immediately accepted it.

But before he had time to collapse to the ground, he was picked up by the horse.It was directly carried to the hole of the magnetic torque meter, and it was thrown in directly like a cremation furnace stuffing a corpse.

The small space inside the magnetic field instrument is extremely unfriendly to claustrophobic patients.But master Wei Keng is fine, and even wants to sleep a little bit.

However, a few seconds later, with the feeling brought by the activation of the magnetic field, Wei Keng, who can take advantage and never waste, "passively" entered the state of immersion.

The magnetic field increased step by step, but before it reached its peak, Wei Keng realized that when his consciousness was connecting with the space bubble, the space of this plane seemed to start to bend along the space bubble.

Wei Keng completed the space induction on this plane when the planet's magnetic field was [-] times larger, and then formed a super large space ring.


On the sidelines, after 2 minutes, after confirming that the magnetic field had strengthened to a sufficient degree, Ma Xi walked to the side, and then began to guide Wei Keng to start building the ring.It's just that he doesn't know that beyond his perception, within a few hundred meters of the entire town, a space that can accommodate the looped silk thread has disappeared with folding.

After just completing a large ring with hundreds of spirals.

Wei Keng keenly sensed the intervention of external consciousness, and began to draw a small circle, and it took him two seconds to realize that he was now guiding himself to draw a circle while carrying his own horse.

Just, isn't that a little too small?Comparing the diameter of the hundreds of spiral rings of oneself is like the comparison between a hula hoop and a playground track.

Wei Keng: "System, the smaller the ring, the better?"

There was no longer the hippie smiling face on the system side, and he replied formally: "Big ones have big benefits, and small ones have small effects. Large rings can travel long distances, and small rings can travel short distances. You need to complete a series of scales. The rings form a system."

For the convenience of explanation, Qin Xiaohan listed the image of the ruler from Wei Keng's perspective. A ruler, in addition to the longest scale, also needs a large number of small scales in the middle.

Wei Keng understood, and concluded, "I lack precision."

The system didn't answer, which seemed to default to Wei Keng's understanding.

After coming out of the magnetic chamber, the martial arts staff (the colleague just now) on the side, with an apologetic expression on his face, snapped Wei Keng on the magnetic ring.

For such a situation, Wei Keng began to regret it.

At this time, Ma Xi raised his sword, first he moved his hand slightly, and swept across the surrounding wooden posts, the wooden post broke into two with a whoosh sound, then aimed at Wei Keng, and began to count down: "10, 9, 8..."

Wei Keng, who was pointed at by the sword, immediately stimulated the flow of the small space ring in his consciousness.

With a "whoosh", he immediately disappeared from the spot. However, Wei Keng didn't feel the sudden disappearance of consciousness, but a feeling of the world spinning slightly.

It seems that while traveling, I still have perception of the outside world! (This is the perception effect brought about by the big ring in Wei Keng's consciousness)
Of course, Wei Keng still clearly felt a restraint belt during his own shuttle, and later figured out that it was the protective effect of the magnetic ring around his neck, assisting the safety of low-distance shuttles.

With a "snap", Wei Keng jumped out, opened his arms, and tried to maintain his balance, but found that his feet were still very stable.

But soon, Wei Keng realized that he shouldn't be in such a state, and immediately squatted down tremblingly, supporting the ground and falling down.

Because of the style of falling all over the place, the teenagers around burst into laughter when they saw this "side effect" which was different from their own.

When Wei Keng felt that it was almost done, he stood up tremblingly, Ma Xi stood beside him, pinched Wei Keng's shoulder bone with one hand and pulled it up directly, looking at Wei Keng with strange eyes.

Wei Keng was a little hairy when he stared at him.

Ma Xi said in a deep tone, "Your space ring is not broken."

Through the glass window beside him, Wei Keng saw the blue light flashing on the electromagnetic ring around his neck.

When he just shuttled, Wei Keng urged the space ring to flow very carefully, fearing that it would break and cause space accidents for himself.In this kind of stable control, when the shuttle ends, the spatial circulation controlled in the consciousness also slows down synchronously, only a little thinner, but still intact, and after a few seconds, there is a significant recovery,
but!This is Wei Keng's first time, and he doesn't know for sure. If he can do the space twisting ring controlled by his consciousness without breaking during the shuttle, this is the beginning of the swordsman!
At this time, the young students around were still laughing and laughing, but after Ma Xi's cold gaze swept over them, they immediately fell silent.

Ma Xi looked back at Wei Keng again, a little complicated, sighed and said, "You, you came too late."

(End of this chapter)

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