out of cage

Chapter 108 Chapter 4.04 From Beginner Village to Beginner Village

Chapter 108 Chapter 4.04 From Beginner Village to Beginner Village
The "little talent" embodied in the space-time shuttle did not receive further encouragement from Ma Xi.

As a person who has been in the outside world, Ma Xi doesn't think that Wei Keng will get more opportunities in the outside world.

This was the kindness towards Wei Keng from those who came here.

Wei Keng only had the ability to travel through space when he was in his 20s. If he wanted to officially become a swordsman, he would probably be close to 30 years old. In the big cities outside, such a swordsman would not have good results.Even entering certain forces is only included in the periphery, squeezing out value.

And only teenagers who show talent and are selected by the forces of the big cities will be inclined to resources.Because this is the plastic period.


But to Master Wei Keng, this kind of "underestimation" doesn't make much sense.

Wei Keng, who has been beaten by the society all the year round, has long had no ambition to set a "small goal of [-] million", so he is very satisfied with the following status quo.

The work arranged by Instructor Ma Xi has become lighter, and the monthly salary has also increased from the original two silver coins to 20 silver coins.Moreover, the authority of many affairs of the martial arts school has also been improved.

The only pity is that such a good treatment cannot be mixed up, uh, stay in this lifetime.

Although I don't trim my appearance and wear more and more dirt, as time goes by, the characteristics of not increasing my age will still be exposed. In line with the principle of "people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong", Wei Keng plans to leave in three years.
Therefore, Wei Keng chose the canteen of the martial arts school among the powers that Instructor Ma Xi gave him, and used these three years to practice his cooking skills.

"Heh, ha!" The voices in the battle hall were still deafening, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

Wei Keng also does his sweaty homework every morning and evening.The skin in the palm was worn layer after layer, and the palm lines changed one after another.This one may be swung with a sword, or it may be bumped.


"Brother Wei, add more." Beside the rice bucket, the greedy kid looked at Master Wei's spoon anxiously, fearing that the contents of the spoon would fall.

Wei Keng glanced at the kid in front of him, and the system in his perspective popped up his training load today, and evaluated the kid in front of him against his nutritional intake for several consecutive days.

If you can analyze other people's data, you can naturally analyze your own data.Analyzing other people's data is to compare your own data.

Because of the space-time bubble in Pandora's field, the existence of this "water spring", Wei Keng's metabolism is not much weaker than these half-grown boys.

Now in Wei Keng's data space, there is a three-dimensional model of his own body. On the model, thousands of sets of data are listed in the catalog, such as thighs, calves, arms, bone density, bone marrow content, muscle density, heart pumping power...


In the daily training, Wei Keng's skeleton has undergone preliminary related corrections, and it has increased by five centimeters from the original 1.9 meters. (The proportions of the leg bones and ribs are not perfect, but if they cannot grow again, they can only make other parts grow to meet the proportions,)

After getting bigger, theoretically, the physical response will be affected.But Wei Keng is in an infinite youthful state.

The muscles on Wei Keng's body are very explosive. If you are more than ten meters away, because of your well-proportioned physique and light movements, you will have a sense of dexterity.

If there are no other obstacles on the three-meter wall, you can climb up it with a little kick on the wall.In terms of rope skipping, it can still reach more than [-] per minute. During rope skipping, the body moves like a "high-speed diesel engine".Such extreme physical fitness can only be seen in the golden age of the top athletes on earth.

As for the perception of the eyes and ears, it has also reached the limit. The soybeans flicked with the fingers can hit the falling water droplets six meters away, smashing the water droplets to pieces.

In the 21st century, this looks almost like real kung fu.You may even be suspected of having "internal qi" or something.

In the main world of the 27th century, after hundreds of years of industrial age, under the abundant supply of materials, human beings continue to study how to be higher, faster, and stronger, allowing humans to explore the pinnacle of being the top hunting species of the Quaternary.

Now Wei Keng's physique is suitable for holding a big sword, [-] meters long and [-] kilograms.It really depends on skill in fighting, and you may not be thrown when facing a lion or a tiger.

Of course, Wei Keng classifies this as: "I can eat and sleep by myself" = scientific nutrition intake, exercise planning.


In the dining hall.

"Bang!" The second kid knocked on the bowl and said, "Brother Wei, can you give me an extra fried egg?"

Wei Keng glanced at him: "No, take a boiled egg."

From the marinated pot, he took out a marinated egg, then cut it open, removed half of the egg yolk, and placed it on his plate.

The kid was pushed aside as soon as he finished beating him.

The meal was finished quickly, and there were snoring and snorting in the cafeteria, as well as the rattling of spoons and bowls and chopsticks.

Seeing so many "eating and broadcasting" eating so happily, Wei Keng himself chewed very deliciously.

However, the system did not praise Wei Keng's achievement.


In fact, although there are the above-mentioned "scientific" reasons for managing the canteen, the more important thing is that Wei Keng himself is greedy.

Wei Keng feels that his cooking skills are so-so, and what he cooks is "the level of Shaxian snacks". Every month, there are more than a dozen dishes, such as stewed eggs, fried eggs, stewed dried beans, hot crushed peanuts, fried noodles and other ordinary meals.

But Rao is at this level, and he still crushes the martial arts gym, no, he is the best cook in the whole town.

What was burned in the past?BBQ?No slices are fried, and no matter which part of the meat is grilled, it is sprinkled with salt.
Wei Keng: "What's the difference between tenderloin and pork belly? Pork ribs are not braised in soy sauce, but stewed in clear water. It's a waste of money. Just chew the pork skin? Don't you know how to scrape the oil to make skin jelly?"

As for the staple food, it is mushy every day, chopped with green vegetables, then mixed with seasonings, and baked dough together.

Master Wei Keng just arrived here, and he still had the feeling of eating "KFC" fast food for the first time, but afterwards he found something was wrong.

Wei Keng: "I see. I have studied martial arts, so I don't have the time to think about other things."

Don't underestimate the brainpower and skills behind small businesses such as braised eggs, crispy noodles, and fried rice noodles.

Vendors prepare the seasoning before six o'clock every morning.When selling, it seems very simple to customers, but to maintain fast food delivery and maintain the taste, the steps need to be honed.

A series of street snacks suitable for everyone in the 21st century come from the conclusions of private operators in economically developed areas.

This "technical summary" requires operators to have sufficient capital.Pots and pans, kitchen utensils, and food materials, as well as ensuring consumption levels on the street make the operator profitable.Hundreds of operators compete to improve the meal.

Street snacks, at the beginning, Taiwan-style and Hong Kong-style were popular, because the level of consumption there can support the technical exploration of "popular" snacks.Later, it was Cantonese-style soup dumplings with camellia oil, and Suhu soup dumplings.

But right now, the population flow and economic level of Wei Keng's town are far inferior to those of big cities on Earth.People with this level of capital need to delve into roadside stalls?They will eat those more expensive kitchen food.It is impossible for these kitchen foods to have such a large supply in the cafeteria.


In the year 1085 of the star calendar, the martial arts gym in Longyin Town underwent another round of electromagnetic testing.

The expression on Ma Xi's face was a little better this time, because with such a young and good seedling, he successfully passed the above selection test.Today, he wants to drink some wine.

It's just that after receiving Wei Keng's farewell letter, his good mood disappeared.

On the bell tower, Ma Xi looked at Wei Keng: "The outside is not so good. If there is no particularly important reason, you should stay here. This restaurant needs a swordsman in the future."

Wei Keng: "There are some important things. Thank you for your care. I have been here for a long time."

Ma Xi nodded: "Okay, everyone has his own ambition." After speaking, he gave Wei Keng a sword, "Take it, it can be used on the road."

System: Semi-finished products, no, waste products are real swords, which are valuable for collection for common people.Able to open a three-meter edge.

[In addition to the light blade armament, there is also a higher-end armament in this world. Of course, Wei Keng is holding a failed product of this armament. 】

Wei Keng paused after receiving it: "A real sword?"

Ma Xi: "Well, it seems that you know, and I don't need to explain to you. I picked this up when I was young. I don't need it anymore."

Wei Keng paused and said, "It's too precious, me."

Ma Xi: "Take it. Hey, if you could have discovered your talent two years earlier, you might have taken another path." Although Wei Keng has not aged these few years and his physical skills have become stronger and stronger, in Ma Xi's eyes, The adult Wei Keng's potential is about to be exhausted.

Wei Keng: "Thank you."


in the afternoon,
After Wei Keng prepared dinner, he met a young man (Song Dian).He is the one who passed the assessment this time. He is currently 15 years old and is the hope of the town. He will be recommended for admission in a few days.But now, before leaving, he bid farewell to all the acquaintances in the fighting hall.

Song Dian: "Brother Wei, hello."

When Wei Keng saw this sunny boy, he smiled and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow, come, sit down, and I'll make you a bowl of noodles."

Song Dian also felt embarrassed when he came to find Wei Keng, so he took out the sword in his hand and handed it to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "What does this mean?"

Song Dian scratched his head: "Brother, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I still owe you a lot of food money, this is debt repayment."

Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Give me the sword, what do you use?"

Song Dian: "After I go there, I will be given a new one."

Wei Keng shook his head and said, "As a swordsman, the sword in your hand means a lot. I'm just a cook, so there's no need for that."

Song Dian: "Your noodles are delicious." Then he nodded and said: "When I become a swordsman, I will definitely change it back."

Seeing this, Wei Keng didn't shirk anymore: "Then, let's exchange my sword with yours first, and then exchange it back when you become a swordsman."

As a result, Wei Keng transferred the best sword in the village that Ma Xi gave him to the young man who left the village.


A week later, the town's only central slate clearing.

A suspended jet combat airship landed. Generally speaking, this is a suspended battleship. The strong flame aura of the electrified four diamond-shaped jets shocked the glass windows of the entire town.

This combat airship was not specially made to pick up Song Dian alone.

On the airship, there were more than 40 teenagers. Among the crowds, Wei Keng glanced at them. Among those children, there were a few well-dressed children leading them.

Song Dian boarded the airship with the welcome of the people in the town. Before leaving, he waved the best sword in the town to Wei Keng.

And Wei Keng slowly clenched the old sword given by Song Dian and waved it.

After the jet airship flew away, Wei Keng went back to his room to pack his spoon.

Two days later, driving the carriage he bought and bringing his own pots and pans, Wei Keng also started his journey.


Six months later, Wei Keng arrived in Juyan Town.After setting up his own shop, he signed up to join the local martial arts gym.

It was another three years, in 1088 of the star calendar, Wei Keng left again and ran to another town.Did the same thing again.

Then three years later, in the 1091 year of the star calendar, after leaving again,
Time flies, and the daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law for many years.

This time, when Wei Keng was counting the gold coins he had accumulated and was about to find the next Novice Village.Supervisor Qin Xiaohan, who thought he had a better temper than Supervisor Bai Linglu, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

System: "You don't really mix for 1000 years, do you?"

Wei Keng paused: "It must be necessary for decades. I calculate the calculation system of space leap every day, and I also do the programming related to swordsmanship in the brain. This, you can be seen."

Master Wei was still a little uncomfortable when he first came to this plane, but now he is not in a hurry, since he can't go back to the main world to eat potato chips and drink soda, in this world he can also fry potato chips by himself, and then drink compressed soda water.

Wei Keng felt that he had adapted well and could stay in this plane.

As for "Ling Juefeng, ask Xeon", after going through the college entrance examination in the 21st century, he clearly realized that he could not pass the Qing, Bei, Fu, and Zhong Ke exams, and he was just an average person.So "Xeon, Jue Ding" has no such intentions.

Wei Keng's self-logic: Billions of people in this plane pursue kendo, which is much more difficult than the college entrance examination. The higher you go, the more dangerous your head is. Why should I join in the fun?
During the conversation, Wei Keng quickly revealed to the system his intention of "not seeking to make progress".The system's intelligent service system was also shut down by Wei Keng's behavior.

As the supervisor behind the system, now I feel that the mud can't help me, um, I can't help my son in kindergarten to do homework. ——Qin Xiaohan, who was so angry that he wanted to cry, popped out some words that didn't match his quality as a supervisor.

In fact, if Wei Keng is really mud, that's all. The key is that Wei Keng is not mud. Regardless of the plane of Pandora or the plane of China, Wei Keng has made a good talent in the later stage.Now it is the standard "grinding foreign workers".

In the past ten years, the system has not less assigned reward tasks.It's good for Master Wei, he won't do any of them!What exchange?There is no interest in the lottery draw.

Qin Xiaohan felt that this could not be the case, this guy had to be clearly promoted.

Just arrived in this plane, she threatened Wei Keng, the time ratio here is 20:1 with the main world, but she wants to accompany Wei Keng and wait, Wei Keng really survived for 1000 years, um.She is really going to become the grandfather of the system, um, the old lady.

A redemption catalog opens, and then pops up, the first draw is guaranteed to win, and it must be a sss-level prize.Red logo.

The system enthusiastically introduced: "Your Excellency, these are the first and second scrolls of Zimuxing, the core kendo system of the Tianze School. You can practice it, and then go to the Tianze School to get the second volume." Material stimulates Wei Keng to move forward.

However, Master Wei Keng has the mentality of never falling into the pit in line with eunuch novels: "There is no need to practice this incomplete exercise. It will take too much energy to complete it in the later stage."

System: "Aren't you afraid of meeting strong enemies?"

Wei Keng: "Oh, I won't provoke them. I will stay in a place with good order. Well, if there is turmoil, I will run away."

System: "Then, I can complete the second volume of the Tianze School of Swordsmanship, but the completed second volume has no combat skills, (there are no explosive moves that damage the self by ninety and kill the enemy by two hundred) if you need it?"

Qin Xiaohan originally wanted to release the task, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.Because Wei Keng is not a mission material at all.

Wei Keng: "Well, the beggar version?" Wei Keng continued to criticize.

The system (somewhat desperate) managed to maintain a smile and continued to recommend customer service: "Zhongzheng Pinghe, you can't suffer or be fooled. You might as well study it."

Wei Keng felt that it made sense to follow the crowd and nodded, "Then, research and study."

(End of this chapter)

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