out of cage

Chapter 109 Chapter 4.05

Chapter 109 Chapter 4.05 Everything is in the long run

Wei Keng has no interest in the arming of this world at all?That's impossible, but I don't have the guts to take up arms in this world.

Wei Keng: "As long as I don't hold a sword, I'm not in the world of swordsmen."

Qin Xiaohan has no life experience in the 21st century, but if she has lived in a 21st century house, she knows that Master Wei is in the novice protection period.

What kind of work should be done before taking the sword?Wei Keng planned a very, very detailed and huge plan, and was ready to tear it up and re-plan at any time.

In the past ten years, Wei Keng has explored more than [-] times on the [-] surface points in the mountains and rivers, and placed starlight mapping plates on these inaccessible shuttle points.

These precision instruments are taken out of the space bubble carrying Shenzhou technology, and the effect is naturally to assist positioning.

This system placed on the earth is enough for car navigation on the earth.

But at present, Wei Keng is still dissatisfied with this positioning system, because the pace of the space shuttle battle is too fast, it is not usable at all.This has to continue to be built. If it doesn’t work, then research in another technical direction. Anyway, there is a lot of time.


The system compares Wei Keng's status with the world's orthodox swordsman promotion path.

For a swordsman in this plane, the focus of everything is to get the sword, and all the thinking energy is based on this, and the experience is accumulated in the process of the sword manipulating the space.

But when the sword is in the space, only the ability to adapt to changes is strong enough to continue the accumulation process.

Wei Keng: "My ability to adapt to changes is just poor."

So when the traversal system of the main world gave Master Wei an infinitely young state, it became a project. After years of accumulation, the times are calling, and we should face the problem from the perspective of development.

Qin Xiaohan really wanted to say something to Wei Keng: "The plane has changed, my lord, if you don't hold a sword, you will never know where the problem is!"


Regarding the sword, the system took the initiative to introduce the weapon system under the swordsman system to Wei Keng.

Now the mainstream mass-produced weapon is the light blade.

But it seems that the place where Wei Keng is active now is only Novice Village.The lower level cannot be lower, so the local armed lightsaber is not the highest level, and it cannot be mass-produced.Regarding the light blade, Wei Keng only heard about it, but did not witness it.

The lowest light blade on the market is as high as hundreds of thousands. The compressed energy technology used by this armed force comes from the energy storage technology on the interstellar warship thousands of years ago.

A light blade can complete tens of meters of expansion and contraction, and can cut through individual mechas and [-] centimeters of protective steel plates in [-] second.

Although it is called mass-produced, it is an elite weapon for authentic swordsmen. It is a technical factory controlled by medium and large forces, and mass-produces thousands of weapons a year.

And the better weapon in this world than the light blade is the real sword.

But this is not mass-produced, each real sword is unique in the process of formation, just like natural gems.

From the material point of view, it is a long sword made of solid materials such as metal and ceramics.It's just that the lattice arrangement of these materials is very precise and there is no disorder.In this way, after being pulled out from the space-time shuttle, the materials of these real swords have a space shock effect.

Most materials cannot maintain symmetry and precision at all, and after space shuttles, space energy shocks will quickly dissipate.

And those seemingly sophisticated works often have flaws, and they belong to cheap street goods. For example, the sword that Ma Xi handed over to Wei Keng can only shake a few meters, and the price does not exceed tens of thousands of coins.

Only a few famous swordsmiths can arrange them little by little, nanometer by nanometer, reducing mistakes to the extreme.This space effect increases exponentially.After each space shuttle, the vibration in the material will not disappear for several hours.

And the swordsman transfers the frequency of the space ring in his consciousness to the frequency of the sword in his hand, and the vibration will be released immediately.A one-meter-long sword blade will flash tens of meters to hundreds of meters of space cracks, which are called sword lights.This kind of sword light is more indestructible than the light blade, and can directly cut through the thick armor of the battleship.

For the technical workshops in most cities, casting a qualified solid sword is entirely a matter of luck. It requires laser furnaces to stack dust-sized materials little by little. This takes decades, and once If you make a mistake, the blade is flawed, and the performance will be greatly reduced. When the reduction reaches a certain level, it will be a waste product.

Therefore, swordsmen generally cannot obtain such weapons, but sword master-level existences can master such famous swords.


The star calendar is 1095.

After leaving Novice Village for the fourth time, Wei Keng finished reading the system's information about Light Blade and Real Sword.

I'm sure the Light Blade can't afford it now, but what about the real sword?

Wei Keng: Did you bury a magical weapon somewhere for me?
The system said implicitly: Divine soldiers are hard to find.

In fact, the system really knows the real swords buried in some ruins. Most of these places are poor and steep places, but with Wei Keng's level, now he is holding a real sword in the market. If he is lucky, someone who knows the goods will buy it forcibly. , bad luck, "Seeing that Wei Keng has no background and no talent", he directly took it away.

Master Wei lost interest immediately when he heard that the system would not give away equipment, "I'll talk about this later. I want to focus on basic swordsmanship."

The system is like a street vendor who encounters a rammed product that turns away without bargaining, and immediately adds a message: "I have a message about a defective product."

Wei Keng: "Huh? Can you get started?"

Qin Xiaohan: "If you can get started, it's easy to get started."

She opened the model of this real sword to Wei Keng. This is a 1.2-meter-long sword, the whole body is like jade, and the length of the sword glow can reach 56.4 meters.

Wei Keng paused and asked, "Where do you put this?"

Qin Xiaohan let out a sigh of relief, this is really not easy, he opened the map, and marked Oak City, the largest city 540 kilometers away from here on the map.

After reading the information, Wei Keng took out his notebook and started to draft. After 5 minutes, he re-arranged his ten-year itinerary plan and arranged the journey to Oak City.

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan opened his eyes wide and read the journey plan in Wei Keng's notebook, and the dimples that were originally smiling were deformed.

Qin Xiaohan finally turned into a white deer. She kicked the screen fiercely with her white calf, and while kicking, she vented and reprimanded: "Eight years later? Are you Tang Monk going to the west to learn scriptures? Is it a monster eating your flesh? Or is it the king of the daughter country pulling you?" Go to the bridal chamber?"


6 years later, Oak City.

At the checkpoint entering the city, Mr. Wei arrived at the customs in a small truck he bought with his own money, and the truck was full of belongings.

Oak City, the name is very natural and beautiful, but when it arrived, it was shocked by its cyberpunk nature. The city of 70 square kilometers was surrounded by an average [-]-meter high concrete wall.

The point is, although the high wall is tall, no one can think of it from a distance as resisting invasion, just to prevent the prosperity inside from leaking out.Because compared with the high-rise buildings with a height of 500 meters inside, this city wall is like a cement enclosure like a flower bed.

When the small truck approached, the city wall was in the shadow area of ​​hundreds of meters under the sun, which made the approaching people feel oppressive.

In the tunnel-like checkpoint at the bottom of the city wall, Wei Keng opened the carriage and was inspected by the checkpoint personnel. While checking, he handed over several bottles of self-brewed wine to the checkpoint personnel.After paying a deposit of 65 yuan, he was put in the city.

To enter Oak City, one must pay a deposit, or have a swordsman status determined by multiple towns.

In Qin Xiaohan's view, a few years ago, Wei Keng's simplest and easiest way to take a sword was to directly demonstrate his ability as a swordsman, and then step into the right track of swordsmanship in the city.

Six years ago, according to Wei Keng's ability to shuttle 1 times a minute, it was more than enough for a swordsman.
Qin Xiaohan: To get the title of swordsman, it's not difficult even if you act for a while, and it won't affect you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But Master Wei Keng insisted on practicing basic swordsmanship patiently, honing his swordsmanship with the patience of water, and then selling snacks to save money and enter the city.

Wei Keng: "At this stage, I will devote all my energy to basic cultivation."


The star calendar is 1101, November.

On the fifth day after entering the city, at the edge of a certain high-rise building, Wei Keng turned on the headlights and skillfully brushed the iron plate with oil.Opened his throat and said:
"Chow mein is 15 yuan, pancake is 5 yuan, and a piece of sausage."

For 20 years, Master Wei's face has not changed, and his craftsmanship has become more and more authentic.

Beat the eggs, stir-fry the noodles, and then start a fire, all of which were so fast that afterimages appeared.

Therefore, Wei Keng's so-called "all energy is spent on basic swordsmanship" in the annual report to the system has actually been questioned.

Qin Xiaohan: "Your energy in studying cooking is much greater than your energy in practicing swords."

She stayed in the space bubble for a full 20 years. Although it is possible to speed up the time of the main world some of the time, it can be accelerated by up to twenty times.So Wei Keng stir-fried on the plane, and she watched in the space bubble.It seems, it seems, the life in the space bubble is a bit more difficult.

Qin Xiaohan refused to admit that he was wronged, and firmly refused to admit it.


Customer 1: "Have one."

Wei Keng: "Okay, you keep it, and put the money here."

Guest 2 "Add some chili, less pickles, and more bean sprouts."

Wei Keng: "Got it,"

Copying by hand seems to be a big move, but the shovel only shovels a drop or two more.

Wei Keng: "You see, if you do this, you will have to pay an extra [-] cents."

The most important thing about street food is to stir-fry the aroma, and no one will compare it with the delicacy that the chef spends a few ten minutes.No one would think that this is a daily must-eat.

It's just a, hot "snack".When I was a little hungry in the afternoon, I saw that there was a sale on the side of the road, so I bought one to satisfy my hunger.

The time of delivery is very important, usually in the morning and afternoon, and the type of customers is also very single, all young people.Only young people with vigorous metabolism will have an appetite as soon as they smell the fragrance.

Wei Keng operates the whole set of pots and stoves in a smooth manner, and can prepare a set in 3 minutes to prevent the queue of passengers from being too long.

A month later, in the 150-story old building.

Wei Keng leaned in the guest room of the snail house, counting the money he earned, 4 copies a day, the profit was [-] yuan, and the monthly turnover was about [-] yuan. Withhold ten thousand.

After changing the light in the guest room, Wei Keng shook his arm, which was too routinely used to cooking.Start docking with the Pandora field, and start simple recovery training.


After completing the recovery experiment, the magnetic field setting system in the Shenzhou Space Bubble was activated, and tunneling practice began.

After half an hour, when the homework is done.

Wei Keng was stunned for a while, turned on the system and asked, "I, I have broken through the bottleneck, and I can proceed to the next step."

The system has been very sluggish recently. After a minute, Qin Xiaohan, who was connected online, said in a strange way: "Bottleneck? That thing, you have already worn out the patina."

The definition of bottleneck: For normal practitioners, they are eager to improve their strength, and suddenly encounter a relatively difficult resistance. Compared with the original progress speed, they suddenly slow down during this resistance stage, which is called bottleneck.

But as for Master Wei, with his patience, he did it step by step.

Four years ago, I was able to fully master the shuttle technique, flashing quickly within 50 meters, with an error of no more than [-] millimeters, far reaching the goal, and still going through the entire training process thoroughly. Through the error error all try out according to the plan!
Even if the final improvement is limited, the minimum error record of the 60-meter shuttle has only increased by 0.25 mm, and the entire experimental process has still been completed.About the bottleneck?What kind of bottleneck can be compared to such a voluntary standing still?
Of course, it is also because of this complete process that Wei Keng's slow progress has not been stuck from beginning to end.

[From the perspective of engineering, as long as the whole process is tested, there will be no blind spots when subsequent problems arise.After an error occurs, due to the perfection of the previous test process, the correspondence can be found from the data. 】

When Qin Xiaohan heard that Wei Keng broke through the bottleneck (to end this section of the project), he couldn't help showing a sour smile. It tasted like standing on the platform and waiting for 10 minutes, and buses with other labels passed by three or four times. The bus that I wanted to take finally arrived late.

Qin Xiaohan hastily opened the next part of the information, which she had developed for Wei Keng four years ago, but after so many years, it has been revised.

After Wei Keng reviewed the materials at this stage, he paused and asked, "What? Is the original real sword not enough for me?"

In the previous stage, Wei Keng carried out combat drills according to the effect of the light blade, and suddenly came to a new realm, which was a little unaccustomed.

System: "The original real sword is only suitable for training to spy on the next realm, not for actual combat

In the past four years, the space energy you have accumulated has greatly improved, and the control of space twisting has been enhanced dozens of times, from the original single shuttle point to multiple groups of shuttle points appearing alternately..."

Among the many words spoken by the system Barbara, Wei Keng could only hear four words "the plan has changed"


In the dim light, Wei Keng was silent, his face full of fortitude to bear the pressure of years.

The system (Qin Xiaohan expected something bad) had a trembling tone: "Sergeant Wei Keng, you?"

Wei Keng wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel dipped in water: "Oh, it's nothing, I was thinking, how can I save money to buy a real sword. My ten-year savings plan is just enough to buy a light blade, otherwise, we Make do with it first."

The tone is very similar to that of a 21st-century migrant worker who asked if he could downgrade his wedding car from a Cadillac to a BMW after collecting the dowry.

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan, who was wearing a sword princess outfit, was in a mess, but he said after a while: "Sergeant Wei Keng, the real sword is not something you can buy in the market."

Wei Keng: "I know this, so let's take a long-term plan and I will make a plan."

"Wait," Qin Xiaohan said, "There is no need to plan, you can make your own sword, and we will build it ourselves. The equipment in your space bubble can be used."

In front of Qin Xiaohan, the intelligent system popped up Plan 1: Go to the competition.Get to the top.

Option 2: Squat at the auction house.Then, use means to "exchange" it.

Option 3: Go to hidden spots outside some museums to pick up leaks. (Plan No. 3 is the original plan,)
It's just that after so many years, Qin Xiaohan already knew that it was impossible for him, a time traveler, to do such fancy things.But in the current situation, if you want to accumulate for a long time, and then gradually get rewards to achieve your goal, then you have to study the line of "sword casting" technology chain by yourself.

"But?" Qin Xiaohan gritted his teeth: "It's nothing but, he just wants to torture me, hum! Well, let's see who can survive!"

What Qin Xiaohan and Wei Keng didn't know was.

After Pandora's space bubble, Miss Bai Linglu began to lead the development of Pandora again.When she became the backbone again, the first thing she did was search for where her former collaborators are now?
Soon, through the relationship between the departments, she determined the plane of the empty twist. This beautiful face showed a presumptuous smile in a very short period of time, and then changed back to the same moody and angry appearance as her aunt .

(End of this chapter)

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