out of cage

Chapter 132 Chapter 4.26 Wei Pan, the more and more "stupid"

Chapter 132 Chapter 4.26 Wei Pan, the more and more "stupid"
On the plane of Pandora, on the initial timeline, Bai Linglu is replaying Wei Keng's action history, which is "synchronous" with Wei Keng's actions in the empty twisting plane.

Jianye City has always been the experience bag of other timeline traversers, but Wei Keng can walk to the opposite side step by step.

Bai Linglu whispered: "You are the only one who will forcibly bump into the corner of this world and open up a path that no one else can go."

Bai Linglu turned on Qin Xiaohan's communication, reminding him to pay more attention to Wei Keng in the empty twisting plane in the near future according to the consciousness linkage effect in time and space.Because after he was suppressed, his consciousness might peak simultaneously with the Pandora plane.


Returning from the asteroid battlefield in the outer domain, there was nothing to say all the way.

On the way back, the young swordsman who came with him avoided Wei Keng like a plague god, and Wei Keng also came to his own space warehouse to build a heavy protection, and the politeness with Song Dian was gone.

"Courtesy" is only performed when outsiders are around, and now there are no neutral and objective people outside, politeness is meaningless, Master Wei doesn't do useless things.

After returning to Purple Jupiter, the other peers conducted intense training, trying to digest the experience in the battle.Song Dian will also give them a small lesson and step up to teach them promotion skills.

What makes Wei Keng feel funny is that the experience Song Dian is teaching now is even a summary of the skills he taught him to become a swordsman back then.

On Wuzhuangfeng's training ground, he was more nervous than before. The light blade's excitation was no longer so bright. Instead, after the space was folded, the light blade was restrained into a thin thread, but it was only a dozen meters long.

And Wei Keng stayed in his own area, clicking every day according to the discipline.

After making such a mess on the asteroid battlefield, it is impossible to expect other people to have good activities to bring themselves.I am now in a state of being isolated and sanctioned.

That's right, Wei Keng can also see now that he is going to forcibly slow himself down and put him aside.Then come a transcendence.


Wei Keng came to the public area next door for space warping training. It took ten days, and he gradually advanced from the late stage swordsman to the early stage swordsman.He tried his best to make a genius drama of "deep accumulation and promotion" realistic enough. ——Qin Xiaohan: It's even more fake than "East Asian Romance Dramas in Modern Times".

On the first day, within the 1000-meter area, Wei Keng's figure flew across like a shooting star as the line formed by a series of jump points extended.The swordsmen in this public swordsman's place saw such a smooth jumping system for the first time.There are speculations about which area the personal transmission has arrived.

The next day, after Wei Keng arrived again, he seemed to mark something on the field space first, and then continued to jump continuously, but this time, the line turned into fog at the end.After the training, someone wanted to come up for a chat, but Wei Keng left.

On the third day, Wei Keng pulled out the sword light from his leap, which was 25 meters at first, then became longer and longer, and finally reached 35 meters.


On the tenth day, the sword light in Wei Keng's hand had grown to 240 meters, and the state of the space warp had been able to fade and hide in the space fluctuations from the very beginning.

This is a proper sword master level.


Such rapid progress caused Brother Huang, who was training at Wuzhuang Peak, to fall into "rhythm chaos".

When other people's path is fast and correct, if your own path is so slow, is it wrong?

Such self-doubt occurs in normal academic advancement on Earth.

A scumbag: "What the hell, he plays basketball and games, and he gets 99 points every time. Why can't I do well in the exam? Playing games and ball games doesn't affect your studies. It's because he is talented." People's rhythm, after playing the ball and playing the game, you will study 100%, learn what you should learn, and start to relax after you let your mind down, but why does the scumbag have his own rhythm?It's just to accompany others in the game.

When there is no rhythm, not only is the efficiency of each period of learning low, but it is also impossible to accumulate success from the past to the future.

After Xueshen finishes playing, he can immediately connect to the state before playing, open the bookmark, and start the next stage of learning according to the marks left on the schedule.

The school dregs beat him together, hitting his head, his head drifted, and he couldn't get back to the state, so he sat down to pick up the book and it was a mess.What, I don't seem to understand the basics I learned earlier, so I lost it.

On the current path of the swordsman, this effect is even more pronounced.

When it shouldn't be compared, a trace of competitiveness is forced to compare.I can only see that others are the same as myself in the gap time, and I cannot accept that others have rules and progress.


On Wuzhuang Peak, Song Dian sighed helplessly as he watched these disciples' increasingly chaotic spatial leaps and sword glows.

Song Dian looked at the mountain peak at the door, and murmured: "When a side branch of a big tree absorbs too much nutrients, other branches will not grow."

At this time, he was also a little depressed.


Sa Lingfeng.

Within the restriction of the light wall, Wei Keng passed the restrictions of fourteen standard items and successfully obtained the title of sword master.

The person in charge on the peak was very polite to Wei Keng and reminded Wei Keng that he could go to pick up the task, but there was no rush and he could do other things.

Wei Keng ignored the meaning of this sentence and directly completed the task.

Qin Xiaohan explained this sophistication in detail: You have risen like a comet, and you are well-known in the Tianze Sword Sect. The reason why the person in charge of handling the formalities for you gave you a period of time is to let you consider the future direction of the Tianze Sect. In the end, it is the route of that mentor.Or follow the route of being the son-in-law of the inheritance school.

In fact, Wei Keng might really be bored with this world.He did not continue to visit his "teacher" Song Dian in a "hypocritical" way, and followed the path of the academic school.

I didn't meet those swordsman girls who admired me because of my performance in public, and became the handsome young men who were favored by the inheritance faction. (Regarding the surprised female swordsmen in Wei Keng's sword practice, Qin Xiaohan emphasized gently: "You can be with them, um, I don't mind, do you have any plans, I will help Did you refer to the reference?")
After rushing to the social level of sword masters, Wei Keng was frustrated again just like before. Instead of continuing to climb towards the upper echelons of the Tianze Sword Sect, Wei Keng applied to return to his hometown and returned to his uncle (who had escaped with his previous identity) Axis area, go to office.


In 1171 of the Dangxing calendar, the general manager of the axis area, Sword Master Hengguang, when he received the energy technology summary and job application submitted by Wei Keng, said slowly: "You are a very talented person."

Just when Wei Keng was hesitant to say something like: "Please advise", the boss said to Wei Keng: "Choose a district."

Star Fog District.This is the No.14 sub-area of ​​the inner ring of the axis area, but due to the special geographical location, the main area is on the sea, and the only area where personnel is stationed is a volcanic island, so there just happens to be a vacancy here.

When Wei Keng chose this area, his boss was astonished, because this is a relatively desolate area, far inferior to some outer areas.

This is just in line with Wei Keng's reason for choosing this place, the reason: it is quieter here.It is convenient to work independently (fishing in troubled waters)


Fifteen hours later, Wei Keng came to the center of the array of power stations in Xingwu District.

This power generation center is within [-] kilometers underground, and only sword masters can jump all the way down.The center of the array is protected by a thick tungsten steel shell, and several circular transmission systems are installed on the shell to observe the surging magma outside.

The endless energy underground is converted into electromagnetic energy here, and then sent to the upper area, and several turning points also help the underground tungsten steel hole dissipate useless waste heat.This transition point is technically very demanding, and the crystal structure must be kept stable by electromagnetic force in the earth's crust. The general lifespan is within 40 years. Of course, more importantly, every two to three years, sword master-level maintainers are required to correct the fold point. hop.And the sword masters who do this job are usually old sword masters who have no hope of advancing.

It's not the first time for Wei Keng to come to the axis area, and he also knows something about the situation here.

The sword masters in charge of maintenance are all old sword masters, and there is no further possibility, so the temporary position has a good income.According to the norms, they only come here every five months, but in fact, these guys who live in retirement only come once a year.

Because of this, the current leading into the upper part often fluctuates, and these energy peaks have caused many maintenance personnel in charge of transformers to be killed by sudden high-voltage currents.Therefore, if a swordsman catches fish, he is ignoring human life.

[Technology system is not the most important thing in industrial society, the system system, and even the responsibility system behind the system is the most important. 】

After returning to the island hall, Wei Keng started his first industrial meeting in this world.

After making sure everyone was there, three commitments were made.

One: Reduce work-related mortality for all.Second: popularize the training of young children.Third: Raise your salary.

And a requirement that everyone operate in full accordance with the specification.

"Three fires for the new official?" Wei Keng didn't like to comment like this, because Shuwei's fire always went to the weakest and most irrelevant people.To enhance the power of the organization, it is necessary to build a basis for benefiting all.


After arriving at the axis area, this inheritance, named "Guardian of Photon" by the system, spread in Wei Keng's hands.From then on, in the observation system of time and space, the following historical lines can be regarded as beginning to have obvious features.But at this time, more than 60 records of Wei Keng's expansion have all started this transformation.In these time streams, mastering this kind of technology will appear a bit: the posture of a middle-aged man.

In two years, Wei Keng expanded and wrote [-] related mathematics books.became a standard textbook in the area.

In the year 1173 of the star calendar, with the completion of the construction of the public turning point, some young swordsmen from poor families began to program the turning point distribution in a group of more than a dozen people, and tested how to deal with (enemy) space under the condition of sufficient energy. Judgment by fluctuations, and use (self) space movement energy for fire blockade.

The production atmosphere in the Xingwu District has also become very different. There have been no casualties for 0 consecutive days. After the arrival of Self-Wei Keng, there have only been four 9-level accidents.The total amount of electricity transmission in Xingwu District has also entered No.1 year by year from No.[-].Salaries have quadrupled.So much so that ordinary technicians in other surrounding rings sharpened their heads trying to squeeze in.

In the axis area, among the ordinary people below, Wei Pan's reputation is particularly prominent.

Although, Wei Keng himself doesn't think so, "It's just in accordance with normal industrial management. I haven't wholeheartedly worked for the workers here. What I'm doing right now is actually making my own technological breakthrough."


Wei Keng entered the axis area this time. As a middle-level and high-level manager, he has quietly hit the force of the empty twist, which is deeper than "the degree to which the Tianze faction penetrates into the axis".A control system has been established around the center of the earth.

The fourth phase of the project has also begun.

That is: use the core of the planet to create a high-pressure and high-temperature environment, simulate the internal environment of the star, and create a turning point that can be stabilized in the center of the star. ——This technology was code-named "Zhu Xian" by the Time and Space Administration in terms of armament research and development.


However, when he was carrying out his personal tasks in a safe and sound manner, the process was still interrupted.

At the current stage of the Tianze sect, the inheritance department and the academy department are mainly fighting each other, and the axis area is naturally the battlefield for this kind of struggle.

Dang star calendar 1174, the third year after Wei Keng came to the axis area, the total power generation output of the axis area collapsed.

The reason is that the two departments are stuck in the substation equipment and tungsten steel material energy respectively, and they are fighting endlessly.Therefore, the overall power generation has dropped, and Wei Keng does not take advantage of these two sides, and he cannot get facilities, even if the decline in power generation is explained in the name of production safety.

However, others took advantage of it, and the area Wei Keng was in charge of was no longer what it used to be, and was dragged out as a "showcase" of slack production.

For the top managers in the axis area: "Only after the typical ones that are easy to grasp jump out, can we use this as an entry point to start grasping, first weak and then difficult!"

A spaceship is unreasonable, hovering above the square in the Star Fog District, it seems that it doesn't even bother to land.

The four swordsmen on the spaceship came to Wei Keng's industrial office aggressively, forcibly broke into the protective cover of the office area, came to Wei Keng, and let him go.

Wei Keng followed these people to the main office of the Axis District. After waiting for two hours, he saw Sword Master Hengguang, and all he got was a scolding.

Heng Guang: "Wei Keng doesn't know how to do things."

The old swordsman scolded fiercely, but what he really wanted to express in his heart was: "It's really stupid not to stand in line at this time."

However, Wei Keng was really "stupid" during this swearing. Not only did he fail to "understand" his boss' good intentions, but instead he had a reverse understanding.

Wei Keng thought silently: "The doctrine of the mean, when it encounters a crisis, often suppresses the centrists to temporarily deter them."

Wei Keng was also moderate, and he was cursing in his heart, but he kept silent. There was no doubt that Wei Keng was dismissed.On the second day after Wei Keng was dismissed, a veteran swordsman from the inheritance department sent to take over the Xingwu District.

This kind of takeover is more like grabbing the class and seizing power. The veteran swordsman first took up the post of Liwei, removed several technical management personnel selected in Wei Keng's era, and assigned the core positions to his nephew.

However, the matter was not over.In the past two years, among the ordinary skilled workers in Xingwu District, more or less nephews and nephews have completed the transition to the "Photon Guard Department".And after such a class started to gain strength, it was not as smooth as it used to be.Electricity generation fell further and sharply.

However, the decline in power generation in the Star Fog area is just a wave in the storm.

The chaos in the entire axis area did not calm down, and began to intensify.


The fourth orbital region of outer space.In recent years, dark flashing areas often appear here, this is because a large number of space folds in the sword array will engulf the light.

Now, the sword masters of this generation of Tianze faction have roughly completed their final perfect sword array.Therefore, try the sword here.

Tongtian Sword Furnace and Xingze Sword Master opened two reporting interfaces. These two interfaces were the explanations of the situation in the axis area by their own students and their own children.

These two articles are all apologizing, avoiding the serious and taking the "slight fault" on myself.

This way of writing means "I have made mistakes, but the mistakes are open and aboveboard". As for who "did nothing wrong on the bright side, but secretly poked and maliciously played bad things", that is for the reader to judge.

Sword Master Xingze glanced at it, then shook his head slightly.

At this time, the treasures in Tongtian Sword Furnace have basically been refined, and my students and son also anticipated this, and began to bring the original secret war to the fore.

He raised his hand, and an order was condensed on a sword-shaped light order. This order disappeared into the space, and six or ten minutes later, it flickered back to Purple Jupiter.

 Supervisor: Compared with the flexibility at the beginning of time travel, do you think Wei Keng is getting more and more stupid?

(End of this chapter)

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