out of cage

Chapter 133 Chapter 4.27 The True Story of Ah K

Chapter 133 Chapter 4.27 The True Story of Ah K
Side Jifeng next to the main peak of Tianze Sword Sect.

Since ancient times, this mountain peak has been the floating peak where the deputy recognized by the sword master of the Tianze Sword Sect is stationed.

Since 200 years ago, when the last sword lord in the era of Xingze Jianzun resigned from the position of deputy head, this floating peak has been without an owner.But now that Yi Chengmeng is staying at this peak, it can be seen that Xingzhe Sword Master has officially handed over the inheritance to Yi Chengmeng.

In this tug-of-war for inheritance, it seems that the academy faction won a complete victory. However, at the moment of victory, the counterattack instigated by the inheritance department also prevented the academy faction from having the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of the winner.


In the guest hall of Zan Jifeng, the six sword masters of the academy sect quietly held a gathering.

Bai Xingjianjun: "Our master should let people from the inheritance department deal with the affairs of the axis area?" Her tone was very cold, and it could even be said to be a question.

Jianjun Moheng opened the space teleportation mirror in front of him, and looked at the light projected into the starry sky in the north: "The axis area is for fat servants, and the master is also used to appease them. Bai Xing, let your people withdraw, and now everything is waiting for the master." After Brother accepts the inheritance—”

Bai Xing didn't seem to be persuaded at all, and the question he asked became more acute: "Give it up? Just let it go lightly? Will Yiqingshan and the others be satisfied?"

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall became silent again.

After all, within the academy, there are several forces. Sword Lord Moheng and Yi Chengmeng are brothers and sisters, so he naturally tried his best to let his brothers get the inheritance.But Bai Xingjianjun is just an alliance formed by Yi Chengmeng's friends. Now, in order to win the inheritance for Yi Chengmeng, he has given up his family roots. Without sufficient compensation promises, he will never be kind.

Sword Master Xingze seems to understand this point, he is determined to pass on the inheritance to this disciple, not to his descendants.

But he will never let the new factions united around his disciples encircle and suppress his descendants, so both sides must be broken up!


In May 1174, No. 5 in the star calendar, a very luxurious warship hangs in the huge sword intent that runs through the earth's axis.

Yi Xuhuang, sword master, he is a descendant of Xingze Sword Master's third son and first line, and he is also one of the best available talents in the current inheritance line.

After reaching the axis area, facing the chaos, he began to cut the mess quickly.

The first step: implement a short-term curfew, instead of entangled in the original issue of right and wrong, but to "suppress" the rebellion with a larger topic, so that all parties can suddenly calm down.

At various places where people gather in the axis area, the mechanical troops controlled by the security forces began to suppress. Screen 1: Armored vehicles crossed the zebra crossing and crushed the sidewalks. The drones cruising in the sky used searchlights to continuously scan every corner of the city. Once found Gather, warn with a burning laser.

Step [-]: Yi Xuhuang interviewed all the sword masters and swordsmen, and warned people of all factions in the central hall of the axis area.Regardless of whether you are on your own side or on the academic side, don't offend yourself now, don't offend yourself, and don't offend Xingzhe Jianzun.

Step [-]: Find another cause of the "rebellion", deal with it, and let the non-swordsman technical departments below continue to operate.

Make a pot, put it on someone's back, and then completely cover this matter.

Over the course of several months, the sword masters and swordsmen of the various local factions had settled down and began to obey their orders, forming a new balance of power.

Therefore, when buckling the pot, it is not easy to make extra branches.So I have to find a target that can scare the monkeys to buckle.

It has to be said that this is a perfect set of tactics. Even in the history of the main world, the literati who recorded this kind of means that can be controlled are not stingy with the word "smart" to describe it.Because to a certain extent, it is rare to miss, as long as it does not miss, it is effective.


In the area managed by the axis area, Wei Keng promoted "photon guarding" to the children of all office families. This kind of training behavior of borrowing energy without permission is unprecedented.

So this was selected by Yi Xuhuang, and he thought it was a big mistake!It was decided to hold it up high and punish it to show the majesty of the criminal law.

But this time, under the judge's pen of the new sword master, Wei Keng was charged with the crime of favoritism.

In the oriental civilization, when encountering ups and downs, the methods used to frighten people and stabilize the situation are often sacrifices of new things that have not yet entered the core ruling category, but are gradually growing in the social production system.

For example, in history: steam engines and factories are easy to gather crowds and form popular uprisings, which are dealt with from the root cause by the conservative ruling class as a "lowest price" method in the midst of contradictions.

Therefore, if new things have not accumulated enough foundation, they will appear on the stage rashly, and will not get the so-called appreciation from the upper class.Most of them are swirling up and down in various storms.


In the magnetic area of ​​dismissal and house arrest, Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief. When the new official set off the last fire, he knew that he had completely lost power.

The most obvious one is the guardian swordsman, who has become more and more impatient recently, with a cold-faced attitude,

Through spatial locking, it was finally confirmed that Yi Xuhuang on the floating battleship had charged him with crimes, and Wei Keng remained silent.

This silence is not just on the face, but from the heart.From the standpoint of the swordsmen guarding him, Wei Keng's "out of his mind" behavior was normal.

Since this time, Wei Keng has walked the path of a swordsman without any burden. It can be said that he has become a swordsman in this world more and more with his own character.Don't perfunctory others, don't consider the ways of the world, don't pay attention to complex interpersonal interests.But it has come this far.Really, it's kind of sad.

Turn on the system in the room,
Wei Keng said slowly to Qin Xiaohan: "Have you read the true story of Ah Q?"

Qin Xiaohan's sub-interface at this time shows Wei Keng's current flickering state of consciousness, which matches the relevant information that Bai Linglu sent back from the Pandora interface.

Qin Xiaohan knew that Wei Keng was about to enter a state of fluctuation on the current axis timeline, and this fluctuation would spread to all the time and space areas Wei Keng was stationed at.

Qin Xiaohan paused and said, "Although the current situation is similar to that of Ah Q, you have accumulated accumulation so that you will not fall into the end of Ah Q."

Wei Keng's tone became penetrating: "Even if I don't have the ability to escape, I won't let myself fall into Ah Q's ending. I don't have a way to win spiritually,"

What Qin Xiaohan didn't know was that the reincarnated Wei Keng recalled the ending more clearly than ever before.And that ending, I decided to forget it and start my life again.

The sadness in Wei Keng's eyes increased a bit, and he whispered: "But, it will fall into extremes. I don't want to do this."

Qin Xiaohan paused for a moment. She heard Wei Keng's tone was a little low, and thought that Wei Keng was being cowardly again and was going to leave this time, so she quickly affirmed: "Now your resistance is not extreme."

Wei Keng shook his head, and said with an old man's voice, "Xiaohan, you don't know what extreme is!"

After pausing for a few seconds, Wei Keng said slowly: "If Ah Q's character is like this: After claiming his surname Zhao, he was beaten by Master Zhao and lost his livelihood. The whole family is set on fire. Do you understand Ah Q like this?"

Qin Xiaohan fell into silence. She really didn't understand Wei Keng's words now, and she didn't dare to understand.At this time, she had already thought of the "cross-plane shock" that Bai Linglu warned earlier, and Wei Keng was obviously very unstable now.

Wei Keng murmured to himself: "Taking a step back, the sea and the sky are wide open. After being beaten by Mr. Zhao, Ah Q went to the city to beg for a living and earned a lot of money. If you can find a new road, why do you have to go to the dead end? Why, why. Why? Woolen cloth?"

There seemed to be a vortex in Wei Keng's eyes, and what he was thinking was the "open sky" that might appear if he took a step back, but he found in his heart that he really couldn't bring it in.

After a few minutes, 'Alas! ——" With a long sigh, Wei Keng pulled himself out of the pit of his soul.

In fact, there are two images of people on the Yellow Earth. Ah Q written by Mr. Zhou is always ready to win spiritually. Q bomb, smooth.

But for another image called Ah K, literati are more or less unable to write.Because of the appearance of being angry when encountering "little things", it is not in line with the doctrine of the mean, and you can't encounter it in normal times, because the world is exposed, and it is often the blood that appears suddenly.

Occasionally in the archives, the strange narrative always has a deep gap with the world.

Wei Keng doesn't want to be Ah K anymore, but now the cage is broken.


That night, all the swordsmen guarding Wei Keng were in a trance. Wei Keng left an illusion in place in the magnetic field restriction area, and he had disappeared in the magnetic field.

The magnetic field that restrains the sword master is not enough for Wei Keng's current space technology.In an instant, he appeared in the magnetic area of ​​the purple Jupiter's north pole axis.

430 kilometers away.

The huge sword intent pierced the ground under the starlight. Many sword masters would be overwhelmed by such vastness no matter how many times they approached.But now, Wei Keng didn't even take a serious look at him, and directly flashed to the center of this sword intent, the inside of the battleship [-] kilometers away from the surface.

When Yi Xuhuang held the luminous cup, he looked at the distant land in the space protection cabin of the giant ship.It seems that he forgot what he just did for a short time.He had just signed the document and was going to deal with an unimportant swordsman tomorrow, so there was nothing worth worrying about.

Just when he felt nothing, ripples appeared in the space behind him like water, and Wei Keng appeared behind him lightly, without stirring up the slightest airflow fluctuation.

Yi Xuhuang suddenly felt that the starlight outside seemed to have dimmed, as if covered by some dark curtain.Frowning, he walked forward and tried to jump, but at this moment, there was a slight coughing sound from behind.

Yi Xuhuang turned around abruptly, but for a moment, he felt something was wrong, looked down, and saw that his waist had been separated from his body.

What's even more peculiar is that the outer space seems to have been torn apart, but the blood circulation on the fractured surface is still continuing.My own blood flowed in and out from one fracture surface, and instantly shuttled to the other fracture surface.

Yixuhuang broke out in a cold sweat, and looked up at that person.It's just that this person's face is not clear at all.Obscured by a mysterious space.

"Sword Lord?" Yi Xuhuang thought about this concept silently in his heart, but with great effort, he said neither humble nor overbearing: "This lord, junior, Tianze sect."

Wei Keng interrupted him: "I am also from the Tianze sect, you see. This is the Tianze sword code!"

In an instant, Yixuhuang felt his surroundings suddenly changed, and when he looked around again, it was already space, with a huge planet below, and here he only had his head, hands, and body.Oh, and still in the battleship.

He was stunned, such an ultra-long-distance leap spanned thousands of kilometers, and he could still keep his head and body flowing to keep him conscious.Such a method was far beyond his imagination.

Wei Keng flickered in front of him, paused and said, "You don't recognize this star-pointing subtype? Well, it seems to be playing the piano against the cow."

Yixuhuang's mind went blank, he didn't feel the starlight that Wei Keng deliberately marked in the distance, but when he mentioned it, he suddenly remembered that it seemed to be similar to the star map on the dome of the main hall at home.

Yixuhuang was so shocked: "Tianze Sword Formation! Sword master level. Could it be the great-grandfather, no, no, the great-grandfather wouldn't play this joke on me."

The sword master, who was still proud and arrogant a few days ago, confessed: "My lord, I am sorry to disturb your hidden cultivation."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, tilted his head and said, "There is no hidden cultivation. I wanted to do some things of my own here. It just seems to have offended some people who shouldn't be provoked, for example," Wei Keng He smiled and said, "Your Excellency."

Yi Xuhuang: "Sir, I don't know where I have offended. But for the sake of my great-grandfather. Please."

Wei Keng turned out a cluster of stars in his hand, Wei Keng: "Is this what you mean by face?"

This is the sword intent left by Sword Master Xingze on the younger generation.Once it encounters life damage, it will attach to nearby people.Now it was directly pulled out by Wei Keng, and with a swipe of Wei Keng's finger, a cell proliferated and split into two.In terms of space technology, Wei Keng's height has far surpassed that of Xingze.

Wei Keng: "I have troubled the Tianze faction, I will find a way to come up with a solution (inner addition: without sacrificing my solution), but this solution requires borrowing something from you first!"

Yi Xuhuang was a little uneasy and said, "Excuse me, what do you want to borrow?"

At this time, Wei Keng said in a shy voice, "I'll borrow your head for use." After saying that, he flickered away, leaving only his head in the space with a vain light.

At the same time, inside the battleship, Yi Xuhuang's body was crazily smashing things. All the movements of this headless body were very desperate.

After Wei Keng flashed out, he guided his leaping blade and left a line of words on the room: "Axis people, never give in to oppression." Then left a line of words on the other side: "This is the end." Then the space imprisoned his heart and ended his life.After doing all this, Wei Keng poured a small bottle of fuel and directly set the room on fire.

After completing the act of setting fire, Wei Keng couldn't help looking at his hands, which seemed to be a little proficient.Do you have any experience with this?
System introduction: "I haven't done it on this timeline, but on other timelines, you have set fires more than [-] times. Due to the fact that you have too many timelines that are split, a large amount of memory information is delayed. —— Each timeline Your memory online is given priority to your memory in this timeline."

Wei Keng nodded, expressing his understanding.

If the memory can be switched to other timelines, it will be very easy to confuse whether you have done many things or not. Oh, in the eyes of other people in a single timeline, it is crazy.


After returning to his cell, Wei Keng rushed out of the room immediately and frantically rang the doorbell outside.He yelled as if he collapsed before death: "Come on, give me water, do you want to kill me before execution?"

Caring about setting fire to Xuhuang's ship warehouse is the scene of destruction!

Yelling and shouting as soon as he came back at this time was once again emphasizing his alibi.

The explanation of these actions made Qin Xiaohan, who was taking notes at the side, couldn't help asking: "Who did you learn these (anti-investigation) from?"

All mainstream places in the 22nd century are all monitored, and in the second half of the 22nd century, after entering the [-]G era, humans are directly bound to cameras to record what they see and hear, and then upload it to the database.After such intensive informatization, no crime can escape inspection, and detectives have become dragon slayers.So, Qin Xiaohan felt weird about Wei Keng's series of operations.

Wei Keng: "Have you seen the cartoon of Death Elementary School Student? There are various criminal techniques in it. I am a good citizen. I was still very young at that time, and I had fun watching Chuntu."

Qin Xiaohan asked curiously: "Is there this banned film?"

Wei Keng nodded seriously: "Yes, and it's not over yet."

(End of this chapter)

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