out of cage

Chapter 139 Chapter 4.33 The reason for holding a sword

Chapter 139 Chapter 4.33 The reason for holding a sword

On the sword mound, which is comparable to a mountain peak, on the faceted pyramid, the two swords are intended to be on one of the facets, confronting each other like walking on the ground
In the rows of grids that simulate the gravitational region of the starry sky, a large number of warping fluctuations vibrate and annihilate each other. It is a game between Xingzhe Sword Master and Yi Chengmeng.

In this simplified confrontation, Yi Chengmeng was quickly defeated.

Yi Chengmeng: "Master, I—"

Sword Master Xingze at the top of the tower sighed: "You, it's too slow."

Yicheng was silent.

Xingze: "You stay here for another ten years to comprehend. If you still can't make it after ten years, then accept an original intention from me to assist in comprehending."

It is intended to say "yes".As the master said, he used to indulge too much in vulgar things.

Just a few months ago, Yi Chengmeng was still investigating the axis area, his mind was on the people behind "Wei Pan", and at the same time he was dealing with the criticism from his junior brother Yi Qingshan.In front of these necessary sundries, his sword repair had to move back.

From another perspective, Xingze only gave him an environment to practice swords today.

Wei Keng's judgment: Whether it is Yichengmeng or Yiqingshan, these two sword lords have always lacked a reason to "keep their swords in an important position for decades or hundreds of years".They are all half-hearted.


The star calendar is 1187, December 12th, summer, southern hemisphere, Nausicaa urban area.

In area 88, near the remote junction of cliffs and mountains, in an abandoned factory, a kidnapping case is taking place.

It's a big case!
Forty-five city administrators with swordsman ranks were locked in the space circle.Through the windows of the factory, one can see spaceships hovering in the sky in the distance.But these spaceships with scanning lights are all interstellar players, and they passed by the sky several times but failed to find them here.

There are many spaceships here, and the Nausicaa Metropolis is one of the three aerospace spaceship manufacturing centers of the Cihong Sword Sect.

Master Wei has been looking at this place for five full years.

But now Wei Keng, the "hero", is completely hidden in space.

The height, face, figure, clothing, and the kidnapped people can't be seen clearly.From his angle of view, only a floating figure can be seen. This figure is 1.7 meters [-] in height, which Wei Keng mimicked based on the average height of males in the city.

In the space shelter, Wei Keng repeatedly looked at the copied bill.I sighed in my heart, the upper class in this city is really greedy, they are all big tigers who drink blood and eat flesh.

Tiger, entrenched on the ground, as a small person, it is difficult to encounter it directly.What ordinary people directly encounter are ghosts made by tigers.

The thing is like this: Wei Keng went south to the Cihong Jiandian area, invested in a school, and planned to teach here.

President Wei's "Fangcunshan College" was not well-known at the beginning and recruited very few students.After finally accepting a student, he got into trouble.

The name of this student is not important, and Wei Keng didn't know about it in the past. He is hardworking and talented, so Wei Keng accepted it and taught every day.But soon I knew the reason why "such a good student, why is it my turn to accept".

The elder of the student who died was originally an inner swordsman of the Cihong Sword Sect. He died while performing an alien combat mission, and left a lot of merit points of the Cihong Sect after his death.But there was only one student, and he was coveted.

That day, the sky was very dark. In fact, the lower floors of any city lacked light.

This student happened to stay at Teacher Wei's gate for one night, and he was very interested in Master Wei's teaching books. Teacher Wei also thought the child was good and planned to keep him.

As soon as this side was about to persuade him to stay, the relevant personnel who were in trouble with this student came.

When it came, it came, Master Wei didn't intend to fight at first.Just be prepared to deal with it a little bit.

But on the other side, it seems that Master Wei, an outsider, is not in his eyes, and he is directly preparing to blow up Fangcunshan Academy.And it's using shady means.

within the next week
They played tricks for Wei Keng, adding a lot of debt to Wei Keng's name, and then prepared to introduce usury when Wei Keng was desperate, and finally controlled Wei Keng to deal with that student.

Oh, the debt, actually Wei Keng can pay it back.

But when Wei Keng heard what these "ghosts" had planned, he immediately broke his defense.

In the middle of the city, in a high-class place like a 'nightclub', those who were going to lend money to Wei Keng said cheerfully: "I just like to watch this, the guy who thinks he is a good person, face reality, collapse look!"

It meant that they wanted to force Wei Keng to give up his bottom line and accompany them to be bad guys together. ——Master Wei is very angry, because Master Wei understands that if it is really an ordinary person, they may really not be able to withstand their test.If you don't want to be polluted, you have to die.

Wei Keng pondered deeply about their mentality, and then he was going to give them a try too: he likes to see the 'idiot' who wants to be a good person collapse so much.Then it's time to try what a "collapsed" world is.

The so-called liking to watch, "the idiot who thinks he is a good person, looks broken."It's just that I lowered my "moral standards" first, but I haven't found a reason to destroy normal people.Then after trying to "make up normal people into monsters", it became a reason for him to persecute others ahead of time.

This kind of bitch logic, in the final analysis, is nothing but the cowardly logic of "swinging a knife at someone who is weaker than oneself".

Wei Keng made a detailed backup of Qin Xiaohan's thinking on this matter, in order to ensure that he was not soft-hearted.

This kind of person is a ghost!And the most despicable little devil.Trying to understand the whole world as "killing monsters and upgrading" and "stripping the weak by the strong" in the game, in order to rationalize his advocacy of the strong and bullying the weak.

Master Wei has also encountered darkness, but he will never "educate" or "correct" those teenagers who are weaker than himself, but pursue light in their hearts, and have a sense of justice in their ignorance!Instead, I hope their self-belief can be sustained.

Wei Keng: "Wealth and honor cannot be obscene, and power cannot be subdued. This is the attitude to deal with darkness and injustice!"

Ghosts think in a turn-based way. When they pick things up, it's one round. When they can't stand the pain, it's a new round after restarting.

But Mr. Wei only has one round in mind: go fuck and let go of the burden of history.The "ghost" and the "dragon pool and tiger den" behind it must be praised. ——In the past 100 years, Wei Keng had no reason to hold a sword at the beginning, but then, the "reason" became more and more sufficient.


The word collapse is a description of the perspective of kingship
The collapse of the European continent and the Japanese islands often describes that one or several top families of the upper dynasty fell into mediocrity in the chaos, and the beautiful things (princes and princesses) on the original high platform were shattered.

The concept of chaos in China is a catastrophe from top to bottom, and the unruly people will be suppressed, but all the heroes and princes must also have a "chicken-eating game", and only one can live.And whoever is more beautiful will die first!For example, Yuan Shu who would drink honey water when he was dying.

Rise up, sickle, under the bamboo forest, who is extravagant!

Therefore, Master Wei's string was broken and he started to riot, so he cannot use "standards" to describe it.Rather, no matter how dazed above, there will be epilepsy below.The kind that dies with the sun.

No, it's confirmed that in the city, the gang of "helping the tiger" guys started to bite me again, so they started a careful plan to create chaos.

Wei Keng first wrote down the "1000 people" blacklist.

The next day, they were all robbed.

In just one day, three thousand robberies took place.The alarm lights did not stop in every block for a day.

It was often these people, or their family members who had just left the house, unaware that a motorcycle emerged from there, and with a few gunshots, it exploded the extremely well-protected energy protection vehicle.Then all the money was taken away, oh, not only the money was taken away, regardless of men and women, the whole body of clothes were also stripped to only underwear.

At night, various explosions occurred. Their car and small vault were attacked by unknown explosives, and then all their belongings were robbed.

[Jian Zun, one person can create a sword formation that crushes the entire star fleet, but now in the Valley of the Wind, Wei Keng alone can destroy the security of the entire Metropolis of the Valley of the Wind. 】

Then came the second stage

Fifteen hours after the mass reprisals of the upper and middle classes of the city,

In the hall of the city lord hollowed out in the No. [-] cliff of the Valley of the Wind, high-level swordsman Xu Kang ordered the security army to enter the area and open fire to suppress any criminals encountered.

Anticipate the repression phase, then start a definite resistance. ——I didn't intend to be reasonable, reasonable, the time for reconciliation has long passed, and now I don't want to use my brain on useless work.

Less than 3 minutes after Xu Kang gave the order, a "declaration" was blatantly entered into the city's security force system.

Announcement: From now on, this operation is an uprising. I would like to tell the Valley of the Winds that they will obey the blind followers of tyranny. Anyone who "dare to shoot fatally at our rebel army" will be an eye for an eye.

So far, many sword master families in the city have sensed that something is wrong,

However, Xu Kangjianshi, the highest person in charge of the city, was appointed by the Cihong Sword Sect, and he represented the majesty of the Cihong Sword Sect, so he realized that this situation was beyond his control.
He pondered for a long time in the city lord's hall, and finally made a decision to forcefully suppress this self-proclaimed "rebel force".

It is impossible for Wei Keng, who has been lying down for more than 100 years, to be suppressed.

Then the vehicle was blown up. Those who shot at the thigh of the person had their own legs disabled, while those who shot at the body of the person had their bullets hit the body.


Now, ten days have passed, and the city lord group decided to use its own swordsman team just two hours ago.

So, now there are dozens of swordsmen tied up in this abandoned factory!
The entire factory area is still full of broken bricks and tiles, but with the kidnapping area as the center, all buildings, including door beams and ground bricks and tiles, are brand new in the entire 100-meter spherical area (these are all printed by Wei Keng) brand new.).

Now Master Wei picked up the iron rod, knocked on the heads of each of the swordsmen, and copied out all the accounts they knew about the city. Wei Keng cares.

Swordsman, how dare you argue with someone who is suspected to be the Sword Lord?

Inside, even the two sons of the city lord squatted in the space circle defined by Wei Keng, honestly, telling the defenses of his father (sword master) in the city, and all the small treasuries.

In fact, they had to explain.Wei Keng opened the three-dimensional map of the city and pointed to the physical objects such as the treasury, asking them to talk about the accounts.

A three-dimensional map of the city, and even some very hidden vaults that ordinary people don't know!It was all clearly revealed.Master Wei Zha was full of interest, and directly scratched the space with one hand, grabbed a hole in the position on the projected map, and sent the item directly to the swordsmen for them to identify.

So this blackmail was made more like by Mr. Wei, the Anti-Corruption Bureau checked the stolen goods.Seeing Wei Keng's thorough investigation, these swordsmen could only "confess and be lenient".

These unlucky swordsmen were thankful: this eccentric swordsman did not have a killing habit, because if he did, the city lord would have disappeared long ago.

But now, they just sent a letter to the upper management of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, asking the upper management headed by the city lord to urgently use all available resources.


In the Lord's Hall,

The city lord of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind bowed and waited, even though there was only a projection in front of him, he was not presumptuous at all, and respectfully called him "Sword Lord".

And the projection of the Lord Sword Lord showed surprise to the situation of the important cities in the Valley of the Wind, and made a promise of "wait a while, I will come".

But the city lord didn't know that at this time all his situations were being closely monitored.This request for help is exactly in the plan

In the factory, Wei Keng, who was sitting on the hanging concrete beams, put aside the scene of Xu Kang begging for help to the group of swordsmen,
Then he asked: "Who is this Sword Lord?"

Those swordsmen who were so obsessed with the accounts of goods before did not dare to answer this question.A swordsman in charge of the school's guidance whispered: "My lord, at this level, you have more intelligence than us."

The grievances between sword masters, these little swordsmen dare not intervene,

Although they have seen the three-dimensional modeling map of the entire city and can monitor the supernatural powers of all vehicles, people, and machines in real time, they still don't know the supernatural powers of other sword lords.

Wei Keng said with a straight face: "If I don't know, I just want to ask you?"

After all, a stone fell down, and when it fell, it was evenly broken into 45 pieces, hitting every swordsman on the head.It didn't do much damage, but it knocked all these guys down.

Wei Keng used space vibration to amplify his voice to 110 decibels, and poured into the ears of these swordsmen: "Say!"

"It's Lihan Sword Lord" a voice came from the back row.

Wei Keng: "That's a good answer." He flicked his finger and said, "This is the real sword for you."

A sword popped out of Wei Keng's hand.But there are a lot of lines on this sword.Wei Keng explained to him: "When using it, pay attention to the lines. If the lines are all straightened, it means you can squeeze the space."

Having intelligent spirit patterns is at the level of spiritual weapons.The kneading space is the sword master state, and it is extremely rare to be able to assist a swordsman to achieve the sword master state spirit weapon.

The price of this spiritual weapon alone in the market can rival the stock of the largest silver vault in the Valley of the Wind.And this is still priceless in major urban areas in mainland China,
Master Wei Keng sent it out with a wave of his hand, which immediately made the eyes of these tied tickets light up, but when he thought that this was a contest between sword kings, he became trembling again.

This look of wanting but not daring made Master Wei smile.

Immediately clicked on the next person: "This Lihan Sword Lord, is she good?"

In this bundle of gazes looking at each other, someone finally "fainted with profit", no, it should be "how bold people are, how productive the land is"

Within 10 minutes, Wei Keng released fifteen spiritual weapons, all of which were capable of drawing a sword and becoming a swordsman.

This ability is not a matter of wealth and wealth, all spiritual weapons are of the same standard, and these tied tickets are vaguely aware of the "terrible power behind them" in front of them.

Of course, the questions Wei Keng asked more and more made the gangsters' throats choke, making it difficult to answer.

For example, the fourth question: "If I tie her (Lihan), tell me, would the Cihong Sword Sect be willing to exchange the entire Valley of the Wind with me?"

The third son of the city lord was very polite (he took a breath): "If the Lord is willing to stay, the Cihong Sword Sect will use the entire South Wind Region (including the four metropolises including the Valley of the Wind) to make friends with you."

Faced with such a compliment, Wei Keng inadvertently said something that made the meat fans tremble on the spot: "Cut, you are as good as you? I need to do such a complicated thing, so I will cut you off directly." The understatement is enough. It can send chills down the spine of those present.


In the dimensional space, Qin Xiaohan is opening a four-dimensional digital system. This display is no longer an interface or a projection, but an acousto-optic composite system that can directly record into four-dimensional storage.

She is now comparing Wei Keng's ideology.Using light and sound to describe Wei Keng's state of mind, it is as if a red sun is rising above the sea visible to the naked eye, and its brightness is getting brighter and brighter.

Judging from the current ideology of Wei Keng, it just matches the ideology sent from the Pandora plane, and the ideology of the post-construction period!

That is to say, on the axial timeline, the incident caused by "a small disturbance caused by a student" was not Wei Keng venting for no reason, but Wei Keng's original intention finally reached a critical point and made up his mind.

Qin Xiaohan couldn't help but sigh: "Sell pancakes and fruit tunes, change discs, and the next thing is the passionate melody that will never give up to this world."

Wei Keng came to the Valley of the Wind to seize the productivity of spaceships here.

Wei Keng's original plan was to use 20 years to "step by step", but the sudden change made this a "hurry" take!
Qin Xiaohan was relieved because he had been waiting for a long time.But there was still a trace of anxiety in his eyes, that is, all of Wei Keng's current states were predicted by the Pandora plane.

After the last general meeting, Luo Hongxing told her some things: "Don't look at Sergeant Wei Keng's expansion in a large number of timelines, but consciousness is obviously consuming something."

Now the state of Pandora's consciousness is ahead of the state of empty twisting, which shows that Wei Keng's current consciousness is flowing from the Pandora field.
Enter the empty twisting plane.

(End of this chapter)

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