out of cage

Chapter 140 Chapter 4.34 Leyline, Tianxing

Chapter 140 Chapter 4.34 Leyline, Tianxing

In the 1188 year of the Dangxing Ephemeris, in the southern hemisphere.

Space orbit, the fifth space city of the Cihong Sword Sect, in the low-gravity area of ​​the central control field,
Lihan Jianjun was floating on the central axis magnetic seat.A set of armor-style space suits on her body not only outlines an exquisite figure, but also reflects her temperament.

This combat uniform is divided into two layers,
One layer is the absolute tights, which clings to the skin, while the other part is the metal material suspended on the periphery, hanging the clothing parts.

Since the serious metal clothing is suspended outside the body surface, gaps will be exposed when moving, so it gives people a faint aesthetic feeling.

If you look closely at the inner protective clothing, you can see Lihan's slim figure.

If you look at it together with the suspended energy metal armor block, it will not lose its might.

And the outside and inside can be finely adjusted according to the owner's idea.

For example, Lihan Jianjun, the pair of long legs she is hanging in the air can be covered by pure metal boots, or the metal part can be folded up, and then the inner layer can be exposed, and the inner layer of the close-fitting spacesuit mimic can appear white. Lace pattern.

Ahem, I have to admit that the swordsmen in the Cihong Sword Sect area have an artistic attitude in the details of life in space.

[The inheritance of Tianze Sword Sect is too confident in space-based strikes, so the industry within the sect focuses on traditional fields such as resources, energy, and material technology.These industrial areas do not need to build high-end technology systems for the population.

On the other hand, the Cihong Sword School is backward in the space-based field, so it needs to make up for spaceship design and other technological fields.This has supported a considerable number of technical personnel, and thus cultivated a sophisticated and artistic space life culture. 】

Now Lihan suspended the space city directly above the Valley of the Wind, and her attention was also focused on the "tiny" city below.

The metropolis of the Valley of the Wind is built in the Grand Canyon. A large number of high-rise buildings grow out of the canyon. From a bird's-eye view, it looks like moss growing from the cracks in the cracked bricks.

In the space city,
Lihan Jianjun has already understood the beginning of the turmoil in this city, but he is still inexplicable.

On Purple Jupiter, it is not uncommon for "sword lords" to fight with each other, but in this way, without registration number, without issuing invitation orders, the abrupt act of directly arriving at a certain city of one's own side to invite a battle in the city is unique.


Lihan released her spiritual weapon sword, and radiated sword light towards the city below.

The "divine light" that descends from the sky and penetrates directly into the earth will activate 87 magnetic points in the valley of the wind, and then let the sword edge sweep the entire city.

However, in the end, these sword lights stopped at a distance of [-] meters above the Valley of the Wind buildings, like the flames of a flame gun that is not powerful enough.

These clusters of cold light, which didn't even pierce the clouds, hung upside down above the Valley of the Wind.

And look carefully, there are a lot of fluctuations on these sword glows, these fluctuations spread and squeeze each other, forming a hexagonal grid, tightly locking these sword glows.

At this time, Lihan Jianjun's eyes revealed surprise, but he still actively urged the sword glow, trying to break through.


In the Valley of the Wind, area No. [-], on a closed spaceship launch tower, Wei Keng looked up at the stars in the sky?Shaking his head: "Obviously I blocked it, but I still have to keep trying. Are you a female driver?"

At this time, beside Wei Keng, there were fifteen students. They hugged the steel beam, either followed Wei Keng's gaze to look at the starry sky, or looked at Wei Keng longingly.

Wei Keng turned his head and stared at them: "Look at what I'm doing, look at the digital sign on the projection! A little spiritual, okay?"

In the surveillance space, Qin Xiaohan pouted.

In front of these young students who have just learned about the spatial interference theorem, Wei Keng projected the coordinate point system in the entire city. Buildings, sewers, etc. are all being modeled, while cars, people, even mice and birds, and rolling bottles , can also be sensed by zooming in.

Behind this involves complex calculations and processing!

As for the purpose of showing such high-end things to students?
In the civilization system, only the next generation will have the pursuit of grandeur after seeing it.

Sitting on the high tower, Wei Keng led these students to jump over all aspects of the city within an hour, using this extremely impactful visual system to pull them up to the top.

Along with these students, there is hope in their eyes, and an "atmosphere that cannot be met but cannot be sought" will accompany them to grow up.

Therefore, although the future has not yet happened, Wei Keng has a strong certainty in his heart that these students who were brought to the tower by him will be extraordinary in the future!
Wei Keng narrated to Qin Xiaohan: "Geniuses will appear together, not because of genes, but because of the upward environment. From now on, they themselves and their companions should not allow them to be mediocre."

Qin Xiaohan covered his lips with a book (hiding his expression): "But, don't you always have a middle-aged posture?"

Wei Keng nodded as a matter of course: "Yes, I am a middle-aged man, but our accumulation is not for the next generation's middle-aged man, who is more talented than us?"

Qin Xiaohan was silent.

At this moment, Wei Keng, who is on the axis timeline, is in the state of the same frequency as a large number of surrounding timelines, and this same frequency is spreading towards all the timelines.

Wei Keng was able to see the great river system traversers on other timelines, including those newcomers who encountered the second plane war on their first expedition.

So bless them too.

According to his authority at this time, Wei Keng has already performed a backup of the archive node!

In other words, the future space-time travelers of the Great River System can start from this archive and mix with one of these fifteen students.Gain the experience of growing up in this atmosphere.


Now, Wei Keng stood up,
Although the high position of the city's landmark tower was very windy, Master Wei still transmitted his voice to the ears of every student.

Wei Keng explained: "Ambush technique and photon guard system are two paths in the early stage, and there is no difference in the stage of "complete space closure" (Jianjun level), and enter a higher stage of planetary scale (Jianzun level), There is no difference between the path of a swordsman and the path of a swordsman. The three paths lead to the same goal. In the end, these three paths all return to the knowledge and understanding of space. The only difference is that the initial method of understanding is different.

Just like us humans in the age of ignorance, we want to figure out the distance from the South Pole to the North Pole.

It can be based on the changes of the stars in the sky and the reference objects of the mountains and rivers on the ground. After more than ten years of fine-tuning, it is finally calculated with an algorithm.

You can also count your steps step by step, and count the number of times the wheel turns. "

Speaking of this, Wei Keng pointed his finger: "In the face of any magical operation, you must hold an objective attitude and say to yourself: this is just a technology, whether you are willing to adopt this technology depends only on your determination." .”

Speaking of this, Wei Keng suddenly clenched his outstretched palm into a fist.It seems to tell the students what to grasp.

In fact, Wei Keng moved the entire space microfield on Purple Jupiter with his hand. If expressed as a function, a sharp peak and trough suddenly appeared on the smooth line representing the space field.

The originally half-bright scene in the sky was suddenly drawn out of some color, as if a light-colored curtain had been torn off between the world and the earth.

In the end, the fluctuation started from outside the endless boundary of the sky and the earth, and converged inward. At the last moment, what we saw was a perfect sphere that traversed the sky, and ended in Wei Keng's palm Tianyuan.


In space, Lihan, who was still operating the spiritual weapon to fight, suddenly froze.

In an instant, the sword glow she hung above the city disappeared, and the induction of the spirit weapon released was also interrupted.And with the spiritual weapon as the core, the magnificent light that unfolded disappeared all of a sudden.

When she touched her spiritual weapons floating in space again, they felt a little strange.

She was like a little girl playing with blocks on a table, trying to get the blocks in front of someone, and suddenly the person gets impatient and removes the blocks with the table.

Just when she didn't know what to do, a familiar but urgent message from her senior brother came from the space.

Qian Duan: "Lihan, are you there, call me back!"


Wei Keng demonstrated to the students how to break Lihan's space strike system from the perspective of Lord Sword.

The other battleship has been quietly waiting [-] kilometers away.

On this battleship is the chief disciple of the Cihong Sword Sect, Qian Duan.

The Valley of the Wind has encountered the entanglement of a strange sword lord. As the defender of this area, Lihan naturally has absolute reasons to be invited to fight.But Qian Duan couldn't just let the junior sister deal with it alone.

When the battle started, Qian Duan frowned. The spirit weapon and sword light released by his junior sister were perfectly locked outside the atmosphere.

He understood that it was impossible for his junior sister to win, the gap was too great.

The other party is directly grasping the "Jian Feng", retreating as far as he wants her to, and pulling her closer if he wants her edge to be closer.

A few minutes later, when my junior sister was "obviously defeated, but still refused to admit defeat".

He was ready to find the right situation to part this sword fight.

However, in an instant, he felt that the entire space where his junior sister was located was empty!

That’s right, it feels like the space is gone—although the space can still be seen visually.

But visually, the sudden dimming of the space and the surface of the planet made him feel that this was not an illusion.

"What kind of method is this?" Qian Duan's first flash of thought was this idea, but then he was firmly concerned about it.

"Junior Sister!"


In the Valley of the Wind Building, the city lord has been paying attention to this battle.

As a sword master, he has a sharper sense of space than ordinary people, and because he is in this city, he feels more intuitively.When the space city volleyed in the sky and the sword lord radiated powerful sword energy, suddenly, the space above the entire city "wriggled" like the muscles of a living creature.

Although the twisting evenly spread to the unit space is very weak, even swordsmen can hardly detect it, but it is the size of the entire city after all.With this slight twist, the spatial folds rising above are enough to firmly hold Lihan Sword Lord's Heavenly Sword Qi, making it difficult for him to move even an inch.

The war between the "big powers" had just come to an end, when the sound of flipping a book suddenly appeared behind him, making his body stiff.

Oh, when he turned around, he saw Wei Keng flipping through documents on his desk.

After Wei Keng sent the students back, he found the city lord.

Wei Keng raised his head, stared at the city lord, and smiled as he saw the slight twist in his palm that was quietly activated.

Wei Keng nodded to him.Then with a hook of his finger, he first hooked out the real sword in the jump point of his palm.Before he could grasp it, he flashed it in front of him and patted it on the table.

For his courage to still draw his sword, Wei Keng praised him with two words: "You have the guts!"

For such a "kind" swordsman, Wei Keng decided to ask him to help him convey a message to Lihan: that is, in the sword fight just now, she lost the entire city of Wind Valley to him.If you want to find someone to win back, it's not impossible.But if he loses the bet again, the life and death power of everyone in the Valley of the Wind will be lost to himself.

After Wei Keng explained his meaning.

The city lord respectfully said, "My lord, you—"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Keng said, "I asked you to bring the message, and I didn't ask you to bargain."


in space
From the space mirror, Lihan once again learned about the new situation from Xu Kang in the Valley of the Wind, and turned to look at Qian Duan: "Brother, should we invite Master to come over, or—"

Qian Duan: "Master is absolutely aware of this battle, we can't invite it, the person opposite is going to kick the gym!"

Lihan was ignorant, she was born in the Cihong Sword Sect, the unrivaled leader in the southern hemisphere, and no one dared to act presumptuously.

But Qian Duan was different. He had stayed in the city for a while when he was a child, and had seen battles between sword halls.Naturally, he is also very familiar with such things as "kicking the hall" and smashing signs at the door.

Qian Duan explained: "Right now you are only at the level of a sword master, and my Cihong Sword Sect should deal with it at the level of a sword master. If you invite master to come over, of course the battle can be stopped, but no matter how the master handles it, then it will be my Cihong sword sect. Pie, fell behind."

Lihan: "Then what should we do?"

Qian Duan held the treasure tightly: "He invites a battle, then I will go."

Lihan: "Senior Brother~" She originally wanted to ask: "Are you sure?" But seeing Qian Duan's resolute appearance.She swallowed the second half of the sentence.


In the Valley of the Wind, Wei Keng sensed the changes in the magnetic force of the mantle around the city with a little interest.

This is the Sword Form in the Cihong Sword Code and the Sword Formation Form, which completes the positioning of the magnetic coordinates deep in the mantle of the earth.Previously, Lihan wanted to activate the magnetic node in the Valley of the Wind, but Wei Keng blocked it immediately.

But now the second sword lord has started a large number of nodes in thousands of square kilometers outside the Valley of the Wind.This is obviously to gain a "geographical advantage" in the next battle.

Faced with such advance preparations, Wei Keng could naturally interrupt them.But since it is said that "the second battle will determine the power of life and death in the city", it is a bit uncontractual to take the lead.

Wei Keng said to himself: "Since you use ground coordinates, then I will use space-based coordinates. Well, let's use the technology of 40 years ago."


In space, two hours had passed since the first battle.

Qian Duan fired streams of sword energy like clouds and rain on the surface of the planet.Facing the magnetic nodes built deep in the mantle of the sect for hundreds of years, inject enough electric energy to activate the sword array.

Lihan Jianjun watched his senior brother open thousands of nodes within two hours with blinking eyes.Then formed a precise calculation system for the Valley of the Wind.

It seems to be touched by the eyes of the junior sister.

Qian Duan turned his head and warned like a straight man: "These nodes in the depths of the earth are the fundamental assets of the sect! It is the top secret and must not be leaked out, and once it is leaked out, even if you are the direct blood of the sect master, you will not be able to escape punishment. .”

Originally, Lihan, who was about to cheer for her senior brother, pouted: "Senior brother, you don't believe me, hum!"

As for Qian Duan, he seemed to feel that his words were a bit serious, but he still wanted to explain the importance to his junior sister, but he was stunned for a moment.

Because in the upper orbit around the purple Jupiter, there are a lot of turning points! !
These are the group sword system that Wei Keng used thousands of elementary treasures to match the basic dismantling sword style in the first stage of the year, which belongs to the most basic Tianze sword formation entry operation.After the third stage, these functions have been integrated into a treasure.Now that the first generation of technology is shown, it is purely to make a case, so as to provide future introductory teaching materials for disciples.

These transition points flow quickly, like star belts!

Qian Duan stiffly spit out the answer he saw: "Tianze Sword Code!"


At the same time, in the north, Sword Master Xingze raised his head and looked at the "stars" in the sky in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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