out of cage

Chapter 148 Chapter 4.42 Inertia Blocking

Chapter 148 Chapter 4.42 Inertia Blocking
Xi Kan got rid of the visits of those "classmates" in the Valley of the Wind.

After he returned to the sect, he reported his situation to his uncle.

After confirming Xi Kan's ability to control space, this Lord Lingxiujian talked about three points in detail.

1: Lord Ling Xi Jian recognized Xi Kan's ability, but he did not recognize his comprehensive reform strategy for the school's internal swordsmanship system.

2: Lord Ling Extinguishes Sword defaults in the outer door area to conduct the "spatial technology with fixed courses" assessment, and then the necessity of forming a new type of army.But when recruiting as an inner disciple in the sect, it is still required to worship a famous teacher. (That is to say, power still has to be in the hands of those who master the kendo system.)
3: Lord Lingxiujian confirmed that Xi Kan is the next leader of the Hongqiejian Sect, but the students that Xi Kan accepted in the Valley of the Wind cannot be inner disciples.

Summarize the old swordsman thinking represented by Lingxi Jianjun: he wants to develop, but he is reluctant to be the center of power.They want to throw out a name that is not expensive to them and re-establish their appeal (to make the following obedient).

After Xi Kan was added many of the above-mentioned "sets" by Shimen, he started his own version of new technology reform.


The self-improvement of this kind of swordsman sect happened in Wei Keng's time stream, and a considerable part was interfered by the two forces of time and space.

The lucky ones who got the Heavenly Dao System and the Heavenly System tried to lead the sect to stand in the trend, and even some traversers ended up directly. ——But these are small trends.

According to normal history, these minor efforts will retain some historical remnants of the old era after the historical tide has passed.Just like in the 21st century of the main world, the few remaining royal families in developed countries were preserved by the heroes of the old forces who were quick to compromise and seized the opportunity from the restoration during the industrial revolution 200 years ago.

But when the traversers push the small momentum, Wei Keng, who has been planning a big force, can't help but make a lot of extra preparations!If the external traversing forces take a step forward with their foresight, Master Wei will make more targeted deployments, and these deployments are waiting to be stimulated by small trends.

In this melting pot of human mortals, "water, fire and wind" can't mess up Wei Keng's situation.

At this time ~ Wei Keng smiled lightly at Xi Kan's ending.

Wei Keng: "I've seen many times when I was about to take three steps forward, but only took half a step in the end. And I have observed these sword sects for more than 100 years. I am walking very fast here, and I will not wait for anyone people."


In the year 1222 of the Dangxing calendar, the Tianze Sword Sect decided to hold a ceremony of passing on the position, and sent out invitations to the Quartet.As the strongest dual-core sect on Purplewood Planet, the power of the center has changed. Naturally, various small sects on the Purplewood Continent will send personnel to congratulate them.

Of course, the Cihong Sword Sect also sent a congratulatory gift from the Sword Lord.

It's just that the team sent by Cihong does not include Qian Duan and Mu Feng, the seeds of the next generation of Sword Master, and even the daughter of Sword Master Zi Ling is just on standby in the Valley of the Wind.

Sword Master Ziling and those caring people on the mainland understand that the Tianze faction's appearance at this time is to arouse the reaction of Sword Master Ziling Lingzheng.

Over the past ten years, everyone has confirmed that the heels of Sword Master Lingzheng are also from the Tianze sect.Now that Tianze is passed on again, doesn't Master Lingzhen have no objection to this orthodoxy?


Between the Nausicaus mechanical buildings, in the large airship that floats every day.

On the No. [-] public airship, Lihan held the milk-flavored wine and held her chin, looking at the reception area for foreigners six kilometers away, surrounded by all the buildings.There, the mission spacecraft of the Tianze faction is docked.

As the first daughter of the Cihong Sword Sect, although she has her own inheritance, under Zi Ling's instruction, she came here to accept the skills of the Spirit Formation Sword Master 24 years ago.

Lihan is quite spiritual!Spiritual people learn everything quickly.Since she was a refugee with art, she understood the standardized system of the Spirit Array Sword Master very quickly, and she also had the most trials in the core space area.

She thought that she would eventually walk on the road of sword master under the Tianze system.

However, Sword Master Lingzhen took out the coordinate network system of the global magnetic field of Purple Jupiter after she got started, and then standardized and split the method of the Cihong school, and the so-called "measurement equipment" was actually from the Cihong school. Sword formation-level treasures, 670 kinds were also made for her.

When others worship a master, the apprentices follow the path of the master, but here in the Valley of the Wind, the Sword Master of the Spiritual Formation is based on the situation of the apprentices, and the path is directed towards the apprentices.

Now, Lihan has already accumulated a lot of twisting ideas.As for her, she has no less admiration for the master Sword Master of the Valley of the Wind than her own father.

Of course, because of this, she has a very low opinion of the current leader of the Tianze Sect who is about to take over.

Yi Chengmeng, who also came to study 24 years ago, stayed for nine years, probably just learned some superficial concepts, and left hastily.

And now, this person is going to hold a succession ceremony!

"Will Sword Master Lingzheng return to Tianze, or continue to stand on his own here?" The top level of the Cihong Sword Sect was very concerned.

If Master Lingzhen "returns", Lihan will go to Tianze to congratulate him.If the spirit array is unwilling to move, then she will not take any action.

Suddenly, Lihan remembered that Wei Keng, the first disciple of Sword Master Lingzheng, had recently returned to the city, and couldn't help but start connecting with Wei Keng.

(Central energy area) Wei Keng is facing an invitation from the Tianze Sword Sect.

Wei Keng: "Go back? Waiting for an empty seat? Hehe, there are too many maggots in your pit, and it has been tumbling for 100 years."

Of course, on the bright side, Wei Keng casually saw off the guests and said: "It has nothing to do with each other. I am busy with work tasks here, so I can follow the gift."

Just after dealing with the envoys of the Tianze Sect, Wei Keng received a message from Lihan, and Wei Keng smiled at the female swordsman who still regarded him as his apprentice.I wanted to make fun of it, but on the interface, Supervisor Qin Xiaohan seemed to cough.

"The world has progressed to this point, and every move will cause accidents and disturbances. So—" Wei Keng felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Facing Lihan, who is still a sword master and can be "developed" soon, Wei Keng just smiled kindly from a distance.


The war between the planes is cruel. When promoting history, Wei Keng is the main character. Any related parties that come into contact with during the process will be regarded as factors that can be exerted by the opponent.

This is like the fact that public officials in key departments in modern times were directly pulled down by the capital public relations department through money and sex. In fact, a large part of them had to compromise because of their children, lovers, and the elderly.

Wei Keng has a good impression of Lihan, who is spiritually lovely, but in the current situation of the plane, not to contact her is the real kindness.


On August [-]th, the Tianze Sword Sect started the succession ceremony according to the original plan.

Xingze Jianzun looked at his descendants and disciples expressionlessly. Now he is about to break through the void, and the consciousness phenomenon in his carbon-based body is flickering.In a few years, it will overflow into the universe at any time.

Due to the weakness in his thinking, Xingze's feelings for his juniors have dissipated, and his regret for his disciple's inability to break the boat in the end is gone.

The grand ceremony was completed with great vigor and vigor. For him, all life is like a play that looks good on the whole, but has a little flaw at the end.No matter what happens after this play, it is no longer his play.

Of course, Xingzhe Sword Master still had a lingering thought at the end, that is, what happened to the Spirit Array Sword Master in the south!

Regarding the fact that Sword Master Lingzheng obviously came from the Tianze sect's inheritance, the only link in Sword Master Xingze's memory is a junior in his youth who he remembers.

Xingze's long memories: When he was just promoted to sword master, his younger brother had already emerged, but the biggest impression on Xingze from this emergence was that he was trying to gain a foothold.The previous suzerain of Tianze Sword Sect, that is, Xingze's master finally shook his head and sighed at this disciple and nephew's "sword swaying, stubbornness".

In the end, that junior was expelled from the Tianze sect.

Before leaving, the younger brother shouted angrily at the foot of the mountain gate: "One day, I will make you regret it, regret it, regret it!"

What happened to this junior brother in the end, no one knows.

As for the appearance of the Spirit Formation Sword Master today, it seems to be the follow-up of that junior brother.

[About this old story of Tianze, when Qin Xiaohan first came to this plane, Qin Xiaohan was going to use this to help Wei Keng explain how to obtain the inheritance of Tianze School.And you can jump up, get the acquiescence of the high-level sect, and send it to the inner sect, after all, the core inheritance has already been obtained.But Master Wei Keng walked in all directions by himself, so this route was useless. 】


In September 1222 of the star calendar, for the purple wood star swordsmen, the Tianze Sword Sect had just completed the succession ceremony, and then another thunder broke out.

Xingzhe Sword Master has left the customs. After leaving the customs, he will come to the Valley of the Wind to visit the Spirit Array Sword Master—and during this visit, he will give a great gift, six treasure swords!It is said that these swords were all left by the Tianze Sect's past sword masters.

When someone marveled at the greatness of the Tianze Sword Sect's handwriting, they actually gave away the inheritance of the Zhen Sect.Soon, people who knew the upper class (some disciples of the Jianjun family) carried out science popularization. This was not a gift, but a discussion.

The six treasure swords are all encrypted.After sending it out, it means that a discussion will determine the ownership.

Battle of Sword Master!This is rare in this star field.Moreover, conflicts usually occur in inaccessible places in the starry sky, and no one will know about them.Now, it is definitely the first time for many people to compete in front of the world.

And then another "top class" on Purple Jupiter, Ziling Jianzun, also made his own voice: "I don't want a gap to appear between the top powers on Purple Jupiter, and I am willing to be a referee."

In the main peak of the Tianze Sword Sect, Yi Chengmeng is now the sword master who has accepted the inheritance, and he can see the thoughts of the Ziling sword master at a glance: Master (Xing Ze) wants to eliminate the grievances with the Lingzhen sword master. It became an internal matter of "Tianze Inheritance", but Zi Ling abruptly turned it into a matter of "Purple Jupiter".

Regarding Yimeng's sensitivity in this regard,
Xingze did not comment. If he is a strong swordsman, he doesn't need to care about these details at all.And it is precisely because his own strength is not strong enough that he will use his brain in this regard.

Although Yi Chengmeng had successfully realized the sword intent thanks to Wei Keng (Sword Master of the Spirit Formation) in the Valley of the Wind, he did not fall to the point where he had to rely entirely on the sword intent left by the seniors of the sect.However, it is difficult for him to keep up with the current kendo system.This is why the inheritance treasures involved in this battle are quite self-cherishing.

However, the response from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind was very interesting.

As a messenger, Xi Kan brought Wei Keng's projected message from the space.

In the projection, the halo diamond-shaped spirit circle responded in this way.

Wei Keng: "Sword, this is the treasure of the noble sect. It is passed on to the disciples as the foundation of Tianze. I don't want to win people's love. I just have a preference for some miscellaneous industries. It might as well be like this. If you lose a round Half way, hand over the miscellaneous businesses in the axis area to me for management, and you can remove all the personnel above the sword master level. The material and production capacity you need will be exchanged for your shareholding bonus, and I will teach and guide the rest !"

As for the Tianze Sword Sect, Xingze's response was: "Junior Brother is still in the Axis Area, but, why not see you in the Axis Area!"

Less than three days after this conversation ended, Cihong faction Lihan Jianjun received a message from the door and came to the center to pay homage and invite: "If the teacher wants to spread the prosperity of the sword, my Cihong faction is also willing to cooperate."


1223, May NO.14, in the axis area.

In the sky above the star fog area, Wei Keng entered here harmlessly with 580 straight-line jumps and fluctuations.

With the appearance of Wei Keng, in the optical axis area, Xingze Jianzun, who had been waiting here for a long time, raised his head to look at the area where Wei Keng was, and also launched spatial fluctuations, indicating that he was here.

This is the etiquette for the two sword masters to meet. At the same time, if they expand their own spatial fluctuations, they will not let the other party launch a sword formation to search for targets, and then there will be no hostility between the two sides.

Of course, it is also important to know who starts the space fluctuation first. In theory, the first to start the space fluctuation is naturally full of confidence, and it can also be regarded as respect for the lord of this place.

Wei Keng came alone.

Sword Master Xingze brought Yiqing Mountain, his heir, with him.As for Yi Chengmeng, Xingze asked him to witness the meeting of the two from hundreds of kilometers away.

After both parties introduced their names to each other with the utmost courtesy, Xing Ze straightened out some points.

Xingze: "1175 years ago in the star calendar, here, the next descendant, named: Xu Huang, may I ask Your Excellency Lingzhen?"

Wei Keng: "I know, I killed it."

Yiqingshan, who was beside Xingze, seemed to have an electric shock in his heart, and immediately looked up at the ancestor in the upper right corner.However, Xingze ignored him.

Xingze continued to Wei Keng: "Why?"

Wei Keng: "At that time, someone was thrown into prison and was about to be pressed to death in the end. I didn't ask 'why'!"

Xingze: "Can you remind me first!"

Wei Keng: "Remind you? Why?"

【Wei Keng's face is disdainful, he has been an ordinary person for so many years, and he knows deeply: Only those who are in control will be shocked, angry, and ashamed when things get serious.If things don't get serious, they will only be delayed, perfunctory, and kept silent.So some people only have the above two kinds of public relations, so why waste time and use technical, more rational, and better methods to solve them? 】

However, Xingze is not questioning Wei Keng now, he is asking Yiqingshan to know!When he stepped out of his own mountain, he was nothing.


Since Wei Keng still had to go to the space star to catch up with the project, he offered to start the discussion as soon as possible.

Xingze: "Three rounds system, here, you attack and I defend one round, I attack you and defend one round, and you and I attack each other for one round."

Wei Keng: "Which game do you think is my away game?" (Qin Xiaohan: "It's almost time to kill the immortals, so you can't be arrogant and ask 'which game is home'!")
Xingzhe: "The Guardian has the advantage."

Wei Keng: "Then I will attack first, but the stakes will be higher. ——If I win all three games, I will also guide the miscellaneous work in these two areas."

In Wei Keng's words, he directly increased the bet.

Wei Keng demarcated the mortal towns between the peaks when he came to Tianze for the first time, and the factory area where he taught formation for the first time when he transferred to the smelting factory for the second time.And these joint upper axis areas can be said to include more than 60.00% of the ordinary people of the Tianze faction.

Xing Ze paused: "Yes."


Wei Keng disappeared from the spot, and Xingze also launched a sword formation.This is his 100-year sword formation, consciously reaching perfection.

The sky of the entire northern hemisphere is densely covered with uncertain murderous aura. ——Occupying the momentum of the sword formation, he felt that he had already won half of the first battle. As for whether Wei Keng could develop the sword formation later, he thought that he could force Wei Keng out of the planet in one face-to-face.

However, in space, Wei Keng looked at the sword array and muttered, "It's equivalent to my technical level 70 years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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