out of cage

Chapter 149 Chapter 4.43 Rusty Sword, New Frontier

Chapter 149 Chapter 4.43 Rusty Sword, New Frontier

After Xingzhe Jianzun's sword array was fully deployed.

Wei Keng actually stayed in the big formation all the time, matching the frequency of this sword formation. ——From a traditional point of view, the sword array is at the top level in terms of coverage and scanning accuracy, but Wei Keng is in the blind zone of its spatial frequency band.

This is Wei Keng's latest stealth technology, which uses time cycle errors to let spatial fluctuations skip him.

In short, within one kilometer of Wei Keng's location, and one kilometer away, there will be 1 leap seconds in [-] minute!Xingze's sword formation tracking system, because Wei Keng's traces of space existence were controlled within the time when he was released, they could not be caught.

When Wei Keng began to use the star core to extract the amount of "time" 50 years ago, he had already grasped the absolute advantage of generation difference when confronting other sword masters.


Wei Keng: "No.17 quadrant has been detected, waves, falls, Greek particles have been identified, 90.00% [-],..."

When Xingze Sword Master's sword array was rippling like the sea, Wei Keng was making calculations.

The entire sword array, to put it bluntly, is the entire mass of the treasure that is only 60 meters long, spreading across a large space in the flickering.The number of points awarded is limited!

Just lock these flickering masses with time!The seemingly rippling space fluctuations collapsed again in an instant, turning back to that insignificant mass, scattered in the vast atmosphere.

Wei Keng clicked on an interface.

On the interface, Qin Xiaohan was busy operating: "The stellar computing system has started, and the computing load is now 14.23%."

[Here Qin Xiaohan is not assisting Wei Keng, Wei Keng does not need assistance.This combat system was designed by Wei Keng, and the intellectual property rights, as well as subsequent maintenance and updates, are also in the hands of Wei Keng. She is following Wei Keng to operate together, so as to facilitate other civilian-level and soldier-level traversers in the main world in the future. . 】

Qin Xiaohan: "The lock is complete." (The lock operation is finished, you can do it now)
The voice just fell,

Wei Keng raised his hand.The beating stars on Purple Jupiter regained their tranquility!


The sword light in the axis area pierces directly into the outer space, [-] kilometers away, on the space battleship suspended outside the yellow light layer of the atmosphere (scientific term: sodium layer), Master Ziling Jianzun is bringing his disciples to watch.

As for who will win this matter!No further discussion.Because as early as 50 years ago, I saw that scene on the stars, and I knew that there were talented people from generation to generation.

But what is the process of the whole challenge!
After a hundred years of sharpening by the sword master Tianze, the last sword before the consciousness is scattered into the void, can you test how much kung fu is in the hands of the valley of the wind?

Qian Duan looked at Xingze's unilaterally deployed sword array, and said to his master, "Master, how do we deploy it here first?"

Ziling: "Be the first to deploy 5.00% to [-]% is a small first mover, and [-]% to [-]% is a big first mover. In any battle, it is absolutely impossible to let the opponent completely calmly deploy. In this competition, who may be wrong It means, later, Tianze may take back the sword formation."

Qian Duan paused and nodded.But the doubt in his eyes did not diminish.

Self-enlightenment is the most important in the last stage of swordsmanship, like Yi Chengmeng, Tianze's current sect master, although he is mostly self-enlightened, he still relies on the guidance of Jianzhong Jianyi to break through.Therefore, his current cultivation base is very lacking, and it is difficult to take the lead in the battle.However, Sword Master Lingzheng should be completely self-aware, so he shouldn't be so far behind?
Just when these bystanders of Magneto are having a hard time judging the current situation.

Suddenly, before Qian Duan had time to react, the sword array disappeared. Is it over?
Or did Sword Master Tian Ze accept the sword array?

However, he saw the stiff expression of his master (Zi Ling).

Then, in the telescopic lens formed by space, he saw the 60-meter-long formation sword floating in Wei Keng's original position.This is from Tianze, and it has been sealed and taken away.

Win or lose!separated!

In the optical axis of the axis area, Sword Master Xingze was as silent as a sculpture, looking in the direction of Wei Keng in the Xingwu area.

This is the last battle before his consciousness merges into the space, the last battle that has been smelting for a hundred years.He thought he could win, but the reality was so ruthless.Just like an old-fashioned old man, being crushed by the technological progress of a super-generation.

If the first game is like this, there is no need for a second game or a third game.

All of Xingze Sword Master's messy doubts are now replaced by a bigger one.

After a long time, Xingze asked dully: "Why don't you take the Tianze faction!" - Wei Keng was so crushed that he could take the Tianze faction regardless.

Hearing this, Wei Keng asked back: "Why do you want to seize it! I respect what you guard, and what I guard cannot be trampled by you."

Xingze seemed to understand, and said in relief: "Oh, this is your way of swordsmanship. You are much stronger than my few ineffective disciples (Yi Chengmeng, Yiqingshan), and also much better than me."

After all, the Yiqing Mountain on the side was suddenly separated by space to hundreds of meters away.

Facing this sudden alienation, Yiqingshan was confused at first, and then panicked.But at the end it was ecstasy.The sword mound above opened, and he was sent into the center of the light of the sword shaft by Xingze, and passed into the sword mound.Xingze acquiesced in his acceptance of the inheritance.

But when Yi Qingshan looked at his father again, he couldn't see his father's expectations, but pity, as if he was very sad.

After Xingze completely sent Yiqing Mountain into the sword mound, he said to Yi Chengmeng who was holding the Tianen sword in the distance: "Keep him there, and don't release him within a hundred years. After a hundred years, it's up to you to decide whether to release him or not."

After all, Xingze Sword Master himself dissipated in the sword light in the axis area, but he also got rid of some obsessions at the last moment!Turn into sword intent and enter the sword mound.

The strongest sword?The mantis is like a cart.

Excellent descendants?One sticks to the rules, the other is high-spirited.

Inheritance of Tianze Sect?Oh, my own branch, even the school I lead, has unknowingly become a side branch.

So for the rest of my life—


On Wei Keng's side, he has already arrived at the main peak, left Xingze's last record, and asked the Tianze faction to stick to the bet.

"As soon as I left, I came to the door to ask for debts. Isn't this a bit desperate!"

Wei Keng couldn't help commenting on his behavior: "However, in this era, whoever should be expelled will have to extinct. Well, there (Underground Smelting Industrial Zone) and there (Axis Industrial Zone) are not all extinct?"


Swinging Ephemeris, 1223

Nausicaa of the Wind was divided into three phases, large-scale mobilization of social backbones, 34 people were sent to the gathering points of mortals in the 12 large towns outside the Tianze faction, 11 people were sent to the underground smelting industrial zone, and [-] people were sent to the axis area.The process of taking over the Tianze area began.


Overnight, all the miscellaneous business management responsibilities held by swordsmen were revoked—unless they passed the assessment, and the subsidies of the swordsman inheritance system in the ordinary people's growth system were revoked.

In other words, according to the old military officer system, there is no longer any form of subsidy for becoming a swordsman.The space is moved and incorporated into the basic teaching, and while the basic teaching is almost free, it is mandatory for all school-age teenagers to participate.

That is to say, of course, Wei Keng did not take away the sword master class, and also handed over the dividends of the industrial zone to the sect, but it was a thorough baptism for the entire lower class of the Tianze sect.

The various swordsman families entrenched in the local area all became the elders of the former dynasty for a while. ——A large amount of income that was not included in the top-level statistics in the past has been overturned with the change of dynasty, and the old top-level has been directly transferred locally.

As for trying to change?This is very helpless!
Even if it is the sword master who can touch the Tianze Sword Sect, there is no way to reverse the situation!In the battle between the two great sword masters, it was too strange for the sword master Lingzhen to win, and the Xingze sword formation was instantly wiped out, so that the sword masters of Tianze dare not speak nonsense until now.


And the contradictions from the lower levels did not bring the slightest problem to this rapid change!In all cities, public ambush systems are deployed, which can capture any improper space leaps.

Troubled times with heavy code!But severe punishment does not avoid princes.

During the initial period of governance, 100 misbehaving people were caught, and more than [-] of them were swordsmen, including two swordsmen!And Goulian's network even reached Sword Lord.

After going through the trial, 670 people were beheaded and killed, of which 75 were sentenced to death by the swordsmen, and the two swordsmen were directly killed as the masterminds.And the sword lord hooked up, erase the worship of the sword lord in the area.And the existence of the rest of the punishments, and there is no such thing as being sent to the starry sky to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, all of them were imprisoned in cages!
This means not being afraid of big things, and even hoping that someone will jump out further.

How silent Wei Keng was in the early days, how rough Wei Keng is now.

After this massacre, there was a lot of noise in the Tianze faction, but in fact it was just a cowardly backlash.

Although the sword masters questioned angrily, whether the Tianze faction is still the Tianze faction.But in action, they have to acquiesce that the rules of the world have changed.

The former Inheritance Department and the Academy Department have now merged into one faction—that is, forcing Yi Chengmeng to exert pressure on Spirit Formation Sword Master!
However, this was originally a turmoil within the Tianze faction, a panic over the reality of "the Tianze faction that Xingze Jianzun lost in the sword fight".

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind released a list of city administrators, among which 70.00% of the former Tianze Sect's governance areas are no longer members of the Tianze Sect.Some come from magnetic macros, and some even come from alien planets.


Three days later, Yi Chengmeng came to the outskirts of the Valley of the Wind, but at this time, as the sword master, he was still rejected.

Yi Chengmeng was under the halo in the sky, but was stopped by space fluctuations, and could only listen to the training from a long distance away.

Wei-Lingzhen-Keng cold sentence: "A sect is a sect, and governance is governance. Those of you who engage in sects should know your own position. Now the general situation will not give in because of the inheritance of a certain sect. You want to try it with a sword Try, then try."

Then he added: "But let me remind you, you Tianze can't afford to lose."

When he heard Lingzheng say "Your Tianze", Yi Chengmeng's heart was completely cold. He was going to ask Lingzheng for a favor: His master had lost such a big loss, but the Tianze faction really The loss is too unbearable. Can a compromise be made in three aspects.

1: The entire lower level of the Tianze Sword Sect, from a legal point of view, Xingze Sword Master lost to the Spirit Array in the sword fight.So from this level, the Tianze faction has not been annexed.But now the sword lords of the Tianze faction would rather be annexed.

2: The spirit array has now taken away the basic ontology of the Tianze faction from the fact.As an existence with an independent talent chain training system.Whether the Tianze sect is the inheritance sect or the academic sect, they are all frightened by this stance of going it alone.

3: From the perspective of inheritance, Wei Keng also belongs to the Tianze sect.As the sword master and the strongest sword master with self-understanding, he can actually be regarded as the orthodox of the Tianze sect.It's fine as long as Wei Keng admits it, but Wei Keng still hasn't clarified his teacher's heritage!
Of these three, as long as Wei Keng softens any of them, the sword masters of the Tianze faction will not quarrel with Wei Keng, and will not have such a big conflict.Even a little 'smart' can be differentiated and resolved!
But, Wei Keng is masturbating against the Tianze faction! ——Dayou, fighting with the sky, brings endless joy; fighting with the earth, brings endless joy; fights with people, brings endless joy.

【Qin Xiaohan: "When he came here, he didn't intend to use power to solve the problem. He was going to smash it, grind it into powder, mix it with water, knead it again, and put it in the furnace for re-smelting. The easiest thing, do most difficult."]

Yi Chengmeng lingered for a long time, and finally gave up.He didn't dare to draw his sword, but all sword masters and sword lords who had trained in the Valley of the Wind would not dare to draw their swords against Wei Keng after they had completed their studies.Because it can easily teach everyone's path, it naturally knows everyone's depth.

In the end, Yi Chengmeng had no choice but to bow far away.ready to leave.

But before he left, a high-level space fighter stopped him.

Ji Guang, the current commander of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, now turns into an ordinary passer-by in the Valley of the Wind to accept new combat personnel and combat technology.By the way, I also got Wei Keng's advice: Now you can challenge the high-level npc to verify your own ability.

Yi Chengmeng: "Do you know who I am?"

Just came back from the starry sky battlefield, not knowing the heights of the heavens and the earth, and gathered light in high spirits: "You are the first batch of space researchers in the central area, and I am the third batch. My system reminds me that I can ask you for advice now."——He knew what he meant Thanks to the Tianze faction, but never mention it.

Yi Chengmeng did not refuse: "Then come."


Six hours later, in the starry sky test area,
The intention is broken, and the blocking formation with a base of 50 tons launched by two warships is behind.

He looked at Ji Guang: "Who are you?"

Not to mention that the current level of space ability in this episode is the sword king level, but there is a big problem with the origin of the sword array.The calculation system of the formation base just released is based on the Tianze Sword Code.

Although Yi Chengmeng only stayed in the Valley of the Wind for a few short years, as the head of Tianze, he can still see his own things.

Yi Chengmeng said silently in his heart: Those who can achieve such a level in the Valley of the Wind must be the geniuses of the early generations.The potential of this sub is limitless!
Focusing here, the eyepiece is being used to count the confrontation data just now.

Ji Guang thought to himself: "The teacher asked me to find him (thank you) for testing, and it really is the most suitable." Now that the latest technology is in hand, coupled with the supply of personnel from Purple Jupiter, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army is about to enter a strategic counterattack.

As for, Yi Chengmeng asked who he was?

Ji Guang replied in a good mood: "I am someone who wanders in the stars. Thank you, brother, for thanking you this time."

After that, he opened the space door and handed the three treasured swords to Yi Chengmeng, "Brother, this is handed over to you after the teacher told me to finish it. I will go first."

After all, Ji Guang finished his npc task and left, leaving behind his gratitude.


Yicheng took over the three 20-meter-long treasures and quickly figured it out.These three swords are not treasures for actual combat, but just a treasure that classifies the techniques of Tianze Sword Code.

Spot the star, catch the rainbow, return to Tibet!This is the foundation of the Tianze swordsmanship combination, which is classified into these three treasures.This was prepared by Wei Keng for his studies.

Yi Chengmeng was stunned for a while, and then smiled helplessly. He was in space, facing the small dot at the end of the orbital elevator, representing the valley of the wind, and said slowly: "Now, can I start from the beginning?"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately got an answer: "Then what is hindering you right now!"

Spatial fluctuations appeared around him, Yi Chengmeng's body was protected by the spatial ripples at first, because it was beyond his expectation to appear so close and silently, but then he put it down.The only one who can get so close is Sword Master Spirit Formation, and he can't resist this one.

Wei Keng (meaning Wei Pan in Chengmeng's eyes) came out of the space, stared at him, and asked: "You don't lack time, you don't lack resources, and they're even higher than you. People (Xingzhe) don’t exist anymore, so—what else is there to put on you, so that you dare not give it a go!”

Yi Chengmeng looked at Wei Keng, the great apprentice of the spirit array?Have you reached that level now?
He tried his best to be serious and said: "I want to hold on, the orthodoxy of the Tianze Sect cannot be lost here."

Wei Keng took one last look at him. Although he followed the principle of teaching without discrimination, the choice is ultimately up to the student himself.

Wei Keng clicked on the three treasures: "The things have been given to you. How can you stick to it in front of me? It's up to you, but let me remind you, I won't watch you show your loyalty and filial piety to the orthodoxy. interrupt your performance.

And to warn you: in the next era, others will not watch your performance, as for whether they will interrupt your performance, cheerfully intervene, and pierce your poor stubbornness? ~"

Wei Keng gave him a meaningful look.


The three treasures that Wei Keng gave him through the hand of gathering light are the space array checking equipment of the Tianze Department.It's a last-ditch effort to bring some kindness to bear.

However, Yi Chengmeng is still trapped in the shackles and cannot get out, and must stick to the orthodoxy.

As for the situation of the Tianze faction, Wei Keng has seen it a lot—in the name of culture, he rejects all the progress of his own side.

Little did he know how resistant this kind of guy, who sat at the mouth of the well and claimed to be orthodox, was now against his own progress.When there is no progress in the future, when you are decadent and depraved, you will be so knee-jerk and licking in the face of the high-tech developed by the outside world, you can't wait to directly equate the outside world with the natural fit and advanced.


Wei Keng also left and stayed, meaning to let himself make the choice.

 Xingze, what a pit.

  Jiajing in Ming Dynasty and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty

(End of this chapter)

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