out of cage

Chapter 154 Chapter 4.48 Pack up and go

Chapter 154 Chapter 4.48 Pack up and go

Empty Twisted Plane, Purple Jupiter.In the afternoon sun, Wei Keng sat under the big tree when he first arrived 150 years ago.

The trees are still evergreen as before, but the roots on the ground are thicker.The hole that Master Wei dug out on the ground back then has long since disappeared, but now another one has been dug out in situ.

Wei Keng looked up at the star, recalling the first time he saw it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At that time, I only felt that "this is a different alien", but after a long period of getting used to it, it was very kind.

Wei Keng: "When I was a child, when I looked at the stars in the starry sky, I always thought that it would be good if I looked up at them if they were close by across thousands of light years. But when they are really close, and they revolve around them day after day, I get used to it again. Who wonders at the daily rising of the sun?—so when you are familiar with it, you don't care."

Narrator: Numerous changes in the history of the main world are like the rising of the sun. Things that people in the main world take for granted, come to the other world, but it is an exceptionally rare and magnificent scene.

Now, on the most cutting-edge timeline, Wei Keng has mastered the observation power of insight into the interior of stars, and has the technology to use its power.

Under the rules of this world, the nuclear fusion energy compressed by that star under the huge gravitational force can be converted into space-time energy.

In 40 years, the ability of the thermonuclear energy in the star to be converted into space-time effects has increased from one tenth of a billionth to one thousandth, which is already approaching the upper limit of engineering.


With the arrival of the final stage of the Plane War, those most stubborn space-twisting plane defeated soldiers were unwilling to fail, and no longer cared about the consequences, they frantically returned to decades ago. Such behavior also handed over the current technology here to other timelines upstream self.

My current scientific and technological achievements make those followers who re-opened the timeline 40 years ago suddenly understand, and the feelings that arise are as surprised as coming to an alien planet and looking up at the sun in the new world for the first time.

Therefore, Wei Keng determined a truth: "Power is obtained from accidents, and only then will there be exciting pleasure. This is like gambling. The money won by gambling, the money from picking up red envelopes, is better than earning wages honestly. But!—— I must take the initiative to curb this addiction of waiting for the experience to come from heaven."

Because, in this ever-proliferating time and space, where is my own life?

[At the last moment of the empty twisting plane, facing his own huge memory on more than 350 million timelines, Wei Keng must select his own memories in this world if he wants to get out of this timeline!Those who gain experience from the future self at first, although there are surprises, seem to be of little significance. They can be merged with large stocks. Only the feeling of stepping out step by step when you really face confusion is the true meaning of your life. 】

While thinking about the big retreat, think about the endgame left in this plane
After leaving, there are too many timelines affected, and many things cannot be hidden.For example, the result of "Zhu Xian Sword Formation".

Just throw it out and show them.

However, after learning that his younger brother Wei Qiang collided with some people above because of his own affairs, he felt that his things should not be ignored by others!Some conditions must be met.

Facing Wei Keng's bargaining, the system responded immediately: "What do you want?"

Wei Keng: "In the main world, are there other wells leading to the empty twisting plane? I want the data of these gravitational wells communicating with other planes."

System: "Yes!"

Wei Keng turned to another communication interface: "Brother, I am not at a disadvantage, right?"

Wei Qiang: "In name, you have obtained equality."—In essence, you just found the passage to each plane, but do you have the ability to affect each plane?It depends on strength.

Wei Keng: "Then, check the coordinates of the plane for me, I'm afraid they will fool me."

Wei Qiang (can't laugh or cry): "Well, you are easy to fool. Don't fool them again in the future."

Wei Keng looked at his younger brother, he seemed to be ~~ hey!
Wei Keng thought silently: Wei Qiang will not admit defeat.This time he was the one who troubled him, but in his eyes, it might be "hitting his incompetent brother once".After he finished this task for himself, he might be aggressive in certain plane areas for a long time, and he should not be seen for a long time.

Sure enough, Wei Qiang then gave some coordinates, including 35 space-time regions with very different physical rules, and explained: "I ran away from the coordinates of the time-space exploration regions that Dad left us, and opened up eight. Our family space assets, you also have to have refreshments."

In name, it seems that the two parties share assets, but the brothers are not calculating accounts in this regard
Wei Qiang took out his own plane resources to emphasize his work achievements (a younger brother who wants to be strong is shameful in front of his elder brother)

After all, Wei Keng has only explored three planes so far, and only the Pandora plane has been independently developed. (Although that is considered a complete copyright)


On the timeline of the axis, the tide of history has been violently beaten, and some energy has been released

After the battle of the white dwarf star named "Bota", the empty twisted plane officially entered the era of starry sky.

Previously, a large number of space-capable people gathered together, in the form of a city, to develop higher productivity and maintain the human urban agglomeration.The history of a single swordsman ruling alone in space in the old days has been swept to the garbage dump.

And the battle on the white dwarf proved that the swordsmen didn't even have the ability to destroy the new era!

They (swordsmen) are like a group of nomads, who used to live in twos and threes, and could gather together to fight and hunt in the vast star border.

However, with the emergence of a starry sky settlement model with a higher degree of concentration, and the development of more advanced technology and industry, such a backward social model has been crushed.

The massacre of the swordsmen by the twisting space array in the starry sky is like the heavy machine guns that appeared on the earth shooting the classical nomadic cavalry.

When the heavy machine gun appeared, the nomadic cavalry forces could no longer obtain stable sources of metal smelting and fuel.It can only continue to maintain its own inheritance through the edge of trade.

But now, the sword sects on the major planets are the same. When the sword lords fail in the frontal battle in space, they will also be on the edge.


In this alternation, though, they appear to have one last card.

Can the topmost layer of the old forces rely on their last remaining combat power to integrate, no, seize the changed rule of the new forces?
Sword Master is still the strongest combat power in this world.

Wei Keng: "Just like in the early days of the Industrial Revolution, the top lords still had the largest capital. For example, Britain, Russia, Japan, and the upper echelons of the old era could use their capital to switch camps and seize control of the new production system. Then in the With the continuous development of productive forces, the old things that one is reluctant to part with are quietly brought into the high-level of the new era."

What will each sword master do next? History has a variety of accidents.

But Wei Keng can judge such a historical possibility!
That is, the current sword masters of various planets defeated the starry sky city, and then gave alms to some of the starry sky city in the turmoil, and then declared it to be a starry sky force.Accelerate the development of the current star system, and completely abandon the complicated system of the old sect.


Sword Master will have a few direct disciples!
When the productivity develops in the future, it is not too much to pass on disciples, take in a few more disciples, and then use resources to raise some peripheral forces as protection, right?
After a few hundred years, even if the starry sky city becomes the mainstream, the inheritance of swordsmen will still be a high-end circle.People in this circle possess first-class fighting skills in a limited urban space, and use a little intra-species advantage to prove their high-end!
Although they are still as useless as they are in the external regular war.

But the fighters in the starry sky battlefield and the technical directors in the space city couldn't resist the temptation of resources brought by the involution of the swordsman's inheritance and the bullying of those who first occupied the upper and lower. ——This time the tide of history has no chance to be completely soaked!Because contemporary trendsetters feel they have paid enough.Taking a step forward, it may be a small number of radicals and speculators who are working hard on this.


At present, in the era in which Wei Keng lives, a fair society and a scientific knowledge and ability inheritance system have not yet achieved complete victory.

History needs to be repeated several times before it can completely move on to the next step.But there are already so many solid timelines, it can be a little more aggressive on one timeline

Wei Keng looked at the various planets: Today, if the last remnants can be kicked off the altar, history may be less likely to repeat itself a few times.At present, every time they step on them, they are also setting an example for future rebels and leaving confidence.

So, of course, it would be a very, very pity to lose something of memorable value!But Wei Keng made it clear that before leaving, he must clean up the sword master's inheritance system indulgently.Even if they are destroyed, they will be lost!at all costs
Perhaps this is an irreparable cultural and historical heritage.But if you really can't bear these legacy, you might as well destroy some, to make way for the space ability promotion system under the modern mathematics and physics technology.


On the "Bota" white dwarf star of the Star Revolutionary Army, Wei Keng, as a former cadre, salvaged the wreckage of the old battleship and searched for the surviving survivors. Watching the "comrades" who searched together picked up a handle in space The real sword was collected as a trophy, and he sighed silently.

As a small person, I always feel that the future of the world is hostile to me.


On the other side, on the spaceship rescue ship, Mi Jia, who was in charge of taking in the female prisoners, looked at the female swordsman Ming Ya in front of her.

After a few minutes of passing, she retracted her heaven system.

And that night, in the NO.18 captive cell, Mingya stared blankly at the ceiling.Despite food, and the Internet, and newspapers.

Minya's thinking was still stagnant, and all hope suddenly disappeared from this world.

The phenomenon of consciousness in the mind suddenly drops to a level that just satisfies the requirement.

At the same time, Mi Jia on the starship battleship turned on her own system and clicked on the monitoring system of the heaven system that remained in Mingya's consciousness.

Looking at 98.87984444% of the complex data, she hit the shuttle button, which is an experimental technology.It may play a decisive role in the next plane war.


As the top-level existence of the Mediterranean Time-Space Group, Michael Lena is now personally involved in many key research projects, including: "Plane Consciousness Transfer".

A narration with a complicated meaning: Only the Mediterranean civilization will take the lead in paying attention to such plane technology and point out the technical route.

[During the origin of Mediterranean civilization, there was a long-standing culture of detaining other people's "personal freedom". Easterners in the 21st century find it baffling that why the West keeps shouting "liberalism" on the bright side is because the dark side of its civilization really has a history of slave trade. 】

Consciousness has a diffuse effect. (Big Rivers calls it the grounding effect.)
For example, the standard consciousness, after birth, will bind its attention to everything in the world in which it is born.form material interactions.

And this kind of interactive connection with the physical world makes it difficult for consciousness to be "canned" and transferred away.

It's like, on a piece of land, the aborigines have farmland and weapons.Then why would he put on the rope obediently and get on your boat to "open up" a plantation in an unknown new continent?Therefore, only by instigating the war, or even ending the war by themselves, their production system will be defeated, the social system will be broken up, and the only belief and hope will be locked in the promise of outsiders.Only in this way can it be tied with a rope, and it can be loaded onto the ship as soon as it is lifted.

For a consciousness, it is spontaneous, curled up inside its own thinking, no longer connected with the outside, does not want to connect with the outside, and remains static (desperate state).This might just be the best canned.


In the space-time travel department of the Mediterranean system,

Michaelena is not the only high-level traverser who has conquered this technology.And this isn't the first time she's used the technique.

As an existence who has obtained godhood in a certain plane, she also needs some time-traveling consciousness to help her stabilize the flow of time.These consciousnesses who don't know the essential situation are now in her plane area, becoming the messengers of her gods.

For example, the adjacent plane: still the earth, the earth plane with a slightly different history in recent times.

For the Mediterranean civilization, before the Second World War, the most suitable high-quality zone for canning was here.

A certain island country that has just entered the information age and is economically developed under the control of the West, but firmly locked, is a high-quality consciousness-raising area.

In that environment, young minds have a certain knowledge of the information industry society, but they have little interest in the future of their environment.Being able to easily acquiesce in the fact of his own death, just happens to be reincarnated into a different world to start a new life.

But with the development of the history of the main world.

A large number of transcendental time travelers from the near plane have joined the time and space exploration, and the near plane has been protected by the legislation of the time and space organization of the main world.

And in the second plane war, the Mediterranean system was completely defeated, and it was even more impossible to quietly violate the rules and go to the adjacent plane of the main world to make up slaves, uh, to replenish the consciousness of time travel.

As Caesar-level, high-level traversers of the Consul-level, they must find other sources of consciousness.

Back to the present, Minya died in her own plane, and the collapsed space energy destroyed herself, while she was in another plane, and because of the reappearance of the heaven system, her consciousness jumped out of vitality.

After finishing all this, Mi Jia clapped her hands and went to drink with Wei Keng, discussing the grand exit ceremony of the next plane.

She wouldn't tell Wei Keng dark things.Just like a boy looking for a girl to fall in love, he will not discuss the topic of "how many times a day he masturbates".


Axis timeline, during the last period of Wei Keng's stay, on the major planets,

Rumors came out of nowhere, that on Purple Jupiter, Sword Master Spirit Formation had set up a grand formation, and only Master Four Swordsmen could not break it.Ever since, the sword masters from the eighteen administrative planets have more or less rushed over.

They were meant to come.

In this new era before us, all the swordsmen's orthodoxy has been suppressed, and the sword master who has harmed all the kendo inheritance is on Zimuxing!So the Spirit Array is responsible for this situation.

Yes, because Wei Keng is a minority and has only one person, so facing the upper-level teams of the same level in the eyes of all the old forces, he must be responsible for the situation that harms the interests of "everyone".

In the rest of the timeline, there are only a few who can directly face the beginning of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.But just the sudden appearance of the sword array has already made all the sword masters go into seclusion obediently, and they no longer have the idea of ​​challenging this era head-on.


In space, Wei Keng waited for all the sword masters.

The historical accidents sent back from the main world have done this job well.


In vision, gigantic stars unfold.

With the distortion of space and time, the star unfolds like a flower bud, but the flower unfolded by the spherical body seen from all directions is different.

For example, in the eyes of Jinhuang Xingjian Zun, this is a 160 seven-petal starlight.On Ziling Jianzun, the closest Jianzun on the Purple Jupiter, what you can see are 87 sea urchins. (In fact, the more you see, the safer it means that you have not been targeted, and the less you see, it means that the energy is concentrated and the airspace is locked)

In fact, the star is still the same star, but the time and space where each sword master lives is different. The time, space, matter, and energy they can face have all been redefined.

Execution, killing, trapping, and extermination, these four code names set by the Space-Time Management Bureau corresponded one-to-one with Wei Keng's actual theoretical application.

"Matter decompresses into space, annihilates entropy and increases into energy, and bends space-time."

"Energy gathers and returns to material properties, tearing apart space and oscillating time."

"Space holds energy, solidifies matter, and locks time."

"Time consumes the constant properties of matter, changes energy properties, and expands space."

This far surpassed the sword masters here, no, it should be said that it was the level of all physical applications that the main world had access to on this plane in the past.

After a long eighty seconds, the starlight petals closed.

The sun of Purple Jupiter has returned to a perfect circle, and all the sword masters had the experience of being almost hugged inside the star to die.

At the moment of their confrontation, their treasures were all vibrated back and forth on the key structures by the energy of time.These treasures are abolished, and together with the abolishment of the stubborn belief in letting the power of inheritance come back under the tide of the times.


However, after everything was over, Wei Keng flickered to Tianling Space City.

Stare at the distorted space point in the center.

When I was fully applying the space-time formation just now, this was actually an advanced physics experiment.

In the process of this experiment, Mi Jia projected a certain coordinate point here to the vicinity of Purple Jupiter.Her participation gave Zhu Xian a new direction of operation, and Wei Keng discovered something in the operation.

Mi Jia flew out of the tunnel in the center of the space city in a shuttle boat. Lying in the space bubble and preparing to leave this plane, she left a letter to Wei Keng.

Mi Jia: "This is another tunnel of the big plane, which is left to you. In fact, after you complete the transcendence, you will find this place sooner or later."

Wei Keng raised his hand, and a set of space, time, matter, and energy control equipment entered the space city.So at this space point of this plane, a facility that can continue to calculate is left.

After finishing the final work for his own space-time management department, Wei Keng also froze in the space bubble, ready to leave.

As for the rest, the supervisors took over.


Under the instigation of a leader surnamed Bai, a supervisor (Little Guliang) of the space system gave an impassioned but seemingly secondary introduction: "Your Excellency Sergeant Wei Keng, congratulations on successfully completing the mission of this plane, please quickly transfer to the Pandora position." Above, you have started the "Smart People Stepping on the Stars" action.

The mythical age you created will be remembered by civilization thousands of years later. "

(End of this chapter)

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