out of cage

Chapter 155 Chapter 5.01 This Side of Pandora

Chapter 155 Chapter 5.01 This Side of Pandora

Turning back the time to the early stage of the Second Plane War, Wei Keng moved part of his consciousness from the empty twisting plane to the Pandora plane (1166 in the star calendar, which is equivalent to 2697 in the main world.)
After Wei Keng on multiple timelines completed the fusion in his exclusive Pandora space bubble.

Wei Keng looked at his own small world that had been temporarily taken over by the Space-Time Administration, with 1000 million trees of various shapes and 15 square kilometers of land and lakes. There are seven ecological zones in 680, and each ecological zone is exchanging materials.

The key is!I know all of these.

This is a kind of observation, thinking, and wave ability beyond the limits of the human beings in the main world, and even all carbon-based life.

All in all, the physical rules of the main world limit the upper limit of individual human intelligence.And here, due to the fusion of tens of thousands of timelines, the upper limit of myself under the rules of the Pandora plane is very high.

So, what is the system trying to do here?It is impossible to allow myself to host this space. This space was previously managed by an automated system, but now that I have integrated myself into this form, there is no doubt that it is to be sent to the Pandora plane to perform tasks.

"I feel that I am really lazy in the empty twisting plane." Wei Keng sighed insincerely, and opened the system task interface.

System: "The war between the planes is becoming more and more intense, please return to the rear plane as appropriate."

Wei Keng: "The rear plane?" After realizing the name Pandora plane, Wei Keng acquiesced.Then asked: "How about returning from the Pandora plane?"

System: "Due to the high expansion of the empty twisted plane, the curvature of time and space is too large when you return. When you arrive at the Pandora plane, it is one-way. Every once in a while, you will return part of your consciousness from the empty twisted plane."

In Wei Keng's mind, a comparison of the states of consciousness of the two planes appeared.

On the empty twisting plane, his consciousness is constantly diverging, without a focus point, but there is a goal on the Pandora plane, which can make him focus.

The focus of the Pandora plane can be linked with the self in the empty twist plane, creating a high degree of unity of motion.

Wei Keng saw it, and felt a little familiar with this plan that was too perfect for him.

Therefore, instead of looking for problems from this planning book, I will find someone directly.

Wei Keng: "Connect me, the inspector of the empty twisting plane."

A few seconds later, Wei Keng asked, "System?"

On the system platform side, Bai Linglu stopped being silent and responded, "Okay."


Qin Xiaohan, who was in the space bubble, received contact from Wei Keng, even after experiencing all kinds of storms, he still bit off the lipstick in a daze.So she found Bai Linglu on the Pandora plane.

Qin Xiaohan from the air-twisting plane system: "My side is on a mission in a war zone, can you take responsibility if something goes wrong?"

Bai Linglu was very calm: "Oh, let me tell you something, just now the plane of Pandora has been upgraded. This is the evaluation letter I took out from the Time and Space Administration. Although your mission is for the war zone, but because of your The ability to coordinate is limited, Wei Keng traversers are now only responsible for watch tasks, and we are now parallel on both sides."

Qin Xiaohan knocked on the table: "Miss Bai, the explorer (Wei Keng) is already approaching the limit of his potential under the pressure of the current mission."

Bai Linglu is still calm, but the occasional disdain in his eyes is sharper than some sarcasm: "That's because you don't know how to mobilize your enthusiasm. Also, entering the empty twisting plane has become an endless It is also because you did not judge correctly."

The smell of gunpowder suddenly choked

In the link system, the two ladies began to confront each other, and Wei Keng had also entered the Pandora plane.


This time, the scale of the arrival is [-]!It is almost one-third of the total population in the core industrial zone of Zhuxin District.

Of course, in order to reduce the influence, Wei Keng chose the landing point to be the peripheral edge area.This made people in all areas of the city unknown except for high-level organizations. Wei Keng's sudden arrival this time was almost the size of an army.

Of course, this tyrannical life radiation once again washed away all the life forms among the trees in the surrounding mountains and forests.These landing points are too far away, and the number of Wei Keng's landings is too large, so that the local clothes are not enough for the time being, and the train station needs to urgently dispatch supplies to support them.

With the industrial productivity in the city, the prepared cotton wool clothes were quickly replenished.

In Zhuxin area, the cotton used is a kind of local kapok.After genetic radiation breeding, the fibers began to grow longer, meeting the standards of industrial textiles.

Then there was a large amount of food and materials. In the last plan to unify the city-states in Guangdong, the war materials were prepared in excess.Now it's time to add to Wei Keng's descending team.

The Wei Keng Corps, which had replenished its supplies, did not return to the populated area, but carried out reclamation on the spot.

One of the 5000-man teams drove directly towards the Zhanjiang area after getting the weapons and ammunition.Plans for the development of a new port-industrial area were launched.

Wash any meat you encounter along the way, and put it into a high-pressure marching pot for stewing.With efficient spiritual language and life perception, those large species could last less than 5 minutes in Wei Keng's hands with hundreds of people.

The angle of view front sight assists in firing, blinds his eyes, breaks his legs, and finally blasts the inside to make up the knife.Then Xinyu shouted, and the team behind cleaned up the battlefield.


Returning to the Zhuxin area, Wei Keng started to contact the organizations in the new area again after completing the acquisition of his job memories in various departments.

Wei Keng made an estimate by himself, completed the mission on the Shenzhou plane, and then dawdled in the empty twisting plane. It has been a hundred years since he arrived at this mission last time.

If it weren't for temporarily inheriting the last self-group memory and work diary, I wouldn't even be able to call out the names of Sun Xiangyang and others.

In the offices of various industrial positions in the new area, Wei Keng and his colleagues opened their work notebooks and started a new page of records.


after returning
Wei Keng first came to the wormhole of the Yuanhua No. 834 ship to report to the leader of the Destiny Plane.

On the other side of the wormhole, it was General Dai Hongkui who made the contact.

After listening to Wei Keng's request,

General: "Comrade Wei Keng, your request for assistance is very, um, very detailed."

The assistance Wei Keng asked for included a large number of slide projectors and video lessons.And a large number of standard equipment in physical and chemical laboratories.As for industrial equipment, a detailed list is also listed, requiring some core mechanical parts with low mass.

On the Destiny Plane, based on enthusiasm, foreign aid is provided all year round, but the types of assistance that "those brothers outside" want are mostly armament aid, food, and better industrial facilities.But it's also kitted out and requires a technician.

Therefore, in Wei Keng's case, after pointing out the detailed defects in the technical chain one by one, the assistance was much smaller and more efficient than expected by the Jue Ming Plane.This makes the person in charge of Jue Ming plane feel relaxed, which feels a bit like a comrade in his own department. (This is the rudeness of asking for assistance from foreign comrades.)

Dai Hongkui recorded Wei Keng's request here.

Wei Keng then began to report: After returning this time, my number has increased by an order of magnitude, and the comparison with other hostile forces in this world has undergone fundamental changes.But with the understanding of human society in this world, I found that there are still many tasks to be done.

Here, Wei Keng mentioned animal people, this kind of human beings who are seriously affected by the life field of the Pandora plane.Wei Keng has clearly submitted the report, and these compatriots must be rescued.

Here, the experts in charge of researching social sciences couldn't help picking up their pens and making notes.

And Wei Keng also started further, by introducing the plan, he began to 'influence the Jue Ming plane'.

Wei Keng throws out "under the new environment, the renewal plan of the new civilization."


Civilizations are interactive, and thinking will quietly affect each other's planning and thinking along various media.

On the Jue Ming plane, Five Star has established closer and closer ties with the United States.The new generation of coastal cities has begun to change their minds with the influence of Hollywood movies and other media.

Please note that this is one-sided indoctrination!

Because there is no effective way to explain the values ​​of the United States such as Hollywood internally.This is to allow external forces to construct values ​​internally.

This situation also exists in the main world, but after the millennial generation.

Although the millennials are also accepting external cultures such as Hollywood and Japanese comics, the internal culture has been excavated by the new generation, and they no longer allow external cultural products to shape the concepts of correctness, justice, and heroes at will.

But compared to the thinking of the previous generation, the US team is the hero, the Japanese man's blood is the new trend, and Tianzhu is peace, this kind of single thinking that has been washed out.

The new millennial generation, with diversified thinking, the hero of the American team is a personal hero, and the hot blood of Japanese manga may be the rebellion under the unbreakable Japanese-style hierarchical oppression. As for the peace of Tianzhu?That is caste despair.


Wei Keng now wants to exert influence on the topmost building in the Destiny Plane.

"Great collectivism" comes from "the solidarity and cooperation of the screws" and the culture of facing external forces in "ordinary contributions".It's not outdated and cannot be externally defined as "out of date", but ahead of its time.

It is not a cultural issue that enamel cylinders are eliminated by imported definitions such as "Space Cup".With development, our culture can turn symbols such as the "space cup" to explain external "development" into cabbage.

As long as science and technology and social systems develop to a certain level, they can generate a trend that is more vibrant and prosperous than European and American societies.

Because Wei Keng is too down-to-earth in the Jue Ming Plane, Wei Keng may be classified as a local school.But in fact, Wei Keng came hundreds of years later.

After all the reports are over.

Wei Keng finally made a summary on the economic development policy. This summary is a bit deliberate, and the speed of speech is very slow, which is convenient for recording.

Wei Keng: "Privatization, or the private economy, is only applicable to regional fragmented economic belts. For example, serving the specific economic needs of the countryside and small cities,
However, in a large-scale economic industry covering a wide area, while introducing technology and optimizing management, we must not give up the leading right of the public economy.

Because once privatization control is formed, the next step is to pursue monopoly, and the monopoly process will inevitably suppress the innovation power of the people.What may be obtained is a small number of people, and the enthusiasm for mental work will explode in a short period of time.But long term!As the level of education increases, a large number of young people's enthusiasm for mental work will be suppressed. "

The person who recorded on the Jueming Plane quickly wrote.

Wei Keng knew that all his next actions in this new plane would be passed on to it.It's time for him to repay the value of Jue Ming Plane.


What do you need on the Jue Ming plane?gold?nuclear material?
Plane rules are actually not applicable to large-scale material transfer trade.

For example, the cultivation of bacteria blocks, as well as biogas power plants, life field radiation, and various research data are all technologies dedicated to this plane.

Even the relevant departments of the Jue Ming plane don't know what to get in the Pandora plane?The current missions given to Yuanhua 834 are all very scientific research projects, such as "figuring out the destruction of this plane world".

However, Wei Keng wants to turn the customer into the main, and become the opponent's confidence in sticking to the road.


Now the five-star light of Jueming Plane is at a fork in history.

During the rapid development, many new situations were discovered.Maybe you don’t need Big Brother Su’s theory, just copy the experience of Neon and Continental’s re-emergence.So a confusion of minds arose,

The people on the Destiny plane never thought that the Pandora plane, a world that has been destroyed by the doomsday, can help them verify the theory and help them find a stone road to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Wei Keng, who is in the lower reaches of history, now wants to remind him of the five-star light of the Desperate Plane.

"Neon, Europe's current development experience is to avoid the disadvantages of their incomplete social formatting, and their development model must not be copied."

But how do you make your prompts convincing?Of course the validation schema is here.

Wei Keng's current situation with regard to the Jude Plane is no longer robbing the Jue Ming Plane for assistance.Instead, they want to compete with the key directly-administered cities of the Jue Ming plane for the attention of the central team.

Wei Keng: "Does the color of a cat affect catching mice? No, that's not the question. It's something that a guy with black and white patterns can throw down when he grows up. A cat is definitely not capable of catching mice, because we are tigers here."


In the space bubble,
Bailinglu's team currently has 1212 people.

In the Second Plane War, with the further requirements for the rapid feedback of shuttler technology approaching the space-time line battlefield, the mobilization force of the Space-Time Management Bureau further strengthened the scientific research team.

Recently, the inspectors in various groups have been hundreds of times busier than before.

Now this original timeline created by Sergeant Wei Keng suddenly made the young people in these teams feel the pressure.

In their words, at first they thought that (Wei Keng) looked lazy based on the data from the Kong Twisting plane.Why did he come off the scene suddenly, but it was like a fire exploding.

In terms of industry, after getting the mechanical components and starting research and development, Wei Keng's industrial team carried out design, forging, and processing with unimaginable efficiency.

Human fingers can judge the accuracy of one or two wires, but those who can really use the difference in perceived accuracy of one or two wires in the production of some industrial parts are senior workers.But now, under the transmission of Wei Keng's spiritual language, all of Master Wei's individuals are!Moreover, this kind of experience teaching has also been completed for other workers who are not their own.

Bai Linglu sensed Wei Keng's overall situation, and her sensing mode at this time also tended to Wei Keng's telepathic language sensing.While trying to supervise Wei Keng, she also spared no effort to understand Wei Keng's situation and thoughts.

Bai Linglu, looking at the factory, farmland, and people recovering in the nursing home, said to the staff in his own department in the interspatial bubble in a nagging (a little fanatical) tone: "Everyone, please pay attention, on this plane, we can Verify that on the basis of Homo sapiens, human beings are in a further state."

(End of this chapter)

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