out of cage

Chapter 170 Chapter 5.16 Don't hear the dragon's cry, it has a long history

Chapter 170 Chapter 5.16 Don't hear the dragon's cry, it has a long history

Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) returned on September 9st.Because on the 21st, you can hear the dragon cry in the east.

Not only Wei Keng can hear it, but all node creatures on the entire Jianghuai Plain can perceive this sad life frequency band.

Part of the biome nodes originated from Tianshulong, just like the fan circle Jimei heard the call of the center, and began to support it with all their efforts.

In the wild, the originally calm situation was suddenly broken, and the subgroups of Tianzhulong began to frantically attack all groups that did not belong to their own side.

Regarding this situation, after the team in Space Bubble conducted an analysis, they felt that the plot of slaying the dragon should have already begun.

Hongyan Lai turned around from the revolving seat: "Should we make a suggestion?"

Liao Yangxiu, who was in charge of debugging in the mimicry space, finished from the state of mind language that seemed to be meditating, and also clicked: "We should have reminded you many times, right?"

Regarding the plot of the Tianzhulong, in the previous traversal missions, the traversals of the main world will participate in it.In order to understand and even control the direction of the plot in the future.

But now, for the first time, Pandora's Supervision Bureau found that it was outside the main plot when facing "the most suitable traveler of this plane at present".

This kind of "dissociation" is not a contempt of superiority, but too busy to "ignore" it.

Compared with the unprecedented development of Weikeng cluster on other timelines, there is a lot of work behind it.

But to onlookers like Bai Linglu, Wei Keng is definitely qualified to be arrogant: the plot of the Tianzhulong or something, that thing can withstand the blows of several air combat brigades in the future?

It would be fatal if other traversers didn't control the plot, but Wei Keng? ——Now he himself is the biggest drama of this era.

It's just that ~~~~ This situation of "not actively participating in the plot" may put some of Wei Keng's individuals at risk.

Now Wei Keng is a real man (really naive), and he is ready to face all kinds of risks.No, the mines and ant holes in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River dare to drill into them.

These space-time regulators finally uploaded the current work problem to Bai Linglu once again.

In the golden high-end space studio designed after the Temple of the Yaochi.

Bai Linglu glanced at them, and said to them: "You can repeat it again. But the final decision is still Sergeant Wei Keng."~Bai Linglu said the word sergeant very lightly, because it is very important to other traversers. The very important rating has no reference value for Wei Keng.

Hongyan Lai nodded, and once again pulled out the original plan of "actively participating in the plot of the Dragon of Heaven", ready to give another reminder on this.

When Hong Yanlai was about to leave, he found that Bai Linglu seemed to be visiting the materials of another plane, so he couldn't help but stop.

Bai Linglu turned to stare at her: "Aren't you going to do it?"

Hong Yanlai immediately turned around and left.

Bai Linglu clicked on the interface, watched her return to the space cabin to complete the third reminder, and nodded. ——Everything is as expected by Bai Linglu, Wei Keng still has the original attitude towards this third reminder about the plot of the Tianzhulong.There was an expression of "as expected" on her face.

Bai Linglu knew Wei Keng very well.In the past, in the Pandora mission, all kinds of proposals were ignored. This kind of neglect is not something that ordinary people can change.

Bai Linglu murmured secretly: "I can only make the best use of the situation?"

Bai Linglu continued to open the monitoring interface of the empty twisting plane.

On the empty twisting plane, Bai Hengqian, who was in a meeting, saw that Bai Linglu was back online, and asked, "Has the matter been resolved?"

Bai Linglu nodded: "Everything is going well here."

Bai Hengqian stared at her, but didn't see anything, so she faced the meeting members again and said, "Okay, let's continue."

On the side of the empty twisting plane, the timeline of the axis is progressing, and Wei Keng enters the Tianze faction for the first time.He is quietly launching a high-energy particle construction furnace in the geothermal industrial area, and in the furnace, he operates and produces treasure-level space appliances.

Bai Linglu was also amazed by Wei Keng's technological progress in the empty twisting plane, but she was more concerned about the difficulties the middle management of the Tianze faction made against Wei Keng.

Bai Linglu said to Wei Keng: "Your ability is beyond doubt, but when you do something, no supervisor can pinpoint your pulse. It will give us (her and Qin Xiaohan's team) a headache."

When she saw that Wei Keng was still retreating from the inheritance and academic swordsmen of the air twisting plane.

Bai Linglu smiled, and said to himself: "I always like to procrastinate and avoid, but in the end I can't avoid it. You can't avoid this (Pandora plane) or there (Empty Twisting plane). Next , there must be a motivating point.”

In the "highly confidential information" that Bai Linglu has now, the same consciousness exists in two planes, even if the memories are different, but the state will communicate.When the state of one plane is stimulated, it will inevitably cause the other plane to be agitated.

And now, through her aunt, she learned about the situation of the Great River System Space-Time Administration.They are already feeling the pressure of the unresolved battle in the air twisting plane.

Coincidentally, Bai Linglu held tightly in his hand to break the thread of the deadlock.


The plane of Pandora, September 145 of the Pandora calendar.

The Five Colors Alliance and Jianye are determined to join forces to slay the dragon, which will be the most eventful event in the past few months.

However, as a new force inserted across the world's historical line, the unified cutting area is still making solid progress.

A few years later, if one suddenly looks back, the current Five-Color Alliance and Jianye City are on a stage that can be seen, and they are having a bright moment, while the unified cutting area in the south blasted an infinite road in the dark clouds that cannot be seen at the moment.These dark clouds have always been deliberately ignored by most people at that time.

Now, fortunately, someone has paid attention to these dark clouds, and is willing to bump into them regardless of bloodshed.

People in the old city-state area of ​​Guangdong can feel this most.

Since Ji'an City and other city-states and other city-states in Guangdong Province have been integrated with Zhuxin District to form a unified logging area, the population of the old city-states has begun to lose a lot.The former glory no longer exists.

In the entire unified logging area, the growing labor population and rising productivity make it extremely urgent to improve the living standards of residents.

From a modern point of view, the old city-state area was only designed as a refuge, with the focus on the protection of the city walls and watchtowers.As for the living environment, except for a few middle- and upper-class buildings with fixed water supply and city walls, other areas are simple shacks built with bricks and tiles.

Among the representatives of the unified logging area, some members were originally born in the old city-state area. They once suggested that they should be rebuilt on the basis of the old city-state area, which would save costs.

But Wei Keng is opposed to such a plan of "renovating the old with the new".

Because the scheme of "old to new" is only economical.However, it is never better to build your own than to change others.The more locals there are, the more trouble breaking ground.

For comparison, Wei Keng did not forcefully object, but agreed to try to start a city-state (Shaoguang City) according to the final show of hands vote.

As a result, the working group advocating the transformation of the old city-state came to Shaoguang City, and after only two months of working, they were slapped wildly by the actual situation!

In roadside gardens that have been forgotten for a long time, someone will emphasize ownership and demand compensation from the unified logging area.

The project has only advanced to one-tenth of the area of ​​the renovation area, and the entire budget has been used up.

In Wei Keng's opinion, these nobles from the old city-state are too greedy, and their level is so bad that they are not even as good as the bastards who haven't graduated from junior high school in the 21st century. They can't even fish!
Being so aggressive, it seemed that the Ministry of Construction in the logging area was sure to back down.

As a result, the construction department of the unified logging area directly let the project go unfinished, and the person in charge took the initiative to ask for punishment, and went to the agricultural area of ​​the Ganjiang River to exercise.

As for the construction of the new city, it has suffered various criticisms.

For example, words such as "stupid repetitive construction" and "waste" were only spoken in the pre-Pandora era of civilization. Nowadays, only the cultural people in the old city-state area can find out from the newspapers copied in the old era.

But amid the criticism, the budget was not exceeded at all, and the work was done step by step, and the expansion target was even completed ahead of schedule.

Master Wei has accumulated a wealth of work experience in the plane of China: when promoting slogans, he must emphasize the spirit of fairness.The grassroots can actively respond to the slogan, but the management should not take it seriously, and give what is due.

Emphasize that after the new urban area is built, certain houses will be allocated, and cards will be drawn for the builders to draw houses.Of course, it is no problem to build a housing area for yourself.After the builder has three houses, he must sell one before he can draw a new one.

In short, these workers build houses for themselves, regardless of whether they will not be able to live in the future, or whether they will be sold by themselves, they will work very hard when building.

This point has also been criticized by some old cultural people in the unified logging area, who think that the labor cost is too high.

Indeed, the construction of the new city required additional labor costs.

But using the same material and the same working hours in the old city will only make it cheaper for the old forces in the old city.But building new ones will distribute benefits to new forces that obey the group.As the ruling class of the new forces, fools will choose.

Oh, it's just that a fool would choose something, and it's easy for a vanity person to choose the wrong thing.

This is also commonplace!After all, in the 21st century, there are also many people who spend a lot of money in the game circle and the fan circle, pursuing a sense of vanity.

If the decision-makers make a wrong choice in this regard, it can only be said that ideas and concepts have been corroded by "money and the so-called upper class atmosphere".We should draw a clear line with certain forces in time, and then send them down to ground, re-train, and re-understand society.

This kind of corrosion is very severe, and Mr. Wei understands that it requires the soul of "special materials" to resist corrosion.

However, Mr. Wei felt that he was a middle-of-the-road person, and felt that he had too many weaknesses and couldn't help all kinds of "flattery", so he became more and more divorced from high-level decision-making in the unified cutting area, and became a group of unscrupulous people who supervised the decision-making.

Narrator: In the naming of the main world, Wei Keng is the origin of the "Human Emperor" system.The players in the mimicry world made a lot of guesses along the concept of "Human Emperor".Constantly assuming what kind of divine existence the "Human Emperor" is.But in fact, in the real world of Pandora, Wei Keng has no concept of "emperor" or "king" in the various codes of conduct within the race.

On the square of Yue 19 New Town,
The urban construction here has just finished, and a total of 600 people participated in the construction.In terms of engineering equipment, 140 excavators were used and [-] cranes were erected.

Within half a year, the construction of 440 small residential buildings was completed, each of which is a three-story small building and can accommodate [-] households.At the same time, factories, hospitals, parks and other facilities were built.In terms of size, this is a town, a very broad town.

When this new town was completed, the greatest achievement was not the new city rising from the ground.

But among the 1600 people, 120 were once severe genetic polluters.They were the first returning group of polluters to fully adjust the sequence.

It took them two years of coordination, first to modify the bones, and then to assist walking with mechanical crutches.Wait for the body to recuperate well, and then accept bit by bit, the common sense imparted through the language of the soul.

And now the last step, to participate in social production activities within half a year.

Although they were only responsible for the transportation of bricks and the basic work of cleaning, they did not enter technical positions such as driving machinery, but they still did a good job.Under the final guardianship of Wei Keng's spiritual consciousness, he completed the final step of returning to society.

And after the city is built, Wei Keng will also break the spiritual link and let them join the city.

In the square, this completion ceremony is very simple.With the music played, the flag raised, and after saluting, singing the song "We are the successors of xxxx", it is done.

The most important thing about this ceremony is "a witness"!Let the more than 400 healthy people who jointly built the city in the unified logging area witness.

Most of the builders of Guangdong No. 19 New City are genetically sound.

When the adjuster is being transformed, the thoughts of these original natives who are with the adjuster are also undergoing transformation.

From the beginning, they disliked the clumsiness of the genetic adjusters, and then they took the initiative to take some work when they worked together, and were surprised that the genetic adjusters rejected them.

Later, I tried to teach labor experience and found that I could teach them, so I let out a sigh of relief.

And in the last month, after learning that these adjusters were once severe genetic polluters, the efforts they made when building the city were only part of what they could see, and they began to share weal and woe.

When these gene regulators built the city, their appearance was already acceptable to their kind.It can even be said that under the specific ceramic plate restraint clothing, the face and figure under the visor are good.

So the other city builders, although they were worried about the rumors of the genetic polluter's "beastly rampage".But in the communication process of building the city, it was determined that these people were of the same kind, working hard for the same kind.

Human beings are encouraged when they see their fellow human beings working toward human likeness.

Of course, in the old city-state area in the past, no one lived like a human being, so this feeling could not be found.


Wei Keng broke the spiritual link, and the faces of these adjusters suddenly showed bewilderment, panic and uneasiness.

But in the logic that has been conveyed in the past two years, the so-called bravery is to face the unknown, so they all silently accepted this moment.

On the rostrum of the venue, Sun Xiangyang saw all this, and asked Wei Keng beside him: "Are you really letting go?"

Wei Keng nodded: "Of course I have to let go." Huang Yuhua, who was sitting on the other side, turned his ear quietly.

Facing the attention of the two crew members, Wei Keng said in a solemn tone: "As a father, when providing a solid back, you also have to push the children forward, don't you?"

Sun Xiangyang was stunned: "Father?" His expression became complicated.

In the past two years, the Jue Ming plane has asked Sun Xiangyang to pay attention to "Wei Keng's influence on the genetic adjusters"!
From the perspective of the researchers of Jue Ming Plane, the more heavily polluted the recovery, the greater the influence of Wei Keng, which will lead to some uncertain factors in the unified logging area.

Perhaps, in the application of power, there may be an ability that can be overridden.

[On the Destiny Plane, due to the continuous release of Hollywood blockbusters and neon animations, the cadres there will involuntarily speculate.However, the current development has exceeded the upper limit that can be expounded by Western, Japanese, and film and animation thinking. 】

When Wei Keng confirmed that the severe genetic adjusters could return to society, he really cut off the spiritual link now.This is to cut off the spiritual umbilical cord and send them to be independent.

A few minutes later, when most of the team members left the field, more than half of them went back.

Sun Xiangyang couldn't help but glanced at Wei Keng again, Wei Keng's expression was still so sunny.

Moreover, Wei Keng exclaimed with some joy: "Thousands of years later, when human civilization revived, when tracing the origin of genes, it was discovered that my species was in the blood! People at that time would say 'Yanhuang Children and grandchildren say the same about me?"

Sun Xiangyang was choked.

After a while, he muttered silently in his mind: "The majestic strategy is compared with some people's worries about his "conspiracy and cunning plan to manipulate many people as tools"! Heh~, he is thinking about 'a long history'. Come on ——The angle of view is short, short.”

After the show was over, Wei Keng and the rest left to go shopping in the new city.

Sun Xiangyang walked out of the square and caught up with the debuggers who had just confirmed their independence at the ceremony.Behind him, Huang Yuhua, who wanted to call him for a drink, also ran up and shouted, "Old Sun, where are you going?"

Sun Xiangyang had no choice but to turn his head and said, "I'll come right away to do something."

After catching up with the crowd, he started the final "thought inquiry" project in the investigation report put forward by Jueming.

He used spiritual language to ask two groups, a total of 14 people: "Has your mentor told you how to treat him?"

These adjusters were at a loss, and a male adjuster said: "The mentor, I just said let's call him the mentor."

Not realizing that Wei Keng was emphasizing his father's concept to the adjuster, Sun Xiangyang was stunned, and he looked at Wei Keng's back in the distance.Suddenly felt: "Some things should not be emphasized."

Immediately afterwards, another adjuster asked back: "Mr. Sun, instructor, how do you want us to treat him?"

Sun Xiangyang was interrupted by this rhetorical question. Facing the inquiries of these freshmen, he responded somewhat complicatedly: "What does he want you to think? I don't know either. Naturally, he has a purpose in not telling you. I hope You'll feel it someday."

But at this time, Huang Yuhua, who came with him, felt that Sun Xiangyang was too lazy.

He also added a word to these debuggers: "When you have children, you will know the painstaking efforts of adults."

Sun Xiangyang turned his head and looked at Huang Yuhua, cursing "stupid" in his heart, and Huang Yuhua also felt that he had talked too much, but he was still careless in the scene: "Let's go, let's go, the matter is over."

The two left in clusters of gazes.

(End of this chapter)

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