out of cage

Chapter 171 Chapter 5.17

Chapter 171 Chapter 5.17

On September 9th of the Pandora Era, Jianye's dragon-slaying expedition team had already set off.

Compared with the Wei Keng group, before a war starts, repeated preparations often take several months, and even one or two years more preparations when new situations arise.

Jianye's war system operates much faster, and the armed forces here maintain the attribute of external projection all year round.

In Jianye Port, six Jiangfang battleships ranging from [-] to [-] tons came out of the warehouse of the shipyard.The hull is white, freshly painted, a [-]mm naval gun stands on the bow, and multiple machine guns are installed on both sides.

This kind of equipment is a battleship from before the Pandora Era, which belonged to the old ships 200 years ago, and was not originally used for Jiang Defense. After all, in the Pandora Era, East Asia had good law and order. These old ships were left by the coast guard department.

Over the years, only a few modifications have been made. First, the chimney has been enlarged, and the power furnace is still diesel-powered, but it may be civilian grade.

The warehouse for storing materials inside is used to store combat mechanical beasts, and the water cannon in front has been changed to a [-]mm cannon.This is definitely a high-level weaponry on the rolling Yangtze River.


On the morning of the 21st, the whistle on the mast of the leading Poyang Lake ship beeped, and all kinds of steam ships on the river gave way to the channel.

The fleet sailed down the river and made a stop in front of the last Jiangyin bastion in the Yangtze River waterway.After forming a contrasting feeling of "a luxury car parked in front of the Tuyuan", under the stupefied eyes of the people on the city wall of the Shanghai Bastion, they rushed towards the spooky Puhai ruins in the southeast.

As soon as these warships approached the city group of skyscrapers, they seemed to hear the roar of the overlord biome in the East China Sea. The humans on the earth castle saw a large number of black creatures flying down from the city in the midday sun, towards the river. The battleship rushed over.

However, as flames continued to burst out from the muzzles of the battleships on the river, the flying swarms thousands of meters away fell in unison, like mosquitoes that had encountered an insecticide sprayer.

These thousand-ton war armaments showed enough firepower to destroy contemporary small city-states within 10 minutes.

The 10mm artillery flashed for a full [-] minutes. Under this continuous shooting, the projectile volume of the shells was comparable to that of an artillery battalion on the ground.The crossfire formed by the six warships not only swept away the enemies in the airspace, but also smashed up the buildings on both sides of the strait that seemed to have strong life radiation.

Then the white searchlights on the battleship turned in the mist, and beams of light radiated on the river.After going down the Yangtze River, it is necessary to find the entrance of the Huangpu River on the south bank of the Yangtze River estuary.

After entering the Huangpu River, only the [-]-ton Taige River Defense Ship can pass through.


In the Puhai ruins area, after 100 years, everything has changed. The once prosperous waterway is full of large shells like reefs. Such shells are often one meter wide. It opens like a flower, forming a huge canopy to absorb the sun's rays.

Such unscrupulous exposure of flesh was presumptuous and unreasonable in the era of species before Pandora Field. A large number of small and medium-sized creatures would eat the creatures that opened in the shell.After all, it takes a lot of mucus to put this thing away once.

But in the era of Pandora, under the awe of the powerful community, the small species in the community are all decomposers.These large shell plants can grow calmly and bloom with greenery.

On the edge of the river, the remains of the prosperous era of human beings are now the nests of various creatures.

And now on the shore of Huangpu, it is [-] meters long, square, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a building with a doctor's hat. This building was once red. It is said that it was a venue for human beings to exhibit industrial achievements in the pre-Pandora era. Now it is wrapped in a layer of fleshy air sacs, and inside the building, many scaly tentacles like giant pythons spread out along the surroundings.

The air bubbles on the building undulate slightly, breathing every 10 minutes, making a low dragon cry.

This is the regenerating area of ​​​​the wreckage of the Tianshilong.The powerful apostle is recuperating here now.


With the invasion of humans, it went deep into the ruins with countless tentacles.

There seemed to be an angry groan in the meat bubble. This anger erupted through the life frequency band and could affect thousands of kilometers away, causing countless life forms in Puhai to respond.

But the sound situation at the scene was "cracking, puffing, puffing".If you listen to it on the spot, it is like the figure of bubbles gushing from the septic well in the wastewater pool of a chemical plant
As the "Longming" spreads, all the shells in the Huangpu River channel shrink rapidly. The originally lush green trees, after spraying a large amount of mucus in an instant, shrink in size and shrink into the reef-like shells. This speed is like being sprinkled. snail with salt.

Around the building in the shape of a "doctor's hat", the tentacles, large and small, that were originally scattered from the main body of the building, immediately twisted like the severed tail of a gecko.

But twisting, a head grew from the fracture, and some branched tentacles became legs.

These small pythons spread into the city like cockroaches.Flocked to the lower reaches of the Huangpu River.


The Taige ship, which had just sailed into the Huangpu River, was caught in a bitter battle.

The bottom of the ship was stuck, and then it seemed to be lifted up by hundreds of jacks, and the angle of the support was to clamp the hull, making the steel plate creak.

[Goose-neck barnacles, attached to the wooden hull, like long fleshy tentacles, but the top is a hard shell,]

In the Pandora Era, this species was incorporated into the Tianshalong community, implanted with neurons, and supplied energy with the life field to make it gigantic.

Now these giant barnacles, which can hold up the ship under water, have a diameter of one meter, and the sharp calcium tip, after touching the steel plate, immediately secretes gelatinous and calcium substances, sticking the bottom of the ship .

The huge battleship is about to be locked up by the creatures on the waterway in this waterway.

Right at this critical moment.

Plop, five water-type warships jumped into the water, and with the underwater explosion flashing, the stuck battleship loosened.

The explosives the size of a grenade broke the wrist strap below, and the military officers in white navy uniforms in the fleet cabin breathed a sigh of relief while shaking.

At 11:40 noon, the Taige ship, which had regained its freedom of navigation, did not move on.

Instead, it stopped on the spot beside the Huangpu River.The risk of sailing ahead is too great, and the captain believes that if he continues to advance, the ship will be lost.

And the thousand-ton diesel-powered battleship is Jianye's most important asset now.

Over the years, every steel plate of this warship has been repeatedly processed by the Jianye Iron and Steel Plant.

Although it is the era of mechanical war beasts, warships are still the most important delivery platform.

Different from the trench air in the anime stories, aircraft carriers, battleships, and armored divisions give away casually.In a state where industrial productivity has been lost, one advanced weapon platform will be completely lost if one is destroyed.

The Taihu Fleet stopped on the spot.After putting down the fighters from Jianye and the Five-Color Alliance, they turned around and drove out of the Huangpu River. After half an hour, another group of people will be sent over. This warship will serve as a bus between the two places for material transportation.

In the next section, I don't know that there are still more than ten kilometers to go, so the trainers need to sail.

Qiu Mengfei rode on his battle mechanical beast, looking at the winding river ahead, the dark buildings on both sides, the broken bridge, and the flickering red light in the sky, he issued an order to his partners (mechanical beasts). Order.

At the same time, on the bank of the river at the other end of Qiu Mengfei, Su Lingshuang also led the mechanical formation of her training team, and gave the order to kill the giant python that sprang out ahead.

Mechanical war beasts have the discipline and obedience ability of police dogs in the 21st century.

This alone is quite rare and valuable. It is an extremely important military material. Have you ever seen the lighthouse country that is the most human rights-minded? When withdrawing troops, armored vehicles and weapons can be thrown away.

In contemporary times, it is even more heavily armored and carries thermal weapons, which are sharp weapons for urban street fighting.

Although Wei Keng's early development focused on communication, detection, firepower, and mechanical transportation, in recent years, he has also begun to pay attention to the mechanized modification of giant cats.

But judging from the current situation, the strongest technical level in this area is still in Jianye and the city-state areas of the Five Colors Alliance.

A combat team composed entirely of master-level trainers took half an hour to complete the control of the eight commanding heights on both sides of Huangpu, and completed the survey and mapping of the area with the thickest clouds and fog in the south by setting off fireworks and setting off the sound of firecrackers. .

In fact, when this combat team was launched in the city, they found that the task was not difficult.

The place where the battleship ran aground before was actually only twelve kilometers away from the building where Tianzhulong was located, and the distance along the curve of the Huangpu River was only fifteen kilometers.

The mentor who led the team was Song Heng (king of heaven), and after dispatching flying mechanical beasts to review the situation, he ordered the missile troops to calibrate.

The [-]-ton Poyang Lake stopped horizontally on the bank of the Yangtze River, then moved the missile out with a robotic arm, and launched it with a launcher.

This large monkey, carrying a missile with a 75 kg nuclear warhead, landed towards the life radiation stronghold in the Puhai area.

Dozens of seconds later, another mushroom cloud opened for that bloody pustule!

This is the second time that the remnant of Tianzhulong has been bombed by nuclear weapons!

【September 9st, when the first batch of temporary observation stations were built, Wei Keng heard the distant mourning of the Tianjiaolong community in Shanghuai, which was the bombing】

Four hours after the explosion.

The trainer team onboard the Taihu Lake sailed along the river to three kilometers away from the nuclear explosion site.

At this time, the smoke and dust above the nuclear explosion site had dissipated with a batch of mud rain, but there were still rays of burning pain radiating from the front.

The biological collection team dispatched by the Taihu Ship put on lead-layered protective clothing, commanded the pack animals, and entered the nuclear explosion center with the collection tube on their backs.

Because according to intelligence, on the edge of the nuclear explosion crater, there are some wriggling flesh and blood in some collapsed subway depressions. These flesh and blood are good mechanical beast original materials, and scientists urgently need to collect them.

For this collection work, Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei did not go. They are now watching from the top of the building, the city where the clouds and fog have dissipated.

In the city at this time, there are fleeing creatures everywhere, looking like a chaotic world,

But Su Lingshuang stared at these creatures running towards the east ocean, frowning.

Qiu Mengfei, who was on the same building, saw the girl in the north looking at the fleeing creature below like a sculpture, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

Su Lingshuang said slowly: "There is a big problem! We haven't eliminated the Tianzhulong yet."

Qiu Mengfei said: "It is impossible to completely eliminate the Tianzhulong. This depends on the formation of the East China Sea community. It is impossible to completely eliminate it."

Su Lingshuang: "I'm not talking about the complete elimination, but the node elimination this time. If the current node of Tianzhulong is the last big node at present, then these community individuals should disperse and flee. After gathering in the surrounding area Fighting each other and gathering local nodes, but now they are fleeing towards the East China Sea in unison."

Qiu Mengfei looked towards the east along his fingers, and his expression became serious. : "There is a third node."

Su Lingshuang: "Tianzhulong, there may be multiple nodes. Previously, Bohai Bay was the strongest, followed by Puhai. Now after the current two perish, it is the third."

Su Lingshuang's guess was right. During the Battle of the East China Sea, Tianzhulong was directly cut into four pieces by Sulphurite Xuanwu.
Among them, the two strongest sections fled into Bohai Bay and Puhai City respectively, while the most severely damaged section was lingering on Dayuan Island, and the other section escaped to the "Whale Sea".

However, with the impact of two nuclear bombs, more than half of its carbon-based material body has been wiped out, and the nodes of this generation of Tianzhulong are indeed almost destroyed.

The premise is, don't kill yourself!

On the 21st, at 18:23, the evening glow shone on the row upon row of buildings, and the orange-red light shone on the river, making the place a little warmer.

For the expedition team in Jianye City, the Taihu ship was fully loaded with six large tanks of flesh and blood collected from the nuclear explosion site.

In these two-meter-high transparent nutrient solution cans, the flesh and blood moved as flexibly as an octopus.

Such vitality, and the degree of fit with the ecological energy of the genes of the natural ecological community are still very strong, which made the accompanying researchers very happy.These flesh and blood can be tuned into advanced mechanical beasts with unlimited potential.

In the past, it was always used to dominate the area, at most it was the node flesh of the area overlord, but now it is the first time to obtain the node flesh of the apostle level.


On both sides of the Yangtze River, a large number of creatures are still collapsing eastward, which makes the people on the battleship feel relaxed and see the blue sky.

It's just that everyone didn't notice that those who fled in the city were all large individuals with a body size of more than one meter.

Among the building and the rubble, those mouse creatures passed by the Taihu ship, and after gradually moving away, they got out, stood on the high place of the rubble, and watched the leaving battleship eagerly.

If Wei Keng is here, he can tell that the life frequency band emitted by the battleship loaded with the flesh and blood of the Tianzhu dragon is similar to the call of the queen ant of the mine nest to her children.

(End of this chapter)

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