out of cage

Chapter 174 Chapter 5.20 The Projection of the Times

Chapter 174 Chapter 5.20 The Projection of the Times

Colonial armor that can be driven by humans has appeared, which is also a milestone that can subvert the development of the Pandora plane era.

The future direction of biotechnology for the development of mechanical control has become more obvious!

In the recent update of the Mimic Space over there, this thing was added, which made the players in the main world blow up.In the public beta of these players, a large number of small guilds disappeared, and larger and larger guilds began to run rampant.

Meng Xiyun, who had just obtained the status of a time traveler, commented on the update after he left: "This technology and industrial chain continue to develop, and city-states and larger countries will be able to rely on resources and productivity to obtain stable mass production. Armed. Relatively speaking, mechanical beasts have become personal armed forces (stragglers) mastered by small forces."

Back in the space bubble, the Bailinglu team once again made a lot of notes in accordance with the rules and regulations.But up and down are not as surprised as the first time.

It is not uncommon for such a situation to occur in the timeline of Wei Keng's return.

This is a standard "technological change" historical moment.

After the emergence of "spiritual language", the communication ability of human society has definitely reached the interstellar level.

A complete blueprint, a complete skill, can be expressed in one or two paragraphs of the spiritual frequency band.

Then various technologies surrounding the language of the mind will continue to emerge.

The unified cutting area research institute can process the information collected by the eyes, ears and other organs of the external organisms through the carbon-based integrated system, and finally transform it into the spiritual language in the helmet to assist the driver's perception.This
The above is but a small branch of this technological revolution.

With the needs of production and life, Wei Keng's scientific research department has also developed a more advanced "biological processor" (modeled on artificial brain tissue), which can directly record high-level spiritual language.

This means that the production process and every key point described by the technical directors in various factories in high-level spiritual language can be directly stored in such a chip for young people to read.

Beginners of spiritual language only need to wear a helmet, chew sugar tablets, and the thermometer on the forehead has also set the health protection threshold-reading this thing is really brain-burning, in a physical sense.

The clarity of this reading is like experiencing this memory in person!

And such a carbon-based chip can be read repeatedly, uh, it can be read hundreds of times!This effect is much more efficient than Wei Keng's one-on-one indoctrination to each student.

Compared with the evolution process of the previous generation of civilization, this is the progress brought about by the emergence of paper and pen.

When there is no written carrier, for a long time, skills have been passed on by word of mouth.The efficiency of such inheritance is very low.

However, with the emergence of bamboo slips and even paper books, these carriers can be circulated, greatly increasing the speed of knowledge and information exchange.

In the era of Pandora, even if there is no carrier for the spiritual language, the efficiency and accuracy of information transmission has surpassed the times.

And now, there is a technical system that can record it!It can be said to be like a tiger with wings added.

In January of Pandora 146, the latest data on spiritual language users in the unified logging area showed that there were 1 people who had reached the fourth level.

In iron and steel smelting, machinery manufacturing, and chemical engineering, a large number of technical systems have begun to be constructed in factories not dominated by Wei Keng.

These factories have begun to master the manufacture of tanks and air fighters, and have begun to integrate the biological reproduction equipment system to replace the electronic control design of the deadly plane's weapons.

Even in the rural areas now controlled by the unified logging area, uh, in the plantation area.

Those intellectuals who went to the countryside to keep up with the perspective of the big cities in the unified logging area also caught up with the fashion, started "love invention", and started small innovations after ordering parts for colonization.

They inserted the catheter into the muscle tissue obtained from the pack animal, then connected it to the helmet, and then connected it to the tractor, and soon created a mind-controlled steam tractor!

Although it doesn't look like much now.However, in terms of space, these inspectors who scored full marks in the humanities and history assessments understand that this is the era of the explosion of progress in the whole society.

And Jianye, the five-color alliance, these forces that cannot be ignored in the past timeline.Now in comparison, it is completely not enough.

The dancing Hongyan Lai put aside the Jianye plot supervision work that is still in progress: Damn!Sooner or later they will be flattened (this supervisor was recently assigned to watch Jianye, he felt that the job was not good and had no future, and he often thought about it)

Liao Yangxiu was in the mimic space, looking at the updated social system and the situation of Pandora at the same time.That expression was as vivid as "Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day, and the family sacrifices were never forgotten to tell Nai Weng".

As for the cadre Xuan Niaogui, who has been collecting global views recently, he has begun to label them one by one according to the distance from the cutting area from near to far.

These drama stars couldn't help but bring in some performances, which made Bai Linglu on the foreman's stage burst into laughter.

A long time ago, when I first cooperated with Wei Keng, I wasn't like this either.And this Pandora plane, how depressing it was in the past.When you see someone can knock it over.of course~
Bai Linglu spread out his jade hand, closed his five onion-like fingers, and held them tightly.

The Pandora plane that Wei Keng came to is a brand new timeline, a timeline that is updated every moment.

Some people who have been explored for tens of thousands of times in the past, but will not appear in the data, will be active in this era.

Pandora's Age 146 June.

A lady came to Ji'an City, 1.8 meters tall, with vermilion lips, and her skin seemed to be newly born, but her eyes were covered by ring-shaped black lenses.

Such an appearance is a very standard appearance of an adjuster,
Only regenerative adjustments will result in a generally larger skeleton and a new skin.As the lens failed to regenerate well, the vision could only be blocked by black sunglasses, and then assisted by a helmet linked to the eyes of the creature.

After the lady asked a little about the current situation of the new streets in the city, she strode towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The old man who answered her saw her walking towards the old city of Ji'an City, and immediately persuaded her, "Guliang, the people over there are very conservative, you are a regulator, they might—"

The lady turned her head slowly and asked with a smile, "Will you scold me?"

At this time, above her, a mechanical eagle flew past and circled.

The lady waved her hand and let the mechanical eagle leave directly. Obviously, this is her mechanical beast.

The lady said flatly: "I hear a lot of insulting voices. I don't care about one or two more sentences."


Zeng Chiyi, she was a severe genetic polluter four years ago.

In the 130th year of the Pandora Era, 15 years ago, the overlord community nodes in the Cantonese region were scattered by the Tianshilong. Two years later, Wei Keng came to the Pandora plane.

At that time, she suffered a serious infection during the chaos of the community in Guangdong.When it was impossible to save her, she was only 12 years old and died by default, because taking her back would still allow the elders to rule.Then she went through the most difficult period of her whole life, she spent 15 years as a mill animal in the damp shed of a watermill mill.

It's been 15 years of memory loss, but surprisingly, some awareness has been preserved.

What's more, at the age of 12, she was already literate. After the infection, when she was still conscious, she used stones to record on the wall bricks, which may have helped her preserve the memories of her youth.

Until, four years ago, when all her thoughts were almost blurred, she encountered a life radiation effect that made her colic but comfortable.

After a series of adjustments, her second life began.

It is indeed a second life. After adjusting her state, she lost her memory at first, and only knew that she must live and remember.

Of course, we must listen to the guide (Wei Keng Group) and be obedient, hardworking, serious, and hardworking.

When a lot of social common sense and logical memory were reshaped, she was almost sure that she was another person. Suddenly, in the last two days of adjustment, the residual memory popping up in her brain reminded her to find herself again.In the end, she came to the animal shed where she had stayed, and was in a daze for the whole afternoon, recalling the past that she never dared to forget.

Regarding her, Wei Keng didn't know her identity.I didn't know that a princess could be accepted from a beastman.Of course, no special attention has been paid to heavy adjusters.

When the genetic polluters are serious, they don't actually distinguish between men and women, and even if they can tell the difference, it doesn't matter, with a dry skeleton and skin like firewood.Even if adjusted to the moderate stage and slightly restored to human form, the female adjuster does not have any extraordinary appearance capital, the asymmetrical facial muscles, the too terrifying claws on the palm, and the irregular color spots on the skin, at first glance can only be…

Only in the final stages.Only then will the ugly duckling turn into a swan.However, the adjustment was successful at that time, and Wei Keng also considered cutting off the spiritual link, and ruthlessly pushed him into society.

Zeng Chiyi climbed up from the adjusted state step by step through self-effort to become a human again.

By the way, she is called Zeng Shuni now.

Shu is the name given by Wei Keng, (Wei Keng made a rotating wheel with male and female names on it, and then shakes it out) Mi is the name she added to herself.

She was the first batch of severely infected people who were successfully adjusted. She was free last year, but she only came to Ji'an City this year.


Compared with a few years ago, the mansion in the center of Ji'an City is much deserted now.

These old city-states in Guangdong have experienced the absorption effect of the central big city since they signed economic contracts with the unified cutting area.

First it was population loss, and then it was left aside by road planning.Furthermore, there is only mechanical beast technology, and because of the direct cooperation between the unified cutting area and Jianye city this year, the technicians of these city-states began to go directly to the Zhuxin Regional Research Institute to work.

Zeng Lin, the "young city lord" of Ji'an City who sent Wei Keng to the north, and now the honorary mayor, can now feel all these changes the most.He sometimes thinks that he won't last long in this increasingly lonely city.

But his father, Zeng Longmu, has begun to see it in recent years: "All go, all go, Ji'an City belongs to our Zeng family again."

Today, when Zeng Lin was sitting on the stone steps and daydreaming, he suddenly felt a mechanical eagle in the sky locking himself.

A few minutes later, when Zeng Lin saw that the owner of the mechanical eagle was a female adjuster, he was greatly surprised.

Because in the past ten years, it was the time when the Wei Keng cluster rose, and in the past few years, the entire inhuman hostile gene cluster in Guangdong has been killed.

Guangdong has been infested by human communities, and mechanical beasts are useless. How can there be a challenge from a trainer that only existed in the Central City Gymnasium ten years ago.

But based on etiquette, the two trainers still fought according to the etiquette that trainers should have.
In an open field the size of a football field.

The giant cat retreating from the battle front confronted the mechanical dog with the rotating chainsaw,

Zeng Lin's mechanical dog chainsaw was at full speed, and this sound replaced the roar and threatened the giant cat in front of him.

But the giant cat approached slowly and unhurriedly.

When approaching about 50 meters, the giant cat jumped suddenly, and then ejected a hook lock from its waist, hooking the mechanical dog's neck directly, and then jumped and charged, dragging the mechanical dog like grabbing a bull's nose ring.When the mechanical dog was struggling, the chain was released just right,

When the mechanical dog lost its balance, it accidentally exposed its lower body, and the cat approached immediately, and a two-kilogram cone shot out from the mechanical nozzle of the cat's lower jaw, piercing the mechanical dog's abdomen like a steel gun.

This is the victory of the agile and coordinated standard mechanical beast in the cutting area, but the mechanical beast with balance and stability defects against the heavy armor.

Zeng Lin sighed and said slowly: "Your Excellency has won, may I ask what you are doing in Ji'an City! I'm sorry, if you want to go to Jianye to study, I don't have a pass letter here."

Zeng Shuni raised her head and looked at her half-brother, and said, "I want the biological nucleus in Hall No. [-], Area A!"

Zeng Lin was stunned for a moment, he thought of something instantly, stared at the person in front of him, and after half a minute, he lost his voice and said, "Chi Yi?"

Zeng Shuni: "I don't know what you're talking about, my adjusted name is Zeng Shuni,"


Bionucleus!It is the biological meat before the transformation of some high-level mechanical beasts!
If the Tianzhulong flesh and blood obtained by Jianye City surrenders to a certain human being, it will be a bionucleus!
Usually egg-shaped.Without being confirmed by the owner, it will always remain in a dormant state, and will not develop or differentiate into various tissues.

The nucleus that Zeng Shuni wanted was the flesh and blood of the overlord of Guangdong 15 years ago after being crushed.
As for why she recognized the Lord halfway back then, but failed. In the chaos of ten years, she lost a lot of memory. It is difficult for Zeng Shuni to determine the specific situation. At that time, he was involved in the conspiracy.

In a big family, there are always some bad things. For example, Zeng Shuni's mother and Zeng Lin's mother are hostile.

Regarding this biological nucleus, after she joined the laboratory, she thought about it, and then felt that it was still in Zeng's house.

The overlord creature in Guangdong is a kind of fungus cluster. When gathered together, it looks like a fleshy mass, but the core is surprisingly large.

The scientific name of the age of species: Tai Sui
The effect is that it can copy the forms of various community creatures, whether it is a large hoarding animal or a high-performance hunting form, it can be switched over.

In the information provided by the system, this thing looks a bit like a Ditto.But it is definitely not as pink and tender as the Divers in the anime.

Thinking back when Wei Keng had just arrived back then, the batch of monsters he encountered were first the "droplet spider" that almost melted Wei Keng, and then the "monster with several heads embedded in the neck of the toad's body" (now the big carrot). It is a branch of this "Tai Sui".

This node creature can be described as an abnormal ghost animal. 15 years ago, I even wanted to develop a mimetic dragon towards the ocean~ Narrator: I ended up dying.

Today, Zeng Shuni believes that this thing is very useful for biological application technology in the unified logging area.

(End of this chapter)

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