out of cage

Chapter 175 Chapter 5.21 Blood Pack Technology, the rules of the monitor.

Chapter 175 Chapter 5.21 Blood Pack Technology, the rules of the monitor.

Ji'an City, this ethical drama of the Zeng family, made the supervisors above talk about it very much, discussing the plot inside it.

Zeng Longmu, a thorn in the side who always wanted to find out the problems of the unified cutting area, really didn't dare to meet his former daughter this time.Of course, after Zeng Shuni took away the "biological nucleus", she couldn't help taking another look, but Zeng Shuni still found it.

At the end of this 'encounter', Zeng Shuni ignored her and completely forgot about her.

Afterwards, according to a boring supervisor who observed Zeng Longmu's state for several days, it was determined that this old man who didn't eat oil and salt had really collapsed this time.

Wei Keng has no time to pay attention to such an ethical drama.But two weeks after Zeng Shuni returned to the laboratory, Wei Keng suddenly paid attention to an experimental result that appeared in the laboratory.

Pandora Calendar June 146

The unified cutting area, Qingyuan City, is a scientific research base, and the distributed power supply is the most sufficient.It is divided into four areas: Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Qinglong.

In Qinglong District, in the era of old civilization, a stadium building covering a standard football field, oh, when cleaning up some abandoned seat bases, you can even see the old fans with black paint, "cowardly style" and "stinky ball". era text.

However, this building is of good quality, and now it has been added a shed and converted into a science and technology center for the experimental base.

In the No. [-] cultivation laboratory.The original person in charge here was originally a scholar from the old city-state, but now with the prominence of a technology, a certain adjuster who was originally an assistant is now the person in charge.

A certain individual in charge of the energy field of the biochemical tower in the Weikeng Group opened the door. According to the rules, he was here to report on the practice, but after entering, an enthusiastic girl, um, his former adjuster, opened the door for him, and then But excitedly pulled Wei Keng's arm and came to the industrial cultivation tank.

What Wei Keng paid special attention to was that the girl's eyes were bright and full of happiness.

Wei Keng looked at her name, Zeng Shuni.

After looking at the information handed over by the system (actively), I learned that this girl had a very bumpy experience under her happy appearance.

The biological nucleus of the former overlord of Guangdong can almost be seen that the gene community in this area was the main gene body when the earth was still in the era of species.

Wei Keng stroked his chin and muttered, "It's probably the Ganoderma lucidum."

A fungal group that can proliferate in large quantities, known as Tai Sui among the people, can imitate all living organisms in the Pandora era.

Wei Keng encountered many weird node creatures including the "big carrot" in his early travels.Had an experience of self-mutilation in reverse regeneration.

Because the experience was quite painful, Master Wei didn't want to recall it very much.

So some details that are valuable to the future scientific development of human beings are just ignored by Wei Keng!

As a middle-aged figure, it is impossible to have the ability to predict all routes!
Your attention span is limited.And only by liberating more people and letting a rich and prosperous society remind themselves, so that the attention that was originally missed will be remembered again, and all possible routes will be locked.

The route that Zeng Shuxi is currently leading is non-destructive restoration!

She did an experiment by herself, and her bright eyes were repaired with the stock solution cultivated by biological nuclei.

Yes, Wei Keng also repaired it a long time ago.

When I was traveling for the first time, one of my individuals was brutally treated by a large droplet with spider thighs, which melted the body, and many sensory neurons were manipulated, leaving only 40.00% of the body at one point.

But after the first time his group of troops marched across this world forcibly, the wrecked body was repaired under self-consciousness.

In fact, at that time, Wei Keng forced that sub-node to surrender, but then Wei Keng set it on fire in a fit of anger.The so-called missed opportunity.

However, as the saying goes, getting the right way will help you a lot, but being wronged will help you a lot.

As long as the route is right, those who follow me will pick up the opportunities that I missed.

The official verification of Zeng Shuni's scientific research results - have to wait, wait for emergencies.

About five days later, an unexpected situation occurred. There was an engineering accident on the northern railway line. When a person was operating the cutting machine, he accidentally cut off his wrist and lost his severed palm. Microbial environments have lost the link possible.

Wei Keng and Zeng Shuni rushed to the destination immediately and started the temporary operation.

During the operation, the wounded bit the towel, looked at his hands, and at the doctor who came, full of hope.

Zeng Shuni prepared the original solution.

This is a jelly-like organic stock solution, and then other nutrient solutions and biofilm osmotic systems (osmotic metabolites) are introduced through catheters.

The operation began, and as the broken wrist was disinfected and the cut was re-excised and inserted into culture fluid, jelly-like organic matter began to rapidly integrate along the port.

Then, in less than three hours, the prototype of the palm connected to the broken place appeared, and it could be clearly seen that the blood circulation had been formed.The surgeon also formed cartilage.

After five days, such a palm appeared. Although the new bones were very soft, continuous observation was needed.But it was undoubtedly largely successful.

Next, Zeng Shuxi and Wei Keng waited for other unlucky people to come to clinical trials in two months.

The feasibility of this medical technology has been basically confirmed, not only can it be used in surgical limb regeneration, but also in internal medicine for organ trauma.

Even blood transfusions were avoided.After the imported Tai Sui imitates human cells, without other life radiation infection, it will eventually completely become human cells and be incorporated into the life cycle system of the injured
This whole is a universal blood bag!Turn the complex medical operations on the earth into a fool's medicine kit in the game.

As long as it is a human individual with independent consciousness, it can repair its own defects after contacting this original liquid.

[Important point: The injured must have their own subjective consciousness, which means that Wei Keng and Zeng Shuni have to wait for the injured in the accident.Instead of looking for broken limbs to cultivate. 】

And the speed of repair can even be supported by "external life radiation support".That is to say, after Wei Keng transferred the radiation from the radiation tower of the biogas power station, he adjusted the frequency band slightly to speed up the repair.

Bai Linglu: The black technology scene of radio stations accelerating blood volume is just around the corner.

In other words!This world is not afraid of hot weapons, and can repair the characteristics of monsters in various ways.Now it is taken by humans.

As for the characteristics acquired by human beings, human thinking will not give up until they use this thing to the point where they can't bear it.

Imagine the future, long, long in the future.

In a hot weapon battle, as long as you don't get killed on the spot, go back to the base and pack your blood, you will be a hero again in a few days!
[Wei Keng: It was originally a horror world, but suddenly it became a funny animation world? ——Horror movies are monsters that can’t be killed, funny anime is that the protagonist can’t die]

Pandora Calendar June 146

After the commanding army sent an expert group to determine the safety and usability of this technology, it naturally began to be put into production, which encountered another technical difficulty.

The organism that produces the repairing liquid is code-named "Dittoman". Under the condition of sufficient nutrition, Dittoman can expand to three tons, but once it exceeds three tons, various organs will appear in the tissue, that is, it will undergo differentiation .

And it's useless to separate them with different cylinders, because they can radiate each other's life.

Three tons is logically enough.but,
Wei Keng's spare thought: What if there is a battle with thousands of casualties a day?

[System: The Verdun meat grinder-style battle will not happen unless you are changed soul. 】

How to make the monthly output of "Dittoman" more than three tons?Wei Keng decided to build a large ice bank. As long as the temperature is lowered to minus 32 degrees, the metabolism will be slowed down to one thousandth, and then the storage can be completed by a thousand times.


But in the end, the mass production of this technology was solved by Zeng Shuni's innovation.

In August 146, she successfully completed the vesicle cultivation on the "big radish".

This big radish turned out to be a branch of the old node of the Cantonese community, and it has already surrendered to humans, when the cells of the old overlord (old daddy) node were transplanted.Vesicles will form.

The life cycle of vesicles is three days. This big radish can be continuously expanded. After widening the pool, the branch supplying vesicles is reserved in a larger pool, so the vesicles have a limited time, but they can be generated in large quantities.

After research, Zeng Shuni determined that the liquid of this vesicle can be used directly, and the earlier the production period is, the better the effect on human proliferation will be.

Of course, it is better to go through a transformation, that is, to pump out the vesicle fluid and inject it into Ditto. Under the radiation of its life, the new node vesicle fluid will tend to the original solution within 10 minutes!

In fact, although Big Carrot has not clearly sensed the existence of Ditto.But after the radish branched out from the vines and grew vesicles, through the interaction effect of life radiation, it was determined that humans would turn their vesicle liquid again!
This "scheming radish" can detect a little transformation process, so in the process of forming vesicles, the vesicle fluid has undergone a trend change, and according to the rate of the change of trend, it will take about a few decades to make this "human vesicle Function" completely snatched from Ditto.

[This is to be a dog!Still have to be the only dog.The big turnip can no longer counteract the human community. Unless Wei Keng disappears and the human population drops to only a few thousand, it will not be enough to suppress it.Of course, if these conditions really arise, before the decline of human beings, they will backhand pour thousands of tons of salt into the pool where the big radish is located to make it red in snow. 】

8 month 8 number

In front of the big radish pond, the three Wei Keng groups looked at the vesicles, and the group specially separated a person to discuss cooperation with Zeng Shuni.

In his tone, Wei Keng solemnly used honorifics to her: "Professor Zeng, your contribution will be remembered by history."

But when Zeng Shuni heard such a title, she obviously stuttered: "Guide, all my achievements are with your help."

In the scientific research report submitted by Zeng Shuni, not only Wei Keng's name was included, but it was also placed before her own name.Of course Wei Keng crossed out his name.Self-deprecating: "I'm not that smart."

Now that he heard Zeng Shuni's words, Wei Keng emphasized again: "Your achievements are your achievements, and it is the society that helps you achieve. I just did what the society should do. You can thank me, but you must thank the society."

Zeng Shuni sensed the grand concept of "society" sent by Wei Keng in the spiritual language.

In the process of reading these beautiful things, her chin twitched lightly, still like the student who was guided at the beginning.

The current thinking of the Wei Keng group penetrated the surrounding jungle and the future.Can't help but ask Pandora World: "There are more and more cards, (in the future) there should be no more casualties, right?"


In the Dimension Surveillance Area
The monitoring area of ​​Pandora's plane has expanded, and many new teams have joined. Bai Linglu is still the top leader, but at this time the voice of the small team is no longer as active as the previous small team.After the team expands, sisters can no longer be sisters, and rules must be followed in everything.

[It is said that in the monitoring space of some large-scale missions, there will be tens of thousands of monitors at the same time, and there are seven or eight people in charge at the top.The supervisor industry is all women, so sometimes there is friction, deliberately grabbing the other side, and there is a "gong fight" scene. 】

Now that Liao Yangxiu finished sorting out the latest milestone "Blood Pack Technology", he let out a long breath and looked back at the glorious and magnificent route in the hall since Wei Keng resumed his mission.

Regarding Wei Keng's "original timeline", another major technological breakthrough has been made. The "old people" who have been there since the beginning of the monitoring team are now "numbed" and numb with excitement.

Which group next door is responsible for the "cause of technology on the timeline" is actually a bit of a "brain pain"

Obviously, Wei Keng's major technological breakthrough in "blood bag technology" is not the main role, but the promotional role.

But among the multiple comparison timelines, there is really no similar comparison timeline
That is to say, according to the consequential theory, this "promoting effect" actually plays a decisive role.

If Wei Keng's role is decisive, then the concept proposed by Wei Keng is decisive.

If Wei Keng did not play a decisive role, then the indigenous people who played a decisive role should also show their talents in multiple timelines.

As for why so entangled?Because behind this is the mechanism of "Fengshen Bang" to screen some highly developed talents. ——The origin of important technology is either a traverser or a transcendent, otherwise it will be very troublesome to study the loopholes in the list of gods.

And Zeng Shuni did not appear on the timeline of other traversers.

This procedural problem that caused the team a headache was finally reported to Bai Linglu.

Bai Linglu came up with a simple, but out-of-spec solution, that is, from now on, to enter a node for Zeng Shuyu, and after Wei Keng's mission is over, she will also become a time traveler.

[Since it is impossible to determine Wei Keng's decisive role in the blood bag technology, let's make an exception and turn Zeng Shuni, who played a decisive role, into a time traveler. ——The report will be easy to write]

But soon, someone in the team reminded Bai Linglu that this matter was not in compliance with the rules!

In the space bubble, Yang Chunfen's projection appeared.

"The selection of transcendents requires at least six scholars on that timeline, or two ministers to prove their potential on at least eight timelines!"

Bai Linglu waited until he finished speaking, and after a few seconds of silence, he retorted: "Eight timelines? Now most of the timelines in the Pandora plane have been opened to the later hundreds of years. The time when he (Wei Keng) came It is already the most past time, how could it be possible to still issue eight. As for the non-commissioned officer level you mentioned?"

Bai Linglu's tone was filled with disdain: "As I said, he (Wei Keng) is unique in the Pandora plane. In the thousands of timelines he has experienced before, who has done the work of treating animal people? Don't look for those The example of "wanting to be cured" is nothing if you don't do it. This Zeng Shuni will only appear in his timeline. It's not that I don't want to find a control group for verification, but the conditions do not allow it."

In the end, Yang Chunfen did not continue to persuade, but just reminded: "In the future, things that break the rules should be done as little as possible."

After Yang Chunfen left.

Bai Linglu, who has always maintained the banner of Gao Jie, suddenly broke out: "Regulations! Rules, if I hadn't been asked to abide by the rules, how could the Pandora plane have dragged on until today! So many inefficient timelines have been created."

A few minutes later
Bai Linglu confirmed the choice of "Transcendor" on the pop-up window.Ignored the red pop-up window on the system.Just like, 21st century nerds ignore risk warnings when searching certain web pages.

(End of this chapter)

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