out of cage

Chapter 178 Chapter 5.24 is really new and wants to get out.

Chapter 178 Chapter 5.24 is really new and wants to get out.

On May 146, 5 in the Pandora calendar, eight months after the Tianshanglong incident.


In the college, Wei Keng was thinking heavily: Now that he has been involved in the chaos, what choice should he make next?

As the factions of interest in Jianye City fought against each other, Wei Keng had already realized that he was in a whirlpool.

And in this vortex, as a "true Xinzheng", I can no longer leave Jianye at will like I did two years ago.

Two years ago, I was white and did not enter the core research institute in Jianye, and the unified cutting area did not establish diplomatic relations with Jianye two years ago.

Today, the unified cutting area has a large amount of commodity economic interests in Jianye, and once there is any dishonesty, the commodities will definitely be seized.It doesn't matter if the goods are seized. If the personnel are seized, it can only be condemned to war.

If you leave now for no reason, there is no doubt that it is a "broken act".

And considering the partner Wei Renlu's ability to attract hatred due to the conflict of technical routes, his opponents will definitely hype this up as espionage in the commanding area, and the problem is even bigger.

What's more, this does not conform to the discipline in the process of dealing with external forces in the unified logging area.


Zhen Xinzheng is quite helpless now that he is "killing himself by doing what he does".

In such a complicated society, life is very tiring, and honest people have to learn to use a fake smiling face to ask for a chance.

Wei Keng, who was sitting on the chair, heard the sound of the mechanical beast passing by. After confirming that it was Qiu Mengfei, he took a deep breath, forced a smile on his face and walked up.


In Qiu Mengfei's eyes, a few months ago, Zhenxin was a classmate who posted upside down. Since his fame has risen, there are many people who want to be honored like this.

The monitors in the space bubble felt "sad" (happy to hear and see) that the relationship between Wei Keng and Qiu Mengfei was too superficial.

As for this, Wei Keng is too powerful in the timeline.If some small shortcomings are not grasped, the supervisors feel that the relationship between the two parties is too alienated.

In other timelines, those timetravelers are masters in dealing with the "protagonist", they have in-depth research on their preferences and personality, and they can gain favorability at the most appropriate time, but Master Wei did not study these materials Pass.Naturally, it is impossible to become Qiu Mengfei's confidant.

In the case that the real new one didn't get enough favorability.

And because of the various high-tech developments in the unified cutting area, the Five Colors Alliance in the north felt threatened, which in turn gave Su Lingshuang, the heroine, a "BBC perspective" on Wei Keng.

After Qiu Mengfei had a discussion with Su Lingshuang about the apostles, he was even less inclined to conspire with Wei Keng.

5 minutes later,

Wei Keng found that Qiu Mengfei was not interested in his proposal about the breeding technology, so he just put on a fake smile and ended the conversation with a sigh in his heart.

Wei Keng looked at Qiu Mengfei who was riding away on the mechanical beast,

He said to himself: "I really can't talk to these people."


In the Zifeng Building, in the middle lobby, all the families and councilors are currently making voting decisions.Well-dressed personnel sat on the steps of the plastic seats.

On the proposal of Tianzhulong, the upper-level adults in Jianye are making the final decision.

Multiple options appeared on the electronic screen in the lobby.

Option one, disassemble into multiple segments and store in a low temperature culture area.

The Jianye No. [-] experimenter raised objections: This option is a make-up. If this option is really chosen, how should the large amount of research funds be reimbursed?What about the resources spent during the storage process?These must be discussed.

The second option is to select high-end mechanical beasts for fusion.

Some trainers of Jianye No. [-] have concerns: "This is a mature and prudent option. If the fusion is successful, everyone is happy. If there are side effects, then it is limited to a certain range, but the top wave of people will definitely not pass this project. .Because the reason is very simple: Whose mechanical beast will do this dangerous fusion? Apostle-level flesh and blood, at least a heavenly-level mechanical beast.——Under the emotional concept of a partner, the heavenly king will send dozens of Years of companionship, even a mechanical beast that has been passed down for a generation, send it here?
Option [-]: It is to implant the "protagonist" cells and conduct guidance at the early stage of consciousness birth.

Option [-]: Build the cockpit!
The voters in the building hurriedly cast their votes.

Those who can participate in the meeting, without abstention votes, must put on a show of participation.And in order to let the neutrals vote without offending people, some garbage options that cannot be adopted are provided.

When such non-decision-making options are mixed in, it provides an opportunity for the top of Jianye City to show their leadership and fight against all opinions.

But before going against all odds.

Some deals are still to be done.

On the upper floor of the voting hall, Jiang Xu was holding a plastic sugar bag and talking with Wei Renlu.

This sugar bag is the suspected plastic gourd in the elementary school canteen, which is filled with pigmented sugar drinks. In the 21st century, children with snorting noses usually drink this stuff.

But now the two old men are one by one, and they even pretend to hold red wine glasses.It's ridiculous by 21st century values.

This sugar water bag is a product of the unified logging area. The sugar water contains 20.00% alcohol and 50.00% sugar.

Jiang Xu was slightly drunk to this old classmate: "Ren Lu, it's been decades, it's rare to see you so energetic."

Wei Renlu: "You too."

Jiang Xu narrated slowly: "You know, your claim is difficult to pass."

Wei Renlu knew that this was bargaining, squinted her eyes and pretended to be drunk, and said, "I know, but what I want is to maintain the continuation of the technical reserve."—that is, to move option three out of the mainstream route, and option four as a backup technology research and development .

Jiang Xu: "There are conditions." He stared at Wei Renlu.

Some people at the top of Jianye are also thinking about the humanoid group when they are trying to complete the surrender of Tianzhulong.

Wei Renlu knew what Jiang Xu meant and was caught in the balance.

Jiang Xu's idea is to drag "the individuals of the apostles of the same face in the south into the experiment."

Before that, Wei Renlu also mentioned to Wei Keng that he would contribute cells to fuse with the Tianzhulong Mecha, but Wei Keng refused all of them.

[Narrator: In the process of life radiation interacting with each other, Wei Keng feels a physical rejection of his own organic life activities and the integration of aliens, just like ordinary people feel that their bodies are bitten by dirty bugs or snakes Take a bite, and abscesses develop.When normal people see blackheads and pimples, they want to squeeze out the contents inside, and they will never find a pore to stuff these things in. 】

Master Wei's radiation system for his own life is only tolerant to humans.

But this kind of tolerance has a bottom line. Wei Keng has zero tolerance for mixing with reproductively isolated creatures and producing creatures that cannot stably inherit their own human form.

Please note that what Wei Keng requires is: the offspring of a species that reproduces stably.

Min can give birth to dragons, but according to Wei Keng's logic, she is defined as an "ape" and cannot give birth to normal human offspring, which is still considered reproductive isolation.

The Wei Keng gene sequence in the adjuster's life was not produced by natural reproduction, but they could pass on these genes stably through natural reproduction, and Wei Keng acquiesced in the responsibility of being a father.

A few minutes later, Wei Renlu raised his head with a helpless expression.

And Jiang Xu obviously didn't want to give up that possibility.More tempting conditions were put forward.He even pointed out Wei Renlu's former identity in the north.

In the vision of the top careerist in Jianye City, as long as the "true new and authentic" individual samples are controlled, a batch of them will be quietly replicated in Jianye City, which is very important for maintaining the future of the Jianye Overlord.

Jiang Xu's idea is: he treats Wei Keng as a potato seedling and wants to steal it.As long as one is stolen and a group is copied, Jianye can be mechanized.

This is the same as some people with insufficient scientific literacy in the 21st century (there are both on the Internet in China, the United States and India). They think that if they get a certain core element of the other party, they can perfectly destroy the other party's advantages.

That is, it is habitual to simplify and summarize the advantages of the opponent, because it seems "easy to take" and "doesn't require much effort".

Wei Keng, who lived in the 27th century, did not expect Jianye's strange idea at all.

This is the end of the world, and I don't want to think about how to farm, how to establish the basic thinking of "observation, hypothesis, experiment, and summary".Put it aside and watch Hollywood movies, first predict the result, and then think that "technology is omnipotent" as a basis to be reckless!

The popular science education of the current generation in Jianye City is so worrying.

Preface This old man really grew up watching Hollywood movies. Under the influence of the extremely ungrounded urban multiculturalism, these upper-class rulers of the end of the world thought: Human beings can stably integrate the weirder and weirder genes while maintaining the human form. cheated. (Spiderman, Catwoman, Sandman, Colossus)


In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

In the institute,
After Zhenxin was watching the decision-making in Zifeng Building, he let out a sigh of relief, pretending to relax, and said, "Should I have done everything that needs to be done?"

Then he took out the "return application report" he had written a long time ago, divided it into three and submitted it to the research institute, the office of the unified cutting area, and the Jianye Residents' Office.

All this is done in accordance with the discipline,
Wei Keng knew that after applying for this paper, he would still not be released by Jianye due to various handover reasons. "

However, the organization in the unified cutting area has confirmed that he can return, and will negotiate with Jianye, if Jianye allows himself to engage in dangerous business during the detention process.

In the processing procedures of the unified logging area, it will be determined that this is an illegal seizure.You can use power reasonably and legally.

And in this way, in the process of taking action against Jianye, the unified cutting zone will not completely destroy the commercial and economic reputation of the unified cutting zone in the Jianye controlled area.

In such a state system, Jianye City is the largest city in the region.However, the will of the top level of Jianye City cannot represent all the surviving human city-states in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

It is not absolutely contrary to maintaining one's own credibility in the region to compete with the highest will of the region.

When it comes to "modern politics" and "diplomatic procedures", compared with Wei Keng, the rulers of Jianye are illiterate!
In the afternoon, as Wei Keng expected,

After Wei Renlu received Wei Keng's report, she suppressed it directly, but then the unified cutting area approached Jianye's residential office. "People are working on projects" report.

But on the second day, the department set up here by the unified logging area took the report that Wei Renlu had just stamped yesterday, and asked to ask "True Xinzheng" what specific projects are still unfinished?
This made Wei Renlu suddenly feel 'endless'.

He had to make a detailed report, and then asked Jianye's upper-level acceptance department to explain, and then found the "true Xinzheng" and started to retain him.

Two days later, Wei Renlu's emotional cards were played.
In the laboratory, Wei Renlu took Zhenxin to demonstrate the conditions obtained in the current meeting, that is, to build a small-scale Tianjiaolong species in the cultivation pool in the north of Jianye City, and this species will use the breeding equipment driving technology.

Wei Renlu earnestly persuaded her to stay: "I'm getting old, and I want to hand over the laboratory to you." Her tone was still as sincere as when they first met.

At this time, Zhen Xinzheng was watching the old man perform, and waited for his performance to end.

Wei Keng made a clear attitude towards the old man: "All cooperation will be carried out in the next stage. At present, I want to go back."

Wei Renlu's complexion changed, and a second later, he said with a smile: "Continue to think about it..."

Wei Renlu's smile was still so kind, but Zhen Xin felt that there seemed to be some kind of determination in his smile.

The real return has entered a complicated procedure (delay) on Jianye's side.

But this delay did not end on the side of the unified logging area.

The first is diplomatic urging, and the unified logging area is already exporting a large amount of goods.He also has a certain right to speak when communicating with Jianye's business groups.

The program can be dragged, but if there is no progress in the program twice in a row.Then, many of the industrial projects involved in Jianye City will also experience stagnation in progress!

Furthermore, in view of the recent sharp internal conflicts in Jianye City mentioned in the "True Xinzheng" report,

The upper echelon of the unified logging area has also prepared for the worst, which is the possibility of evacuating overseas Chinese.

It cannot be said to be an armed evacuation of overseas Chinese, but in order to ensure the evacuation of overseas Chinese, it is possible for self-defense-level armed forces to maintain the bottom line during the evacuation process.

October 146, 10 in the Pandora calendar.

The commanding area conducted military drills in southern Jiangxi,
On the Ganjiang River, four steamships and air forces conducted a joint exercise.Four steamships were the arming of the two-hundred-ton river fleet.The unified logging area is determined based on Puhai's experience. In the southern waterway network area, hull firepower is still effective.

Of course, the surface armament of the waterway also needs to cooperate with air power.

In the sky, six transport planes and biplane fighter jets flew in the air, just looking at the appearance of these planes was like a dream come back to World War I.


The companions flying in the sky this time are all triangles.

These blunt-angled flying wings are in the shape of b2. Of course, the back of the wing is not a jet plane, but a propeller plane. This is a bit like the doomsday technology of the Third Reich.

The color of the flying wing is white, with a wingspan of only 15 meters, and it is very flat. Obviously, there is no cockpit inside, which is another benchmark for the technology of the first generation of unmanned attack aircraft in the 21st century.

This is the "Lugia" version for the commanding army's own use.

Its design requirements can compete for air supremacy and have excellent landing capabilities. It is best to land on a hull platform with a length of only 20 meters.

As for ground attack?Oh, that thing is handed over to a heavy fighter plane with a load of one or two tons to drop a hundred-kilogram aerial bomb.

Compared with the experimental "black version of Lugia" that Zhenxin is trial-producing in Jianye in the north,
The "white version of Rogia" in the unified logging area lacks the rich accumulation of biological organs and tissues in Jianye, so it is weaker in terms of vision, hearing and other systems.

However, there are now "advantageous technologies" in the unified logging area.

Through the development of civilian industries such as "mental language" storage and communication equipment.

The military technical team of the commanding area has strengthened the information exchange capabilities of these white Rogia, and can use [-] or [-] as a mutual covering echelon to carry out air combat strikes.At the same time, guide the bomber to drop the biological glide bomb.

The live-fire exercise of the new weapons of the commanding army was very low-key, and only a few points in southern Jiangxi were attacked, and other exercises were carried out peacefully on the waterway.

But this still has an impact on the city-state systems in Jiangxi District. For their own sake, they will send these small reports to Jianye, and after the explanation, the unified cutting area in Jianye will continue to discuss the issue of personnel exchange.

It all looks solid.

However, Wei Keng is a modern person. ——The development of the situation in Jianye was more dramatic than Wei Keng thought.

In other words, Mr. Wei always thinks of some things seriously, but in fact, the other side is juggling at critical moments!
This may be Wei Keng's shortcoming of studying too much.

(End of this chapter)

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