out of cage

Chapter 179 Chapter 5.25 Lasso

Chapter 179 Chapter 5.25 Lasso
Feudal thinking cannot understand the responsibilities and obligations of modern civilization.

But in the same way, people who have adapted to the modern state system will never imagine how chaotic the state's superstructure is.

This is the case for Wei Keng. Although there are plot references on multiple timelines, it can be known that Jianye City will suddenly decline severely within 40 years.However, Wei Keng, who is used to thinking based on facts, could not make up for Jian Ye's "slander" style in his habitual thinking mode, so he made a serious misjudgment.

When the resolution of Zifeng Mansion ended, on the concrete playground next door
The girl from the north sat on her battle beast, with her legs folded, and on the heel of the upper leg, her blue-purple heels touched the ground intermittently like a dragonfly on water.

Jianye City's decision against the Heavenly Dragon.As the daughter of the Supreme Speaker of the Five Colors Alliance, it is impossible for her not to be concerned about this matter.

If we say that the five-color alliance's conquest of the south is a kind of prejudice as barbarians and aliens.

For Jianye, it was a kind of anxiety that peer competition would replace him.

She looked at the newspaper and smiled dangerously.


Really new~ Leaning on the seat of the university's big class.

Now that I have taken over from Wei Renlu's side, the self in the commanding area is also ready for action.

The next thing is to wait for the deadline to leave. During this period, Jianye City has found a reason that is not a reason for Zhen Xinzheng.

That is, it has been three years since I entered the school in Jianye. Although I only studied for one or two years, most of the time is used for self-improvement like other students.

The improvement here can be to develop a mechanical beast for adventure, or it can be to conduct research in the research institute like Wei Keng.In short, as long as the time is long enough, and the merits are enough to hand in the graduation thesis.

Of course, after all this is done, there will be another month of graduation classes!After the class is over, you will actually graduate, um, you will be able to issue a diploma.

That's right, the graduation certificate, let Zhenxin stay.

This university school in Jianye was inherited from a famous school before the end of the world. Its graduation certificate is also the model of the year. The text carrier is convenient for leaving a name, and it adopts the model of gold-plated tin foil.

It was such a certificate that made Wei Keng decide to stay for a while longer.

In the main world, it was constantly narrated "Fen, Fen, the lifeblood of students!"

A "Graduation Certificate from a prestigious school" is one of the few things that can make Mr. Wei stand out.

The course of the last month of graduation from Jianye University is mainly to explain human society, that is, the ideological and moral education of the previous life university school.Those who came to this class together were top students like Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang.

This is also the course set by the first generation of Jianye city builders after the Pandora Era, to tell about the hard work of human civilization and the spirit that has been passed down to this day.

Zhenxin is sitting in the last row, mixing up the class time.

Zhenxin’s mixed sign-in attitude at this time: As for the lecturer on the stage, I have already read the textbooks——just this thin booklet full of "hard work" principles, and I still have to collect ten A steel coin.

So, for this class, Wei Keng felt that he could pass it as long as he paid for it, and there was no need for this teacher with maintenance ointment on his fingers to read it "with both voice and emotion".

To be hard and simple, go to produce with people who are stepping on the mud, go to share joys and sorrows, and work tirelessly to ensure that the lowest level of knowledge and education can keep up.

If the greatness of the spirit of civilization is too much used to raise the tone in gatherings.That is mostly to put the cloak of civilization and moral principles on some waste.

The middle-aged tutor, who wears glasses and combs back his hair, seems a little dissatisfied with not getting a response when he reads on it alone.

Ever since, I decided to ask temporary questions in class.

The graduation tutor: "Let's talk about the role of the precious spiritual heritage left over from the civilization era today?"

The tutor scans the classroom, his question is an open question and answer.That is to say, many cultural people in the 21st century advocate "questions that stimulate flexible thinking", and there is no fixed answer.

Whether it can stimulate thinking, not to mention, there is no fixed answer, which means that whether the answerer's answer is correct is in the hands of the questioner!
This open-ended question and answer cannot be answered correctly right away, otherwise, after such a long narration and the questions raised are too simple, it will appear that his questions are superficial.

So, in who should answer the question wrong.

His current scan is to find a person. Some students have a solid foundation of power behind them. If they compete with him, they will not be able to get down.So Su Lingshuang was skipped by him.

looking for
It's the really shrunken guy in the back row——this instructor doesn't know that the identity of the same-faced people in the south, the core pillar group of the unified cutting area, anyway, at first glance to Wei Keng, he didn't think so. How capable.

"You, um, you are really new" He looked at the sign in front of Wei Keng's desk and called Wei Keng up.

Wei Keng, who was originally sitting in the last row, looked at his classmates who were looking at him, and wanted to avoid it for a moment, oh, this is a habit left over from when he was a student in the main world.

Wei Keng could only stand up and talk about his own understanding: "The spirit of the civilized age is applied today, seeking truth from facts, and doing the basic work well~"

After talking a long list, the mentor immediately asked aggressively: "Seek truth from facts, but how should I do it?" Say?And even if it can be said, how can we introduce such a large list here?
"Sit down." The tutor stopped giving Wei Keng a chance to continue talking.

Afterwards, two more people were named (neither of them were from Jianye City, but scholars from outside), but like Wei Keng, they did not give the tutor a satisfactory answer.

And the foreshadowing is obviously enough
The instructor lit up Qiu Mengfei.

After Qiu Mengfei stood up, he said with a good speech ability: "In the new era, we have escaped the dark age. As human beings, we have been crawling for too long. Now we must stand up boldly and face the darkness. Human beings The glory of the city cannot be limited to the current city. We must use the technology we have mastered in the past 100 years to actively carry out further development. Don't worry about failure, the damage of failure is temporary, but as long as a little success is achieved, it will be a legacy A precious legacy for future generations."

Instructor: "Very good."

Zhenxin was stunned for a moment, when he thought Qiu Mengfei was going to sit down too, but unexpectedly heard the mentor's praise.

Qiu Mengfei's answer is generally correct, but if you have to make careful corrections like this mentor's critical attitude just now, you can still find the problem.

Innovation is indeed necessary, and it is right to actively develop, but what about failure?
Who will bear the price of failure?If it is completely injustice, the result of using the bearer of the price as a stepping stone is left to some people who "profess to be excellent, but are actually locked in the safe zone".This kind of bold innovation and courage to open up, it doesn't take a few times to lose your mind.

Wei Keng glanced at (actually, glanced at) his tutor, and thought, "Cut~!"

Of course, I thought so in my heart, but on the surface I got the "general opinion".

Judging from the applause of many people at the scene, Qiu Mengfei's answer and those stupid students who have not been approved by their instructors are "judgment".

[What is simplicity, the performance in this school is simplicity!Back in the late twentieth century, when the "Reader Yilin" was in power, the big Vs kept talking to death, teaching you different perspectives, the reason why they can bring rhythm is because the people at that time were simple. ——When the officials start looking for post-90s showrunners, use data to popularize science on new media, and start to collide with each other, it will not be so easy for troublemakers to follow the rhythm]

As for this derogatory method,

Although Wei Keng was the person involved, he didn't intend to care about it, because he would go back sooner or later and would not deal with this group of circles.Don't waste your time trying to ratchet up the topics they set up to debate "justice."

The middle-aged mentor here nodded to Qiu Mengfei,
He liked this young man who grew up in Jianye City at first glance. He was very open-minded, with clean eyes, and he didn't have the stingy and muddy look of young people from the city-state outside.

The bell rang, and Wei Keng looked at the class schedule. There were still two weeks to go, five classes, and everything would be over.

Wei Keng walked out of the room. At this time, the black Rogia on standby was already waiting at the side of the car shed. The big goose ran over with its big feet, turning on the bicycle wheel on its belly.He put his head on Wei Keng's body actively.

This thing can be ridden, but it must be attached to its back, covered by the ceramic feathers on its back to form a fairing.It can fly a few kilometers. Of course, if it fits the ground airflow, it should be able to glide for more than ten kilometers.

Wei Keng has let this guy carry him these days, this is to prepare for certain situations.

When Wei Keng lay on Lugia's back, Lugia's back wings were ready to be covered by the fairing (transparent cover of the aircraft cockpit).

Instead, I met a guy I never expected.

Su Lingshuang: "This classmate is about to graduate, we have never said hello."

Wei Keng looked at this, um, a pretty girl in this day and age in surprise.According to the 21st century, she has an oval face and delicate features, but in the 27th century, when almost all beauties are present, she is not enough.

[What, plastic surgery? How can this be used in the 27th century? Directly in adolescence, a stereotyped helmet is used. Every night when sleeping, the coordinator is used to measure and adjust the bones. ——This is similar to being able to adjust the shape of teeth with braces in the 21st century, and then adjust the face.There is no shortage of beauties.

As for men, it can only be said that there are no ugly men in the 21st century, as long as the teeth are straight and the bridge of the nose is straight, just like Wei Keng.

As for making yourself handsome, put more effort into it, uh, this effort is not enough.Just like in the 21st century, there are very few boys with makeup in P pictures.It can only be said that appearance is by no means the most important capital of a man]

So now, when Wei Keng and Su Lingshuang met, they were very stable.

Let's put it this way, based on her appearance, she is not worthy of her. As for her family background.The upper echelons of these city-states can regard old-age Hollywood movies as humanities and science popularization of civilization during the mass extinction period. This kind of tutoring is simply amazing.

As for virtue and talent.She didn't impress herself either. There are women who can make her admire as a genius. She is not yet (Zeng Shuni is regarded as a daughter)
Wei Keng also knew that this person might also look down on him who didn't show any edge.

Therefore, Wei Keng showed his doubts about strangers approaching him inexplicably—for reference, he met a girl on the street handing out leaflets to him.

Su Lingshuang's reaction to Wei Keng was obviously a bit surprised,
When she took the initiative to say hello, Wei Keng was the first one who remained silent and waited to continue the conversation.

Su Lingshuang could only take a breath, and asked, "Excuse me, are you from the southern logging area?"

Zhen Xinzheng nodded.

Su Lingshuang continued: "I heard that the purpose of the unified logging area is to restore all human beings, right?"

Wei Keng frowned. He didn't believe that the other party just bowed down. Now that he brought up this topic, he might be here to kick the club.

Wei Keng: "This is our program of action. Work tasks will be carried out around this aspect."

Su Lingshuang smiled, the smile was sweet at first, but there was a hint of sarcasm on purpose for a moment, and then she replied sweetly and asked: "Oh, is this true, then when human beings are in danger, you will definitely do this Right?"

Wei Keng faintly felt a trace of uneasiness.Then he asked, "What do you mean?"

Su Lingshuang waved her hand and said, "It's nothing, I just want to know, you, um, should you say that you should believe it or not!"

Wei Keng: "I will return to the unified cutting area in two days. I can't answer your doubts in the short term," he said, ready to leave.

Su Lingshuang added: "You probably don't know how to do it. It doesn't match your performance at all, right?"

Wei Keng did not answer, but bid farewell: "I have something to do first, see you later."

After Zhen Xinzheng left, Qiu Mengfei came to Su Lingshuang's side very much.

He really wanted to know what the two of them talked about, but he couldn't take the initiative to ask.

Su Lingshuang looked up at the direction Wei Keng was leaving, and said leisurely to Qiu Mengfei, "He avoided talking about my problem and ran away."

After learning about the conversation, Qiu Mengfei couldn't help but echoed, "He has always had nothing to say. Anyone with a little experience can understand the theory (in the unified cutting area) and know that it is not worth understanding."

Su Lingshuang still had a smile on her face, and narrated: "But no one has torn off his disguise yet. Isn't it?"

In the sky, Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) felt the latest situation of life radiation in the city, and couldn't help frowning.

Because this place has always been pursuing the "biological armed forces" of great power, there is a social system that ignores the survival of fellow human beings.

This contradiction reached a new peak when Jianye began to cultivate the Tianzhulong. The life radiation of the human community in the city is now weak, and it is filled with the "monster aura" of the Tianzhulong.

After being overwhelmed by Su Lingshuang's few words just now, Wei Keng couldn't help but start to have bad associations. The next plot in Jianye City, shouldn't he just play against himself like this?It's not that stupid, is it?
Wei Keng thinks that these upper-level trainers have been morally strengthening the emotions of "partners" for nearly a hundred years.Gradually, the responsibility to the same kind was lost.

Zhen Xinzheng paused, and his memory returned to his previous life: In ancient times, there were homeless people on the street, and it was not because some people gave priority to releasing their love to "stray animals", and they were praised that good people will be rewarded.As for human beings, if they fall into another kind of "correctness" endowed by sensibility, they will collectively ignore rationality that is far from their own interests.

At the same time, in the space bubble, it was Bai Linglu who had been performing central coordination.

At this time, she took over the work of the first-line supervisor, and she expanded the temporary storage space of conscious thinking in the dimensional space system by a thousand times when the traverser was in an accident!
This kind of operation made the inspector who originally operated this feel inexplicable.

Bai Linglu patted this junior's hair in a bun and said: "Be fully prepared and be prepared."

The inspector couldn't help asking: "Senior, is there a risk that Your Excellency Wei Keng's consciousness will overflow in the Pandora plane? There should be nothing there that can cause him any casualties."

Bai Linglu looked at the sky in the space bubble, and said leisurely: "The danger of causing him mass casualties does not exist, but the society there can make him have adverse reactions."

What else would the inspector want to say (an advance reminder or something).

Bai Linglu has already turned her head to the monitoring interface with her hands, suppressing her doubts and letting her be on duty.

(End of this chapter)

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