out of cage

第180章 5.26章 潘多历146年11月7日乱灾

第180章 5.26章 潘多历146年11月7日乱灾

Eight o'clock in the morning on November 146, 11 Pandor.

In the Jianye No. [-] pool, gigantic mechanically fused creatures are being formed.The water in the pool is exceptionally clear, and countless fleshy tentacles are filtering out all particles.

The shape of the long mechanical dragon in pool No. [-] is different from that in pool No. [-]. This mechanical bio-fusion is centered on a warehouse and extended with five long tentacles. For this shape, please refer to: the relative of the starfish ~ brittle tail.

Compared with the dragon form in the No. [-] pool, which can fan the leaves like streamers, the shape of the No. [-] pool is a bit inferior.

However, from these two forms, it can almost be inferred that the main genotype of the Tianmanosaurus gene community-echinoderm.

Echinoderms are the dominant species in the benthic fauna. Before the Pandora era, they could account for [-]% of the benthic organisms in some ocean areas, so in the Pandora era.It can take off at once and take an apostle position.

By 5 pm, the growth in the No. [-] pool had reached the upper limit of life stability.Continuing to inject nutrients will either produce uncontrollable mutations, or it will transmit life energy to the outside life community, mainly the main body of the No. [-] pool.

The person in charge of the No. [-] pool is Wei Renlu,

When Jianye City implemented the "partner" plan, he saved the No. [-] plan and began to accelerate the cultivation of the No. [-] pool.

Now, it's finally finished in time.

This Dr. Wei Renlu looked at the huge carrier soaked in the pool from behind the protective glass window, with embarrassment on his face!

The current product is just like the crazy nuclear-powered aircraft of the 20th century. It is feasible from the purely mechanical structure, but there is strong radiation in the cockpit.

In Dr. Wei Renlu's initial design, this radiation has exceeded the tolerance of most people.After the rush work was completed, the radiation exceeded three times the original estimate.

And the reason why he rushed to work before was because the final graduation course of "Zhenxinzheng" was about to end, and he wanted Wei Keng to try it out before that.

In fact, Wei Keng would never touch Tianzhulong again, and more than once showed his dislike of Tianzhulong's radiation.

As for why Wei Renlu still firmly believes that "Zhenxinzheng" will still sit in this system before leaving, maybe Wei Keng seems too gentle.

At 17:30, Wei Renlu finally made a phone call to Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng), but it is conceivable that Wei Keng's attitude was very clear. Under the framework of the current stage of cooperation between Jianye and Tongfa District, he successfully completed the project. all work.The new work will have to wait for the next phase of planning. (In the next stage, a new discussion between the unified cutting area and Jianye is required. Master Wei is organized and disciplined.)
This makes Dr. Wei Renlu very regretful. Of course, his hope is not completely lost in his regret. He still has a backup plan.He looks at the timetable, someone will come to him at 18:00.

A month ago, Wei Renlu received a letter signed by five colored five-pointed stars.He burned it soon after reading it.

And then, in the process of promoting the project, he had the shadow of the north.

In the records of multiple timelines, Wei Renlu did not have such an obvious connection with the north.

In most of the timeline, Wei Renlu is only a slightly important NPC from the perspective of the travelers.

In the main storyline: when Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei were fighting against Tianzhulong, Qiu Mengfei's mechanical beast suffered a heavy blow.And Su Lingshuang was able to rely on a letter from her family to let Wei Renlu treat the mechanical beast with favors.

And this plot can draw out: Wei Renlu was a child of the Wei family of the Northern Five-color Alliance in the early years.

It's just that in almost all timelines, Wei Renlu has severed ties with the North, and belongs to the forces of Jianye City.

However, only on the original timeline where Wei Keng has descended now, the situation has changed.

"Growing technology" and "a large amount of trade in mechanical parts" split the Jianye city into factions.

Under the split of interests, Wei Renlu, a standard naturalized person in Jianye City, had to think about introducing foreign aid.

Therefore, when Wei Renlu faced Su Lingshuang, a newcomer from the north, she was not some kind of extraterrestrial expert who had no desires or desires. She would also conduct transactions in order to achieve her goals.

However, the five-color alliance in the north played a very special role in the development process.

At 18:03, Su Lingshuang fell from the suspended mechanical beast wearing a carbon fiber body wrap.Although the appearance is not good, but what about the figure?Looks very healthy against this garment.

Next to the No. [-] test pool,
Su Lingshuang cupped her hands: "Uncle Shi, our preparations have been completed."

Wei Renlu stared at Su Lingshuang: "Girl, I just want to make sure that you can send the Bohai mutant body to the No. [-] pool, but what you do next has nothing to do with me."

Su Lingshuang glanced at the things in the No. [-] pool, nodded and said: "Shibo, if we fail, we will never implicate Shibo. Our five-color alliance is actually more inclined to Shibo's plan, which is more hopeful for mankind. technology. We also don’t want the development of this technology to die!”

Wei Renlu snorted coldly.

He knew that this junior was flattering him, but it was still very useful.Wei Renlu is clear about the plan of the Five-Color Alliance.

The battle to annihilate the Heavenly Dragon was divided into two battles, the north and the south. The one on the Bohai side on the aircraft carrier happened first.However, due to the high yield of nuclear weapons, only a small amount of biological debris was collected.

On the contrary, in the battle of Puhai in the south, since the nuclear weapon yield was a little smaller, the flesh and blood collected was active!
As for why the nuclear equivalent of Puhai is so small?It is very difficult to get the five-color alliance to support nuclear weapons, but the generals of the five-color alliance are not at ease if they directly give Jianye thousands of tons of combat-level nuclear weapons.

But it was also because of this that Jianye was able to collect highly active flesh and blood, which was a blessing in disguise.

A year ago, the Five Colors Alliance didn't think so much at the beginning, just thinking about annihilating the apostles.

As for the "Apostle of Control" that appeared later, and the "Growing Equipment Technology" exchanged from the unified cutting area, those were new situations that were not expected in the previous plan.

When Jianye City began to control the flesh and blood of Tianzhulong to form a mechanical fusion body.The flesh and blood samples of the Heavenly Dragon in the hands of the Five Colors Alliance began to degenerate.

Because——in the rules of the gene community, the new core is determined to be formed, and the other branch individuals are to be subject to.

So the Five Colors Alliance thought of the present method!
That is: turn the Tianzhulong flesh and blood that you have mastered into a "reproductive body", and quietly come south to borrow seeds.

40 kilometers downstream of the Yangtze River in Jianye City, at 18:10.

Now beside the No. [-] pool, a can was pushed out with the gap between shifts.After prying it open, an octopus-like thing inside the can entered the No. [-] pool, and immediately responded in the belly of the huge metal dragon.

With the resonance of the life radiation, a one-meter-long flesh slit was automatically separated from the abdomen of the Tianzhulong in the No. [-] pond, and the octopus just entered it.

Reproduction is the instinct of life, even if the nervous system is not yet fully formed, its physiological readiness is already there.

After the reproductive body prepared by the five-color federal laboratory using its stored flesh and blood entered the abdomen of the Tianzhulong, the life field began to rhythm.

A gestation process that takes 65 minutes begins, and this is Su Lingshuang's secret: she needs to bring an "egg body" back to the north during her trip.During the operation, all information was leaked by Wei Renlu through his students.

The reason why Wei Renlu contributes to this plan is because when the individuals in the No. 1 pool are gestating, as the core of the Pandora Field, they will extract the vitality of the rest of the genetic communities in the area.In this way, the life radiation of the backup in the No. 2 pool will also be greatly reduced.

After calculation, this is the case: the cockpit of the No. [-] body suit can be operated.

When the Five Colors Alliance made a deal with Wei Renlu, they offered a candidate to try out the cockpit of the colony outfit, that is, Su Lingshuang!

And this bargaining chip was proposed by Su Lingshuang himself. ——A ruthless woman.

19:23 minutes

In the No. [-] pool, the eggs in the body of Tianzhulong have been produced.But with the activation of the mechanical arm, a metal knife cut out the core of its internal life force.

When the blood-red egg was pulled out of the Tianzhulong's body, it was still connected with a large number of blood vessels, but it was forcibly broken.Blood spurted out, and the broken flesh tried to reconnect, but was forcibly cut off.

However, due to the strong vitality, after the blood entered the pool, it immediately condensed together and turned into countless tadpoles. These tadpoles immediately divided into two groups, one wave filled the wound of Tianzhulong, and the other wave rushed towards the eggs. .

This egg exudes super vitality, but it only grows to a hundred kilograms.According to the status of the nutrient solution delivered by Tianzhulong, this is only a juvenile body.

However, how could the operator on the night shift let this thing grow to its full body!He took the money, and what he had to do was to take out the eggs without anyone noticing, and then quietly completed the deal with the people of the Five Colors Alliance.It would be an accident if it grew into a complete body and turned into a pure biological body weighing several hundred tons entrenched in the pool.

Tianzhulong absolutely wants to raise this egg to a complete state of hundreds of tons.The growth restriction imposed on the backup body in the No. [-] pool does not exist in the No. [-] pool!
Although the Tianzhulong controlled by humans in Pool No. [-] has grown to a sufficient size, its nerve center growth has been suppressed for a long time, just like a bamboo in a disaster, it is eager to blossom and bear fruit!
When the northern celestial dragon gene body enters the body, it has a smoother frequency band to communicate with the northern celestial dragon gene group, so it starts to give birth!

It's just that it was suddenly interrupted now, causing it to change!
The operator of Pool No. [-] took out the eggs with a robotic arm.The flexible film on the egg solidified quickly when it came into contact with the air, and this thing separated countless flesh and blood pipes and attached to the concrete floor, trying to form a shell for protection.

The operator felt that it was very intrusive, and immediately controlled the mechanical arm to put it into the aluminum cylinder that had been prepared.The five-color alliance's prepared response personnel immediately asked the mechanical beast to take the barrel to a boat by the river, and the next step was to bring this thing back to the north.

At this time in the school, Wei Keng stood up suddenly from the table.

He looked in the northeast direction, and this direction was the direction of Tianzhulong.

"Longming?" Wei Keng was in shock!
This vibration of life radiation, to Mr. Wei, was like a small earthquake in the main world when he was studying in Sichuan. The building shook, and he couldn't help but want to go out, but after only shaking for a while, he felt that it was not that serious.

After Wei Keng pushed open the window, he ran into an acquaintance.

Wei Keng: "Senior Brother Qiu, you are here too."

This well-dressed brother seems to have just received a letter.

Qiu Mengfei looked at Wei Keng and immediately put the letter away, and asked Zhen Xinzheng first: "Aren't you going back tomorrow? Why are you going out now?"

Wei Keng paused: "No, I just feel a little bored, senior brother?"

Wei Keng saw the war eagle outside landed on the flat ground 40 meters away. Qiu Mengfei was not interested in explaining to Zhen Xinzheng: "I just received an order to go on patrol. You should rest early."

Faced with the local's suggestion, Wei Keng had no choice but to return to the room.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Wei Keng sat down again.

But as soon as his butt was attached to the bench, he jumped up again immediately.

Wei Keng sensed a louder dragon cry, and more importantly, this dragon cry was mixed with anger and destruction.


in pool one,

After stealing the post just now, the operator who thought he was doing something unknowingly was weighing the gold nugget he just got!

This large piece of gold is enough to feed him two years of canned food. (Canning is a luxury in this day and age, the equivalent of seafood.)
However, leaning on the iron bench, he inadvertently glanced at the operating platform, and suddenly froze.That is, the proliferation speed of the nerve cells in Tianzhulong's brain exceeded the limit!The current damage can no longer keep up with the proliferation of nerve cells.

Outside the window, the cables were already dangling.The out-of-control radiation of life in the pool has turned the moss in the corners into worms, and the moss has grown lines like echinoderms on the seabed.

20:03 minutes

Beside the No. [-] pool, Su Lingshuang confirmed that her own people had taken away the eggs and shipped them to the submarine by the river.So he also began to fulfill his promise and tried to control the Tianzhulong.

Su Lingshuang put on her helmet and walked towards the control area in the pool.At this time, she twisted open a can of medicine, hesitated a little, and stroked her hair, but she still gritted her teeth and swallowed it.It's just that at this moment, she was still thinking about another plan for the second move.

after entering the cockpit

Immediately a sound reaches the ear,
"The Fuxing operating system has been launched. Those who have a spiritual language level of three or more, please use the administrator account. If the spiritual language level is not enough, please use the Mengxin platform. The Xiaoai intelligent assistance system will guide you to operate."

Su Lingshuang was stunned for a moment. The information received in her brain was a bit like the mech operation movies she saw when she was a child before the doomsday disaster.

Speaking of this colony operating platform system.

The hardware is made here by Wei Renlu.However, Wei Renlu only designed all the techniques of cultivating nerve cells, then integrating them, and finally distributing blood vessels together with Wei Keng.As for the process upgrade, Wei Renlu's current brain power is already difficult to understand and improve this complicated design.

Even if the hardware is like this, the "details" such as software are even more in the hands of Wei Keng.

Therefore, the operating system was directly programmed by Wei Keng according to the language of the mind.

Su Lingshuang knows the language of the mind, but to her, it is a novelty made by the South—it can't be called a novel skill, but she doesn't pay much attention to it.

She only knows some common sense of equipment, such as the knob on the left, which is used to adjust the life frequency of the cockpit to her own comfortable frequency.

She boarded the machine, and unsurprisingly, she could only turn on the auxiliary system - the intelligence in the system replied with a beautiful female voice: "Hi. I am Xiaoai, your intelligent combat assistant. Nice to meet you, my There are many functions, which can assist you in operating this biological machine~~~~~~”

Su Lingshuang was not in the mood to listen to the words of this intelligent system, Balabala. In her plan, she never thought that she would really want to drive the No. [-] Sky Killer Dragon Breeding Suit to fight desperately with the runaway No. [-] body.

Su Lingshuang also had a small calculation in her heart. If she succeeded in throwing the blame away, she should be able to replace her driver's seat soon.As for not being able to dump the pot?After an hour, she can also force someone to take over.

At this time, Su Lingshuang adjusted the broadcast function of the life frequency band to the maximum, and she was ready at any time.

At the same time, she focused on the northeast, and she was sure that something would happen next!Because another group of people under her command has sent a signal of success.

At 20:25, in Jianye No. 57 Research Institute, there was an explosion, and an unknown light appeared in the atmosphere, and then the thunder came down from the sky and hit the ground!
The rampage has begun.

 Because the ability to express words is defective.It must be changed repeatedly.Otherwise, don't talk about yours, even the second time I watched it, I couldn't figure out the plot scene.

  Some scenes are very complicated, thought of in the mind, but not expressed in words.

  Therefore, it can only be updated chapter by chapter.

  In fact, not to mention the end of the outline, in fact, it is just the chapters waiting to be published, which have been pushed to the end of the seventh volume.

(End of this chapter)

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