out of cage

Chapter 198 Chapter 6.12 Strength Reversal

Chapter 198 Chapter 6.12 Strength Reversal
Organizational strength is very important, and this is the consensus of the whole organization.However, due to the different upper and lower positions, different people have different priorities for interpretation.

Wei Diaomin's interpretation of organizational strength is not "obedience" when looking down from top to bottom, but requires positive thinking and action docking of all departments and personnel from bottom to top.

Therefore, Wei Keng's "organizational power" tends to be used in the planning preparation stage.And not just the grand finale on everyone's extraordinary obedience as the plan unfolded.

In the above spirit,

In the 151st year of the Pandora calendar, the military system in the commanding area has been preparing for the elimination of some uncertainties.

The system reform has gone deep: the command center at the regiment level has to bear the responsibility for any casualty of less than ten people and bear the punishment.Dead people are a big deal!This is also an indicator that must be controlled in completing combat missions.

As for how to reduce casualties to single digits, or even zero.

1: The innermost layer of protection, all people are covered by steel: members of the troops either stay in armored vehicles, or wear colonial armor.Even repairing the track of the tank and changing the engine requires wearing armor.

2: Establish a screen at the middle distance to reduce the situation of sudden encounters with enemy combat forces.Specific operation: Deploy a large number of alert war cats (less than five kilograms) within three kilometers of the combat team. At the same time, each platoon-level force must have a special mechanical beast team to keep more than fifteen thrusting war cats ([-] kilograms) level) to conduct a search.

3: Take the initiative in the long-distance inspection and attack.To this end, it is necessary to ensure smooth information on the battlefield, and then use mechanized movement advantages to avoid the enemy's active attack, and at the same time establish a powerful firepower projection force.

In January 152, the Commanding Army held an exercise. On the more than 500 battlefield airfields established in the northern frontier area, bombers with a load of [-] kilograms were being arranged on the airport. This arrangement required very high ground handling requirements.

Moreover, this exercise is still in the midst of a major battle, and the take-off of the aircraft must always obey the battle dispatch command on the minute scale.

For this reason, the carbon-based communication stations of all airport towers have three sets of backups.

At the same time, the configuration of the An-2 is not suitable for air combat. The new equipment in the unified cutting area is a fighter designed with reference to the Yak-6.This is a cantilever low monoplane all-wood structure light bomber.

It is out of cost and practical considerations to invest in bombers instead of hoarding ballistic missiles.

Master Wei really wanted the scene of dozens of log carts shooting salvo at the enemy.

But even now that the relevant biologically guided warhead technology has been developed, the difficulty of deploying large missiles [-] kilometers away is still stuck in the carrier system.

The transmission structure of the large-scale transport vehicle in the Jue Ming plane, after Master Wei read the information, he directly stuffed it into the 20-year long-term development plan.If that thing is made with the current technology, it may not be possible to make one of the thousands of parts with all the efforts of the factory.

So taking advantage of Rogia's ability to control the air right now, wouldn't it be nice to use a plane to carry the cloud bomb?
Master Yunbo Bomb Guard has already made it, and it is the second-generation Yunbo bomb, which can be completed by throwing and detonating a warhead: the first explosion, throwing alkanes, and the second ignition.

This thing is based on the technical data from the Jue Ming plane, and Wei Keng, with the assistance of the system, refined the craftsmanship and made it out.The technical content of the cloud bomb is in the design, such as the interval between two ignitions, and the stability of the fuse.

This is much less technically difficult than something like an engine electric spark that has to be reused.

At the airport, the team led by Wei Keng conducted the first wave of experiments.

The bomber carried a glider bomb weighing [-] kilograms, the warhead was [-] kilograms, the internal charge was alkane fuel, and the biological muscle structure was used to control the deployment of the glider.This is a model of the successful application of local technology, which greatly reduces the cost of guided cruise.

Now this plane, after traveling [-] kilometers, dropped the bomb [-] kilometers away from the war zone, and when the bomb fell, it quickly unfolded its folded wings, and the two pairs of front and rear wings formed a diamond shape.

Wei Keng on the ground was wearing a colony information helmet and accurately sensed the status of the bomb.

As if I had substituted this warhead, in the words of martial arts, "a man and a horse are one, and a man and a sword are one".

At this moment, in the missile that is gliding and falling, the biological force field in its steel shell has completed the information connection, replacing the neurons to connect the various parts of the missile body.

According to the balance perception system of the bird organization on the bomb, Wei Keng understood its posture, and according to its dragonfly vision system, he saw the ground.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and used the remote control.

The warhead precisely landed fifteen kilometers in front of Wei Keng's investigation entity, and a white shock wave (this is the cloud formed by condensation of water vapor) and the red fire cloud spread out in a flash.

Ten minutes later, the observers in front arrived at the scene and determined that the distance between the center of the bombing point and the center of the mark was within three meters, and the destructive damage range of the explosion to the brick and tile building reached 10 meters.The experimental species hidden in the three-meter tunnel was directly shaken to death.

Next, we will continue to test the killing effect of this long-distance and instant strike on dynamic clusters.

This informatization model is imitating the Russian low-cost combat system in the 21st century.

After the third information revolution, compared to the "equal-weight gold" bombers dispatched by the United States, the streamlined low-resistance warheads thrown (the processing cost of the streamlined shell is very high, it is necessary to use a CNC lathe. )
After the Russians used armored vehicles and machine guns to occupy the high ground and suppressed the surrounding firepower, they let the helicopters hang high-resistance bombs to hang above the enemy and throw them! (High-resistance bombs are welded steel drums. Carpet bombing before the information war shows the low cost of such bombs)

In the Middle East in the 21st century, the Americans launched dozens of low-altitude and concealed Tomahawk cruise missiles.On the other side, the Russians used low-precision terrain matching and also fired dozens of high-altitude and low-cost cruise missiles, with similar effects.As for the price, it is the difference between online shopping drones and professional model aircraft in the industry.

Informatization equipment can be a dragon-slaying outfit assembled from first-class chips, first-class electronic controls, and a first-class platform, or a pig-killing outfit made of second-rate things.

The rationality of arming depends on the level of the opponent, if the opponent is a regular army with a large air defense system, high discipline, and strong execution.Then don't be lucky and must be demanding on the performance of the equipment, otherwise the opponent can intercept [-] to [-]% of the equipment according to the standard method.One's own side will be unable to paralyze the opponent's defense system for a while, and the airport, aircraft carrier and other centers will be paralyzed by counterattack firepower, but it is not a matter of ammunition cost.

But if the opponent is a semi-feudal organization, equip the IWC card.There is no basic discipline, and it can only be replaced by fanaticism.Then the big countries go directly to civilian equipment, using the self-sufficiency of the equipment system of the industrial country and the organizational advantages of the regular army to grind it up.

As for Yucheng in the north, what kind of city is it?After a year of probing, Wei Keng determined that the air power in the north was not tight.

If it is tight, then a combat readiness duty should be arranged to maintain strength in key airspace at all times.However, Yucheng's air system is "nervous", and will maintain a large number of flying objects in an area after being stimulated.But over time, the response intensity will decrease.

This proves that Yucheng's defense is a stress response of the central consciousness, rather than an independent consciousness from top to bottom to implement a plan without omissions in accordance with discipline.

So ah, it's easy to handle.

The swarm consciousness controls everything, just like controlling one's own body.But just like controlling the body, if there is no strict self-discipline attitude, it will be unbearable after repeated stimulation until fatigue.

And this, Mr. Wei is familiar with: when I was in school, I was very excited and made plans. After school started, I would go fishing for three days and spend two days drying the nets.Cough cough, that is really a free and happy youth.

Because I have experienced such shortcomings in "the posture of a middle-aged man", I am familiar with Yucheng.Mr. Wei has developed bombers, information exchange cockpits, and ground-guided weapons in a targeted manner.

The exercise process continues.

Every airfield has to take off, and every team has to drop bombs. (90.00% are drill rounds filled with lime)

Ensure that each unit has practical operating experience.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, during No.80's second air strike, 27 mushroom clouds alternately exploded in the area guided by the Corps' advancement.

Up and down also finally determined the ability of teamwork.After all, before the exercise, every department is blind and has no idea about the situation after their own work is embedded in the overall cooperation.But after this whole set of exercises, everyone was at ease.

A week after the completion of this northern exercise, the unified cutting area is ready to enter the countdown to the battle against Hunan.

The sudden arrival of Jianye's envoy surprised the high-level leaders of the commanding area. This kind of diplomatic incident that was not on the agenda made the department suddenly busy, which further increased the resentment towards Jianye among the relevant personnel.

After the meeting went on all morning, and half an hour after the adjournment, Sun Xiangyang rode a bicycle and ran two streets to the factory, and called Wei Keng who was teaching apprentices how to draw wire with a lathe.

Sun Xiangyang: "Industrial consultants are needed now."

He threw over a set of negotiating work clothes, and told Wei Keng to go with him quickly.

The government building and the red-brick factories are only five kilometers apart, which is the current feature of the unified logging area.That is to say, in the 60s and [-]s of the [-]th century, the eastern civilization of the main world had almost no obstacles in the management area and production area in order to quickly advance to an industrial country.

The upper and lower channels are connected, that is: emerging weather.

In recent times, under the influence of the old hierarchical culture, as the hierarchy solidified, the office location of the manager tended to be a high-level "noble area"

However, because the production area is too low-level and needs to be simple, it has evolved into a lower-level area that "only pays attention to the results and does not pay attention to the voice of the people in the area".

Regarding, why did Sun Xiangyang cross a block to find Wei Keng.Obviously downstairs, there is Wei Keng who cooks and studies nutrition.

That was the in-depth understanding that the crew had gained after dealing with Wei Keng a lot.

Wei Keng's self-proclaimed middleman attitude is reflected with the differentiation of positions.

Wei Keng, who is in the cooking state, is not familiar with his own experience and knowledge in the industrial state!
Although each Wei Keng shares a knowledge framework, the proper nouns in certain positions and the conversion of a series of standard data are familiar only when they are commonly used in the positions.

Although the spiritual language can communicate with each other, the current atmosphere in the unified cutting area is serious and serious. In order to ensure the ability of the consultant, he still has to find Wei Keng who is familiar with this area.

Before arriving at the venue, Sun Xiangyang tidied up Wei Keng's clothes, then checked the signal with Wei Keng and walked into the venue.

After entering the venue, Wei Keng saw a person across the long table.

Wei Keng said silently in his heart: "Hehe, it's really been a long time."

Qiu Mengfei stared at Wei Keng who walked in behind Sun Xiangyang.Facing such gazes, Wei Keng glanced lightly as a response.

Wei Keng: When I went to Jianye, it was in his territory, but today it is my territory.This moment is just like that moment.

Jianye's negotiators arrived in the control area of ​​the unified logging area five days ago.

After arriving here, one can't help but be shocked by the industrial level here.From a distance, you can see a 120-meter-high cement-based steel tower standing on the top of a nearby hill. The communication line on the mountain is dragged along the steel frame to the urban area at the foot of the mountain.

And the rows of chimneys at the downwind of the urban area discharge exhaust gas to the outside.In the upwind area stands a series of well-lit buildings with good spacing.

Gas buses pass through in an orderly manner under the red, yellow and green lights.

This kind of industrial recovery reproduces the prosperity of the "old civilization" era in the worldview represented by Jianye.

However, apart from industrial prosperity, what the Jianye people care about more is the steel monster being built in the shipyard of the commanding area.

Since the shipbuilding area is kept secret, it is surrounded by brick walls with ceramic sharp pieces inserted upside down. Visitors from Jianye can only watch these giant steel beasts from a distance.

This is the destroyer that the unified cutting area is currently preparing to build.There are five ships in total.Parked on the pier, painted with light blue, white and gray three-color camouflage.

The ship that Jianye saw in Xinfu Port in Fujian is numbered 004, and there are four more ships in the shipyards of Zhuxin District and Zhanjiang District.

The tonnage is 3500 tons, and the advanced carbon communication system and plant operation system are installed.The bow turret is equipped with a double-mounted 88 guns.On the stern platform, it is used to take off and land Rogia, and of course a full two-ton sea-skimming missile is installed! (Although it is not possible to produce vehicle vehicles now, the shipboard is just right.)
However, this destroyer is still much "beggar" compared with the regular warships of the [-]th century.For example, steel does not use demagnetized special steel.

The team from Jianye originally wanted to inquire about the invasion of the East China Sea.

The northward action in the unified cutting area made the people in Jianye deeply feel that they had been fooled.

To use the mentality of the gentlemen of the Jianye Council: "It is obvious that the eastward direction of human beings is in danger, but you give priority to your own westward direction?"-oh, subconsciously, they think they are representing human beings.

The arrogant mentality of the council is suffering, the communication staff sent by Jianye.

These business people from Jianye arrived in the commanding area. After seeing the large ship being built on the dock, the original emotion of "invoking the teacher to ask the crime" was brewing, which was completely replaced by the sense of threat of "other people lying on the couch".

The gradually complicated reality made them realize that the negotiation results they need to achieve are also complicated.

The beneficial plan for Jianye has changed from "requiring the unified cutting area to send troops" to "requiring the unified cutting area not to develop military equipment beyond Jianye, and to transfer production capacity so that Jianye can master higher-end military equipment."

Wei Keng: They were still so presumptuous when they put forward the conditions, but behind this presumptuousness, they changed from clamoring for offense to defense.

This shows that the people Jianye is responsible for contacting realize that they have become weaker, but they can't go against the emotions behind them.

Since the diplomats in Jianye couldn't stop their aggressive diplomatic stance, they could only start to be shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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