out of cage

Chapter 199 Chapter 6.13 Restraint, Restraint, Heartbroken

Chapter 199 Chapter 6.13 Restraint, Restraint, Heartbroken
The talks between Tongfa District and Jianye at the negotiating table were very embarrassing.

Every enamel jar has cracks in the lid and rim of the teacup due to excessive force.If it weren't for Sun Xiangyang and several big bosses, the young people negotiating in the commanding area would have wanted to get started, and they would directly beat up Jian Ye's gang of bad faces.

Speaking of physical fitness, the young people in the unified cutting area are stronger than the Jianye trainers.

Although the life radiation of both sides is similar.

But the radiation intensity generated by the trainer communicating with the life energy of the mechanical war beast crosses the gap between species.

That is to say, although the trainer has extremely strong physical repair ability, as well as strong explosive power, the endurance is very weak.Because the metabolic ability they communicated from their own mechanical beasts is not completely compatible with themselves, it is a great test for the coordination ability of the body.

But the group of people in the unified cutting area, the life radiation links the same race of human beings, and the life radiation frequency band between people is the same, and there is no side effect between people and different species.

The social management of today's unified logging area, because it is located in the center of communication, is objectively a small node of the life community.

Therefore, they can easily feel the life resonance of their team in sports.

Therefore, when anger rises, blood energy surges, adrenal hormones, and testosterone hormones rise, one is not fighting alone. In a real fight, it requires explosive power and endurance.

[This kind of behavior of using other people's body to overflow energy during exercise will not be regarded as harming public welfare in the unified cutting area. ——Because, now I can eat enough.At this time, if you borrow two taels of fat from others and consume it, no one will care about it. 】

The meeting was interrupted many times, and the table cloth was changed several times

The negotiating teams of both sides are adapting to each other: For example, in the unified cutting area, although the language is tit for tat, after each negotiation, they calmly analyze the differences of interests between the two sides, trying to find a strategy that is beneficial to them.

After the negotiation on the third day, Sun Xiangyang looked at Wei Keng with a strange expression on his face: "You actually agreed to transfer the naval equipment?"

The unified logging area has now obtained a batch of 022 speedboats from the storage point.So the old-fashioned equipment that was converted from fishing boats in the early days is now surplus, but even if it is surplus, everyone does not want to transfer it, especially the city-state forces led by Jianye.

Facing the captain and elder, Wei Keng explained with his heart: "Chief Sun, tell me, in terms of the current strategy, is the issue of Tianzhulong important to us, or Jianye?"

Sun Xiangyang looked at the map and said, "The issue of Tianzhulong is more important."

Wei Keng shook his head.

Sun Xiangyang was surprised: "It's Jianye?" He was a little puzzled. Although the damage caused by internal enemies is often greater than external damage, in principle, "unity with the outside world" is politically correct.And Wei Keng has always been principled.

Wei Keng: "Let go of these two options and rethink 'what is most important to us'. My point of view is that 'maintaining stability in the east at this stage' is most important to us."

Sun Xiangyang paused for a moment, and then agreed: "Yes, our strategy is now concentrated in the west. It is best for us to stabilize the east now. However, you have also seen their (Jianye) aggressive attitude. We The comrades really don’t want them to taste any sweetness.”

Wei Keng stopped Sun Xiangyang's helplessness, stretched out the plan, and said: "Thinking from the overall situation and deploying in a targeted manner, they may not necessarily take advantage of it."

Sun Xiangyang's interest increased greatly: "Tell me carefully..."

Wei Keng looked at the national map on the wall, and pointed to the point of Jianye: "Jianye is just a city, and this city can be separated from all the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin (the solution of Paoding Jieniu)."

Having said it so clearly, Sun Xiangyang knew what to do.

Jianye is now negotiating in the name of the eastern human city-state forces.

They just regard this name as a meal ticket for free prostitution, but this name is still worth a little money to the unified logging area.

If Jianye uses this name to reach a certain agreement with the unified cutting area, then to a certain extent, it recognizes that the unified cutting area and Jianye are in an equal relationship.

This equivalence relationship will imperceptibly affect the city-states on the edge of Jianye's influence, letting them know that there is a second choice besides Jianye.

This is what Jianye City will unintentionally sell cheaply to the unified cutting area.

Of course, if the unified cutting area wants to buy Jianye's lost name at an affordable price, it needs skills in paying the bills.

The price tag of "transfer of naval equipment" is for the forces represented by Jianye's name.Of course, you can't directly transfer the "payment" to Jianye!
The reason for the execution of the unified cutting area: "Because Jianye is not the closest to the sea!"

As the "payer", the unified logging area has the initiative and is fully capable of giving priority to the transfer of ships to coastal city-states, directly helping the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin to "defend against genetic invasion".

After Jianye reacted, of course he would be dissatisfied.

But at that time, if they "forcibly obstruct the coastal city-states from accepting the fleets given by the commanding area", or "send capital ships to the coastal city-states and take away the military materials received by the coastal city-states", then they will lose their morality.

With seventy or eighty hundred-ton warships, the industrial productivity of the unified cutting area is still affordable.This is the unique richness and wealth of industrial forces.It would be worth it if Jianye and the coastal city-states could share the same bed and dream together.

Looking at the thousands of years of the Eastern Dynasty, the old rule used the name to beg for food as a tyrannical faction, and it is indeed possible to get it.

But the first time I succeeded, I couldn't help it the second time, and gradually began to be complacent, thinking that I had found an "infinite gold mine".Until the dragon robe is used as a rag and wipes the floor too much, it becomes a beggar's clothes.

When the negotiation research team in the unified logging area analyzed the next negotiation strategy,

With constructive thinking, the negotiations were finally able to continue.

The Jianye delegation also breathed a sigh of relief - a letter from the rear made Jianye's negotiating team feel messy again.

In fact, this is the case.

In a few days, the unified cutting area will use troops against Guizhou and Hunan.In the matter of conquest, the foreign affairs department of the commanding district submitted the content to Jianye according to the usual practice, and did not expect them to give a "human words" evaluation.

The content of the statement: We must attack the pseudo-humans entrenched in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and attack this reverse society and anti-civilization human gene fusion community.It is expected that Jianye, as the successor of human civilization and social concepts in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, will carry out military coordination.

This gesture of acknowledgment can be said to regard Jianye as an "ally".

[The allies in Master Wei's heart are always unreliable.Wei Keng: You never know whether your allies are the Italians of World War II who are holding you back, or the Italians of World War I who will turn against you at major junctures. 】

The routine announcement of the unified cutting area was as sudden to Jianye as the unified cutting area encountered the Jianye envoy before.

However, the unified cutting area has a lot of cards in hand and can deal with them freely.But Jianye has no license.

When the Jianye Supreme Council faced the situation of "talking about morality" in the unified cutting area, no matter it was the various factions of the Trainers Association or the various factions in the council, they were furious.

Human "morality" has always been the weapon they hold in their hands.

When the commanding area required them to cooperate morally, they felt that they had overstepped.Therefore, the gentlemen (Qingliu) of these councils collectively demanded to refute.

In Xinkaicheng, the guest house for foreign guests,
Li Mo, Jianye's representative, took the command letter from the rear, and cursed in front of his team: "Those manure machines! They only make demands."

Just a few hours ago, this Li Mo finally got something valuable from the negotiating team of the unified cutting zone: the unified cutting zone is willing to provide some warships to stop the invasion of the ocean gene tide for the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin.If the negotiation is successful, the first batch can set sail, and within a week, eight warships will be collected and shipped to the northern coastline of Jianye.

Although those warships are not the "big ships" under construction in the new Kaesong dock, they also have decent firepower.

A ship with a standard displacement of 58 tons, with a width of 4 meters and a length of 5 meters. Main weapons: 2 57-tube rocket depth bomb launchers, depth bomb launchers, 2 dual 25mm guns, [-] dual [-]mm guns .

After reading the information and photos, Li Mo and others felt that this was definitely a big advantage for their own side.

As for the subsidiary treaty: the unified logging area will cooperate with the coastal city-states to build auxiliary ports, and the instructors from the unified logging area will train the personnel sent by the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin and share the sea situation.It's all human.

but now? ~
Li Mo: Let's risk our face here and follow the wishes of you council masters and make a vicious dog to snatch food.After finally getting a piece of meat in his mouth, the group behind him threw out new instructions to make him curse first.

Now when you open your mouth to curse, you have to let go, and you have to spit out the meat.

People like Li Mo don't expect that after scolding on his side, the commanding area will stuff the fallen meat back into his mouth.

Compared with how the companions of this trip are obsessed with the "small profits" of the maritime fleet given by the commanding area,
Qiu Mengfei focused on experiencing what he saw and felt from another "high" perspective!
A year ago, he learned from Su Lingshuang that the existence of apostles (constellation class) is a threat to human beings.

Three months ago, he rode the Tianzhulong car to investigate the pyrite community in the Pacific Ocean when he passed the sky over Dayuan Island, and faced the monstrous flames of the Xingxiu-level biome!

And four days ago, after he arrived in Xinkaicheng, he also felt a strange threat, which permeated the land, which was not much different from the feeling brought to him by sulfur iron basalt!

And when he saw Wei Keng standing behind Sun Xiangyang at the negotiating table, he confirmed the source of his sense of threat.

"People with the same face in the south have already reached the Xingxiu level!" Qiu Mengfei thought about this judgment in his heart.

In the hotel, Qiu Mengfei stared at the communication tower on the mountain in the distance, and couldn't help thinking about how to drive away the wolf: "The Xingxiu class here must fight against the Xingxiu class in the Pacific Ocean, so as to ensure the future of mankind. "

He wrote down his ideas, and then prepared to post them to realize his ideas.


Regarding Qiu Mengfei's current thoughts and practices, it took 20 days for the main world to decipher through the temporarily empty quantum information node.

After learning about Qiu Mengfei's hostility and suspicion towards Wei Keng, the supervisors in the entire space bubble were shocked by this development.

Among the comments of many supervisors' little sisters, Xuan Niaogui's irony is the most classic: Hehe, there is no disease for the widow, and the disease lies in others.

Qiu Mengfei is now fused with Tianzhulong's life field, so he can feel the threat of his old enemy, sulfur iron basalt.The so-called feeling of Wei Keng's threat is actually the normal resonance of the life field of human genes.

Just when the monitors were amazed.

Bai Linglu in the command position appeared, she stopped everyone's emotional discussion, and said with cold emotions: "Your perspective is very high, so don't use any emotions to bring into the plot! Now you are qualified to bring emotions into the plot. Those who make the judgment are only those who pass through in front."

One of the watchers asked: "Shall we prompt?"

Bai Linglu: "Just remind me that there is hostility. You don't need to do anything else."

Everyone looked at each other and decided to follow suit, but they knew in their hearts: "According to the personality of this time traveler, the so-called hint of hostility, that guy doesn't care much at all."

Wei Keng's many actions on this plane showed that he didn't care about your personal hostility at all, and all his attention was on pushing the big wheel.After the big wheel is in motion, no matter what kind of monsters and monsters you have, they will run over them directly!After stirring up the tide and following the tide, Wei Keng, who has a strong head, is not afraid of death or pain at all.

After the Jianye incident, Qiu Mengfei was as light as a feather in Wei Keng's eyes.After learning of the hostility, instead of avoiding it, they wanted to continue hitting.

Therefore, these supervisors under Bai Linglu really wanted to tell Wei Keng "the reason why Qiu Mengfei has gone bad now" in their own words, but Bai Linglu cut it across the board.


On March 152, 3, at four o'clock in the afternoon, the mission of Jianye City left for six hours, and sixteen hours later, the Battle of Xiangdi was about to start.

The unified cutting area, which had dealt with this matter, breathed a sigh of relief and began to review the diplomatic process.

As for Li Mo's implicit expression of "Jianye's proposal for 'suggestions for attacking the Yucheng system in the unified cutting area' that it is difficult to reach a consensus" at the final stage of the negotiation,

Standing on the standpoint of "seeking common ground while reserving differences", the diplomatic corps in the unified cutting area gave understanding. ——I understand that they do not cooperate, but we will not give them opportunities in similar events in the future.Our side will stand on the sidelines.

On the table, Wei Kengzhong, who was in charge of the industry, tapped on the blackboard and began to make up lessons for the core cadres in the unified logging area who had just learned about the negotiation process.

At the negotiating table, Master Wei emphasized restraint.But in the military deduction, Master Wei deduced everything in the most severe direction.

Chalk writes strategic topics on the board!

If Jianye and the Five-Color Alliance use nuclear weapons to maintain the system, how should we respond?

The representatives of the unified logging area who had picked up their teacups to relieve fatigue could not help but hang their hands in the air, and their bodies were completely relieved of sleepiness.

Wei Keng looked at the silent comrades, and slowly said: "After the negotiation just now, the comrades who directly participated should have understood that the rulers of the city-state system in the north have no bottom line for their own interests!"

Wei Keng's words caused other cadres present to start asking those comrades involved in the negotiation with their spiritual language.

And those comrades who participated in the negotiations were asked to restrain themselves throughout the negotiations, and they were also full of anger.Because whether it is morale or industry, the unified cutting area is superior, but the scene has to cater to Jianye's arrogance.

At that moment, the title on the blackboard made them suddenly sober.Under the questioning of other comrades, they carefully recalled Jianye's performance during the negotiations.

They found that because of enough restraint, the commanding area could clearly understand the chaos in Jianye!And in such a chaotic situation, nuclear weapons are still mastered, so we should be cautious.

After the participants discussed with each other with spiritual language for a full 5 minutes.

Wei Keng wrote the second title on the blackboard: "If in the future war of unification, the reactionary side tries to rely on nuclear weapons to go against the general trend! How should we deal with the enemy's dying struggle on the premise of insisting on unification at all costs?" ?”

Wei Keng wrote several labels on the blackboard.

On the head-to-head label: "Informatization Supervision".The nuclear weapon launch sites were closely searched and locked with guided warheads.

And on another light blue label: "Move with reason, understand with righteousness".Let the other party grasp the basic level of nuclear weapons, think about it, and know what is the correct choice for history.

Fighting hard against nuclear weapons, Master Wei's heart can be so violent!But in the face of uncertain history, never give up the just choice of grasping the "possibility that exists and flashes in people's hearts".

(End of this chapter)

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