out of cage

Chapter 200 Chapter 6.14 Scan

Chapter 200 Chapter 6.14 Scan

On March 152, 3 of the Pandora calendar, in this spring, the cleaning force of the unified logging area entered the Hunan and Guizhou area.

The Yucheng series of life groups in this area were judged before the war: the unified cutting area will march along the railway of the old city.

Therefore, they deployed the life group in the valleys on both sides, trying to block the mechanized convoy in the unified logging area by means of heavy harassment.

This kind of deployment is like those blue-skinned tribes hindering mechanized troops in the movie "Avatar".

But movies are just movies.If you want to carry out heavy attacks along the main traffic lines, you must at least have high mobility and high organizational strength.

In other words, most of the maneuvering force is to move between various blocking positions.

The resistance army encountered the enemy in the first area, carried out a certain blocking, and after almost exhausting their vigor, they immediately transferred to the second position.

In this kind of blocking battle, the speed of changing positions must be faster than the speed of the enemy's firepower mobilization.

And now, on the combat map of the unified cutting area.

On both sides of the railway, there are a series of "wild monster spots" marked in red, yellow and green.Most of them are cold weapons saved by hand, and a few hot weapon technologies only stay at the level of granular gunpowder

For the commanding army, these Yucheng defense forces are really like wild monsters, squatting there motionless, waiting to be beaten.

25:9 am on the 34th
In Yucheng, the top of the tower with a big head began to frequently stimulate life fluctuations to instill fighting will in the groups in its own domain.

In the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the monster cries on both sides of the river were overwhelmed by it

The will of the head spirit has been implemented in every daughter, asking his people to fight against the "evil group".Of course, such mental fluctuations that are sent dozens of times a day are not so much anger as hysteria.

Master Wei, who was monitoring his tower on several hilltops in the southwest, listened.After a few hours, interest is lost.

Wei Keng: I thought I could hear a little dispatch of troops, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of unnutritive wail, this kind of screaming, breaking the throat, and it will not bring about change.

On the western front of the unified logging area, the air traffic control units in the [-] areas are all in place.

At the airport, as Wei Keng of the ground handling department waved a small flag, fifty Wei Keng on the air traffic control tower began to dispatch the planes on the runway.

The pilots sitting in the driver's seat checked whether the aircraft's landing gear, ammunition mounting and other systems were normal, and began to wait, waiting for orders to take off in sequence.

Before the plane took off, the ground troops had already arrived at the engagement point.

On the ground, the army equipped with motorcycles and agricultural equipment is advancing on a wide front of [-] kilometers.

The ground troops were accompanied by Rogia in the sky, alerting large groups of enemies tens of kilometers nearby.

On the other hand, the ground forces occupy the highlands where the herds of beasts are weakly controlled, and conduct close observations of those areas where the enemy's life field is strong.

Judging from the sky, there are very few gunfires on the ground, but if you can see the communication band, it will be very lively here.A large amount of encrypted information is being sent back to the rear headquarters at the communication base stations of the ground squad and platoon.

This comprehensive information command system consisting of grassroots soldiers wearing helmets, tank vehicle communicators, and fixed base stations allows the rear general combat command to update frontier information every second.

And when the fighter planes take off at each airport and when they arrive in the airspace, they are also planned in real time based on such information.

On the highland No. 0934 of the Xiangjiang River.

The fighter planes in the commanding area are projecting rocket-assisted glide bombs—Master Wei firmly refuses to admit that they are missiles. He insists: only those with a range of more than [-] kilometers are.

When the aircraft is projecting the precision-guided bomb, the bomber on the fighter plane is paired with the person wearing the helmet on the ground through the cockpit, sharing the perspective, observing and guiding the gliding projectile from the perspective of the sky and the ground at the same time.

The ones that will be hit are the long-armed species lying on the bushes, numbering in the hundreds.

After the deflection of the air pressure value in the pitot tube was getting closer and closer, a certain Wei Keng on the ground murmured: "It is detected that it is on the way—"

Before the words fell, the clouds and mist dispersed over the mountain.Half a second later, the fire cloud exploded, like licking food, and everything on the surface was swept away.The high temperature of thousands of degrees burned all targets within 50 meters, but the main damage was done by the overpressure caused by the explosion shock wave.

All targets within 100 meters are directly rushed away.

The fire rolled past, except for the black area radiating from the center, the surrounding areas were branches and corpses that were too late to be incinerated.

And this is just the beginning,
After the fire cloud rose here, within 2 minutes, there was only one road thirteen kilometers away, and many "successive" roads appeared farther away.All these scenes one after another are like the point in the classroom, and the students stand up one by one to answer.

Eight hours after the first battle, a total of 87 bombings were fired within the range of "[-] kilometers from north to south and [-] kilometers from east to west".

The bombing was not intensive, but the Yucheng biome, as the sufferer, seemed to have encountered a violent storm.

According to the cost-effectiveness ratio, in the case of a complete industry in the 21st century, the price of cloud bombs is one-tenth of that of tactical nuclear weapons.And large-scale precision guidance can make bombing more effective than tactical nuclear weapons.

Wei Keng doesn't know how much the North's nuclear weapons are produced, but maintaining a conventional weapon strike capability that is one generation higher than the enemy's can curb the enemy's wild ambitions.

To some extent, this attack on the genetic community in Yucheng was also a tactical exercise against the five-color federation and the Jianye city-state forces.

March 3, from morning to afternoon,

from south to north,

The corps in the commanding area was like a wedding party; the cloud bombs dropped along the way were crackling like strings of firecrackers thrown out.

In the first round of attack in the morning, there were 15 rings at once, and at the peak stage in the afternoon, there were 21 rings within a range of [-] kilometers.

And every sound means that a large biome with a total weight of more than [-] tons has suffered heavy casualties.

Alternately rising mushroom clouds can be seen within ten kilometers.There is no smell of gunpowder, but the explosion made all living beings quiet, making the "monsters" in the Hunan area feel like they have encountered a thunderbolt from heaven.

Under such an attack, resistance is already a muster of courage.

Shivering in the mud of the river, the symbiotic people of Yucheng survived the bombing and minimized their metabolism to reduce the chance of being discovered.They stared at the sky with blank eyes, and could only wait for the night to come and the ammunition to run out.

But finish?It was impossible to finish.

Wei Keng group: "It's true that interspersed sports are a hero, but the nature of a man is a big bang."

The commanding area had stockpiled [-] pieces of ammunition before the war, and was producing [-] pieces a day after the war started.

Well, the production of this kind of bomb is the same as the production of liquefied gas tanks: the main warhead is punched out, and then the biological structure loaded iron shell is welded on it. After testing the control effect of the muscle structure hang glider, it will be rolled out of the factory.

Military experts from the Desperate Plane commented on this kind of ammunition: "Even if the biological control system is not considered, the level of other industries exceeds the gas tank cannons carried by pickup trucks in the Middle East."

There is no disciplined and organized industrial team of thousands of people in the Middle East.

On the side of Master Wei, relying on the accumulation in the chemical industry, according to the needs of the battlefield, the cloud bombs are made into different flavors according to different techniques of "frying, steaming and frying"! "

For example, incendiary cloud bombs contain more long-chain alkanes, which ignite a large area at once, and burn soft targets to death with ultra-high temperature diffusion.This is similar to a petrol bomb in a powder mist state.

As for the shock wave type, increasing the content of light alkanes can directly strangle all species in various types of bunkers.

As for thermobaric bombs, some "condiments" such as aluminum, boron, silicon, titanium, magnesium, and zirconium have to be added.

During the bombing, the ground troops were also advancing rapidly on motorcycles.

Among the advancing teams, Huang Jingfei was following the forward team.The task of this "immortal master" accompanying the army is to find out all the alien species hidden in the mud.

In terms of "minesweeping", the holders of these "twisting life fields" are more capable than most of Wei Keng's splits.

Wei Keng maintains a strong ability to communicate with each other, and his self-brain and other configurations are also used to deal with affairs in his own community.

Therefore, the perception of the weak alien life radiation hidden in the natural ecology is not the most acute. Only when both parties are in a high-motion state and within a distance of 50 meters can Wei Keng perceive each other.

However, Huang Jingfei can search within a range of hundreds of meters through a relatively high-power active radiation capability.

Therefore, Huang Jingfei was also a witness who watched the whole process of the battle for more than ten hours.

The depth of destruction brought about by this bombing was extremely shocking to him.

This place was originally an area filled with evil spirits.If the life of an ordinary person is a small flame, a little stirring of the "monster energy" here can distort and annihilate this small flame, manifesting as genetic pollution.

But such a vast and deep evil land was wiped out before his eyes in one day.The source that made him feel the evil energy entering his body was gone!Like sweeping holes in a plow court, the commanding army has dealt with the sense of "squirm" and "strangeness" in this ecological zone.

Described from the feeling of the life field, this is the great supernatural power of burning the sky and boiling the sea.

The ground and the sky are like the heavenly soldiers of ancient mythology, beating thunder and lightning, sweeping across [-] square kilometers.

Huang Jingfei stepped on the brakes of the tractor,

He found another little monster who slipped through the net and hid.After receiving his notice, the search team from the rear rushed to the scene and blasted the big tree surrounded by several people with explosives, dragging out the hibernating individuals inside.

Huang Jingfei looked at this individual with obvious female human characteristics hiding in the tree, and said indifferently: "A monster is a monster. I can't stop it when I'm upright, so I try to charm people's hearts."

These are the No. 15 hiders that Huang Jingfei found, and all of these existences have female characteristics without exception.


On March 3, the war entered its fourth day.The ground front has advanced 29 kilometers to the north, and its width has expanded to [-] kilometers. The Conqueror Legion has taken down three ruins of the old human civilization along the way.

And now it is the last large-scale ruin belt in southern Shonen, and it is also the decisive point of the battle.

After the Yucheng community was attacked, the main force shrank to this area. It is conservatively estimated that the large fauna surrounded by the unified army here is equivalent to 5 humans in terms of life scale.

As long as the annihilation is completed, Yucheng's combat power on the southern front will no longer exist, and the two sides will face each other across Dongting Lake.

Before the war, the ruins of Hengyang, a three-dimensional area full of weird vegetation and creatures, was a restricted area for human expeditions.Human beings will never understand how dangerous life is here.

But when the dew just dried up at 9:30 in the morning, the monster fog here dissipated.

The Wei Keng group guided 19 cloud bombs into the eight places with the strongest genetic radiation in the ruins of Hengyang for the Vanguard's vanguard group.

With the fire wave set off by the cloud of destruction, it swept away.

The combat team in the unified cutting area rushed into the urban area in light armored vehicles after 8 minutes.

As armored vehicles and infantry advance on the main street, what can be seen along the way is comparable to the scene after a tactical nuclear strike.Right now, they are all twitching, the herd of beasts standing there without any reaction when seeing people.

Their organs have been shattered, and they have been interfered by the life radiation emitters in the human frequency band on the chariot, so they can only linger on like a vegetable.

The extermination of the remnants of the enemy by the unified expeditionary army that invaded the city is still going on.
Half an hour later, the human corps surrounded the shopping mall in the center of the ruins.

More than half of the central shopping mall collapsed, and the other half was supported by five-meter-thick vines twisted into a twisted "trunk".But the tree was stained with incendiary agent and was emitting a lot of smoke, crackling and dropping red sparks in the smoke.

Just in front of the entrance to the ruins of the central shopping mall, Wei Keng met the highest-ranking fusion person in the south.She is the daughter of Shouling, and she is at the same level as Long Ximin in the Yucheng system.

It weighs nearly a ton, has spiders on its lower body, and three female bodies on its upper body.

When she crawled out of the ruins, two of the bodies had been smashed to death, and the crooked ones were obviously broken spines, while the remaining human body looked at the new hopeless situation with dismal eyes.

All directions have been surrounded by fifteen members of the combat team with sniper rifles and rocket launchers.And the three leaders in this battle group are all Wei Keng, who are using the language of the mind to mark the target for the entire team.

Mr. Wei, on his buttocks and waist, he painted red dots for blow marks.At the same time, he gave orders to his teammates to observe his command actions at all times, fire at the right time, and planned the path to the nearest bunker.

After seeing Wei Keng, she stretched out her hand to wipe off the dust on her face, revealing a "sexy" face, and asked in a bleak, indeed pitiful tone, "Are you Adam?"

Wei Keng frowned and muttered, "What are you talking about?"

The system explained: "In the concept of Yucheng, females are satisfied with their genes and defined as Eve. After you appeared, they defined you as..."

The system is not finished.

Wei Keng looked at her, and radiated a blast of human gene radiation at her. The symbiote seemed to be burned by a flame, and his color faded instantly.

Wei Keng stepped forward, stepped on the lower limb of the half-ton spider, swung a stick and knocked off the human arm she was trying to block.

At the same time, the other two Wei Keng opened fire, interrupting the spider limbs that were trying to counterattack.

The one-ton body lost its balance and was soon pressed to the ground by Wei Keng!
This kind of suppression seemed to have a huge difference in body size, but Wei Keng pressed her neck to the ground, her human body could not move, and the movement of the huge spider's body was equivalent to twisting her upper body to pieces.

This can refer to a big man. If his fingers are held and someone breaks him along, no matter how heavy he is, he will inevitably be brought down to the ground.

Wei Keng's three individuals suddenly jumped up, and then controlled the situation within a second, making the comrades beside him sweat.Then go up in a hurry, hold this big guy with a bayonet, and capture him alive.

Wei Keng stepped on the girl's neck and punched her in the upper and lower jaws.Some blood oozes out from the friction between the back of the hand and his teeth, but his mouth is also stuck tightly.

As the blood dripped into the esophagus, the lower half of the spider girl's waist twitched and then completely collapsed. Only the upper body of the human body was still trembling.

Wei Keng stared at her disfigured face, and said word by word as if with magical power: "I am Yanhuangxue."

As these two words were emphasized, like mantras, people in the whole city felt swept away by a wave, and their physical fatigue eased.

This is the powerful life radiation radiating from Wei Keng as the center. ——It is not harmful to humans, but to alien species, this is a neutron radiation from an ultra-small nuclear weapon.

The lower body of the spider girl completely lost its blood color. Ten seconds later, the hard burrs on the surface of the spider weighing more than 800 kilograms fell off, and a large amount of pus flowed out.

And her humanoid upper body seemed to be fished out of the water, her chest heaved violently, and her face seemed to have been anesthetized too much, her tongue stuck out, stiff and unable to retract.

The south of Shonan has been set, but the pace of human beings still has to move north.

Wei Kengqun restrained the arrogance in his heart, and began to force himself to pour cold water on himself: "Fight against this world, do I have the strength?"

For Wei Keng, the natural life field in the unified cutting area has become more and more comfortable recently. This feeling seems that the nose that has been blocked for a long time is about to clear.

Master Wei has been in high spirits lately, and he always seems to be on the top.

(End of this chapter)

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