out of cage

Chapter 201 Chapter 6.15 Yucheng, the backlash of human genes

Chapter 201 Chapter 6.15 Yucheng, the backlash of human genes
On April 4st, the war has been going on for seven days. As the front line advances, the "spiritual root" plants (compradors) pried from the rear plantations are also transported to the front line to play an ecological replacement role.

As human chemical equipment began to operate in this area, the organic matter that was processed intensively cracked heterogeneous proteins into small structures that were harmless to human life activities.Then feed to the photosynthetic organisms who are human subjects.

According to Huang Jingfei's records, after these plant nodes fed by humans are spread into mountains, lakes, and underground caves, the radiation intensity in the environment with the same frequency as human genes is two orders of magnitude higher.

The original genetic radiation was variegated because there were too many types.Now after human implantation, the ecological background radiation has become a pure black and yellow color that makes Huang Xianchang feel comfortable.

A non-toxic ecology for the human race is a good ecology.These days, who dares to say that protecting nature is higher than human beings, let him go to stay in the miasma of the apostles in the south.

Huang Xianchang has already planned which mountain to encircle as his mountain gate.Of course, cultivating immortals should always pay attention to the current policy of the unified logging area.

First: The plain area must be managed by the unified logging area to supply food production, and more ecological energy can be mobilized for experimental observation in the mountains where people are slightly rare.He is really ready to practice immortality in the present age.

Second: cultivating immortals cannot promote feudal superstition.The organization felt that Huang Xianchang should copy the introduction to materialism several times a year, so he had to copy it several times.

After the swearing, Huang Jingfei got on the tank, leaning on the gun barrel, and watched over the witches on the rear panel.

He looked at these captives harshly, always preparing them to escape, and then shot them down with a cannonball himself.

Huang Xianchang's rejection of Yucheng demon descendants is not without reason.

There is now the possibility of being gentle with the captive policy of the symbiotes in the unified cutting area.

The current population base of the unified logging area is determined, and it is already expanding at a super limit. In the next few decades, humans in the unified logging area will directly control the plains and the mining areas along the main railway line.

Due to this reality, after the completion of the ecological replacement, the large area of ​​the ecological zone that obeys the will of human beings, in addition to being handed over to "immortals" like Huang Jingfei who want to figure out the complex control of the energy of the ecological circle,
So will it be possible to plan an isolated area to house the symbiotics?

Huang Jingfei at the conference of the unified logging area: Now that the resources are empty, that is temporary. As long as the human beings are stabilized, after several generations of reproduction and recovery, they will soon reach the number.I said that it has been proved by scientific equipment that the telomeres of cells will not shrink.In the next generation, after three or four generations, when the number of disciples of our sect increases greatly, the spiritual mountains and great rivers are first come, first served, how can they be given over to monsters?

Huang Jingfei's tendency is: it is enough to kill all the monsters like symbiotes.The current policies within the organization cannot be softened.

Huang Jingfei's ideas represent the thinking of most pioneers today.But to be a human leader, one has to be holistic, to think with an eye toward possible future contradictions.

When the unified cutting area was fighting against Yucheng, in addition to the accumulation of steel, it was also deepening in thought.

When the high-level officials in the unified logging area formulated policies, they repeatedly argued around the core issues.

"About why there is a conflict? Is there any possibility of reconciliation!" This question, which seems unnecessary to discuss now, was raised by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng's attitude towards alien species is undoubtedly tough, and he has already set the tone for this war: a civilization developed on the basis of the era of species, ethics and morals do not allow human genes to be mixed with other species.

The current rise of civilization is still based on purely human foundations to promote the progress of language and social relations. The fundamental factors laid down in the age of species are still an important foundation for supporting civilization.

Just take "social justice" as an example.

The equality of people is largely based on the reality that genetic differences are extremely small.

If human genes are mixed with extremely different animals, then the degree of mixing will determine the existence of human beings after fusion.

Wei Keng: In ancient times, the Holy Mother bitch would say that "tolerance" can solve the problem.But they don't mention the price that society needs to make up for the shortcomings of these differences in the process of "tolerance".

[Take "immunodeficiency syndrome" as an example.The Holy Mother bitch made other people in a school tolerate sick children, and chose to use public opinion to force other relevant people in the school to forget the risks, instead of providing specialized educational services and a complete video dialogue and communication system for sick children. 】

Because Wei Keng will actually plan how to accommodate the disadvantaged people, so he resolutely does not tolerate the possibility of Yucheng creating disadvantages.

Wei Keng's policy on the commensal community in Yucheng is not to force them to be extinct.

Wei Keng also doesn't want to set a framework for human purebreds to become a death limit that restricts human genes.

Therefore (Wei Keng formulates) the captive policy of the Conqueror Army, transforms the ideology of the symbionts, and persuades them to give up the path of "integrating ecological genes into themselves".

However, during the investigation, it was found that thought remolding is much more difficult than genetic modification.

These symbiotes captured by the commanding area still seem to be able to get telepathy with the rear, and a few stubborn people resist reform as stubbornly as saints suffer.Although most of the symbiotes no longer argue and seem to adapt to the transformation, it is difficult to get rid of the comfort brought by the genetic induction.

Yes, just like humans ingested certain drugs in the era of species, at this time, it seems addictive for these aliens to integrate external genes.

In reform centers similar to women's prisons, despite the strict supervision of female prison guards, they will stand in line, report numbers, exercise, and perform labor production such as embroidery and weaving.

But in the gap of supervision, they can't help but have genetic contact with some insects and birds.

Interact with these creatures and use their perspective to perceive the soil and the world outside the window.One by one is like the princess locked on the tower in the Disney animation.

In fact, this is when people are exposed to addictions that do not belong to their own perception.The more you climb to the top, the more addictive you get.

And putting aside fairy tales and anthropomorphic emotional elements, from the perspective of pure natural law: this kind of integration, they dominate, and the superior controls the inferior. - Possesses the control of the master.Once you get a taste of control, you don't want to lose it.

However, all this changed significantly on April 4.

After April, after several heavy rains, the offensive momentum in the unified logging area slowed down slightly.

Some non-combat attrition occurred in the unified cutting area, mainly the frontier scouts, who encountered some mild internal discomfort caused by miasma such as mosquitoes.

In fact, this doesn't even count as genetic pollution. A healthy soldier can recover by himself, not to mention the radio medical vehicle that provides blood packs.

Slightly injured soldiers, listening to the high-pitched marching music, can return to the battle sequence in less than half an hour. ——However, even so, it was still reported by the medical vehicle as a number of casualties.This even caused some conflicts between the forward company and the medical team.

[Grassroots company: "We have no wounded in this whole battle." Medical company: "You have wounded here, and I have reported them all." Basic company: "What about serious injuries? What level of disability is it? You write the number clearly what!"】

All in all, based on the data of combat injuries that have appeared, the commanding army headquarters judged that its advance was too fast, so that it penetrated into the enemy's life-radiation-rich area, and it should wait until the photosynthetic node organisms planted by its own side later took over the area. After the ecology of the region, the second promotion will be carried out.

"Of course, in terms of side effects, it is to leave some respite for Yucheng." Master Wei thinks: "This side effect is tolerable. The opponent's steel material consumption is greater than his own, and Yucheng's recovery ability in the short term is weaker than his own. .”

Wei Keng's judgment was not wrong, this indeed left Yucheng breathing, but it was still oozing blood.

days of fighting,

The firepower of the commanding army was driven away, the ground formation was encircled, and the symbiotic people in Yucheng, as the other side of the war, had no time to understand and could not understand.

The frustrations of being helpless in ignorance and ignorance, like the tide, come one after another.

Oh, the Shouling may know the whole picture of the battle process, because she has the most comprehensive perspective of being beaten, but those humanoid nodes with thinking ability below her only have a partial perspective.

During this war, the only information they could learn was that a large herd of beasts they had sent out was blown up by cloud bombs, and then fled into the forest, disappearing like snowflakes in summer.

It would be fine if it was disemboweled by a war cat mechanical beast in the jungle,
A large number of broken herds fled to the rear and gathered, but were still slaughtered by the flames sprayed by the steel vehicles with mechanical wheels.

In the history of human warfare,

The second assembly of soldiers is not just as simple as gathering troops together, but to establish a command line and complete logistical supplies at the same time.

Yucheng, as a swarm system, can establish spiritual command in command, but in terms of logistics supply, it cannot be fooled by purely transmitting life radiation.

For example, the various consumptions of creatures running to the limit have a scientific statistical amount.

The commanding army (Master Wei) aimed at the long legs and short legs of various species in Yucheng, determined their movement limits, and took targeted actions.

Shouling has kept a large number of war materials and books of the previous generation of civilization in Yucheng, but she obviously lacks the ability to understand.

In the battles of the past few days, the unified army has formed a set of exclusive tactics.

During the forward bombing process, Rogia was allowed to conduct reconnaissance in advance, and then one or two mechanized companies were sent from the flanks to pursue.

One company: eight tanks (Type 62), four steel plate armored personnel carriers, and tractor-tracked artillery.

So after the bomber took off,
The ready-to-go steel troop pierced the side for [-] kilometers, that is, the distance of two marathons, waiting for those biological communities that retreated to the second line with their fleshy legs.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in Africa, Homo sapiens relied on the advantage of long-distance raids to hunt and kill tired and panting creatures.

Every time the armored company rushed to the battlefield, the rapid-fire firepower of the artillery quickly fired at the limp creatures at the water source. After a few minutes, countless streams of red blood flowed into the water source.

War is very cruel, because very cruel,

In the main world, Master Wei, who would lie flat when nothing happened, turned into a hard-working man who tried his best to plan in the face of war.

Master Wei objectively admitted that he was a little dizzy and couldn't accept the "bloody" scene.

And in the field of human genes, there must be someone who is not as good as Master Wei.

Those priests who have most of the genes of human beings, because of their extensive integration with other lower creatures, have a wide range of multi-type life perception.In times of peace, this afforded them pleasure. ——Back then, Master Wei was carrying Long Ximin to search for the genes of various crops in the mountains and forests.

In war, however, such perceptions cause extreme pain.

After running, the herd creatures squeezed their physical strength to the limit, and directly broke through this limit after being seriously injured.In order to survive, the Pandora field that the herd maintained finally collapsed, and the herd began to eat each other with red eyes, trying to gain energy and try to repair the remaining bodies.

Groups of slightly injured and moderately disabled creatures surrounded the seriously injured and began to eat.During this process, bombs will be dropped in the unified logging area, causing more serious injuries, so this kind of repair will continue and become a slaughterhouse.

In this process of mutual phagocytosis, the bad accumulation of proteins will carry out mutual infection along with the Pandora field, and then gather at the final terminal of the Pandora biological field.

When this collection reaches a certain limit, the quiet and peaceful state of the symbiotic priests no longer exists.

August 4,
On the northern shore of Dongting Lake, the symbiotic sacrificed to Yingzuo. After the defeat, she continued to complain to her mother. However, what awaited her was not the expected comfort, but was summoned by the head spirit to return to the life pool of the building.

The priestess, after hours of hesitation, smiled and decided to answer her mother's call.

On the frontier bloody battlefield, the lady whose heart has been blackened, brought her remaining biome corps back to the building in Yucheng to see her.

During the interview, the lady set fire to three tree sentinels around the city, and then cut off the guards who came to rescue them, as well as the vine bridge across the Yangtze River.

And when she came to the top of the tower, she took a last look at her mother, her eyes were black, and she proved frantically and triumphantly that the mind control of the head spirit no longer affected her.

The daughter cut open her mother's huge brain, divided it into dozens of parts, and fused them one by one.

The eagle conjures up a sickly and insane, unscrupulous mind like a baby exercising the power of adulthood.

As one of the groups, Eagle Convoked felt that in the past, the head spirits devoured their own daughters for the orderly operation of the group.And now~~~
Ying Zhaojiao covered his face sickly, gnawed on his fingers, and looked at his mother: "The colony has begun to decline drastically. Since the mother is helpless, then let the daughter eat it."

On April 4rd,
The "mother-eating incident" that made the entire Yucheng community feel desperate and terrifying happened.

I don't know exactly what happened at the scene. I only know that on the floor of the building where Shouling is located, blood was spattered from every window, and the smell of blood was sprinkled throughout the city with the strong wind.

And in the outward spiritual radiation of the head spirit, there was also a desperate roar, which made the thinking bodies of all Yucheng symbiotic people feel trembling.Including those symbiote priests who were captured by the commanding army.

Yang Cuzhi, who was mistaken by Wei Keng for a spider woman before, but whose chassis is actually a cricket, is also in human form after the insect's lower body is completely necrotic.

She shook the bars all day, repeatedly emphasizing that she wanted to get out.Crying with tears and snot, she is no different from a girl.

Such an event was beyond the expectation of the supervisors of the main world.

In the Yucheng community, a biological group with the concept of swarm consciousness, in the previous data model, the group’s ability to withstand the casualties of the outermost periphery is almost unlimited, that is, even if the front line is completely dead, the swarm center can still survive. keep running.

But a theory is a theory after all. Wei Keng has grown a lot of theories on this timeline, and verified the limit.

The supervisors have added some upper limits to many laws more than once.

The change of the swarm center caused by the eagle calling the devouring center proved that if the external pressure is large enough, it can also cause chaos in the swarm system of Yucheng.

After recalling the records at this time, the supervisor noticed that the sudden madness in Yucheng was inevitable.

Since the 143rd year of the Pandora calendar.

Wei Keng started to prepare, the first floor was ready, the second floor was ready, the second floor was ready, um, we can still check for omissions and fill in the gaps.Add upgraded new technologies to the combat system.

In the process of preparing for this level of increase, Yucheng was dragged into an arms race and into more and more complicated production activities.

That's it, the head of Yucheng had to decentralize his organizational power and created a secondary node.

And from the moment the head spirit released her functions, she was no longer the absolute will of the swarm.

But when the real war started.The daughters of Shouling have a sense of autonomy and can feel the pressure of Wei Keng (common cutting area).

But the head spirit still maintains a lofty attitude, exerting pressure on the lower.This touches on an element inherent in the daughters' human genes, "reversal".

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old children are a period of rebellion against their parents.

Because in the course of evolution, at this age, they can already participate in hunting independently and have the ability to support themselves.In the society at that time, it was an individual who could show the ability of self-determination, and could reproduce the second generation quickly, so this was the dominant gene.

The swarm consciousness established by Yucheng on human genes is based on the complete obedience of female individuals like Long Ximin.

Although Long Ximin and other priests have a mature female body and appearance, in fact, for a long time, many physiological functions including endocrine are maintained at five to six years old, so the "obedient" appearance is because the psychology is only four or five years old. age.

However, once the production functions of the Shouling were delegated, their personalities developed to the level of teenagers, and they were very sensitive to the mistakes of the upper-ranking elders.

If the elders still stop communication for the sake of face, there is a high possibility of tragedy. ——These have actual cases in many tragedies in modern times.Here in Yucheng, it was just a reenactment in the worst possible way.

In the space bubble,
Bai Linglu determined the result of this deduction, and focused on the stage of Yucheng's split, because this stage was precisely the stage where Wei Keng was making boring preparations and his own supervisors ignored the stage the least.

Bai Linglu criticized the lack of work experience of his team. ——It is also a female team.While dealing with these new examples, Bai Linglu looked at his subordinates, his eyes said, "Do you have any thoughts of rebellion? Say it, I won't be angry."

After the overseer's meeting was held in a harmonious atmosphere,

In the empty hall, she was the only one left looking at the screen: "How many opponents have gradually stopped in your (Wei Keng) long-distance running plan, and then fell down. It really uses the strategy of the tortoise and the hare. The fire is perfect."

(End of this chapter)

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