out of cage

Chapter 343 Chapter 9.33 Behind the scenes

Chapter 343 Chapter 9.33 Behind the scenes
In August, Six Gates of China and Tiance Group were arguing about the 'inexplicable psychic disaster'.

Wei Keng returned to the plateau area from the Lizhou war zone, and before boarding the battleship Ruomu, he saw the station incident that appeared in the pop-up window.

After Wei Keng understood the information, he let out a breath and raised his hand to stir something in the air.A halo spread out from the palm of his hand.But quickly dissipated to the point of "invisible but present".After launching the relevant measures, Wei Keng continued to be busy with the matter at hand.

September 2289 in the Qin Tongli calendar.The Tianzhuyang Economic Summit was held.

This summit is led by the Western China Investment Committee, which is the business and private forces that were connected by the interests of the original Silk Road.

In the past two years, the entire Silk Road faction bank notes group's foreign loan investment has become more and more frenzied.

These private companies are obsessed with the acquisition of high-quality overseas assets, and have already planned to arouse public opinion and plan to promote foreign intervention strategies.

Wei Keng sighed inwardly: "We have finally reached this point."

After Wei Keng entered this faction, it was the first time he had to hold his own speech and use his right to speak for the first time, expressing a different position.

Since the human industrial revolution and entering the era of capitalism, the best quality assets are as follows:
1. Origin of raw materials. (The local situation is stable and can be firmly controlled. Such as the "Saudi Arabia" and "Australia" resource areas in ancient times)
2. Safety control of the transportation chain. (Wayway overseas military bases, such as Malacca, Suez, Panama and other important military bases)
3: High-quality production capacity in industrial governance areas. (Stable governance, no mass unemployment, and controllable fluctuations in necessary living materials. For example, East Asia and Western Europe)
In peacetime, the above-mentioned visible high-quality assets have been tightly controlled by major powers.

Investors from various countries can only develop high-quality assets in new technology fields by continuously increasing R&D investment, such as emerging industries such as mobile phones, short videos, and online shopping in the 21st century.But with such hard work in construction and planning, how can it be so refreshing to instigate a war and harvest other countries.

Now the whole of Western China is in such a "window".

Since Tianzhuyang is the region with the best economic stability and the most stable strategy in the world,
Edenia and the European Union are now in the predicament of war, which is comparable to the big hair after the split of Soviet Russia during the main world.A large number of materials are in short supply, and core assets have to be sold.

China is now rich in productivity, and can easily switch to overseas military bases on important waterways, ownership of raw material origins, and upstream and downstream supply chains of factories.

This is an extremely delicious pie for Chinese businessmen and privates.

However, in Master Wei's report, he explained the meaning of not wanting to make this war fortune!
Banking regulators in the plateau region refused to accept creditor's rights in Africa and North America.They are also unwilling to participate in dividing up the interests of core asset acquisitions in these regions.

Master Wei is optimistic about the new industrial governance capabilities that have emerged after the Lizhou area was formatted.Building a community of shared future with advanced governance groups is the excellent asset that the people of Western China want.

Throughout the meeting, the personnel of the Silk Party froze after Wei Keng finished speaking.There was no sound in the entire virtual hall.

No one agreed with Wei Keng's opinion.To put it more seriously, everyone present has reasons for objecting.

Is it crazy if you don't make money to your mouth?

But looking at Wei Keng's serious expression, these bosses realized that in Wei Xin's previous consciousness, he had a pedantic concept of commercialism.

The members of the Silk faction sneered in their hearts: "Oh, a saint of morality." The ridicule was ridiculed, and they also felt a headache about it. Wei Keng's appearance is difficult to correct.

This interest group system will only have a headache for "nail households" how to "correct".

Most of the time, those who block everyone's way of making money are usually hidden in the snow, and if they can't be hidden, they will evaporate.

Wei Keng cannot be hidden in the snow, as for Wei Keng evaporated from the world?

Not to mention the lessons learned by the Donglin faction 100 years ago, the current Wei Xin hides a lot of power in the military and economy, which is stored but not released. These bigwigs cannot withstand the price of conflict.

During the adjournment of the summit, many interest groups began to lobby Wei Keng and Wei Shi behind him.

From the perspective of commercial and private interests, it would be a fool not to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the world.

But Wei Keng does not do business this time, so this "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity to make money.The logic chain is different.

Three hours after the adjournment of the meeting, the Fenghou Group sent a lobbying team.

Bai Zhaodi prepared thin wine in a commercial building in Tianhu City on the plateau.The simple celebration banquet 100 years ago was reproduced.

Master Wei looked at this "good brother" with red lips, fair skin, hair like black waterfalls, and black eyebrows (eye shadows) like burning clouds, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Wei Keng then explained his reasons to her.When it comes to "persuasion", Wei Keng can reverse the wind and push him over. (The system jokingly prompts: "I can't convince you, you can sleep in it.")
Wei Keng: "For the lords of the imperial family, the acquisition of foreign assets this time is more beneficial than harmful.

The only risk is getting involved in a war, but from various calculations, Shenzhou retains complete industrial operation capabilities.Fully capable of winning wars.So the risk is minimal.In your words, both the country and the people benefit.But the books don't work that way. "

Bai Zhaodi nodded, but her expression was disapproving.

Wei Keng clicked on the pyramid projection of national income.Pointing to the highest end.

"In this overseas expansion that is beneficial to the country and the people, [-]% of the benefits are collected by the people at the top, and the remaining two layers of benefits belong to the common people! But among the risks of war, almost [-]% of the risk of casualties , it is up to the common people to close their positions.”

Wei Keng pointed at the bottom of the pyramid, and said with a little sneer: "Then, you tell the people here that 'this operation will do more good than harm'! People in the past were simple, but today they are not fools.

A projection brush appeared in Wei Keng's hand, and he wrote the two big characters "risk" on the projection.

Wei Keng clicked on the top of the pyramid, and this group of people was right: "The risk of acquiring Shenzhou Fortune's overseas hot money assets is very small, but for these people..."

In the projection, the top layer of the pyramid became extremely heavy, and the base was deformed due to the pressure.Bai Zhaodi looked at all this with her hands behind her back, and sighed slightly, she understood that this was "something that a fairy will do when he descends to earth".

'Luoshui', 'Suhu', 'Fenghou'...

Wei Keng pointed out several chaebol groups in Shenzhou, and said: "The risks brought about by this war include the greed that these things breed."

Wei Keng stared at Bai Zhaodi, a woman who integrated Bai Jingqi's memory and consciousness, and couldn't help being "hit" by such gaze.

Wei Keng: "If Feng Hou doesn't want to change, I can open a way for you to expand outward, but in the land of Haotian Hou in Shenzhou, don't hinder the right way in this era."

In this way, the behind-the-scenes controller of the Fenghou Group failed to lobby Wei Keng.At the same time, he came to a conclusion with a wry smile: "The world laughs at him for not understanding business. He laughs at the world for not understanding business greed."

As for the more extreme words, Wei Keng hasn't said anything yet.

Wei Keng: Businesses and privates should always be guarded against. When commercials and privates pour all the savings of ordinary people into their own bowls and replace them with stones, when they are about to be exposed, they have to use war to smash all the bowls to cover up .

At that time, no matter how condescending and sighing, the people lost their minds and became fanatical.

As an upright manager of national wealth, if you don't lend money to high-risk "gambling forces", you won't be involved in meaningless wars against civilization for profit.

Of course, Shenzhou insisted not to get involved in the war so much,
There will be some people with ulterior motives who will forcibly connect with the banner of "If you forget the battle, you will be in danger" at this time.When the loss of foreign investment reaches a certain level, there will be such a high-sounding mouthpiece to persuade people to sacrifice.

Master Wei made a note to himself: "Why are you fighting? --- The answer to this question is very simple, don't talk about anything false.

To be beaten to death for a small profit is to violate one's personality.Humans are noble, and in the Flesh Mill, they are consumed as numbers by some great figures.It is a crime. "

In September, when the credit in the plateau area began to strictly control the investment in the "bubble area".

In a way, the plateau industrial economic group and the traditional Silk Road trade interests parted ways.

Silk faction capital withdraws from the plateau.Start to transfer to the big food area.

As for the loan to Europa League, Shenzhou Commercial and Private Development Co., Ltd. will do it through Dashi.As for the Dashi area, the local transportation and basic industries are handed over to the plateau area in exchange for capital, so as to ensure that they can obtain capital for reorganization in the future.

The plateau area is also willing to further plan the future industrial development for the Dashi area.

As for the political instability in the Dashi region, and the new members trying to "nationalize" foreign assets?
Assets such as industrial production are not "primary natural resources" such as oil deposits.This type of asset is strongly dependent on intensive management input, as well as technical input.

The plateau area is in the process of industrialization for the next step of Dashi planning.

All electronic control programs come from the R&D department of Gaoyuan Technology.

The formulation and design of all parts and components standards also come from the support of plateau industries.

Management personnel and technical standards, and even the supply of core components, such core assets.The governor of the Dashi area does not account for one item!
If the fool who came to power forcibly declared nationalization, he could only announce the recovery of the land, and at most there would be a series of scrap iron-like production equipment.

At that time, the instability of public opinion caused by a large number of unemployment waves will be the lightest consequence. If no other industry can be found to replace it, the country will collapse instantly and all assets will plummet.

On the contrary, it will allow Tianzhuyang to make cheaper acquisitions, carry out the same transformation in industrial personnel as Shenzhou, and then lead new social forces, allowing a new government that cooperates closely with the plateau region to come to power.

But in the current situation faced by the powerful people in the Dashi area, they still choose to have to suppress the existing national destiny. —Hundreds of years of backwardness made their foundation in the industrial age too backward.

They have no patience to make up for it with the struggle of four or five generations.

There are no conditions for independent development of productive forces inside, and the means of production can only be introduced from the outside!

However, for Dashi, a late-developing region, there is absolutely no developed region that will just transfer its means of production.Unless there is internal instability in developed areas, something like the "collapse of Rome" or the change of dynasties in the East.

[For example, as described in contemporary history books, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties: People in the northern region would bring advanced means of production, which greatly promoted the economic development of Jiangnan. 】

At present, it is impossible for developing countries in the Tianzhuyang region to wait for the collapse of western China to transfer productivity!

At the level of "governance", the plateau region, as China, has already crushed the civilization of Dashi in the Tianzhuyang region.

New youths from the entire Tianzhuyang region are studying in the plateau region.Study the reasons for "long-term peace and stability".The background behind this is that it is more desperate than the backwardness of the means of production.

Don't you see, Shengyang, who went to South America, still has the inferiority complex of a tributary country in his bones when facing the Chinese side.

The only possibility for these military powerhouses in the Dashi area to obtain advanced means of production is like Europe where chaos is frequent.

Just like Rome in the past, although the country perished and the nation has been rotated round after round, its "name", "culture", "philosophy" and "science and technology" are also inherited round after round. , eternal glory.

Dashi area, Mesopotamia.In the military fortress of the reinforced concrete ravine.

Representatives of military strongmen came to the scene under the escort of heavily armed armored soldiers. - After industrialization, the superstructure of the region also has a 'Prussian' militarized stricture.

These military representatives turned on the communication screen and began to fight for the interests of their own country.The whole military meeting lasted a week.

A military alliance across the entire West Asia region was concluded.

Since the last joint victory over the European invasion.The nearly thousand-ton heavy armored tanks and airships in the Dashi area have been silent for decades, and with the signing of a paper, they are waiting to be restarted at any time.

In the Dashi area, the young people who were righteous ten years ago have also brought some selfishness with the passage of time!
After they gained power, they married local forces.

Those rich princesses with noble blood are much more attractive than local girls.But in flowers and perfume, accept this marriage.Also accepted the "family" concept.

Now his next generation of heirs, in order to keep the family prosperous, must also need new meritorious service to stabilize the authority.

The entire Food Alliance began to launch its chariot, and the bet won, then the core producer materials will be purchased from Europe to make up for a century of lag and rebuild glory.

And if the bet is lost, the country will not be exterminated, but will join China to lead the integration of the fate of the Indian Ocean.

But there is no such "no loss" business in the world.Behind the geopolitical conflicts, it is "business and private interests" that really pay off.

The military alliances in the industrial age are all caused by the signs of patriotism, and behind patriotism is an invisible black hand pushing it.

Summary: The plateau area is unwilling to take any form of war risk, and the business and private interests of the Chinese Silk Faction passed the risk to the Dashi area.

There are two factions of "East" and "West" among multinational business owners in the world.

The establishment of the Dashi military alliance is good news for the European Union, which is trying to regain Europa.

Now in order to deal with the Orthodox Federation, France, no, it is the European Union.The "pagan half-brother" is too much needed.

the Alps.The European Union and the Dongsheng Federation confronted each other on the front line.Due to the dust raised by the continuous nuclear explosions, gray snowflakes are constantly floating.

Jason looked up at the scorched snow-capped mountains.Panting hard.At this time, there were continuous fortifications on the two hundred kilometers to his left and right.

The temperature across Europe has dropped by five degrees Celsius in the past two years, and the snow line is advancing southward.This year's frigid Mediterranean has received less than half the amount of precipitation it normally would.

In such a climate change, China is said to be carrying out "agricultural production technology adjustments", reducing the amount of water used in agricultural production on a large scale, and at the same time strengthening the use of food "dehydration preservation" technology.

Thinking of this, Jason patted the food supplies on his body, the bags of apples, freeze-dried mangoes, and dried pork.These things exported from China are hard currencies that are more valuable than the euro at this time, and the price is higher than cigarettes, which is slightly equal to chocolate.

Also affected by the global climate, Western China predicted the decrease in precipitation in advance and planned drought-tolerant crops such as "potatoes".and drought-tolerant fruit cultivation.The industrial planners who have risen on the plateau are now mobilizing slightly more power in agriculture than in other urban industries in other western regions of China that are not on the plateau.

Jason looked back at the 'humanoid weapons' under his command. These "Black Panther Warriors" from Africa, after several years of war, had atrophy of various organs, including the digestive tract, after transformation. . (A disease caused by taking drugs)
In order to ensure that these "soldiers" continue to maintain their combat capabilities, the biological engineers in the rear had to undergo modifications.The purpose of the transformation is to consume less energy.

Now these 'soldiers' can only inject nutrient solution.The nutrient solution is often mixed with other things. For a long time, the brains of soldiers and soldiers are not normal. In addition to obeying mechanical orders, their daily communication is "hip-hop, hip-hop".

Jason looked at the cyborg soldiers and remained silent.In this war of hopelessness, all intelligent people suffer greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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