out of cage

Chapter 344 Chapter 9.34 The clowns who appeared

Chapter 344 Chapter 9.34 The clowns who appeared
For business and private interests: It may be a good thing to harvest people who are short of money and countries and regions that are short of capital.

It's just that the current economic engine of Western China is not willing to use it for business and private purposes, which makes the giants of the silk faction feel quite dissatisfied.

The Dashi area belongs to a foreign territory to the Chinese civilization circle, and its local ethnic consciousness is still very resistant to outsiders.This is the risk of capital transfer for business and private companies.

The Jews of the main world used to be like stray dogs all over Europe for a period of time. Wherever they moved, they were violently beaten by the local national consciousness.In the end, it was found that the North American continent that is sufficiently diversified and divided can be regarded as taking root.

Capital has no borders, but capitalists have skin color.
The commercial and private companies in China obviously still want to set up the base camp of capital in their own homes.

[Master Wei just wants to yell to Shang private: "Go away, now Shenzhou has to go to the next stage. You only have decades in sight, and you can't solve problems on the scale of hundreds of years."]

Shenzhou Commercial and Private was forced to change its foothold.The problem of future integration must be solved, and the construction of Dashi and Tianzhu must be entrained in the future.For example, Chinatown wants to adopt abandoned babies and fund universities.Do everything that helps spread Chinese culture.

Such behavior can refer to:
European white skins were keen on missionary behavior during the colonial period in Asia, Africa and Latin America.The purpose is to create an environment where "the culture and beliefs of capital owners" are recognized locally.

In the main world, the North American aborigines (Indians) are difficult to be solved by the colonists because of the problem of "unable to identify with European culture".So it was physically solved by the North American colonists.

As the oldest "indigenous" civilization in the world, China obviously cannot do barbarian things, and its integration strategy for surrounding areas is very slow, so slow that it is not suitable for competing with European "commercial"ism.

Back to the topic, the Shenzhou Commercial and Private Group has also begun to pay attention to Wei Xin.

The business in West Asia was disrupted by Mr. Wei, and they began to try to influence Lizhou, but all of this was expected.

After September, Xi Bafang won successive victories in Lizhou, winning several states in a row.A number of strategic traffic must go first, running the logistics trucks of Shenzhou.These truck drivers are fighting behind enemy lines and are registered in the local organization.The legion on the plateau has the support of the local people just like the Yue family army, and its logistics is more than ten times that of Shengyang.

On October 10th, the expeditionary force successfully penetrated the east coast through a major battle, cutting Shengyang's army into three parts.

It is just around the corner that the entire Lizhou will be planted with red flags.The so-called negotiation initiated by the plateau side is basically a "cat and mouse game".

At the same time, Tang Jiedu, who was originally from Lizhou, also realized the embarrassing situation of his army in the north of Lizhou.

A few months ago, the [-] to [-] mechanized legion under his command was still a considerable force, considered a bargaining chip, but now it is insignificant.

In October, the campaign reached the stage of strategic counter-offensive, and the originally inconspicuous armed forces behind the enemy began to be reorganized as regular troops by outsiders. The expeditionary army handed over a large amount of captured Sunshine armor equipment. in the battle.

Information and communication stations all over the Lizhou mainland spread the same video material.The Shenzhou tank defeated Shengyang's large mecha, and the announcement was accompanied by: "The invaders must be defeated."

Sheng Yang also stopped clamoring, and the various combat legions felt the rejection of the entire continent.Combat deployment is also becoming more and more rigid.

The territory of Tang’s army, Luojiawan in the north of Lizhou: the streets are full of empty wine bottles, and local soldiers in Lizhou who wear exoskeletons but not armor.

They were unable to desert because of their electronic recorders.But being locked in his body, he couldn't lock up the monstrous resentment.As for the aspiring soldiers, they all slipped away, and those who stayed were "loyal" and "incompetent", just like Tang Jiedushi himself, with tactics like pigs and beards like dogs.

Tang Jiedu has already made people's hearts flutter.For the defeated soldiers who retreated to the north: they were supposed to defend their homes and the country, but the general was incompetent, and everyone had to flee.But the current situation has proved that this war can be won, but one's own side can't shrink back.No one has much loyalty to a commander who cannot bring him a "future".

In order to save the family's status and power, Tang Jiedushi started the final act of self-protection. It happened that the business and private groups in Shenzhou felt that he was a pawn that could be used and prepared to support him.

On October 10, in Luojia Bay in the north of Lizhou, General Tang on the 8-ton eight-legged land-based warship joined forces with some people from Shenzhou.

In mainland China, the business and private groups behind Nanyang are operating from top to bottom. Thousands of miles away in the capital of God, the master who is drinking with the oirans realizes: If you don't interfere with some dangerous actions of the Gaoyuan faction in Lizhou, it will be too late!It's time for them to strategize, with feather fans and scarves, in a majestic and heroic manner.

Faced with this kind of military and state affairs about "regional asset allocation", the business and private forces in China are much more sensitive than the feudal dignitaries.

On the evening of the 8th, the bribed courtier brought the information to the warship "Zixiao Palace", reported the current situation in Lizhou, and requested that the war there be ended as soon as possible. (The efficiency of this up and down series is much higher than Tang Jiedu's military efficiency)
On the battleship Zixiao Palace, the emperor of Shenzhou looked at these anxious "subjects" with amusement in his eyes.

People in the world thought that the "restoration" restored the dynasty of the Guan family, but the emperors of all dynasties after the "restoration" knew that the biggest beneficiaries of the restoration were these "officials".

Guan Zhuyao looked at these "officials" anxiously, and couldn't help but find it very amusing.

But apart from joking, the emperor was very moved by the "someone" who caused all this.

Shengyang has already won Texas in the United States of Eden, and the Congo River Basin in Africa.Everyone thought that even if Shengyang was not doing well in Lizhou, he would be able to survive for a few more years.But the result was so eye-popping.

When the emperor put down the jade seal, he said to himself in a suspicious tone: "Who is the destiny?"

On October 10, the Shenzhou imperial court completed the established facts in order to prevent the military forces of the plateau faction.In the name of the emperor, three Jiedu envoys from Nanyang were dispatched to Lizhou.

On the Strait of Malacca, China's large fleet carried a large number of personnel and equipment, entered the theater of operations, and forcibly continued life against the Lizhou Tang family.And intervene in the negotiation with Shengyang.

With the arrival of this new force that is about to arrive in Shenzhou, the Shenzhou Chaotang uttered a strong voice against Shengyang, immediately withdrew its troops, and sent envoys to the central government to pay tribute.

In wars in China, it is never necessary to pay compensation, but to submit to the education of the loser.And this is the reason why Shengyang feels inferior every time he deals with Shenzhou.


In the port on the east coast of New Zealand, a 300-ton Sunshine Kingdom Yi [-]-class submarine arrived at the port.

This submarine broke through the anti-submarine network of Shenzhou long-range drones and sent a new batch of troops.

These Latin American soldiers are still intact at the moment, but they don't know that they are about to become bargaining chips for defending the island.

The entire port is dominated by heavy machinery produced by Sunshine Angel Industry Group. On a large number of tracks, Sunshine people in white power suits are busy operating large war machinery.

A young colonel looked at the ocean. On the other side of the ocean, a fighter plane with a white background and a cherry blossom pattern on the side flew through the air, and after circling for 5 minutes.

On the other side of the mountains behind, climbed into the sky with dozens of "brain-controlled" fighter planes that took off, and flew towards the west.

The young man knew that by the time he came back at night, none of those fighter planes would survive.

The young man thought about his comrades whom he had separated for several months, and thought that he had gone home now.Can't help but bring on the worry of the wind: "Lu Sang, the cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming, you must have seen them when you go back."

The friend of the young colonel officer has now returned as an urn.

The successive failures in the battle of Lizhou also gradually "awakened" the middle-level warriors of Shengyang.

They are beginning to think that the current war "shouldn't" happen.

After these centrist warriors learned that the upper-level elders had negotiated with Shenzhou for half a year to no avail.Gradually began to talk in private about the topic that one's own side should not confront China.

(End of this chapter)

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