out of cage

Chapter 430 Chapter 10.27

Chapter 430 Chapter 10.27 Su Qianqing's Last Words
The northward movement of the unified cutting area is comprehensive, not only for Qin, but also for Xiangyang, which is the line that enters Henan.And not only in the military, but also politically and economically.

This is the movement of the central space to the new governance area, which brings about an increase in decision-making efficiency.It is only half a day's journey for the front-line personnel and the center to deal with the problem.

In modern governance, the center is on the ground, even if there is telephone communication, it can strengthen the communication between the two places, report the content, and issue orders.

However, when some major and complicated problems are encountered, the personnel directly return to report, which means that the relevant links cannot be avoided.

Just like the folk visits in ancient times, when the unscrupulous people can go directly to the officials and make troubles, it is a pressure in any case.

But if the political management group establishes isolation, then this pressure no longer needs to be confronted directly, and it can become a copybook.

June 162 of the Pandora calendar.The Huaye battle group established in the unified cutting area madly completed the sweep of the biome in the Central Plains in just twelve days, and the large bones and hairs of many monsters became specimens.Their images come to life as sandbox chess pieces and illustration records.

Three thousand phoenix kings waved their semi-mechanical wings and lowered their flames towards the vast plain.

These flame points are distributed like a checkerboard, and then spread out in a circular ring of fire. After these flame rings merge, they begin to shrink toward the last place that has not yet been burned to form a ring of flame wall.

Such a flame wall shrinks, shrinking a large number of biomes into a small area.And in this way, the area of ​​cloud bombs washing the ground can be reduced and the killing efficiency can be increased.

This large-scale ignition, as well as the prediction of the final shrinkage of the ring of fire, and the final unified annihilation are behind a comprehensive set of campaign planning.

On June 6, Fangcheng.

When the city lord here heard that the battle situation was clear, he was ready to go out of the city to fight against the wind.But the speed of receiving the wind for Master Wang was still too slow. When they just left the city, the battle was completely over.

On the scorched land, wreckage is everywhere, and occasionally some half-burnt pieces of meat rolled in the ditch, showing tenacious vitality.However, as Lugia, who participated in the search from high above, observed the remaining suspicious targets on the ground, the mechanical warfare cat immediately rushed to the target location to sniff and devour the remaining creatures.

The troops starting from Fangcheng consisted of 27 steam locomotives, [-] control mechanical war beasts, and [-] miscellaneous soldiers with rifled guns. They were commanded when they tried to attack the material camp in the commanded area. Peripheral patrols blocked it.

Facing the interception of the sentinels in the commanding area, the nobles of Fangcheng were quite arrogant, and kept declaring that they wanted to meet the generals in the commanding area.When this group of people didn't get a response, they directly prepared to slap the sentry in the cutting area.

Such arrogant behavior has opened the eyes of the new generation in the unified cutting area who are currently growing up with pride.

The sentinel immediately drew out his military thorn and gave this guy a shot.

The man who was still talking about being tough, immediately let out a terrified cry of seeing a ghost.

The sentinel grinned and showed his white teeth, and whispered to his teammates: "These bastards are really cowards."


This small conflict did not lead to a full-scale exchange of fire, even though this city-state team had mechanical beasts holding [-]mm firepower.Facing the sentry in the commanding area with a bayonet to pick people up, they were silent like cicadas.

Because, 3 minutes after the incident, a Rogia formation carrying ammunition appeared in the sky.And 15 minutes later, three tanks and fifteen 59 centaur mechs rushed over to control the situation.

five hours later.The temporary foreign department personnel of the unified army arrived at the scene.

On a cleared cement attic, the commanding area sent a veteran (veteran troll) Wang Lekang to meet (challenge) the lords of these cities.

The meeting was rebroadcasted through carbon-based radiation towers, so the Hanshui General Staff Department behind the unified logging area was able to conduct a "motive analysis" in real time on the sudden "cross-border" of the city-state forces in the south of Yuzhou.

The unified cutting area believes that although this is a negotiation in name, in essence this gesture is a temptation sent by the diehards.

"When a friend comes, there is wine; when an enemy comes, there is a sword."

Wang Lekang: Since the city-state faction of the Five-color Alliance wants to touch it, you let them have a bloody head.

At the venue, Meng Yi, the official spokesperson of the commanding army, glanced at the mechanical beast trainers, and announced the policy pre-emptively.

"Hand over your household registration, maps, and population flow data."

After the release of these new policies, the representatives of the city-state who had just taken their seats and were about to accumulate their voices suddenly changed their colors.Some of them talked with very leading words: "Excuse me, do you come from the south and want to start a war against us?"

Meng also sneered and said: "You have bypassed the normal diplomatic procedures, brought armed forces, and took the initiative to clash with our military forces. In view of your attitude, it will be head-to-head.

Let me tell you, what way to talk about it and how to talk about it is your choice.Since you have chosen this path and found us, you should be mentally prepared. "

After more than 20 years of development, all departments in the unified logging area are now highly specialized.Each department has a different division of labor, but expresses a unified strategic will.

Compared with the unified cutting area, it is difficult for the upper echelons of these city-states to express the will of their own group as a whole, but in an attitude of dealing with the big group they belong to (Five Colors Alliance, Jianye city-state group) and the unified cutting area .

And 100 years after the Great Destruction, the depressed northern city-states returned to the state of the Westernization School of the Qing Dynasty.

The Dianzhong Dian is, Li Dafu, the framer, what the court needs is to calm things down, and what the foreigners need is to grab profits.Li Dafu, a pastor, was in it, helping both parties to obtain a result that was acceptable to both parties.There is absolutely no determination of modern diplomats to show their strategic will for the nation.

It was just such a group of local representatives who controlled the power of foreign contacts, so that the Qing Dynasty was able to sign so many foreign treaties with "no sovereign will".

In the negotiation venue, after overwhelming the city-state opponents in momentum.

Meng Yi glanced at these people, and couldn't help but contemptuously said in his heart: "A group of fighting scum!"

The battlefield of diplomacy is also a battlefield. It is necessary to avoid the opponent's dominant area, to make a big talk where you can make the decision ("We have a solemn position, demand xx, xxx immediately"), and remind the other party where it is influential ("We will Reserve further action opinion"), it has no influence now, and where it may be affected in the future, conduct fuzzy operations (our proposition is consistent, we hope that all parties will exercise restraint, and we will actively promote dialogue and cooperation between xx and xx).

Like the city-states of the Five-Color Alliance, the model of "pressing buttons indiscriminately to find useful routes" not only fails to appeal to one's own limited interests, but also makes one's external determination confused.

Now that the Five Colors Alliance has been forced to contact the unified logging area geographically, it needs a victory.Prove that you can still play a role in this area.

This, if you can't prove that your right to speak is useful, then all the young people in the Yellow River Basin in the north and other forces will further renounce the Five Colors Alliance.

Just like the only time Lafayette demonstrated the will of the country at the end of the Qing Dynasty, what's more, the declaration of war by all nations. In this confrontation that could not be achieved at all, he defeated his own internal ruling power and made the southeast mutual protection place rebellious and become "old-fashioned". An act of loyalty to seek the country".

[Narrator: In this kind of national war, local officials can ignore the orders of the central government, and their behavior of weighing pros and cons has set a model for a large number of comprador politicians.The Manchu puppet and the Wang puppet seem to have followed this example. It can be said that Li Zhongtang and Zhang Zhidong have been perverting this example for half a century. 】

The fact that this "armed collision" in southern Henan broke up unhappy was not reported to the senior management of the five-color alliance until four days later, but the talents of the five-color alliance did not realize what it meant.I thought it was just a small friction.Little did they know that the sky in the entire Central Plains had completely changed because of this friction.

The original plan of the Conservatives of the Five Colors Alliance to "govern each other across the river" has been completely bankrupt since then.

August 8th.One and a half months after the clash between the city-state lord in southern Henan and the biscuits in the unified cutting area, in Hebei, in the military base No. On a wooden tabletop with a glass plate.There were rows of photos of the youths of the Five Colors Alliance on the desktop, and with his slapping, the table trembled.

Within half a month, the unified cutting area has completely gained a foothold on the Central Plains, and recovered the ruins of 'Zhengcheng'.This recovery is completely "a military engineering operation."

On August 8th, the Rogia swarm in the air suppressed the large number of creatures in the city, and after the fighter planes projected by the "dead wave" volleyed into the air, these big geese quickly evacuated after the leader croaked.At 4:[-] in the morning, when the huge cone emitter hung down from the bomb bay of the fighter plane, with the flash of the connected wire current, the dancing tentacles of creatures on the roofs of the entire Zhengcheng directly fell down like dead snakes.

At 12:34 noon, an armored company entered the city. Escorted by four five-nine centaur mechas, a blue Dongfeng truck entered the city center along the main road and placed the "Cold Flame" ion torch.For the next three days, the entire city basically turned into dead branches and rotten leaves, as well as traces of dried-up biological death liquid.

Then there is, lament, how to get water to cleanse the city.

With the recovery of the railway center, the entire Central Plains was turned against the sky, and a large number of residents of the original city-states of the Five-color Alliance ran to the unified logging area with their pockets and sticks in their hands.

The endless defectors formed a meandering river of people.Along the way, regardless of the attacks of the remaining groups, they gathered towards the camp in the logging area.

The cadres in the unified logging area drove a convoy and set up food supply points along the way.

In these temporary supply stations built with colored steel tile sheds, there are various cans and boiling kettles bubbling on the stove, and the speakers hanging on the wall play music such as "A Big River", so that people in the surrounding wilderness can listen Get it so as not to get lost.

The cadres in the unified logging area promoted the work flexibly, provided ideological education and material encouragement to the young and middle-aged who escaped in good physical condition, let them go back to the city-state retrogradely, organized the villagers, and brought the genetic polluters.

In just half a month, more than 20 people gathered in the unified logging area.

The five-color alliance's city-states in this plain have a total population of just over 60.

More importantly, "You can eat enough in the south, wear warm clothes, and don't be afraid of mechanical beasts." This slogan has spread throughout the Central Plains.

At first, the upper echelons of the Five Colors Alliance didn't realize anything, but as they heard it downstairs, the guards were talking about their cousins, who were going to the commanding area for dinner.They suddenly understood the seriousness of the matter.

As a human force in the Yellow River Basin, it also has a huge armed force.

The top level of the Five Colors Alliance originally planned to integrate the armed forces and conduct a round of games with the unified cutting area.But before their fangs came out.It was discovered that the unified logging area was directly drawing wages from the bottom of the pot, draining all the "blood" in the area.

Only then did the Five Colors Alliance become alert and began to investigate the problem.

For example: The unified logging area is in a hurry to set up hundreds of base stations along the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in the Central Plains to accommodate the population going south. What are the city-states in the south doing?
In the Hetao area, the current second-generation leaders of the Five Colors Alliance: What do you eat?Don't these killers know how to intercept them?
As for the cadres who went northward in the commanding area, they were tired and sweated and found that they had seriously overestimated their opponents. They couldn't help mocking: Hehe, the federation composed of five cities in the Five Colors Alliance was so lately aware of the situation on the southernmost line.

When the unified cutting area had just entered, the Fangcheng Mechanical Legion had already confronted each other.

And after that trial failed, the upper echelons of the five city-states of the Five Colors Alliance did not respond after receiving the report. ——After half a month, there was a chain reaction, and they began to complain that the city-states in the south did not dare to stop it.

As long as there is a family at the top of the five-color alliance who is willing to stand up and express its position firmly on behalf of the five-color alliance, it will have a backbone for the southern city-state.

It is also impossible for the unified cutting area to change suddenly as soon as it enters Yudi.

Now, after Su Qianqing dug out the case file from a month ago, she began to bristle with anger, as if the arc of reflex was a little longer.

Incompetent people can only vent with rage.

But whoever has the ability to remedy the slightest, must also focus on redemption.

The reason why the 60-year-old Su Qianqing is like this is that he is really powerless in the face of the horizontal push from the unified cutting area.

And his fury came more from his anger at the teammates behind him who were tearing things apart.

Judging from the current intelligence, the five-color alliance cannot fight against it in war.

The unified cutting area is in the Central Plains, and the ability to project a large number of cloud bombs is no less than that of nuclear weapons.

Last month, Su Qianqing sent her daughter to Jiaozhou Peninsula.

Originally, he could arrange for Su Lingshuang to seek a high-ranking official position in the Hetao area.Moreover, there are some high-ranking officials' children in the Hetao area who want to marry Su Lingshuang.

Su Qianqing saw this matter very clearly because the gang of young men from the Five Colors Alliance in the Hetao area were a bunch of idiots.

The group of young men who got promoted through the back door had no ability at all, and kept talking about nuclear weapons.

Little do they know that nuclear weapons need to be effectively thrown in order to realize the threat.

And in the process of bringing nuclear weapons to the front of the battlefield and preparing to throw them, it is attracting all the hatred.

The current battlefield control ability in the unified cutting area is very strong.

A large number of Rogia-level scout beasts can control vast areas.If the artillery installations and personnel groups that dropped nuclear weapons are found, the bombers in the commanding area will immediately counterattack with precision-guided weapons.

So who will vote for nuclear weapons?Who has the guts to carry out this mission? ——The gang of vegetarians?They borrow guts from nuclear weapons.Really have to pay guts for it, is it possible?
The pampered sons of the bureaucrats in the Hetao area are not even willing to do the work of training mechanical beasts for long-distance raids.

And in the five-color alliance, the backbones who can carry nuclear weapons, are their allegiance to the five-color alliance still as strong as Mount Tai?

"For the Yellow River"?This slogan has worked well in the past, but it is by no means a panacea.

In the current situation where there are ghosts everywhere, if the five-color alliance really wants to play the card of nuclear weapons, it may kill itself.

within an afternoon.

Su Qianqing was in a daze at his desk, and other city-states sent distress signals, as well as orders from the northern Baotou Steel City headquarters: to find ways to block the northward movement of the unified logging area.

In powerlessness, I would think about things that I shouldn't have thought about before, and then I suddenly figured out the link.

Su Qianqing: The group of people in Baotou Steel City now want to have a showdown with the unified cutting area, but they have already pulled themselves out of the collision line.

These second-generation decision-making circles who control the five-color alliance in the back line are obviously too "smart".

They don't need to go to the front line, but they can force the internal personnel to fight in front.

The Propaganda Department of the Five-color Alliance has repeatedly emphasized that the Five-color Alliance has nuclear weapons. Rather than threatening the logging area, it is better for the gang in power to emphasize that they have the authority to issue orders. (Emperor Qin's jade seal was similar to a tiger talisman in the early years, and later became an orthodox symbol.)
And as long as all mechanical trainers are in the five-color alliance, they will inevitably be forced by the decision-making power held by the gang of mature veterans.

The young people of the Five Colors Alliance didn't want to see these arrogant people in power, and went directly to the commanding area. ——However, Su Qianqing, who had already been tied to the five-color alliance chariot by morality, could not do it herself.

Su Qianqing and other mechanics must die for the current "radicals" of the Five Colors Alliance.Help them to explore the attitude of the unified logging area at the end.

If Su Qianqing did not go or even died, they would force Su Qianqing's daughter (Su Lingshuang) to go.

If in this conflict, Su Qianqing and other trainers refuse with force, it will make the strategy of the commanding area more prudent, and these factions in power of the five-color alliance can continue to bargain with the commanding area based on this.

However, the conflict failed to stop the northward advance of the unified cutting area, but instead aroused anger, and Su Qianqing became a scapegoat.Become a war criminal who bears all responsibility.

Su Qianqing paused, picked up a pen, and wrote a letter home to her daughter.

However, this letter was his last.

(End of this chapter)

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