out of cage

Chapter 431 Chapter 10.28 Undercover

Chapter 431 Chapter 10.28 Undercover

In the second half of 162.

In the northern part of Yuzhou, the news that the five-color alliance was accumulating supplies and preparing for war was spread to the inside of the unified cutting area by undercover comrades.

Eastern civilization is a secular society. Although the classics often record the importance of "national sacrificial offerings", whenever those in power in the last generation are too insensitive to beliefs, and when people who are not worthy of virtue compete for power and profit, they fail to combine their status with "faith". Get in touch for the first time
In comparison, the upper-level power operators in the West have a very thorough understanding of "ideas".In terms of invasion and contest on the ideological border, it is no less than the sword, gun, sword and halberd on the bright side.

For example "Heretics are worse than heretics".This Easterner may not understand it, and he may not know the seriousness until it is replaced by "orthodox" and "there is no second day", but when it comes to the public rebound, it is completely out of control.

Monotheism, from the very beginning, will emphasize specificity and the sole right of interpretation.When the teachings of the other party are similar to their own, it is by no means coexisting after fusion, but a serious business grab.Both religious groups will immediately realize that it's either you or me.

Eastern civilization has a very wide bottom line in this regard.As far as the court is concerned, as long as the rebels don't jump out to proclaim themselves emperor, they are all suffering from ringworm and scabies.As a result, after the slack in the late Eastern Dynasty, some people who held the power of "sacrifice" during the decline did not care about themselves.When other forces also began to "sacrifice" and their schemes were huge, they were arrogant and dismissive.

The cohesion of the five-color alliance lies in "for the Yellow River".The cohesion of the unified logging area lies in "for the revival of civilization".The two forces overlap and compete ideologically.According to the Western belief system, the two parties are their own masters, so they must regard each other as "heretics".

In the past when there were no control areas, the group of people who "believe in justice" and the group of people who "perfuse justice" in the five-color alliance were forced to work together.Because there is no choice.

The group of people who 'believe in justice' acquiesced that the five-color alliance can still preside over the most basic justice. The "perfunctory justice" group felt that they could be perfunctory in the five-color alliance, so they formed stability.

When the unified logging area appeared, this stability was broken!
The group of people who "believe in justice" began to feel that the commanding area was more capable of upholding justice, and even the apostles who were as strong as "people with the same face" were restrained under the constitution of the commanding area.So gradually fall to the unified logging area.

Due to the large number of local people selected in the system of the unified logging area, those aspirants in the Five Colors Alliance, after learning the culture and getting the supplies, are still dealing with the affairs of the people in the Yellow River area.

And it turned out that the angry and upward people in the Yellow River Basin had extensive exchanges with comrades in other areas, such as Yishui on the eastern front, and Hengyang in the south, who also wanted to revive civilization, and had a direct path to the center of the unified logging area. .It makes them feel that this is not an annexation of one region to another.But real justice!
Therefore, those who believed in justice gradually decided to get rid of the Five Colors Alliance brand.

And in the five-color alliance, the group of perfunctory justice is still perfunctory at this moment.

Relying on this group of beneficiaries who are perfunctory.From the beginning, I have never been loyal to my ideals.

Therefore, when faced with similar ideas in the unified cutting area, it is just an attitude of "hehe, they (the unified cutting area) are also telling lies. There is no saint in the world who is truly in charge of the world".

The group of people in Baotou Steel City are perfunctory about their own beliefs, how can they use a "powerful tone" to accuse their opponents of heresy? At most, these guys will use their own experience of successfully perfunctory "for the Yellow River" to teach them How should the unified logging area use this "perfunctory" to control the people.

Among the factions in power in the Five Colors Alliance, there are very, very few people who can take the commanding area seriously as an opponent!

Su Qianqing was among these very few people.He who has shouted "for the Yellow River" all his life is unwilling to give up the qualification to shout this slogan to other forces.

November 162, 11.The fiercest confrontation between the five-color alliance and the unified logging area has begun
Suqianqing gathered 220 four senior trainers and went straight down from the north to the south along the winding Yellow River.Three hundred 480-ton ships transported 23 water, air, and land mechanical beasts to the south.Together with [-] eight-wheeled infantry fighting vehicles.

When this mighty force went south and south, it found that there were air forces from the unified logging area wandering around along the way.

Su Qianqing was stationed in Hejin quietly.

When the internal undercover organization acted again, Su Qianqing caught this group of people acting regularly.

And just before he collected the net, most of this group of people escaped, which made Su Qianqing furious. He could have caught them all at once, but in the end, he was still "give up the car to protect the handsome" by the undercover agents. ("Abandoning the car to save the commander" is what Su Qianqing thinks. In fact, these underground workers in the commanded logging area are now also "dare to be the first for the Yellow River.")
Su Qianqing only caught the trainer who interfered with his actions.In the photo group (suspect circle) he put on the table, it was only added the day before yesterday.

Fan Tangwen.This is an elite trainer.He was originally Su Qianqing's direct descendant.

On the bridge in Hejin, Fan Tangwen's six mechanical beasts were all killed.The bridge was cracked by machine guns, and the only railings on the bridges on both sides were also kicked off by the mechanical feet of the mechanical beasts on both sides.

The two wings of the flying fire dragon were broken and smashed into the river.On the other hand, the eyes of the giant tortoise in the river were filled with corrosive liquid and corroded into holes.

Fan Tangwen himself was tied to a rusty iron frame.After being tortured, he is no longer human.

After Su Qianqing finished smoking a cigarette with his back turned to Fan Tangwen, he turned around and scolded the torturer, walked up to Fan Tangwen, knelt down in concern, and asked, "Why you?"

Fan Tangwen looked at him with his swollen eyes, and said with a chuckle, "Why not me."

Su Qianqing seemingly sincerely launched an emotional offensive against this subordinate whose face was covered with blood: "You are my student, and the last thing I want is you."

Fan Tangwen closed his eyes.Didn't listen to this old crap.

Su Qianqing patted Fan Tangwen's face: "I can tolerate other things, but now, if I don't deal with you, it will be hard for everyone to convince me."

Fan Tangwen didn't open his eyes when he heard these words, and smiled contemptuously at the corners of his mouth.

Su Qianqing paused: "Can you tell me why?"

Fan Tangwen: "The crime is in your hands. I know what the end will be. If you want to kill or cut it casually. As for asking why, old man Su, don't be so hypocritical. ——Five years ago, your daughter led the team to the south, and in the end it was only your daughter One person survived, and the others became cannon fodder, at that time, did you ever think about convincing the public?"

Su Qianqing gave a slight pause, and behind him Zhang Qiang, who had just been tortured the most, tried to come up to whip a whip, but Su Qianqing raised his hand to restrain him.

Su Qianqing stared at Fan Tangwen with a hint of guilt.Fan Tangwen was among the team that shouted "For the Yellow River" in front of his daughter.It is said to be the best friend.

In this last days, Su Qianqing thought that Fan Tangwen would forget this kind of brotherhood, but he never thought that he would always remember it.

Su Qianqing stared at Fan Tangwen: "I'll give you one last chance to tell your accomplice, and I will save your life."

Fan Donwen paused: "Okay, (I) say a few names. You listen,"

Su Qianqing nodded, but as soon as he approached, Fan Tangwen spat blood on the old boy's face, and then let out a hahaha laugh.

Su Qianqing didn't care about her dirty face, but slowly wiped the blood from the corner of Fan Tangwen's mouth, nodded and said, "You will live a life worse than death."

Then he raised his hand and the box opened.Inside the box was the flesh and blood of Tianzhulong. A metal mechanical beast behind him stepped forward and clamped the wriggling flesh and blood.

Su Qianqing: "I'll give you a chance at last."

Fan Donwen paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Come on, despicable villain."

Su Qianqing directly implanted the flesh and blood into Fan Tangwen's body, and the genetic pollution started, and a large amount of flowing flesh emerged from his chest and skull.

Fan Tangwen's painful voice then became the only bang in the night.

Su Qianqing turned around and said to the onlookers, "This is the end of betrayal."

Team cohesion, when justice cannot be used to cohere, it will be forcibly kneaded by the reign of terror. ——Many trainers on the bridge silently listened to Su Qianqing's domestication.

And Su Qianqing stared at these people, trying to find the remaining undercover agents.

However, just 10 minutes later, Fan Tangwen, who was tortured into a human form, fell into the water. Because the bridge railings that bound him were corroded, the person in charge of the guard had no time to stop him, so Fan Tangwen was allowed to fall.

Su Qianqing looked at Zhang Qiang who tremblingly pleaded guilty.There was a look of disgust in his eyes.

Just now he was the one who beat Fan Tangwen the hardest and took the most credit.However, after Fan Tangwen's genetic pollution, he didn't strengthen the chain in time, which was obviously due to his lack of ability.But this kind of villain, he has to continue to use.

Su Qianqing slapped Zhang Qiang: "I don't want a next time."

Zhang Qiang stammered: "I, I, general, I, I," but before he could finish, Su Qianqing left.

Looking at Su Qianqing's back, Zhang Qiang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but glanced downstream, with a fleeting worry.

Ten minutes later, the air formation in the unified cutting area found Fan Tangwen downstream.

Because the undercover agent next to Su Qianqing notified him in time, the commanding district successfully found Fan Tangwen before he became unconscious and injected him with a blood bag inhibitor.

The undercover agent code-named "Houyi" played an indispensable role in sending Fan Tangwen out and conveying the news.

This kind of thing was done under Su Qianqing's nose, once found out, it is doomed to be torn to pieces.If you are not really "fearless", you may just implement the "abandon" plan directly.

After all, Fan Tangwen had already decided to die after being exposed.Old man Su never imagined that someone would risk death to continue fighting with him!

The most dangerous thing has already been done by comrades, and comrades in other links dare not neglect, and carry on the relay as quickly as possible.

For example, Fan Tangwen was quickly sent to Wei Keng's team for medical adjustment.

As for the commanding army, in order to prevent the undercover comrades from continuing to take risks, they decided to launch a counterattack against the five-color alliance in advance.

On the morning of the 24th, frost covered the earth.

Su Qianqing saw the Rogia armed attack beasts coming from the sky, and at the same time received the news that the upper river channel was laid with mines, his expression was as stiff as marble.

And soon he saw Tanabe, an armed army in the form of an armored battle group.

More than 40 tanks, more than 300 59 battle mechas, and the roar of air fighters, this is the textbook shock operation of the human armor group before the Great Destruction.

The 62 light tank with a magic square head rushed out of the momentum of 99. Of course, the spiritual language information body is much stronger than the digitalization in the early 21st century, and its performance even caught up with the neuron informationization in the late modern era.

This also means that the coordinated operations that can be completed within 1 minute include: when one's own tank guns are about to snipe, the rear howitzers will suppress the enemy's counterattack with the same type of firepower, and the machine guns will also make other small units lie on their stomachs at this time , don't stand up and interfere with tank activity.

Although the number of combat mechanical beasts deployed in front of the Suqianqing camp is large enough.

But in this steel collision, with the air-guided missiles, the armor-piercing artillery fired simultaneously.These several tons of mechanical beasts fell one by one.

Under the armed force of the team, although the very agile leopard-shaped mechanical beast can jump three or four meters from the trench, it is still facing the armor-piercing firepower of three-dimensional strikes.These uncoordinated war beasts are often sent to death one by one.

On the frontal battlefield, these mechanical beasts encountered a joint locked attack of more than ten units!
The agility of a single target is useless in the communication of the language of the mind. ——It's like before the battle of long spears, what's the use of your acrobatic agility, and what's the use of your fists with four hands when you stab with a bunch of spears?

Su Qianqing looked at the [-]-kilometer battlefield as far as he could see, and his own mechanical beast was like garbage. It couldn't even beat the exchange ratio, and it was exploded into parts and flesh and blood.He covered his chest.

Despite this battle, he was prepared to lose.But even if he fails, he still wants to declare his strength to the unified cutting area.


The unified logging area didn't give Su Qianqing any face at all, and the current scene of destruction is tantamount to saying "garbage".

This is the greatest insult to Su Qianqing.

In fact, what Qianqing doesn't know is.

In this battle, Wei Keng did not play.Once Wei Keng enters the field, his headquarters will be beheaded, pressed to the ground, and "reactionary element Su Qianqing" will be inserted to publicly approve the fight.

In addition, the unified cutting area has no morals for fighting between humans in the north, and super weapons are useless.

Seeing that the situation is gone.Zhang Qiang came over and said, "Sir, let's withdraw."

Su Qianqing drew out his gun and tried to shoot at Zhang Qiang, preparing to fight to the death with dignity.

Note: If Su Qianqing succeeds, he will kick Zhang Qiang's body away, and say to his subordinates: "This is our burial place today, whoever dares to say that retreat will be the end!"

But Zhang Qiang's purpose is not to show loyalty, he is always watching Su Qianqing's reaction.

Before Su Qianqing took out his gun, he held down the general's arm and shouted loyally: "No, general, if you leave the green hills there, you won't have to worry about no firewood!" Su Qianqing spoke further, knocked Su Qianqing unconscious with an elbow and knocked Su Qianqing to the ground.

Then this guy thought for a moment, that is, a few tenths of a second, and shouted: "Retreat, the whole army retreats. We can't stay here, and retreat with the general!"

As for why Zhang Qiang didn't turn against him before the battle?This is because of the fear that there are still diehards, but now it is generally accepted that "the fight cannot be won". Among the seemingly reasonable reasons of "preserving vitality", it is a truth that many middle-level members of the Sujia Army will admit.

As for Su Qianqing after she was knocked down, she almost died of anger when she heard Zhang Qiang's shout, and spit bloody phlegm from the corner of her mouth.Get ready to talk.

But Zhang Qiang squatted down, blocked it with his back, and mended his cervical spine with his elbow.Then Zhang Qiang carried Su Qianqing "loyally" onto a certain mechanical beast, and began to evacuate.

And with this withdrawal, all the forces of the Five Colors Federation collapsed, and even the five nuclear bombs carried by the fourth team were captured by the unified cutting area in the chaos.

These five nuclear bombs were unopened—the only one who dared to die among the senior management of the Five-color Alliance and was still loyal to the Five-color Alliance was Su Qianqing, a foolish loyalist.

At 25 o'clock in the morning on the 8th, in the process of collapsing northward.There are a large number of heavy mechanical beasts, and supplies are often stored in the hatches of these mechanical beasts.

Zhang Qiang and Su Qianqing fled to the north in a single group.This group was specially let go by the unified logging area.In other words, it was specially requested by the undercover "Hou Yi".

The headquarters of the commanding army received a suggestion from 'Hou Yi' that he has not been exposed yet and can continue to lurk.

Su Qianqing woke up on the shaking mechanical beast, and found that she was tied up and could not move.He glanced at Zhang Qiang next to him, and murmured, "Water!"

Zhang Qiang glanced at him and immediately pulled out a water bag.

After taking a sip, Su Qianqing sprayed it out and coughed, "This is urine."

Zhang Qiang said sincerely: "My lord, that's all that's left now..."

After Su Qianqing paused, he took a sip, but at this moment, with a click, Zhang Qiang opened the can from somewhere, took a sip, and looked at Su Qianqing with a smile.

Su Qianqing condensed slightly, looked at Zhang Qiang's eyes, and after suddenly becoming angry, she froze.

Zhang Qiang: "My lord, you who have worked for the Five Colors Alliance all your life, do you have anything else to say?"

Su Qianqing said dryly: "You voted for the command area. Oh, despicable traitor. Do you think the command area can let you go? Fan Tangwen's followers will not let you go!"

Zhang Qiang shook his head with a smile: "Oh, you said Lao Fan, if I beat him a few times, he won't argue with me. At worst, I'll treat him to a meal after the liberation."

Su Qianqing's expression was wonderful.All kinds of memories flashed before his eyes. Every time Zhang Qiang took a position in the team, he looked suspicious for an instant.

Zhang Qiang suppressed the banter, and tried his best to perfunctory with the last lie: "My lord, do you have anything else to say? Then it's my turn to say a few words to you."

Zhang Qiang's face changed, the once flattering expression became angry, this was something Su Qianqing had never seen before.

Zhang Qiang said coldly: "You Su family did evil and used our brother's life as a bargaining chip. You shouldn't have imagined this day! It's a pity that you can't be hacked into pieces." Among the group of people led by Shuang, one of them was completely swallowed up by Tianzhulong.)
Zhang Qiang took out a medicine, which was the poison found on Su Qianqing's body.

Zhang Qiang pried open his mouth with the barrel of the gun, and before administering the medicine, he casually said, "I will hand over your body to your daughter, and I will persuade her to mourn."

Su Qianqing coughed and struggled, but the pill was poured into his mouth.

Zhang Qiang's tone was ferocious: "His grandma's, eat it, the medicine you brought yourself, why didn't you dare to swallow it in the end!"

The old man Su died in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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