out of cage

Chapter 493 Chapter 12.07

Chapter 493 Chapter 12.07
Due to the fight, in the new school year, Wei Keng was happy to mention the half-year grounding period and star port cruise work.The teacher looked at the horribly injured Taci in front of his bed, and reprimanded him angrily and urgently for a long time.

Of course, in the comments and evaluations of peers, Taxi Qiduo also added a new label, emotional instability, and excessive excitement.

In an asteroid-like society, it is impossible to give the punishment of dropping out of school!But it is the greatest punishment for Wei Keng to be isolated and rejected in his circle of young people.

Although it was the school robbers who did something wrong, they were repentant, behaved relatively normally, and kept their circle.And Wei Keng's extreme performance is not acceptable in any circle, and no one will play in the future.

The strong on earth are domineering, and their fists are justified.As for the Promised Planet, it may be that the circle is too big for a reason.

Many people on the Promise Planet will die of depression if they are lonely and excluded, but there is no shortage of lone rangers on Earth!

After being beaten, Wei Keng spent three days in the medical station to repair it.

Master Wei summed up his experience in this fight: Physically, he had to go deeper into the details.

For example, the dynamic control of the body includes: a stable metabolism, the biological clock is accurate enough to grasp one-tenth of a second without relying on a clock, and the body consumes food with sufficient energy and is accurate to grams.

In the process of fighting and injury, the reason why we can recover quickly is the above-mentioned system.

Wei Keng's scratched cheek could no longer see any scars.Dark energy urges cells to quickly repair the skin, making it more delicate, white, tender and dull.Oh, this is Jing Guyu's judgment.Before Pandora recovered from her injury, she slapped her own face, making sure it was thick enough.


After a violent vent before being grounded again, Zuo Hong's mood suddenly stabilized.This kind of stability is "end no reflection", but before being hit, you deeply realize that you have no goal and you have to work harder.

The end of 1233 in the history of voyages

The operational weakness of Zuo Hong's dark energy main structure has officially reached level seven.In Tassie Kaiduo's school, there are only two to eight outstanding students at this time.

And the overall structure of Zuo Hong's dark energy is far simpler than Duo Ji's seven-level dark energy.In the main structure that seems to be the weakest in functioning, there is not much important, but there are auxiliary structures that others cannot perceive.

For example, the symmetry of the body part has been calibrated to the point where the flow rate of the capillaries on both sides can be precisely controlled.This seems to be entirely necessary in the current situation where none of the lower denizens of Graves have nanoparticles to repair their bodies.

Xu Xing is benchmarking against his own state of "leaky real body" in the earliest stage of the Shenzhou plane.At that time, Zuohong's psionic system had already controlled the body down to the atom.


Wen Tie star birth calendar 1234 years.In the 2343rd area of ​​the big planet, as the elevator went down again, Xu Xing pushed open the eight-meter-low metal gate on the surface of the star, and cruised the star port again.

In this area full of abandoned spaceships and armored garbage dumps, Xu Xing stood on the tip of a steel and metal tower like a falcon, looking up at the fleet ships shuttling around.

Standing here as an inspector is actually a lot of people.Any falling metal slag is equivalent to a bullet in the space environment with resistance. However, Zuo Hong completed the early warning of the two kilometers around him through scanning the space-time coordinates layer by layer.

Xu Xing stared at the distant stars through the close space where the spacecraft was located.

Eight months later, during the forced "self-defense counterattack" at the gate of the school, Xu Xing concluded profoundly that he could delay finding out that no one came to attack him, but if he had hard means, they were all students in the school. Arrive, can catch tomorrow.

Xu Xingzhou said: "Before I fall, I will be beaten. The reason why I was beaten today is because my fist is hard enough."

The explosive and recovery ability of the carbon-based body still needs to be improved.Improvement in this aspect means that we have to give up long-term planning.

Xu Xing was reading the information of the main world, and confirmed that the dark energy system related to physical arts, except for the "interstellar martial arts" has enough combat power.It is also necessary to ensure that the body can maintain "life and vitality".

And to achieve "life is life" is the main problem faced by dark energy below the eighth level.

In the data of Jingguyu's classification number: the same dark energy mode has the same path and side effects when completing the "regeneration".

1. Life-absorbing system (beam): inject active energy into the opponent's body and steal information about life-activating energy.The characteristic is that it has a certain attack attribute, which can also be called the blood-sucking system.

2. Weak food system: Take a small amount of food to repair yourself.Note: The ingested food must pass through thresholds such as low temperature and microwave to remove certain harmless substances.Yes, you can eat anything you catch.

3. Fusion system: switch between humans and mutant monsters.In this system, Xiao Shao mutated into a blood dragon, or a creature like hell catfish.In short, the more picky eaters, the uglier they are.And devouring these corpses, trees and other inorganic substances can change into human form during the digestion stage.

Apart from the following body repair systems that are quite common among star warriors, there are no other popular self-body regeneration systems, so I will repeat them here.

However, the system described below is more or less problematic.

Fusion systems are sustainable.If the "combat gene" is often fused, the toxins accumulated in the body will make your monster body disintegrate under heavy load.As for the human body, every once in a while, it is necessary to go back to a medical adjustment to re-determine its own genes as the correct human genes.If it is a medical test, then sooner or later, the human body will mutate into a monster.

In the weak food system, every 70 years, it will retreat into a hibernation period.In the hibernation stage, the cells in the body readjust and rejuvenate, and each hibernation will not only cause controllable amnesia, but also the overall dark energy potential will also increase.If it is regressive hibernation, it will be more difficult for the body to control the biological appetite.

The life extraction system is most afraid of backlash.This is to create ordinary substances and energy to retreat into other people's bodies. If the digestive structure of inorganic substances in the caster's own body is satisfied from the inner world, it will turn to destroy the controller's body.

Even if Jing Guyu said that the following systems are safe, Pandora would still think that these systems are "sunshine trails".

The core of life lies in restraining the increase of entropy.All of the following are increasing the entropy of the core of the inorganic matter.

Xu Xing: "Those who cultivate slowly and have no shortcuts are safe to walk outside of their hearts."

Has Zuo Hong found Chang Hengxi's low-level life control system?

Although the structure of "Darkness Absorption" is low enough, placing it under some small interstellar territories is the embodiment of "Ah, Holy Light!"And without the data of Zuo Hongze's entire planet for reference, Xu Xing may have an advantage when constructing this kind of dark energy.

Xu Xing understands life from a more fundamental way. Life is the process of developing from a small disordered system to a chaotic system.

Taking the main world as an example, all systems of earth civilization originate from the disorder of the sun and the earth-moon system, which retreat to preserve the ocean, and let life gradually degenerate into low-level life that adapts to periodic changes.

That's right, when Xu Xing positioned his own carbon-based body's development path, he just found the disordered celestial body and positioned it backwards!As for the follow-up, Pandora itself, as a life, has built it step by step from scratch.

At this time, when Xu Xing was looking up at the sky, with the disorderly illumination of cosmic rays, the amino acids in his body ended up in sync with the universe.Some aged free radicals return to their original shape before being slightly oxidized.


Now, Xu Xing's life system is dark energy, which ends with the "homochirality" assembled by the basic life structure, and constructs life step by step-stable life.

Jing Guyu has heard of this system before!
Even human beings in Ying Wei Keng, the original plane, have developed this kind of dark energy system. This is completely someone's re-evolutionary path.

Xu Xing was stunned before confirming that he had constructed a dark energy development model, and whether there was a similar type of existence in the future. He felt that there was no genius who came up with what "The Appearance of the Middle Man" thought of?

Xu Xing was sure that this road had no future prospects.Although it may be full of "thorns", there is no point in being the first to eat crabs.

If Bai Linglu knew about Xu Xing's entanglement, he would definitely persuade (encourage) him: "It's your specialty to open the road that others are too lazy to open."


Before Xu Xing locks on a large planet that is stably rotating and in a state of rotation in a small white hole, the construction of this type of dark energy is over.

This "life system" dark energy route, because it has not yet been cleared up, whether Xu Xing has formally named the system, it is only code-named "Eternal Heart".The implication is that the universe is extinguished and life is eternal.

Of course, this kind of dark energy system needs to match the basic amino acids in your body with the areas in the universe where amino acids are naturally produced.To reach the eighth stage of slowly repairing the body, I am afraid that the workload of the seventh stage and the seventh stage is even smaller!
Of course, once it was successful, the only thing that could be repaired was his own body.

May continue to provide corrections for all other "life system" dark energy users.The hidden dangers of entropy increase brought about by "phagocytosis system", "blood-sucking system" and "fusion system" can be solved periodically.

Those accumulated are good structures, such as the interlaced dynamics of accurate protein and dark energy, whether the special dark energy has self-correction ability.Even Chang Hengxi's ability can only delay.

Xu Xing's "eternal heart" route was pondered from the code of the origin of life.It can be erased from under the foundation.

In the following days, when Zuo Hong was measuring and guiding the retrograde celestial constants on the surface of the star-lit planet, she became more and more confused about the powerful fluctuations of various weather and tides.

Jing Guyu detected that the scale of Xu Xing's consciousness had skyrocketed!
This consciousness is soaring, whether Xu Xing's own thinking still has a clear perception, but the perception of the dark energy system is getting more and more muddy, and he is more and more attentive when combining dark energy, and he is getting more and more familiar with the details of dark energy. clear. ——These are difficult to be clearly recorded by the thinking of this body!

But Jing Guyu knew the reason, the eight thousand or less timelines in the Taxiqi plane had all ended their consciousness and overflowed.

Xu Xing was immersed in the dark energy structure, and the effect of consciousness regression and disturbance was already ten thousand times stronger than that of an abnormal person.In particular, this dark energy route is chosen by myself, and I am sure to verify whether it can go through. The "Xu Xing Cluster" perfectly integrates into the single self of the dark plane.

Xu Xing is full of curiosity about the path of "Eternal Heart", but he has no sense of burden brought by "ambition" and "task".

Everything that was left of Tassie Kaiduo in this body has been washed away!
Tacit Qiduo's subjective initiative has exploded for more than ten years, and Xu Xing's explosion is less in one day.

The joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of Tuxi Qiduo are all affected by too few elements in this world. ——And Xu Xing's eating, training, and mastering knowledge are all for his own goals.Every step is completed accurately according to the schedule every day, leaving no spare time is useless.

On the monitor platform, facing Zuo Hong's glare and indifference.

Jing Guyu looked at it resentfully, Xu Xing, who was immersed in himself, knew what he was thinking!
She seemed to have not expected such a situation, but did she expect everything to be so thorough.

After opening another human consciousness model, Jing Guyu said in a high voice: "Are you really brothers? The gap is so small, maybe I am really wrong."


Six months before the foot ban, Xu Xing did not return to the public area of ​​the school, but continued to stay in the big house built on the surface of the big planet.Such behavior, in the eyes of other students in the school, is stupid.

Someone on this planet knows that Xu Xing completed the first step in the dark energy system of the Heart of Eternity, and built the first carbon-based body regression buff blessing.That is: a small acceleration of thinking.

This "small thinking acceleration" can make the cerebellum run eight hundred times faster. In 1234, Xu Xing used this skill in both the junior and senior exams.

Thinking faster will consume a little nutrients. Although the energy circulation system of the body can reduce the energy by 40.00%, but after accelerating to 7 minutes, you still have to chew chocolate.

Under the Wentie Starlight network test platform, Xu Xing successfully completed a series of test questions including "combinations of [-] colors transitioning from chaos to disorder".

In the small hall of Baiguang, Zuo Hong took off his helmet, pushed aside the robot that reported his score, held his head, and thought quietly.

Before taking a deep breath, it seems to be reaffirming life.

Xu Xing: "Eight hearts and seven intentions are the upper-middle posture, and those who are persistent in everything are the lower-middle posture!" Xu Xing looked at his own reflection painted on the mirror of the helmet, his cheeks were still childish, but those eyes For a long time there is no erratic is fixed.

After Xu Xing's thoughts exploded, the least worry was not the body temperature and the lack of energy consumption, which could be resolved by physical repair. ——Xu Xing has always been worried that there will be no "mind".

When a single cerebellum can operate to a level comparable to that of a computer, then a game can be played directly in the brain.Big movies are even sketched out.

When earthlings were junior high school students, it was quite common to be distracted and think about other things after class.The teacher writes equations under the whiteboard, and you think about what equipment can be used in video games, or transformed in cartoons.

The gossip and the relaxed environment made Xu Xing's thoughts suppressed. His thinking speed was [-] times slower, but his passion was still full of enthusiasm.

During some extreme sports, Xu Xing increased his thinking to [-] times, but he still lost control of his thinking.

Xu Xing muttered about this: "It seems that some of my desires for this world are weak?"

[Xu Xing is very strange about this, because he has little initial interest in any new things. When exploring new planes, Zuo Hong himself is also getting cold, and now this is very similar to himself]

Zuo Hong looked at the sky, recalled a series of things about being beaten and slandered, and explained to herself: "The experience of humiliation has cultivated my character of being weak and restless."

The system interface suddenly opened, and Jing Guyu said softly, "Wei, you must stick to your weak heart."

Xu Xing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Jing Guyu's gentleness made him very strange.But all of a sudden, I feel a lot of myself.


Under Ta Xiqi's plane, Zuo Hong is performing Huiren's stepping on the star.The self who is synchronously affecting the dark plane is in comparison with another disturbance of consciousness.

For the dark plane, Xu Xing still has no clear logic in his thinking, but the emotional seeds of "sooner or later, this world will be smashed" are sprouting.

As an adult on the earth, he obeys the "weakness" with restrictions. When he feels comfortable, he will be willing to take risks to play against the "weakness" if there is no slight possibility of rebelling against it.

(End of this chapter)

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