out of cage

Chapter 494 Chapter 12.08 23 Things in the Asteroid

Chapter 494 Chapter 12.08 Anecdotes in the Asteroid

The birth date of Wentie is 1235 years, which is calculated based on the situation of humans logging on to the asteroid on Wentie, and according to the year of the promise star that people don't use very much, it is now the 23443th promise star after the leap of human beings year.

The chaos of the astronomical calendar is characteristic of the era of asteroid colonization.Although the aristocratic class in charge of the star gate in the asteroid is familiar with the entire star calendar, in order to facilitate the control of the local asteroid, the residents of the asteroid usually do not know "what year is it" to the outside world.Because the more you know, the harder it is to control.

Wei Keng has been in this world for two years now, and it took two years to collect information and understand the recent memorabilia in the starry sky.

In accordance with the principle of not citing evidence alone in historical data, Wei Keng skipped a lot of useless materials and looked for those with higher credibility.Of course, at the same time, we also carefully looked at the materials recorded by religious social groups with a position and a high degree of exclusivity.

Fake news was rampant in the West in ancient times, and the information from the news media at that time was basically untrustworthy!In historical records, even "Romance" (novels) are not as referenced.

In the complicated history of the starry sky, Wei Keng found something that might be related to his past experience.

During the period from about 16334 to 16337, a large-scale swallowing took place in the black hole in the southeast of the Milky Way, and 28 planets were just swept by the space twisting beam emitted by the black hole, and then suddenly disappeared.This event led to the downfall of the Seventh Dynasty of the Star Realm at that time.

Wei Keng found information on some of the missing planets, saw one of the terrains, and immediately corresponded to "Purple Jupiter" (the planet that sells omelets in the empty twisted plane).Facing the memorabilia of ancient times, Wei Keng sighed leisurely.

In the empty twisting plane that I went to, people there can easily use the phenomenon equivalent to the dark energy in this space, but they lose the diversity of dark energy in the dark plane.


Wei Keng looked up and read the ancient history of the starry sky, then lowered his head and began to plan for the present.

In the 1235th year of the birth of Wentie, No.80 rotation cycles, in the cave on the zenith of a tunnel in the outer area, 14-year-old Wei Keng managed to find a depression, pulled the barbed wire and squatted gently on the abandoned ceiling rails. Started to spy on myself.

With slight particle tunneling fluctuations, this hemispherical area with Wei Keng as the center is swept across.

The structures of all the tunnels within a three-kilometer range, as well as biological targets "between 20 and 51 degrees Celsius", were all secretly recorded by Wei Keng.

And this is already the No.70 eight area recorded by Wei Keng.When marching and fighting, you have to record the map, and when you do bad things, you have to step on the plate first.

When faced with Wen Tiexing's entire environment, Wei Keng could only go astray!
Wei Keng is stubborn: Well, people on earth are like this.In hard confrontation, instead of perishing in silence, it explodes in silence.

What's more, now Wei Keng really has the means to explode.Wei Keng's detection of dark energy is definitely level four.

Among the students in the school, there are 34 awakened ones.Most of them are first-level, and second-level dark energy is rare.Normal students can only reach the second level of dark energy when they are at their peak at the age of 16, because the amount of data involved is too large and too complicated.

And most mentors only have level three dark energy.The fourth-level dark energy is already a very special person in this small place of Iron Star.

Wei Keng's strength is due to his fundamental transcendence. Wei Keng is not a "one person" now.


As a "superhuman" from the plane of Pandora, Wei Keng increased his thinking speed.

Of course, the improvement of "brain speed" is not just as simple as a direct acceleration.The carbon-based brain configuration cannot become a high-speed logic body like a supercomputer program on many boards.

After speeding up, it is extremely dangerous to the mental state.Normal human beings are not enough to withstand the impact of long-term thinking too fast, and it is very easy to split into multiple personalities that conflict with each other.

In other more developed regions in the star sea, there is a way to speed up thinking!These methods are very precious, and they are taught to the disciples' xinxing from an early age.Where they normally speed up ten times or dozens of times.

Wei Keng did not meet the "soundness of mind" required by those powerful forces to select outstanding disciples.Failure to meet their standards does not hinder Wei Keng's ability to "single-mindedly" do great things from the self-foundation.

Wei Keng's carbon-based split brain belongs to split personality, but whether it conflicts is another matter.

The integrated model of "thinking and spirit" accumulated in the Pandora plane, not to mention the promised stars, even the main world is unique.

The high brain speed that Wei Keng entered was [-] times that of his peers at the beginning, and now it is [-] times and [-] times.

It would be unbelievable if the Promise Star knew about this.Because of the acceleration to this level, the ability of the human carbon-based brain to process information cannot keep up, and there will definitely be a break in thinking.That is to say, there will be pulses during the process of thinking, which will be fast for a while and slow for a while.And after each pause, the continuity of thinking is interrupted, forming a large number of split personalities.

Split personality is to make people think in different threads.Pandora's Wei Keng is to find a unified goal and let different threads of himself "ensemble" together.Of course, during the "ensemble" process, everyone has a plan and acts according to the plan.

Now in this schedule, there is a crystal chip on the back of Wei Keng's neck. After the "brain speed" is improved, Wei Keng in multiple groups with split personalities will leave records and experiences on the crystal chip for the stages and goals of the work, and leave them for the others to take over!
When Wei Keng hadn't completed the energyized body (level [-] dark energy), he still moved forward tenaciously under the difficult conditions of insufficient hardware and repeated fragmentation!
In the spirit of cooperation, Wei Keng's many personalities in one body, shouting "no conditions, create conditions" must also go.Gather together under the simple faith.

Compared with the kind of people from the promised stars, they always want to seize the dominant personality, and they fall apart after splitting.Wei Keng has natural cohesion.

This scene completely confused Jing Guyu. The big problem of split personality is a problem for many experts, but Wei Keng, who looks "ordinary", the more divided he is, the more energetic he becomes.

Compared with Pandora next door, hundreds of thousands of Weis collaborate on one plane, and more than 6000 synchronized timelines, Wei Keng still maintains a great unity.

So now, there is nothing wrong with two thousand copies of "The Appearance of the Middle Man" studying dark energy by himself.

This is the reason why Wei Keng's dark energy progress far exceeds that of ordinary people. Not to mention all the dark energy users in the original plane in the data within Jing Guyu's authority, they cannot reach this promotion speed.Even among all the traversers who have reached this plane in the past, none of them could do it.

Wei Keng of the Pandora plane is already comparable to "the most elite generation of an industrial country in its heyday".Now moving one-thousandth of Wei Keng to this world is far beyond the average Shangqing level power.

And the model behind Wei Keng's current "increased brain speed" is, to some extent, the crushing of "multi-cell" to "single-cell".

Currently in Wentiexing, Wei Keng has not revealed his situation.Still squatting in the dark tunnel of Iron Star, looking for opportunities.The blade waiting to be unsheathed will not shine brightly, but will be baked with black paint to prevent reflection.

These two years.Wei Keng was able to control the various basic influences of the body of the promise star, and understood that the world was not friendly to his "ruffian" existence.


When he first came to this plane, Wei Keng thought that with his rich social experience, no matter what, he would be like a centipede in the dark, walking out of the road of a hundred feet.But after getting to know this world, hey, I might really be pure.

If nothing else, just watch a movie.Last year, Wei Keng discovered that many women would look at him boldly.Therefore, Wei Keng preliminarily thought that this was an openness, um, men on earth are still whistling at girls.

Also, when I was in the video store, when Tasi Qiduo accidentally passed by, I could see many girls wandering around and choosing videos.Sometimes, these arrogant girls with upturned nostrils would blush to some extent.Wei Keng said: Uh, it's quite cute.

However, with the emergence of the system for detecting runes.Wei Keng felt that he did not understand the world.This world is so fucking dark.

Just like on the earth, the drama movies in the boys' computer hard drives are absolutely embarrassing for girls to dig out, and they have to rename "learning materials" and "advanced nature education" before encrypting them.

Wei Keng thought that what kind of movies this girl from this plane was watching might not be too different.

Even when Wei Keng accidentally wanted to understand a few times, Jing Guyu interrupted him directly to let him learn.

I just felt that there seemed to be too many girls watching that kind of film, so that Wei Keng saw the female administrators of the school district collecting a large stack in the girls' school district again and again, reprimanded them with a straight face, and then held gone.

So much so that Wei Keng didn't know what they were watching until a few months ago!
Good guy!The excitement they pursue is not the kind of earth junior high school students, look at the level of CP.

Wei Keng, who learned the truth for the first time, was buzzing in his mind: Women in this world don't like prostitutes.Rather—in ancient Rome, ladies could be excited by the bloodshed between gladiators.

In a brutal evolution, for females of many species, watching two strong males fight is a joy.

In the animal world, those female deer are leisurely grazing, while watching the two long-horned fights, and they are fighting each other to the death.Pick whoever wins.It is promised that the females of the stars have the dominance of resources, which strengthens the fun of females.

The asteroid area is a wild area belonging to the interstellar world, and people's desire to release is relatively lacking in civilized and moral constraints.

The best-selling banned films in the inner layer of Wen Tiexing are all about fighting, and they are really fighting.

Different from the handsome martial arts fights that boys on Earth like.

Among the underground banned films, the lightest ones are bruised and swollen, while the slightly heavier ones are bleeding and dislocation.

As for restricted.It is fighting with knives and weapons, causing serious injuries and disabilities. Of course, most of the interstellar era medical technology can complete suture repair.Of course, the most frightening thing is the human-animal fight. When a three-meter-long huge interstellar monster pounces on the unlucky person, it bites a person's head in one fell swoop.

In Wentiexing's dark web information system, such a bloody picture has a lot of downloads!
When Wei Keng saw such a video performance, his face turned pale, especially when he thought of the hard drives of those gentle and intellectual ladies in the school.The collapse of the three views from the earth.

You must not use earth women to bring in the traditional promised star woman.Judging by the standards of the earth, everyone here is Wu Zetian and Empress Lu.

Wei Keng: By the way, where are there so many films?
This Jing Guyu didn't answer, but Wei Keng found out after investigation.

There are at least 1000 private arenas within the [-]-kilometer diameter of the entire Wentie asteroid.The gladiators were injected with drugs, repeatedly repaired in the survival cabin, and fought brutally.

And these are the realities that the residents of the inner civilized area have only heard about and never seen.

In the ancient times of the earth, the oriental moral civilization "pornography, gambling and drugs" was a mistake.Wei Keng felt that it was necessary to "strike hard".Wei Keng remarked angrily in the system: The existence of the arena is a crime.

Wei Keng, who was squatting in the tunnel cave, opened the optical invisibility cloak, slid down the rock wall smoothly, and looked at the feasting and feasting "Great Gaming" cave in the distance, with a weird smile on his face!

Wei Keng clenched his fist and hammered his chest, "It's weird here, and my way happens to be wild! It's just like fighting poison with poison."

In the space-time system, Jing Guyu was "fainted" by Wei Keng's tendency in the new round of planning, and she couldn't help but suggested to Wei Keng sadly: "Well, if you get caught, you will be finished."

At present, Wei Keng's dark energy situation is very good, she can't help but say a few words about this kind of adventure.

Wei Keng clapped his hands and said, "Xiao Yu, sing with me, the big river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky look at the Big Dipper—"

In Master Wei's plan, no one will be caught, and there will be an honor bomb in the last step.


Wei Keng had to face, besides the outer darkness, of course, there was also the inner exam, which was to ensure that he had a formal identity.As a thief who does evil in secret, he must have a well-behaved identity on the bright side.

Fifteen hours later, Wei Keng returned to the inner floor, lowered his head on the main road, carried his schoolbag, and walked in the school, feeling as lonely as ever.I can't see her arrogant appearance when she is alone.

After Wei Keng sat in the last row of the school, the teacher walked in and scanned everyone with oppressive eyes.

Then the head teacher controlled the dark energy and projected a countdown projection in the central space, with a full year left.

But on this countdown device, in addition to the unit of "day", there are also hours, minutes, and even milliseconds that disappear quickly, which makes the pressure of time urgency invisible.

The teacher looked at everyone and said: "You should all know that there are not many days in school. Next year some of you will be 15 years old and some will be 16 years old. But it is the only time in your life that you will go through a deep dive into your consciousness. !"

Note: This deep dive of consciousness is to let the strong field speed up the human carbon-based body by a hundred times, and then suddenly freeze it to one tenth of the normal level.And such an adjustment will produce a 'near-death' effect, and then let most of the consciousness in the thinking overflow, and enhance the perception of dark energy discrimination.

Such an artificial method of speeding up the nerves is harmful to the body, and it takes two to three years to recover.When all teenagers are at the age of fifteen or sixteen, their natural state of life is at its strongest, and they have one and only one chance.

The effect is to increase the probability of awakening dark energy by ten times, that is, in addition to the top students who naturally awaken in the current school, among the thousands of young students now, one-third will be able to awaken dark energy.

In the deep dive of consciousness, the search and construction of the basic law of dark energy simple matter requires the permutation and combination of mathematics, while the construction of application functions in the real world requires familiarity with natural science.This is a big test! (Its meaning is equivalent to the college entrance examination in modern times.)
Since only one-third of the students can become sought-after talents in the asteroid, the teachers are also very utilitarian at this stage.

For students who still have hope of awakening, they should be urged more, and for those who have no hope, just let it go.

As for Wei Keng, who sat in the last row and always acted mediocre, he was out of the teacher's perspective at this time.Oh, if you raise your head and accidentally meet her eyes, you will get a warning of "Don't bother me, be honest".

Lead instructor: "This is the most critical time of the year for you. If you work hard, your life will change."

Such words made Wei Keng feel a little familiar, and for a moment a long memory was brought back, and he couldn't help but looked up in a daze.

But then, after confirming that he was still in another world, he lowered his head and said silently: "Yes, this is not from Earth."

The classroom in the dark plane is equipped with three-dimensional technological equipment. On the podium are multiple groups of chemical experiment projections. There is no blackboard or chalk.There is no red flag directly above, and the slogan "Serious, Serious, Nervous, Lively".This is a hierarchical asteroid society.

Wei Keng: "There is no rule here that I want to avoid."

(End of this chapter)

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