out of cage

Chapter 614 Chapter 15.01 Heavy interception

Retreat is a big question, if you can't set up the supply point and organize the rear corps, then the evacuation is a rout.

Nirvana is the first node when Wei Keng evacuates, and a large number of variable army immigrant spaceships will stay here waiting for the second wave of shuttles. "

Of course, this is also an important node for sniping Jiulanxing's pursuers.The five planetary masters of Jiulan Star arrived here in a second-rate interstellar fleet, but eight Star Warships with a distance of about [-] kilometers jumped here.The Wei Keng cluster has carried out sufficient mass and energy replenishment around the white dwarf.

45 one-kilometer-long prism-shaped space combat equipment are neatly arranged in space, and when Jiulan Star arrives, they immediately pounce on it.It seems that all this has been expected.

Wei Keng's logic: When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!Facing the leader, you have to strike hard.

Han Feiheng (Master Le Xiaotian), the first planetary lord who found Wei Keng's movement in the first wave, originally "wanted" to pursue him. Facing Wei Keng's current momentum in the channel, he decided to garrison.

In Xinghai not only fights and kills, but also people's sophistication, Han Feiheng's heart is inclined to let Taxi take the helm.

In the Xinghai Communication, Han Feiheng's warning to Wei Keng is: "Hurry up and catch him, don't try to escape in the xx direction, within 85 hours, you will definitely accept justice!"

Good guy, the time and place are all reminded.Master Qingwei accepted it.

...Whoever releases water maliciously, there are those who really want to stop it...

The planetary suzerain Haiyuan led the fleet to pursue urgently.

After confirming that Wei Keng no longer had a seventh-level dark energy level (the dark energy collapsed after being smelted), she immediately began to take risks and drive straight in.

Zhengxia, a dark energy under her command, locked onto the "Silver Blade" controlled by Wei Keng, and sent out such a pre-war communication, "We are trying to communicate with you about the ownership of the leftover battleship."

It's just such nonsense that Wei Keng, who has experienced many battles, would not pay attention to it at all, and set up an ambush circle while following the nonsense.

…84 hours later, in the pre-determined area…

The impact surface composed of hundreds of thousands of individuals continues to accelerate.

The "Flying Shuttle" driven by the Wei Keng group showed carambola outer edges on both sides at high speed. This is a dark energy mode that assists in breaking through the sky after smelting fifty kinds of low-level dark energy. (The shape of carambola actually obeys the law of "scattering" of matter and dark energy, which belongs to the convergent evolution of Hejiu Blue Star super battleship)
In the first wave of impact, the star sword array launched a strike to provide cover.

The space battleships of the two guardians were torn apart because the protective shields had not yet been strengthened. The side of the [-]-kilometer battleship was opened like a gap in the Grand Canyon, and a large amount of material flow was splashed into space like a blood jet.

Before the remaining warships could take a breath, the first wave of shock clusters exploded and dissipated directly in the star sea, but immediately after they were 0.5 astronomical units away, they suddenly condensed into the second batch of degenerate prisms, while the original first wave Bo simply disappeared.

The number of this wave is slightly smaller, only 30 bodies. The material on the first wave of the charge surface has been tunneled, and a certain amount of mass and energy has been lost to reach the second wave of charge surface.

Although the number is small, there are only three capital ships of the pursuers.

The victims of Jiulanxing held their breath and watched the second wave come staggered.

The chasing battleship ushered in another round of destruction.After the second wave of impact is over, the energy immediately tunnels and disappears.A third wave occurred 0.4 AU in the other direction.

...It can be seen here that it is not the first wave, the second wave, or the third wave, but a wave that came for several rounds, just like the planes flew several times in the square in those days. …

The previous two waves of assault had severely damaged large warships, but this wave, the defenders of Jiulan Star adopted a conservative approach.

"Abandon ship"!
Of course, such a decision is not a "consensus of all parties beforehand", but a "taste of mind" between them before the end of the matter.

In the process of fleeing on the battlefield, there is no need for the collective to "give up". As long as one person makes a decisive decision to slip away, the rest of the people will be fools if they "carry on".

At this time, Wei Keng had a clear understanding of Xu Xingren: as long as the scale of the war is enlarged and their intelligence is shifted from collective cooperation to self-protection, then a group of people who are not as good as insects will appear.

Although this happens to people on earth, the lower limit for people on earth seems to be the upper limit for people from promised stars.

In the sea of ​​stars, Wei Keng saw Jiulanxing forces who had been repulsed by him and fled from the ship, and muttered: "Fella is unbearable."

When Wei Keng quickly dealt with the pursued Level [-] dark energy user, the level [-] seemed to have "deeper" considerations, so he didn't get close, so the cadres and masses who watched as Wei Keng clustered to cover the Xinghai bases evacuated.

…This is not a difference in individual intelligence ability, the problem lies in the group, and the evolution of the Promised Stars lacks war. …

In the Jiulanxing area, the first wave of pursuit was let go directly due to the uncoordinated departments of Jiulanxing.

Oh, this failure did not have a "principal reprimanding incompetent subordinates", but multiple "principals" dumping the pot in front of their respective high-tech energy platforms.

On the first-level platform, which is where the planetary suzerains are, nothing can be seen,
On the sub-level platform of the meeting, the sixth-level guardians can see who is losing and who is gaining.The background of the space station is already on the interface of the lost troops, and the "judgment is correct", such as the guards under Han Feiheng's command, are still "ready for battle" in the battleship, squatting on various Xinghai roads to give the "Kang Bandits" continuous military pressure (stand still) .

At the highest center of the meeting was the Great Ark.

Looking at the current Xinghai situation, Xinzheng is planning to further increase the amount of jumps and encircle and suppress them in all directions.

As a result, after the first round of encounters, various departments quarreled endlessly and felt deeply depressed.

Narrator: This is a feeling of watching Chinese football and constantly shooting the goal post.

During the communication at the turning point, the planetary lords of the law enforcement faction behind Jiulan couldn't help asking why the planetary lord (Han Feiheng) who was standing still didn't come to fight together.

Han Feiheng retorted: "Our department is rushing here, why don't you stay there and go shopping?"

...It's not that Han Feiheng sent a fleet to "rescue" (spoiler).but didn't have time...

Han Feiheng began to talk after the fact: the shock cluster of Taxi Qirudder looks very large. If they (chasers) deploy the dark energy field, they will use the fragmented matter of the fleet to build resistance on the spot, as long as ten of them are blocked In an hour, Jiulanxing's follow-up fleet will come, and the vanguard's raid is nothing more than being washed into a little embarrassment.

But the question is, why trust the support behind?At the meeting, Haiyuan from Jiulanxing stared at Hanfeiheng, as if "waiting for your support, don't you blush".

The thick black science of the promised stars is indeed higher than that of the earth.

When Haiyuan refuted Han Feiheng, he also had to admit a fact: Facing Wei Keng with such a strong determination to fight, there is no reason to be sure that after this wave of shocks, there will be no stronger shocks.

Han Feiheng actually wanted her to admit this fact.

Explain the rationale for preserving your strength and taking the lead in evacuating.Because "the parties have no basis for mutual trust, and the current joint action requires everyone to go hand in hand", so why?
This situation has been clearly recorded in the brief history of the earth. According to the textbook, although the uprising failed, it dealt a great blow to the ruling power of the dynasty.

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