out of cage

Chapter 615 Chapter 15.01 Nailed to the Dark Plane

Fourteen years after the mass evacuation of Jiulan Star, the last pursuit war ended [-] light-years away from Jiulan Star.

In this last battle, there were fifteen planetary suzerains in charge of pursuing them. Of course, the timing and location of this battle were all chosen by Wei Keng.

The supervisor interviewed Wei Keng about his views on this battle——Wei Keng: "Chasing, chasing you Mapi, chasing"

Obviously, Wei Keng was very touched by Jiu Lanxing's "send off ten miles away", um, hundreds of light years away, and planned to give them a big one.

...Wei Keng: "Even if I don't have the seventh-level space-time dark energy, I can still smelt other seventh-level dark energy, and the traceability is enough to fight with you"...

When their battleship entered the space warp area, the ripples in the entire space suddenly dissipated.

The fog of war disappeared, and Wei Keng's repaired Shanhe class battleship and hundreds of space battleships appeared in front of them impressively, together with a large number of photon shock teams.The distribution of its fleet and troops is in front of it, on the left and right, and on both sides of the upper and lower sides.

All the positions of the clusters of main artillery arrays are also shining with light. Although the standards of each ship are different, they still completed a salvo with an error of less than one second.Under this first wave of blows, the entire formation of the chasing Jiulan Star suzerains disintegrated.

After the formation of the Jiulan Star Fleet lost its balance, it appeared in its queue, 434 large nodes, 245665 medium-sized nodes, 9745553 small nodes, collapsed into many bright and hot material balls, and then gorgeous sword glows radiated from the formation.

Although this sword array is not as good as Jiulanxing's "Qinglian", it also covers all Jiulanxing's chasing fleet. Like shark teeth, it begins to rub and smash hard bones.

(Jiu Lanxing) Everyone in each fleet saw that the shell could not stop the power of space from piercing through the protective shield, and they all realized that they were surrounded again. Afterwards, they complained in their hearts, "Why are you chasing?"

The scene was very splendid, surpassing any fleet battle in the entire Star Sea in recent years.

There is no dark energy of the space-time system, but the consciousness of space-time control still exists.

Wei Keng obviously created more than 100 firepower intersections in the entire space. In the firepower intersection area, the Ark and the remaining escort fleet were like a flat boat in a storm.

Especially in this torrential rain, the assault group has been posted.

When these energy light shuttles rush towards the strong energy shield ark, at first glance they look like moths to a flame.

Obviously, in the process of approaching, part of the scene was annihilated by energy, but most of the Wei Keng individuals in the light shuttle jumped and escaped at that last moment.

Arrived with the Shock Cluster.

Ark-level warships burst like colorful bubbles in the sun,

After the energy shield recedes, it is like a reef after the sea water ebbs.

On the outer shell of the Ark Fortress, a series of uneven lines in the shape of Buddha's hair appeared, wriggling like creatures.

Looking carefully, this is not the original design of the Ark battleship, but the material on the surface of the hull twisted by small points (members of the landing battle).Swelling that occurs.

All the "bites" of the huge battleship by Wei Keng's group were swollen and then "festered".

After breaking into the Ark-class battleship, the immune system inside the ship reacted, space collapses appeared one after another, and a large number of ship hull areas were burned into molten magma.And it was accompanied by a jet stream like a natural gas pipeline explosion.


In this battle, Wei Keng's independent individual suffered losses, which should have exceeded three digits.

But the entire Ark-level fleet is gone, and Jiulanxing only escaped with two ships in the end.From then on, in Jiulanxing's Xinghai area, there was no determination to pursue Wei Keng.

More importantly, for the first time in this battle, the traceability faction that still maintains the carbon-based base hunts and kills the purely energetic seventh-level high-level life forms in frontal combat.

The energy level gap between the two life forms is very huge.

Its significance is to hunt and kill carnivorous individuals weighing several tons by "reversing the food chain" for natural individuals weighing no less than [-] kilograms.This is equivalent to humans pointing out spears and flames to start a war against Tyrannosaurus rex.

Of course, from a technological point of view, the "smelting dark energy" loaded with Wei Keng's carbon-based body has already withstood the test.

During the entire loading process, a total of hundreds of millions of steps have been completed.This kind of craftsmanship is beyond the imagination of the promised stars on this plane.It's like still staying at the level of urban handicraft making bows and arrows, and I can't imagine the scale of the smartphone production chain in modern industry.

The person who was shot down by Wei Keng, the seventh-level dark energy user was named Bi Yue, who was the suzerain who was locked in time and space by Wei Keng and imprisoned for twenty blue star years. …

The carbon-based Wei Keng, armed with dark energy smelting, confronted her with pure energy within five meters.

Wei Keng gave her a chance, but she chose to be willful in the end, that is, before surrendering, she would kill the "ordinary" Wei Keng in front of her to vent her anger, and then admit failure.

However, Wei Keng eats, lives, and studies together, and each individual is "the posture of a man", but when facing death, no one is "ordinary".

Facing Biyue's eruption, Wei Keng adopted the "extinguish" tactic

The so-called extinguishment is to forcibly reduce the high-energy life, part of the energy level, to the level that can accommodate liquid water and stabilize it.

And this kind of "extinguishing" is more harmful than forcibly stopping the carbon-based human heartbeat.

Carbon-based Wei Keng faced the Biyue in front of him, and completed the fatal energy flow!Destroyed her balance, let it be completely finished.

This is the first time to break through the dark energy level to eliminate the seventh-level dark energy users, and it will not be the last time, because technology will advance.

The line collision of dying struggle and real observation is about to evolve in the universe.

... After this battle, Wei Keng announced in the dark universe that he would not perish...

On the Lost Planet, a beam of information from the Great Black Hole of Creation landed on the Central Breakpoint after the battle.

Qingsu also: "Oh, I didn't expect, meet me again."

Wei Keng smiled, half jokingly, and half bluntly said: "So, what are you doing here, and what do you think about the friendship with Jinlan?"

Qingsu's eyes are blurred (like a fox winking): "Well, you still don't want to give me a high-ranking title? I am much older than you."

It has to be noted that the conversation between Qingsu and Wei Keng is very equal at this time.

This is because Qingsu also feels that in the future of time and space, Wei Keng will be very powerful. Although she can suppress a wave of Wei Keng, she is only delaying the arrival of this day.

Wei Keng: "Sir? You are born again, okay, I'm a piece of shit, um, I dragged you up." .)
Qingsu no longer entangled in the above question: "I have something to discuss with you." She opened the interstellar cloud, and at this time Zhenxun's position in the Xinghai space-time system was vacant at this time.

Qing Suyi: "Is she still alive?"

Wei Keng looked up at the direction of Zhenxun's big black hole, and nodded.

Master Wei was very calm on the surface, and secretly asked his supervisors: "The issue of releasing people"

Jing Guyu and Bai Linglu are busy checking Zhenxun, and Jing Guyu is breaking Zhenxun's teeth to judge the evolutionary characteristics of the millions of promise stars who came to eat nuts.

Here, Bai Linglu picked up the communication and responded to Wei Keng: "It has been entered in the time and space list, and the process is in progress."
So here Wei Keng shook his head: "I can't release him for the time being, is there anything I can do to remedy it?"

Qing Shu also sighed: "Then, you will be in charge of her space-time surveillance rights temporarily." After finishing speaking, she threw out a space-time crystal, and left without waiting for Wei Keng to ask.

Wei Keng looked at the space-time crystal, and the system immediately gave an explanation:

This is a one-way dimensional wellhead. Looking at this dimensional well now, it is dark, but at this time, the main world monitoring system in the wellhead marks many dimensional exits in this dimensional wellhead. These dimensional exits link many face.

One of them includes the empty twisting plane.

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