out of cage

Chapter 663 Chapter 15.29 Agreement with Multiple Planes

Chapter 663 Chapter 15.29 Agreement with Multiple Planes
In the traverser system, Wei Keng is used to learning about the world through his own information channels.

It has been 200 years since the Space-Time Management Bureau ended the last Plane War. According to the periodic law of the Earth society organization, the space-time management is very chaotic now.Everyone stopped talking about public order and began to be selfish.

As long as the seller can afford the "price" (information enthalpy), no one will not buy and sell information.

Of course, Wei Keng had Bai Linglu as his assistant, and no one took the risk of offending Wei Keng, a veteran traveler, to engage in joint deception.

Mouth Hu: Bai Linglu is very "gentle and kind", and has won the "unanimous love" of a large number of new-generation supervisors.

"But what?" Wei Keng was puzzled: "Bai Linglu's attitude towards herself is rare recently. She hasn't pissed me off for a long time. Is she now taking the gentle route?"

Wei Keng from the mind plane didn't send back any memories, and now Bai Linglu likes to go to Qin Xiaohan to chat with Qin Xiaohan in bright red.

...Because Bai Linglu was so strict, Michaelina wanted to communicate several times, but was rejected...

Wei Keng's every move is actually under the attention of the upper-level people of the Space-Time Management Bureau.
In the dimensional domain of the main world today, Wei Keng is one of the few traversers who maintain neutrality.

This neutrality is not the weak neutrality of the good old man who "no one offends" in the past.It is a strong neutrality that "has enough power to pit any party, but has no intention yet".

...going back to the mantle region...

Keng and Yunxun's first communication was ended forcefully by Wei Keng.

After Yun Xun was sure that he couldn't handle it, his expression was stunned, and after a long time he cursed: "It's really an old fritter."

However, he couldn't find faults. In other words, Wei Keng was picking his faults now.

Wei Keng: "According to the time-traveling rules, during the handover process, you must have full authority to transfer information, otherwise, the time-traveler has the right to refuse the arrangement."

Now that the free faction is in power, the traversal rules have been changed for several rounds. This rule is not strictly enforced, but with today's various patches, as long as it enters the litigation process, the traversal can delay the mission that he thinks is unfavorable without limit.

Today's rules are more "free", as long as the traversers have enough information, they can do whatever they want.

Now this "designated crossing mission" is nominally Wei Keng's obligation to fulfill.But the rules set by the free faction give the traversers a lot of power of interpretation.

After Wei Keng left, Yunxun connected with Micah's communication.Micah looked at Wei Keng's actions, sighed and blamed Yun Xun, "You have concealed too much."

What Micah meant was: "Nine truths and one falsehood, or 99 trues and one falsehood. But now Yunxun is half-covered and half-covered, without revealing [-]% of the true information. It's no wonder that Wei Keng didn't fall for it at all."

Yun Xun: "But?" He obviously has difficulties.

Mi Jia interrupted him, "I know your difficulties, so leave it to me to deal with it."

The difficulty of Yunxun is that it cannot reveal too much truth at all.

In the multidimensional plane, there are already "gods everywhere", and "gods" are involved in revealing the "truth", and the multidimensional plane is the situation of "information dark forest", who (every traveler who obtains the god position) They don't want others to talk about themselves.Don't want to expose your feet. )
That's why Yunxun hesitated when he confided information to Wei Keng.In fact, all the traversers of the new generation now know nothing about entering the multidimensional world of gods.In the words of a veteran traveler, that multidimensional plane is now mysterious.

Mi Jia is the highest god in the entire plane.She also can't break the multiverse zone rules now.

...Actually, Wei Keng still intends to complete the work of "Multiple Plane Correction". …

After Wei Keng returned to the planet, he immediately found many friends to chat with, including Luo Hongxing, people from Qin Xiaohan's department, and newcomers like Peng Qingyuan brought by himself in the Pandora plane.

Very quickly, I figured out the current situation in time travel.

Now the entire main world physics is divided into two sets of plane coordinate systems.

One is to use the objective physical coordinate system in the early days, take the main world as the center, and take the constant change range of the properties of various particles in the main world on the far plane as the scale to push out to the outer area.

But such a system of "objective physics" is becoming less and less applicable today.Because more and more life planes are found nearby, these planes affect the objective divergence of particle changes.

At the beginning, the pastoral era only explored the adjacent dimension area near the main world, and now it explores the farther plane territory.The border world around the main world, like individual celestial bodies, forms a unique "rule group" in dimension, that is, plane areas with similar physical properties are stacked together.

For example, multiple planes, this is not a single plane. Strictly speaking, there are many planes, and the rules of each plane are slightly different. The only commonality is the characteristic of "quantum fluctuations of all things store information".

[Dimensional field, this is similar to the gravitational field of the earth. Gravity is a standard within tens of thousands of kilometers of the earth. Seconds away, the gravitational formula centered on the earth is inaccurate, because the moon has gravitational force, and in the farther space, Jupiter and the sun, both of which are stronger than the gravitational force of the earth.This cannot calculate the gravitational force distribution according to an earth center coordinate system. 】

Therefore, in the present dimension, there is a second judgment standard, which is the division of "expansion of consciousness".

The tunneling of the amount of consciousness can disturb time and space.The more the amount of consciousness is, the bigger the scale of timeline bifurcation is.The plane expands like a bubble being blown!

So now, for veteran traversers (gods) on multiple planes, whoever blows the bigger "bubbles" in time and space will have a larger area covered by their divine power.

...the multi-dimensional traveler is now effectively a "time lord"...

These "time and space lords", that is, multi-plane gods, began to expand from an ancestor timeline civilization. (Wei Keng's timeline of "technology, industry, and machinery" is also a powerful center in today's multiverse.)
This is one by one with the "source timeline" as the pivot point, and the particle change as the coordinate scale extension to complete a joint coordinate system.

In the multiverse, there are now a large number of space-time centers, and each space-time center is the "origin of God" occupied by the kings of the main world.

In the Haotu department, Wei Keng showed his friends the tasks he had undertaken.

At the corner of the meeting, Qin Xiaohan, who was seated, privately persuaded himself not to go, but Qin Tianfang had a different attitude.

Wei Keng saw "encouragement" in Qin Tianfang's attitude.

Qin Tianfang warned Wei Keng: "The multiverse plane after you left is already a battlefield where spiritual colonialism prevails. In many areas, god wars break out frequently. The main world should want you to adjust , but once you enter, you will inevitably be used by all parties and become a vortex of contradictions."

Wei Keng remained silent on the surface, but the scene of "Qin Tian unleashes Wei Qiang" couldn't help but appear in his heart.

"Wei Qiang is gone, Qin Tianfang has lost an opponent, he must be very lonely too?" Wei Keng thought so.

The left side of the conference table.

Luo Hongxing glanced at Qin Tianfang, and then began to warn: "Wei Keng, multi-dimensional planes are dominated by plundering, which is not suitable for deep farming. All the accumulated results will be classified by the gods and then controlled."

Immediately afterwards, Peng Qingyuan said unspeakably: "Captain, why don't you go to the area we occupy and try your hand first. The multiverse area we occupy is divided into the Great Thousand World and the Small Thousand World. The changes in the laws of heaven are more orderly, um," "The Dao of Heaven" is the tidal change of the nature of particles, but now the "divine area" has a lot of disorder, and even the time and space are not so unified. It is difficult to adhere to science here, and 'sacrifice is rampant' (mysticism is rampant)."


All the acquaintances persuaded Wei Keng about the contradictions and chaos of the multiverse.This is different from the current mainstream propaganda of the Space-Time Administration.

At the end of the meeting, Wei Keng said leisurely: "I think, I'd better go over to help and understand the situation."

...Now Wei Keng wants to finish the things he once took over as much as possible...

Wei Keng sneaked into the space-time hall linked by the Puhai gravity well, and saw all kinds of dazzling "traveling" propaganda

'Sparkling time and space, self-achievement', "In the vast river of time, gather the only self." "Explore the other side, only I will not break."...

One by one through the system, just like the investment call for "franchise stores" on Baidu in the 21st century, it is full of optimism, full of opportunities, and positive energy spirit of innovation and wealth.

While Wei Keng was wandering around the floating cubic building with the badge of a Sun employee on his back, a girl in pink fell in love with Wei Keng, and followed Wei Keng and said, "My lord, just look at him!" The watch of the hot sun, by the way, are you interested in penetrating space?"

She hugged Wei Keng's arm, as if she recognized Wei Keng.Wei Keng smoked it a few times but didn't pull it away, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Gu Liang, let go, I have a team of inspectors."

Who would have thought that this girl in pink would not let her go: You just came up from the sun, the one introduced to you over there is definitely not as accurate as what you saw in person, why don't you change the ticket.My space-time system is powerful.

Wei Keng took a look and said, "Strong strength? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Wei Keng was supposed to be an employee of Sunstar, but his authority in the space-time information department was terribly high, so he called up the system directly and checked the girl in pink.

This girl named Zi Sushen has only been in the space-time monitoring position for only 200 years, and now the rating of the monitor is barely on the corporal side. As for the "soul ferry" registered in the main world behind her The entire history of the system is only [-] years old. "

Wei Keng checked and found that the registered capital of 'Soul Ferry' in time and space is probably the income he earned from his fifteen hours in the dark plane.

Zi Sushen really didn't know Wei Keng's identity.

Before the Third Plane War, the Space-Time Administration was mandatory to display the level of each traverser, but now that the "liberals" control the Space-Time Administration, there is no such thing as mandatory.Wei Keng chooses to keep a low profile now, because Shangqing's clothes are too flamboyant, and the king has his own aura. Master Wei doesn't like to "show off", and he doesn't have the habit of standing in the center of the light.

Most ordinary traversers will try their best to enter public areas according to their highest status.

...This is not vanity, but the helplessness of the grassroots traversers at present...

During the traversal process, the space-time system will provide judgment for non-commissioned officer traversers, and then they will automatically connect to the system of the traversing alliance. (Haotu is such an alliance) The alliance will give basic benefits.

These benefits are: "talents" on certain planes, "born with immortal artifacts" and so on.

These welfare supplies all come from the system integrated by the kings and bosses in the alliance.

...Wei Keng is now acting quietly, with the rank of sergeant...

At present, in the dimension hall where the earth's gravity well is connected, there are only 640 Qing-level traversers online in the entire main world recently.The vast majority of high-level traversers are in the border areas of various dimensions
Zi Sushen didn't think he could meet such a super boss.

Zi Sushen herself, she came from an outer plane and did not have the right to enter the main world. She was a descendant of more than a dozen generations of earth traversals, and was selected by the Space-Time Administration.

After staying here for decades, her vision is very shrewd, and she can see Wei Keng's identity as a native of the world: this place belongs to the status of a Sun employee, has a retirement salary, and has a wealth of information and value.

For employees who have retired from other departments of the main world, there is also a flaw in entering the dimension exploration: that is, insufficient understanding of the plane situation.As long as you spend a little bit of talking, you can fool yourself into your own plane area.

Narrator: A certain group of people has consumption power and lacks information, which will cause a group of people in the society to specifically target it.

This can be referred to at the end of the 21st century and the beginning of the 21st century. Retired workers had pensions. During that time, practitioners specialized in the "insurance industry" and "bank wealth management industry" came to "help retirees make money". A large number of "entrepreneurship myths" have been created, and some people have even written books to introduce themselves, how to get the first pot of gold from the "information-poor people" business miracle.

Looking back at the 31st century, in the space-time public city built by information enthalpy near the main world, there is often a myth that "the introducer took advantage of it".

Zi Su visited Gu Weikeng, and felt sure that his stupid appearance would be easy to deceive.I gradually gained confidence in my heart.

Wei Keng was very embarrassed, because this young supervisor in pink was too kind to be rejected.I can't find a reason to turn my face.Ever since, Wei Keng decided to buy some commodities to get rid of.

On the product list, Wei Keng opened the shopping system and took a look at the above products

Oh, there are body strengthening series, and there are also mutant series. Normal traversers will be dazzled, but Master Wei scanned through them. In terms of tens of thousands of options, he can clearly recognize the source of technology.

For example, the most basic body data of the body training series were provided by myself.

Wei Keng read it a lot: eye vision and energy locking, the "pupil technique" series, whether it is "insight into the golden eye", "distinguishing the true light", these are Qin Tianfang's series of techniques.

Wei Keng suddenly realized that he really didn't need these low-end products.And~~
Wei Keng asked Zi Su, "Your things are a bit expensive."

Zi Sushen immediately quibbled: "How come, I am all independent and original things."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Keng directly searched for the source of each of her goods.These products of her are generally 40.00% higher than similar products in major leagues.It's just that the characteristics of the product have changed, so it's not easy to search directly on the product.

Zi Sushen was stunned. She stared at Wei Keng's narration based on the "official information source", and suddenly realized that the guy in front of her was not a novice.Ready to leave embarrassingly.

But Wei Keng still decided to do her a business, as a help for newcomers.Of course, when buying something, I asked an additional question: "How many people come and go in this dimensional well now?"

Zi Sugin revealed the data she knew, and Wei Keng nodded (thinking about the scale of crossing planes in and out of the entire multiverse.)
After hesitating, Wei Keng picked up an amulet, ready to pay 65 information enthalpy of medium hourglass.This amulet is said to have the means to directly kill the wreckage life (ghost) in all middle worlds with incomplete life state and reflected in the information field.

Aside, the pastoral era is definitely a good cheat for some mysterious side planes, but in the contemporary era, just like the DJI drones in the early 21st century, it is a big commodity.

Just after the purple ginseng business was about to be completed, someone interrupted: "Don't listen to her, this evil spirit talisman is nothing special. The so-called restraint of evil spirits means that while restraining demons, it will also record information about your thinking field. "

Wei Keng paused suddenly, not because he was surprised that this "product" was unaffordable, but because it happened unexpectedly that "cutting people's money is like killing their parents".

Purple Ginseng was originally smiling, but it was suddenly broken

Just when she was about to refute, Wei Keng immediately said: "It's a deal, that's the price" and immediately transferred part of the information to Zi Sushen, without waiting for Zi Sushen to be happy.

Wei Keng walked up to the person who reminded him, asked another question, and forwarded the same message to her.Wei Keng left without waiting for the two to react.

Narrator: When antique shops pick up leaks, they often bargain on a certain "small loss" thing, and finally let the merchant buy the thing he doesn't care about.Wei Keng is now using this method to detect multi-dimensional intelligence.

Now Weikeng is in multiple fragments, and information enthalpy builds activities in the city in one dimension.

Wei Keng explained to Bai Linglu: "If you really want to investigate directly, ask directly, these juniors (Zi Sushen) are well-informed and will immediately realize that someone is investigating multi-dimensional planes, but now their attention is on their own business superior"

In the monitoring space, Bai Linglu stared at Wei Keng: "Who did you learn from, you playful mind?"

Wei Keng responded: "I learned from you, Mr. Bai, do you want to charge tuition?"

…on the other side…

Zi Su sees her old friend who just broke up her business. The name is: Hong Zhen.

Hongzhen also looked at her extra message in disbelief, and muttered: "Just send the message as you like, I'm afraid I'm not a fool?" Or is it?She thought for a while with a strange expression, "Is it, a man's self-esteem in front of women?" Then she made sure that there are really fools these days.

At this time, on the other side, Zi Sushen shook the "Information Enthusiasm" of the key chain in his hand, and sneered at Hong Zhen and warned: "Your meddling just now has no effect."

Hongzhen came back to her senses, looked at her, her face was frosty, like a fairy with cold plums and proud snow, and responded coldly: "Sooner or later, your deceitful trick will be overturned. The one just now is a master." The second generation of the world, if you really tricked him into signing a plane contract, do you really think it will be successful?"

Hongzhen threw down the harsh words, and left without looking back.

...fighting for money, looks like a fairy, but is no different from a peasant woman. …

Wei Keng met Yunxun again in the building of the Space-Time Administration.

Just when Yunxun was about to come up with a new round of conditions, Wei Keng said: "The exploration of multiple planes is too complicated. Whether it is physical rules or interpersonal, I think I can't grasp it."

Yun Xun said embarrassingly: "You are too modest, I don't know anything else, your scale of consciousness is already a miraculous existence on the sun."

Wei Keng saw that he was still concealing it, so he showed his cards directly: "Now on the multi-dimensional plane, all parties have updated their technologies at this stage. The laws of physics on the plane of time and space, that is, the achievement of gods?"

Seeing that Wei Keng already knew about it, Yunxun complimented: "You have a god position on the target plane, and all this can't be hidden from you."

Wei Keng was not caught by the flattery and stared at him.

Yunxun gave a piece of information: "In the multiverse, the dream plane area, we waited for 83443 revolution cycles in this area, and waited for a period of ebb tide in the range of particle changes. The technological level there is at the state of the first industrial revolution. .”

Wei Keng glanced at the information, and complained in his heart: "Isn't this the story of the old gods leaving after the end of the ancient era, the powerful wizards disappearing without a trace, and entering the age of steam?"

Wei Keng first used a tentative question: "What are you going to do? Push it into space?"

Yun Xun's eyes lit up: "It's a good guess, but it can be a little closer."

Wei Keng: "Establish a space beacon launcher?" (This is very close to the state of interstellar civilization)
Yun Xun's eyes lit up: "Yes, we can get closer."

Wei Keng: "Complete the interstellar project?"

Yunxun kept silent and waited for Wei Keng to explain.

He didn't set a goal at all, and waited for Wei Keng to say the goal.However, Wei Keng also noticed it, and immediately sighed and said: "I was joking with you earlier, I decided to go to the "novice area"". "

Yun Xun's expression froze: "You must be joking."

Wei Keng: "It's a joke, you started it with me first."

…Wei Keng: Knowing that the person behind Yunxun has been paying attention to the conversation…

In the Space-Time Management Bureau, Li Yishuang has always been an eyeliner on Wei Keng's supervisor team.

Before the conversation, Yunxun was told some important points to pay attention to when talking with Wei Keng: "Don't assign obvious tasks. You said that he would definitely say that he didn't know. Wait for him to play freely, and you will have a big surprise."

But after all, he was just talking on paper, and Wei Keng was very variable. He was clever but was misunderstood by his cleverness. Wei Keng, who had passed through the dark plane, was no longer so easy to talk about.

Just when Yunxun found it difficult to handle.When you are ready to let the person behind you come forward directly,
Wei Keng: "I will choose the appropriate plane in the multi-dimensional area. I will not undertake any tasks. At the same time, I will keep the information absolutely confidential. What exactly do you want, you can say now, I can do it by the way." This is equivalent to Yu private crossed.

Yunxun looked unhappy, and nodded: "When necessary, improve the progress of technological civilization on your plane."

Wei Keng's expression flickered, and he instantly understood what the people behind this mission wanted him to do.

After 10 minutes, Wei Keng left here and started a real one-month rest on the earth.

And Yunxun has entered a high-energy physical field in the mantle, and it is connected to the multi-plane dimension information space station, namely: New Pantheon
The person Yunxun Unicom wanted to find, he let out a sigh of relief in English and said: "Sains, he has come to the multi-dimensional plane."

On the side of the plane communication, Sainz heard this, and said with emotion: "Finally, are you coming back?"

In the multiple planes, only half of the industry has been developed, so many godheads are in a state of turmoil.

 Playing Monkey (Suona Version)
  Singer: Sulatwaz
  Strange to say, after writing this chapter, this melody automatically appeared in my mind

(End of this chapter)

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