out of cage

Chapter 664 Chapter 16.01 "Axis"

Chapter 664 Chapter 16.01 "Axis"
In January 3048 of the main world, Wei Keng began to travel through multiple planes.

As a "super consciousness", Master Wei always walks on an unusual path.

Wei Keng: "Either you don't wear it, and you have to achieve your own goals if you want to travel." (Philosophy of war, either don't fight, or fight to achieve your strategic goals.)
Wei Keng directly transferred his [-]-point consciousness from the sun, came to [-] gravitational wells around the world, and headed towards multiple planes at the same time.

This scale of traversal is seen by all the traversals on the space film where the center of the earth is located, and thousands of shining huge bright stars rush towards the plane.

This kind of huge bright star is the ultimate consciousness of Shangqing level, and a thousand such unified marches are a sign that the main world has launched a super expedition to a certain plane.

Big and small space-time organizations looked up at the dimension and crossed the "big action", and finally some kings confirmed the identity of a certain person from the announcement of the retirement of the sun personnel.Taking a deep breath, he quickly explored the target area of ​​this crossing.

On the side of the Haotu Time-Space Organization, in the structure space similar to Shan Hai Jing, in the 33rd Heavenly Palace, Qin Tian was sitting on his seat, but besides Qin Xiaohan was his new younger brother He Chongyun.

Qin Tianfang, after confirming the situation of time and space fluctuations, said to Qin Xiaohan with emotion: "It seems that he has hit the multidimensional plane."

If Luo Hongxing was present, he would ridicule Qin Tianfang: "What are you regretting? Isn't this what you want?"

But Qin Xiaohan looked at his brother, and didn't directly tear down the stage, frowning: "Although the industrial godhead is from the system of Michaelena, it was originally his, and you arranged it for him back then."

Facing his sister's questioning, Qin Tianfang's tone slowed down: "Yes, it seems to be my fault now, but in the current situation, we have to find a way, if he perfects the scientific foundation there, what will the result be? The potential for border wars has increased significantly. Now, are there other opportunities?"

Qin Xiaohan: "I think we should contact Bai Linglu."

Qin Tianfang smiled apologetically: "Shall I contact you?" (It means to ask my younger sister to come along.)
Qin Xiaohan didn't spoil his elder brother: "Yes, because you have a bargaining chip, for the stability of the multi-dimensional oriental territory (similar to the world of ghosts, ghosts, and Taoism), you should give her a god position."

Qin Tianfang looked at Qin Xiaohan, and said leisurely: "This high god is prepared for you."

Qin Xiaohan shook his head.

He Chongyun on the side took a brush to record on the jade slips, and didn't interrupt the conversation between the brothers and sisters, but he could hear that the brothers and sisters of the Qin family were talking about a very powerful guy.

…At this time, outside the mimic space, the consciousness travels through the starlight, very axis…

Here Wei Keng has already arrived at the plane, but as he shuttled through the tunnels, Wei Keng felt as if there was something bright (skin) following him.

Tun Hai Xing, this is one of the landing points of Wei Keng.

This planet has a main continent called Wanlun Continent, which is located in the northern hemisphere and spans half the planet,

And there is also a continent in the south, let’s call it the mainland. This is the southern weathered land area. There are a lot of land submerged in seawater in this continent, just like the wrinkles of a Shar-Pei dog.
The upper and lower continents form a T, Wan Lun is the upper horizontal line, and weathering is the lower vertical line.

This is the plane of the arcane system, but after Wei Keng left last time, the flow of time diverged infinitely, and the interlacing of multiverse spaces was also very chaotic.At this stage, except for the top gods, it is impossible to investigate the traces of Wei Keng back then.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the "vertical" continent below was the mainstream civilization area. This civilization was said to be called the Wizard Alliance. They built a large number of fortresses here, while the Wanlun continent in the north was on the edge of the wild.

However, thousands of years ago, after a great change led by many new gods such as "steam, torque, and gear movement", the "vertical" mainland territory of the southern wizards became barbaric under the colonial plunder. earth. .

And on the "horizontal" continent in the north, trains driven by steam engines criss-cross the land, airships transport goods in the air between cities, and five industrial countries fight each other in the north.

The wizards of the past, um, there are only a few successors of mysticism left today, and behind the age of guns and gunpowder, they pass on their mysteries.

...traversal completed...

Wei Keng landed in a village on the northeastern border of the Wanlun Continent. His deep cries sounded here, and he was frightened away by the quarrel between his parents who were struggling with the increase in daily expenses in the village.The content of the quarrel is nothing more than "support" or "not support".

Wei Keng had just come to this world, so he had to worry about whether he would be drowned.But fortunately, the rice soup was still fed into his mouth.I survived

This village belongs to Sky Republic.Well, the tonal translation is called the Rusmark Republic.Because 5000 years ago, there were a large number of six-winged griffins flying here.

In the era when shock cavalry established military power.These flying knights are the pride of the country, guarding the waterways made of airships
But the glory of the past has long since passed away. As the industries of various countries accumulate more and more technological levels, various regions around the continent have completed the chemical revolution, are able to mass-produce gasoline, and have also perfected gasoline engines. Driven to fly through the skies, the Sky Republic lost its skies after the elite imperial knights were consumed by middle-class pilots.

The knights not only lost the sky, but also lost the warm water port on the southeastern border. In order to defend against the steam chariot raids in the west, the Sky Republic had to build a long reinforced concrete concrete defense line.

On this continent of industrial magic, even in this perfect trench, defense still means being passively beaten. The Kingdom of Shensk in the west cast a thousand-ton train cannon and pushed it to the front line. Every 20 years or so In World War I, these terrible shells fell on the defense line, randomly calling out soldiers in the tunnel, causing casualties.

If it were on Earth, this kind of day and night war would have caused a country's confidence to collapse, and then it was over, but this is a world with gods, and morale is locked to a certain extent, so that the war can continue.

...This is not a world where mortals are like grass, and grass still has the right to assert itself. Here, mortals are like gravel, blowing with the wind and flowing with the water, unable to control themselves. …

After Wei Keng was born, he was called "Wangcai".

There were five brothers and sisters in front of Wei Keng. Because the empire's conscription favored countrymen, three died in the war, and the remaining one was adopted by a merchant uncle in the city because of his flexibility.

This left a little color of life in the family.The uncle from the city said: "As long as you have excellent grades, you can become an apprentice craftsman instead of being conscripted."

Six years later, Wei Keng, carrying a canvas schoolbag, went to school in the town.The arduous studies in the different world gave Wei Keng a new "remembering the bitterness and thinking about the sweetness".

In rural schools, those little teachers in patched tuxedos, with a pedantic air of literati, are not very capable, and are very mean to young students.

Wei Keng also knows what a chicken soup for the soul that the country teacher who taught him on the creaking wooden podium narrated the history of the mainland.

In March 3216 of the Huowen calendar, in spring, new shoots bloom outside the glass window.

Retired as a soldier, the mentor with the arm replaced by a wooden puppet prosthetic holds the pointer: Knights of the Sky, completed the Battle of Glory in 2596, please, tell us what this means for the formation of our territory.

During the boring lectures, Wei Keng, who was sitting in the last row with his pink head, was reading a book, his angle of view fluctuated up and down, as if he hadn't slept well.But in fact, in this world full of "quantum information", Wei Keng's thinking is stubbornly resisting interference, which makes him appear sleepy when accepting the knowledge of this world.

Since the invasion of the scientific concept of the main world in the 26th century, the multidimensional plane has retreated mysteriously, and its historical development route has undergone major changes.

Of course, 400 years ago, due to the idealism of "freedom, democracy" and other idealism in the third and fourth world wars, the European travelers at that time were shattered in reality, which led to the complete defeat of the ideology that defined "justice".

Therefore, the earliest group of Mediterranean civilization traversers in the pastoral era did not seem to be keen on and focused on promoting social change.Only focus on the exploration of native technology.

Note: This is like when the Chinese were discussing the moon landing in space at the end of the [-]th century, the folks paid more attention to topics such as "the United States faked the moon landing".

The perspective returns to the classroom, every drink and peck is fixed.

Five minutes later, Wei Keng was fined to stand for falling asleep in class. He listened to the class while standing, but after standing, he just looked at the ceiling.The belief about the glory of the empire seems to be missing in his mind, and he can't put it in at all.

Wei Keng, who couldn't sleep, simply continued to read the shit, uh, interesting stories of the early traversers in this plane.Oh, looking at it in class, Wei Keng is no different from the idiot who stood in a daze in the ancient industrial era of the earth, with YY fantasy novels in his head.

Master Wei flipped through the exploration history of multiple planes in the main world, and made a note with a sense of superiority: This is the history that earth traversals need to know.

…mysterious, weird, and multi-dimensional labels. …

During the First Plane War, when the traversers initially explored this type of plane, it was full of weirdness. The conscious body here can exist without relying on carbon-based organic matter, which led to many supernatural events in the eyes of earthlings. .

For example, after a cruel and bloody incident occurs in the house, the subsequent residents will be affected and become "obsessed".Any object has the potential to become a source of mental pollution.

Or some things that are said to have been handed down from the hands of a famous perverted professional in history, which have been circulated in the hands of several collectors, all of which made these people die badly.

These, mysterious matters, can only be dealt with by mysterious means.

But the early traversers didn't care about these things, they liked to do it recklessly, how to say: "The more mysterious something is, the more I want to directly attack the overlord and use the most violent methods to tear it apart. Oh, it's like tearing stockings."

Wei Keng found out a lot of absurd things about the earlier time traveler in this plane: For example, when a young time traveler came to a similar strange plane when he was "young and ignorant", he encountered a big mansion When haunted, the method of exorcism used is often 150 caliber to solve, that is, to shoot in the "haunted" place.Just blow up the haunted house!

What?Still haunted (and lingering shadows of pollution)?This guy is going to burn and clean with a laser.

Who is this "***"?
After Wei Keng spent some information and found out that this person was Qin Tianfang, he immediately felt relieved and started laughing.

Who hasn't been stupid in the time travel in the early years?
...The main world is now in the 31st century in a blink of an eye...

With the deepening of the exploration of multiple planes, the traversers of the main world believe that the "hard core" method of exorcising ghosts with artillery is very inefficient.

It's equivalent to shaving your hair with bird droppings on your head and you can't find shampoo. ——What, directly choose to scalp?Oh, to have such an idea, it is polluted by indescribable things, and an all-round information monitoring must be carried out immediately.

Negative and mysterious new phenomena have appeared in a region, as long as the same "mysterious method" is used to offset the negative shadow here, it can be resolved.

The core essence of the technology side is to master the rules, not to be reckless.

...It's just that once you are familiar with the rules, it doesn't mean you will follow the rules. People will use the rules to the limit...

When later traversers came to this plane, they would be specially matched with barrister-level supervisors.to study the rules.

For example, sometimes the high-level traversers of the main world are going to do a big thing, such as blowing up a piece of hell.Those low-level traversers will quickly sign contracts with the devils under the supervisor's suggestion.

When the devils excitedly completed the contract and prepared to collect the rewards, their hometown was gone, and they couldn't reach the contract themselves, so they were prostituted for nothing.

Now the system provides the front-line shuttlers with a whole set of "pyramid marketing" methods of low-level devils, which can also be said to be an enlightenment process. A shuttler of mixed blood descendants said this: as long as you have the courage, Satan will change sex and get pregnant!
Master Wei looked it up, this guy's name, good guy, is also an acquaintance, um, a descendant of an acquaintance.That guy's elder name is He.

...Wei Keng is an honest and loyal person, and he has been following the rules for much longer than others...

Obviously, exploration in multiple planes cannot be done recklessly based on ignorance.

However, once the shuttler performs multiple shuttles on the order of millions.Basically understand the situation of this plane.After the danger boundary is gradually clear, the system will support your desperate creation and test the boundary.

Wei Keng's situation on the plane of Pandora was like this. After gradually understanding the weird biological mutations, the main world had more troubles than himself.

For example, in the matter of fighting wits and courage with the devil on the contract, the main world has tested countless methods. Although there are some risks, well, it should be said that the risks are very high, but the Mediterranean traversers who like to play extreme sports never tire of it.

Westerners like to play with limits. After Easterners followed up, they started to use their brains and reduce risks, so that they began to develop "obscene style".

At the beginning of the 30th century in the history of the earth, Tong prayed to Shangqing to develop a golden finger that can escape from the existence of gods.Specifically?At the cost of splitting a small part of consciousness, he adjusted his life to [-] times, and lost part of his consciousness once he died.This armament has been developed until now, and it has become a standard tool for high-level traversers here.

Oh, Wei Keng didn't buy this set of tools in the Traveler's Hall. Wei Keng has another system with different functions for his "consciousness" projected into this plane. (system of causality)
This "Golden Cicada Escape Shell" structure of the soul will activate as Wei Keng's consciousness is broken.

...Master Wei was thinking about it here, and a drop of saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth. …

Dingling, outside the school, the trickle of the third scale in the water tank timer disappeared, with a click, the end of the lever under the water flow of this scale lost the impact pressure, and began to lift, driving the gear above to rotate, one by one The metal beans hit the gong, and the get out of class bell rang.

The teacher left with the book in his arms and was punished to stand for most of the class. Wei Keng, who had won the title of "Standing God", stood up and stretched himself.Walking out of the classroom, looking at the bright sun, he took a deep breath.

Lifting the fingertip, at the tip of the fingertip, a symbol of praying for the sun flashed in Wei Keng's pupils, and there was a golden light on the fingertip in an instant.

Wei Keng doesn't attend class, but has a system to make up lessons offline.Supplementary lessons not only supplement mathematics, physics and chemistry, but also the mystical knowledge of this plane.

The mysticism that Wei Keng acquired on this plane all came from the knowledge system of the ancient "powerful".

The sun rune on the wrist at this time does not come from any current sun god, but the power of the god who occasionally assumed the sun priesthood on this planet in ancient times. This god later fell into twilight and changed his priesthood. The incarnation was sealed and formed "the old ruler who will not actively respond to believers".

This kind of mysticism is very, very partial knowledge, and that god has now completely fallen after switching positions several times.

Even when that god was still around tens of thousands of years ago, few believers knew about his incarnation, because the time he held this priesthood was too short, only a few hundred years.As a result, almost no one in the world knows this "secret of God".

Of course, the ritual for Wei Keng to communicate with this incarnation is very complicated.

…Quantum information records all reality, and the quantum information leveraged by spiritual power can also leverage all reality...

The sun, from a physical point of view, is the fusion of hydrogen atoms to transform mass and energy.However, in the mental power system, this is a piece of information concept!Concrete contains, scorches, shines, dispels.

A slight error in the ritual will burn the communicating mystic to death. Theoretically, to meet the conditions required for this "deviant power", the mystic puts his energy into it, just like finding a needle in a sea of ​​information.
After Wei Keng's arrival, he connected to the ancient law of cause and effect left by him, and through several years of meditation and construction, he made this thing out.

In the middle of the threshing floor in the village, Wang Cai (Wai Keng) sitting cross-legged on the ground is like a mud monkey, holding up the power of the sun god with his heart up.

This is the most orderly force, capable of sanctioning all chaotic and evil system forces!Smash it down to the most basic concepts.

When Wei Keng condensed this ray of light, he was basically able to deal with most of the various curses he might encounter in his ordinary class.

Of course, in the eyes of the adults at the entrance of the village, this child is playing strange tricks in the "hands and dances" of bluffing.

 Let's start with a chapter, and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning when it's scheduled

(End of this chapter)

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