out of cage

Chapter 699 Chapter 16.20 Happiness created by both hands, a mysterious trick

Chapter 699 Chapter 16.20 (Part [-]) The Happiness Created by Two Hands, Mysterious Means of Manipulation
For Enma, the industrial and agricultural reforms in Michal City are a "temporary" prescription.In the future, we will have to find new prescriptions and prescribers.

But now, the economic recovery of the North has made all forces in the empire shine brightly.Including revolutionaries, and reformists.

In June 3230, rows of agricultural machinery pushed along the road all at once, from north to south.

Eastern Plains of the Empire.The big bosses of the imperial army fixed their eyes on this place.These military-savvy generals will not ignore "thousands of vehicles" and rush to the front line to catch up with the seasonal changes and advance along multiple lines of communication.Even if this is just an agricultural vehicle, not an armored vehicle.

During the march of these agricultural vehicles, there was no confusion on the road. Occasional mechanical failures were immediately dragged aside without affecting the follow-up vehicle operations.

The "farming company" established by the Agricultural Youth Association sent thousands of people, and all agricultural machinery queues, under the same dispatch, arrived at the location on time along various roads for harvesting.Then deep plow synchronously.

After the processing was completed, the agricultural machinery stations in various places also carried out maintenance to ensure that they could continue to move southward.Along the way, there were even "professional" operations to strengthen the bearing capacity of bridges and erect pontoon bridges directly on the river.

In this process, the entire village has demonstrated the precise mobilization power across space and against time.This is by no means what the "junker landlords" in the past could accomplish.

In the past, the privatization of Junker landowners allowed the integration of rural and rural resources, the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, and the mechanization of rural and rural resources.

The Konker model also makes some of the agricultural production resources always idle.Junkers' agricultural machinery spends more than half of the time just eating ashes in the warehouse.

This kind of idleness represents a waste of social efficiency. It is nothing in a state of peace and abundance, but it is fatal in times of war when manpower and materials are scarce.

In the disadvantaged stage of the sky empire, under the Junker system, the fuel maintenance of these agricultural machinery has not been satisfied by the various manor owners all year round, causing the land to be abandoned.

...In the mobilization report of the Youth Agricultural Association, the term "agricultural conference battle" was used many times...

General Sugemat, in plain clothes, and his daughter Mikael, roamed the countryside in a car, with soldiers nearby to protect them, of course.

As soon as his vehicle was on the road, it was stopped. A worker from the Agricultural and Youth Association with a traffic armband said to the passenger: "Sir, the agricultural machinery ahead is being developed together. Please wait for 10 minutes in the rest area."

Sugemat looked at the dusty worker and nodded with a smile.

After the agricultural production machinery passed by, he stepped forward slightly, picked up his finger and wiped it on the vehicle. As a hero unit, he couldn't help being moved.Mikael, who was biting malt candy, looked at his father and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sugemat: "Sure enough, there is a 'hero' here." He touched these machines and confirmed that there is a unified concept field in the agricultural machines.

[If the mental power model built by the ancient arcane mage in the sea of ​​consciousness is a "muscle", the general conceptual body assembled by modern heroes using the concept of social communication and polishing "information parts" is a machine]

In Sugemat's perception: the various operations of this "concept" are like a pattern of interlaced gears, which is very different from the current stage of the empire.

The hero unit is able to drive the concept field, using the righteousness provided by the empire as a channel to supply "morale".

And start to create the "industrial concept field", and then integrate morale from the imperial village.That must be the hero unit.

Sugemat opened the map, and now volunteers have been arranged in advance on all roads on the map to carry out traffic output.There is someone in each village base station who is responsible for refueling.Moreover, communication is maintained in various regions.

As a general on the frontier battlefield, he understands that this is no less than a "battle" command ability.

When the empire was generally depressed, such a "genius" appeared to command such an action with high morale. What is the position of such a group of people at this time?
At this time, the general opened up the recent information. The "Junker landlords", the cornerstone of the empire in the agricultural area, were swept away by this emerging group in less than a year.

This method of warfare, oh, is the "armed fighting" in the intelligence of the empire. It uses mortars, mechanized forklifts, and air planes to blockade. It can easily reach tens of thousands of people. .

The "Junker Landlord" was completely defeated in this kind of fighting, and was annexed after being defeated afterwards.

In the past two years, in the rural areas beyond the control of the empire, the nobles in the city are not clear about what kind of "big tide" the Junker farmers have experienced. In the discussions of the municipal council, these are just low-level seizures of power by the country bumpkins. .

In the car, the information related to the Agricultural Youth Association was closed.

Mikael understood that all this was related to "that person".

Because that person was able to get a lot of agricultural products and small commodities when the supplies in York City were sluggish.Of course, she wasn't sure if the "hero" was that person.

Compared to her father, Mikael looked at the problem from the outside: Now that the empire has focused all its attention on the big cities, it is impossible to allocate energy to deal with the emerging power groups emerging in the countryside.

During this period of time, the small city of Michal City in the Northland gradually began to develop a number of industrial furnaces for "chemical industry", "fuel oil" and "machinery".

So much so that at this stage, the engineers who were hungry in a large number of cities in the east rushed over by train and began to add bricks and tiles to the construction of the northern industry.

Beidizhong was originally a third-rate industrial furnace, and its concept is being enriched.

Mikael said to his father: "In the final analysis, it is still a matter of economic operation. Originally, the imperial silver coins and international gold coins were used to connect large and small economies and trades within the empire, but they were controlled by the imperial dignitaries. So the rebellion of the "partisans" is certain."

Sugemat: "Have you been reading their (partisan) newspapers lately?"

Mikael hesitated for a while, and nodded to his father: "I understand."

As a stubborn old soldier, Sugemat frowned at her and said, "The things you come into contact with are too complicated."

...There is a barrier between father and daughter...

As a young man, Mikael must be affected when he thinks and accepts knowledge.

But Sugemat is middle-aged, and his thinking has been frozen. His attitude towards this kind of complicated thoughts is: disturb the morale of the people.

As a general, he hopes that his soldiers are pure and the people are also simple, instead of being bewitched and causing chaos.

Sugemat looked at the continuous farmland and the prosperous temporary workstations on the road, and he felt that the people of the empire should be so "simple" and glowing.

However, at this time, on the side of the country road, some "disharmonious" voices disrupted Sugemat's "imperial unity" mentality.

The three-color plastic sheet on the top of the tractor was opened, and a loudspeaker was exposed, and Enma's voice was heard on the broadcast: "All happy life comes from our own creation. Emperors and nobles only care about the people they favor..."

Sitting in the car, Sugemat watched such a big publicity on the roadside radio.

The farming people of the agricultural excavator here have a flat attitude towards this "rebellious speech" like eating and drinking water.And these farming brigades have traveled all the way across the entire empire, obviously spreading the "rebellious" thought widely

Sugemat turned to look at his daughter at this moment.Mikael's embarrassment aroused the vigilance of the old father.

Sugemat: "You know this man." Mikael didn't speak.

But Sugemat remembered the voice of this person on the radio very deeply.In his heart, this "voice" is the instigation of the devil.

In order to prevent his daughter from being influenced by this "rebellious force", Sugemat decided to marry her daughter.

In the dark, the causal line between Enma and Mikael broke, because for the gods, when Mikael failed to bind Enma, the "industrial descended" mortal body, with the emotional line.Then it will lose its effect.

...Gods do things where mortals don't notice, Wei Keng, as a mortal at odds with God, "shakes his wit"...

The critical point for the outbreak of distance conflicts in Sky Empire is getting higher and higher.But now it is necessary to drag the perspective to other places in the Wanlun Continent, and Wei Keng inadvertently "disasterd" the entire Wanlun Continent.

Thirty years later, the Thunderbolt Alliance's military victory over the Sky Empire on the Western Front did not yield substantial economic benefits.

"Reparations" only humiliated the sky empire, but how the victorious country used the breach of "reparations" to suck blood is a complicated operation.

In the age of capital, after one country's victory over another, economic plunder is required.

This kind of economic plunder is not just to obtain "gold and silver precious metals", but to control the "economic dominance" of the region in order to obtain cheap labor and raw materials.

For the victorious country with financial capitalization, it is best for the defeated country to maintain the state of "Great Qing",

The Qing Dynasty can be maintained a stable blood-sucking, and the Great Britain obtains the right of free navigation on the entire Weijiang waterway, and obtains the economic capital that can build dozens of battleships every year.On the contrary, once the state of revolution suddenly appeared after the defeat of Tsarist Russia, nothing could be sucked in.

Now the countries of the Thunderbolt Alliance are trying to take advantage of the Sky Empire's economic crisis to purchase various high-quality assets of the Sky Empire on a large scale, including mines, railway farmland, and cheap agricultural products, to curb the rising prices.

In the eyes of imperialism, the sky empire's huge "payment" is only the first step.

Step [-]: Use "reparations" to withdraw "hard currency in the various financial markets of the defeated countries". In this process, the governments of the defeated countries are corrupt and the process of expropriating gold coins will lead to the scarcity of precious metals in the entire market.

In this way, the victorious country enters the financial market of the defeated country at this time, buys the assets of one gold coin of the defeated country with one silver coin, and then sells them to the bond market dominated by itself at the price of two gold coins to offset the war bonds.

So ah: compared to subsequent looting, reparations are nothing?
Now here comes the problem, if Sky Empire is now in a state of revolution, all "assets cannot be bought".The entire Thunderbolt Alliance tightly held on to those gold coins.There is no way to hedge war bonds.

...When the blood-sucking pipeline is blocked by a thrombus...

So much so that the Thunder Flash Alliance can't wait to come in to help the Sky Empire suppress the rebellion.It triggered a series of problems in Wanlun Continent.

After the war, the various capitalists of the Thunderbolt Alliance could not get the government's asset subsidies to "fill up" the bonds, and they wanted to jump off the building.

And the factory can't get all kinds of cheap raw materials in Sky Empire. It just got a lot of gold coins, but it can't reduce the price.so that the market shrinks.

When the Thunderbolt Alliance countries lifted the wartime state, the capitalists broke the eight-hour work system and the minimum wage.

In the summer of 3230, the "Great Stoppage" began in these victorious countries.

The most developed country on the mainland is the Anglo Empire, and they believe in the god of "metal tempering".

There was a general strike in the Anglo Empire. At first it was just a factory, and then after the mounted police fired and suppressed it, hundreds of cities began to rage.

... Negative information began to spread in this ancient foggy city...

In the Anglo Empire, the capital of tempering.When the big bronze bell rang, a large number of crows flew up.

Such an ominous omen made the mystics of the entire empire worried.In the Ministry of Magic of the Empire, there are three jars on the minister’s table. Inside the jars are three gold coins, one is “black”, one is “red” and the other is “purple”. Allied kingdoms, and Anglo mainland.Without exception, all gold coins are tainted with resentment, a highly contagious "spiritual plague"

The Minister of Magic shook the gear on the desktop, and after the blank portrait on the wall turned, the interface was revealed, and important figures from the mysterious world attended the meeting.

Three days later, the Aurors immediately organized a special magic team in their dark magic department.Go find the source of this magic.The [-]-ton steamship slowly set sail, heading towards the sky empire along the northern route.

Of course the voyage was not smooth from the start.The giant ship grazed a glacier on the northern route, causing water ingress in two watertight cabins, and almost sank.In order to drain the water, some of the boilers originally used for heating were called up, which forced the passengers on the cruise ship to stay in the room wrapped in quilts.

The Aurors investigated the reason and found that the navigator on the ship gambled at night and lost a gold coin, so he drank a little wine and fell into a trance.

Narrator: There is no doubt that it is the "bad omen coin" to blame again.

It was also fortunate that the Aurors carried the "sacred object" to counteract the mental disturbance of the ominous gold coin that was lost, so there was no danger.

However, this kind of thing still happened under the protection of the "Holy Object", which shows how arrogant the "Ominous Gold Coin" is now.

...when the cornerstone of the world is unstable, the self-proclaimed divine existence begins to identify an "evil target" to fight against...

On October 10, the giant ship Azure slowly entered the port.There were more than 14 Aurors sent by the Ministry of Magic at this time. They all wore gentleman's hats and walked down the spiral staircase. Although they were covered with thick clothes, they were obviously quite cold.After the rise of "science, industry, and machinery", the power held by the nobles who occupied the ruling structure was greatly enhanced, which forced the spellcasters who mastered the occult to change according to the current rules.After all, it is not the ancient times when spellcasters surpassed mortals.

In the era when miracles faded, most of the orthodox arcanists who could cast spells above six rings were white-bearded and wrinkled-faced witches who lived in seclusion in towers.

And now they are using "magic" to win the interests of Anglo, and the wizards are very young.For example, the captain of the team this time is only 35 years old, and his name is "Zhangke"

Wizards in the magic department who specialize in dealing with special events are called Aurors.

Inside the offices of the Ministry of Magic, the modern bureaucracy of the Aurors is at work.They are giving instructions remotely to support the "arcane energy" of Zhang Ke and others

Zhangke is an experienced wizard, and his main school is the school of enchantment, which is good at influencing the mind of the target.

An owl landed on his shoulder. After the owl's head turned two 360 degrees strangely (normal owls can't do it), it turned around like clockwork in an instant. The two light yellow pupils turned into Blood red.

Zhang Ke: "Everyone, now hold your magic wands."

The male and female Aurors behind him all held their spell-casting tools in their sleeves.

Just when they were about to activate the "Great Foresight" to aim at the seemingly normal gold coins on the table.

Suddenly a sad voice sounded in their ears: "Mysterious attitude, to solve "unfairness and contradictions", "What a prevarication. "

Clinking, a gold coin rolled past them, and then disappeared into the mist, turning into a bloody girl with thorn patterns. The girl glanced at them, then left with a smile.

 I'm sunny, the update time is uncertain these days,
(End of this chapter)

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