out of cage

Chapter 700 Chapter 16.21 The gold coin descends to earth, the first sound

Chapter 700 Chapter 16.21 The gold coin descends to earth, the first sound

When Enma is focusing on large-scale production in the north, trying to complete the construction of a balanced system on both agricultural and industrial bills.

Ominous gold coins are killing all directions across the continent, and Bai Linglu has taken over this part of the "side-door operations" that Wei Keng is unwilling to play.

Somewhere on the Overseer Platform.The corresponding opening of the dimension tunnel of "time-seismic plane".

In front of the vast heavenly palace set up here, a fairy in palace costume from the plane of Shengzhou kowtowed in front of the stage, and Bai Linglu's holy voice came from the halo above: "Listen to my secret decree, Wanlun Continent, Jinliu has deep resentment." , the fate of the countries is gloomy, catastrophe is imminent, you can hide in your body, put your body in the treasury, confuse the minds of those who hoard wealth, and don't corrode the propertyless public tools, after the event is completed, you will also achieve the right result."

As an obsessive, Zhao Xingchen maintained a worshiping posture on the white jade steps, and kowtowed: "Follow the decree of the law."

And ever since, there was the ominous gold coin on the Wanlun Continent, and the "Fengtian Chengyun" began.

...In the current era of the main world, Wei Keng has all the resources he should have, but there is no "flexible" use of them...

Bai Linglu is the bonder of Wei Keng's cooperation, Wei Keng is responsible for deep cultivation of the plane, and Bai Linglu is responsible for summarizing materials.

The planes that Wei Keng cultivated deeply are "outstanding people and rich in products". As a traveler, Wei Keng usually only pays attention to the development of planetary information, but in fact there are many "resources".

For example, "obsessed people", Wei Keng thinks that these guys are stubborn and stay away from them, but Bai Linglu is included in the toolbox.

"Obsession" can be a tool.Bai Linglu now holds this as a "sharp blade" and is going to perform a minor "liposuction" operation on the goddess of finance.

And the concept of "bad omen gold coin" is becoming more and more abundant in Wanlun Continent, and it has reached the point of "becoming a master".

If it is allowed to develop freely to produce consciousness, it will be used by other forces in the multidimensional plane.

When Bai Linglu suppressed the angel "Sissy", he was already determined to fight against the gods.

And in some methods, Wei Keng can't use them.

Adhering to the principle of "If you don't occupy it, the enemy will seize it", Bai Linglu directly dispatched "obsessed people" to settle directly on the gold coins.

Of course, Wei Keng didn't know all of this.

As for Zhao Xingchen, the leader of the Shenzhou Silk Sect, after his sexual transfer to the fairy world, he has to start from the "gold coin demon" in another world and seek a "positive result".

The "positive result" of correcting and polishing obsessives under the Bailinglu system: let these "idiots" sort out their nature, and be able to maintain their true colors in the turmoil of the world.

According to the statistics of Bai Linglu in the main world, once the path of "positive fruit" she gave to obsessed people is successfully proved, she can still maintain her "self" after going through a hundred times (20 years each time).This kind of "formal training and assessment" for obsessives is quite humane compared to the current state of liberalism in power, where other supervisors just use obsessives and throw them away when they are used up.

Those obsessed under the command of other contemporary supervisors in the main world can only travel through two to three times before losing their original intentions and completely integrating into the target plane. After creating a family and achieving achievements, they become the "reef" of the rolling historical torrent of that timeline. An element in a story.

Bai Linglu also has his own thoughts in using obsessives, but after being a colleague of Wei Keng, he accepted Wei Keng's bottom line.

Yet it made the two work well together.

Wei Keng: "I don't care about the track, (I) only talk about the bottom line, not correct.

If a society puts too much emphasis on "discussing the heart", it will form a harsh "moral" trend in the society, and everyone will start to make trouble at the level of "showing off" each other, and the worst group of people will use various external propaganda methods , to prove that he is the most correct.

...Back to the topic, this Bai Linglu gave the "positive fruit" to the obsessed people in Shenzhou...

The "sexual transformation" mechanism of the Shenzhou plane is not a bad idea.

The Bailinglu team determines the "gender" of the obsessed person's fairy road based on a set of standard "conditions". This kind of "help" is only a little bit, and this little bit of effect cannot be ignored.

In the Bailinglu team, the obsessives who "obsess over keeping their wealth and status" were turned into women.Classify "obsession with competition, name, power, and even freedom" as male.

In Zhao Xingchen's previous life, Zhao Xingchen was Wei Keng's second trip to the Shenzhou plane, and was the rich man of the Silk Road faction.

When Zhao Xingchen came to the Wanlun Continent and felt the rich "incense" atmosphere here, as a gold coin, she began to "be born of thorns step by step"

..."Demon Bodhisattva" will teach the world, and all money will be empty...

On the mainland of Wanlun, at the northern pier of the Sky Empire, the people from the Ministry of Magic on the Anglo liner disembarked.

Ships come and go here, and the streets seem to be prosperous, but those leisure guests in teahouses and entertainment venues prove that this place is not simple.

After the awakening of the consciousness of the "Ominous Gold Coin", it was the first time that it confronted the Anglo Empire's Defense Against the Dark Arts team.Before Zhang Ke could make any further moves, all kinds of strange things happened to them.

In the next few months, they couldn't move an inch. They encountered touching porcelain, theft, and many wonderful things. Even the "sacred objects" were almost stolen by the thieves who were obsessed with money.
Auror originally wanted to investigate the origin of the "Ominous Gold Coin".But now the "bad omen gold coin" has been injected into the soul by the system.The Aurors didn't know that there were eyes on every gold coin on the street staring at them.

...occupied by "traveling consciousness" in the Anglo-Ministry of Magic Investigative Spell Pull, and Omen Gold Coins...

Enma in Misur Industrial City, 340 kilometers away, as the "source", has a feeling for this.

After checking the information on his monitor platform, Enma didn't say anything.

In Wei Keng's concept: "Since Bai Linglu has done this, then let her go. As long as the goals do not conflict, what means you and her use are each free."

The focus of Enma's attention is on the current livelihood value of Sky Empire.

At this time, the empire was in its most ups and downs.

In the just-concluded war, the imperial superstructure maintained an army that was too large for the economy.How big is this scale, 60.00% of the total real economy!

It is about twice the level of the United States in the early 21st century in modern times.

Note, the economic conversion of the 26th century to the ancient times is different from the economic calculation of the 21st century.

In modern times, after the United States and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony. In the 21st century, 70.00% of the self-stated economies of Europe and the United States are service industries.Therefore, in the economic statistics at that time, the military expenditure of the US military accounted for 3.5% of gdp.Not much at first glance, but military procurement is only related to manufacturing.Supplying the service industry economy to the military industry requires a foreign blood-sucking system.Promote the service industry to those "industrial countries" under their own control, and use "finance" and "network" and other service industries in exchange for the manufacturing industries of these industrial countries to supply their own military industry.

The tertiary industry of US imperialism accounts for 75%.The remaining 20.00% five is manufacturing!

And a series of big companies, including Boeing, are playing the game of exchanging stocks, snapping up stocks, raising stock prices and blowing bubbles.Therefore, its real manufacturing output value is only one-half, or even one-third.

Therefore, the real proportion of military expenditure should be 3.5% divided by 25% and then multiplied by 2, which is about 30.00%.But why don't they crash when they play like this?
...All the so-called high-end methods of the present age will be clearly seen by the world after hundreds of years...

At the beginning of the 21st century, Eastern academic circles will earnestly teach that the economy of a country cannot rely solely on the total amount of manufacturing, but also depends on technology.

Yes, at that time, some high-tech products were unique, and only Europe and the United States could sell them in the market.But this situation will not develop permanently.

During the decades from the end of the [-]th century to the beginning of the [-]th century, some medium-sized countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America had to hoard European and American currencies to meet the needs of daily economic development, and to buy "arms" when necessary, which kept the value of European and American currencies constant.Underpinning the European and American bubbles.

Before the great epidemic in ancient times, the great powers could forcefully fix the value of high-tech munitions and high-tech products.

But when Dongfang's technology completed the first-class project of moon and fire exploration.

Civilian general electric vehicles, mobile phones, natural gas ships, and large aircraft technology have overcome difficulties.

The military exports a large number of decommissioned but not outdated frigates.Selling "j10" is an air armament that is not weak at the same level, and has reached the upper limit of financial expenditures of those less wealthy countries.

When the US dollar is no longer the only choice, those small and medium-sized countries are no longer fools.

And as the West continues to talk about "correctness", it turns the cultural industry into a military tool and self-destructs "the acceptability of culture in other countries".

When Twitter, Google, these "high-quality" tertiary industries cannot exchange light industrial services such as "clothes" and "footwear" in the world's backward industrial countries.

The U.S. imperialist military spending of "[-]% of gdp" seems to be less and less enough, and the cost of updating modern weapons stacked by human brainwork is getting higher and higher.

Therefore, after the Great Pandemic, it seems that the proportion of military investment in the total economy of the United States has not changed, but in fact, when its tertiary industry cannot be sold internationally and cannot be exchanged for manufacturing, it has already begun to use military force.Back then academics claimed it was a "supply chain" crisis.

In fact, the "people's livelihood projects" of the US empire are supported by other industrial countries in the world.It's just that this line has been broken because of the various evil consequences of "military" (over-expansion) and "politics" (proactively provoking confrontation).


Wei Keng's gossip: A superpower in industrial transformation needs to deliver some livelihood projects to other countries in other stages of development and industrial upgrading.This development is correct.The East has embarked on this path in the second half of the 21st century.However, when the "industry" is delivered to these countries, it is necessary to fulfill the international contract, that is, to provide them with "military protection" and "political commitment".

For example, the United States stationed troops in Europe, Japan, and Saudi Arabia to provide a "guarantee" that the raw materials and industrial productivity in these three regions can be exchanged by the United States through the "service industry".Please pay attention to a practical problem. If the United States does not have military influence in these regions, I am afraid that these regions will impose taxes on American Internet giants the next day.

Please note that these three regions are quite far away from the US empire. If these three regions are all near the United States, then the US military strategy will be very easy.

But this is the problem, the United States is not right!Internal lack of self-confidence has led to vicious interference in neighboring countries.Let these countries be completely poor and chaotic, unable to threaten themselves.

And these Latin American countries are so chaotic, they cannot afford the mid-level industrial chains such as "clothes", "steel heavy industry" and "electronic labor-intensive industries" transferred after the industrial upgrading of the United States.This forced the U.S. industrial chain to move to Europe, which is far away from him, and the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

This has caused problems in exchanging the tertiary industries such as "culture" and "finance" of the US imperialism for the manufacturing capabilities of these "industrial countries", and its military must be deployed globally.

This problem does not exist in the East in the 21st century. Due to the correct national system, it has been the suzerain country for thousands of years. Even when it is declining, there are a few rebellious rebels around, but when the national power is obviously surpassed, these small countries are without exception. , cannot compete culturally with the Middle Kingdom.The central state can calmly support the economic development of these small frontier countries.Relatively speaking, there is no need to worry about things that are not feasible militarily for these small countries.

So when the industry is deployed in the Mekong River Basin and the islands in Southeast Asia.

In order to safeguard these national interests, the military is much easier than that of the United States.Just talking about the aircraft carrier, this is a bathtub at the door of the house, so there is no need for a nuclear aircraft carrier, and more fleets can be maintained.The railway on land was built to his doorstep, and the group army could come to the border to visit within a few days.It can be transferred back after a few days, sending and receiving freely.

...Back to Wanlun Continent...

All "tertiary industry exchange for international industrial manufacturing" is built on "military ballast", and "military protection interests" cannot bypass geopolitics.The distance actually affects "military deployment cost" and even "management effectiveness".

Chinese history has proved that the army that is too far away starts to fight itself. At least it will become the "Guanning Military Group" and drag down the empire's finances.

Enma doesn't seem to care about "finance", but he is clear in his heart!
A ruler is measured in every powerful country on the continent.Anglo wants to use finance to suck blood. The northern port where the military may log in is [-] kilometers away from the mainland, and the remote northern port of the Sky Empire is also about [-] kilometers away from the core city controlled by the Agricultural Youth Club. .

Enma: "But our power is now closer to the big cities of the empire"

The current first-level stronghold of rural and rural organizations is only ten kilometers away from the city, and some agricultural ticket exchanges are also close to the city. When the mortars in the agricultural area are prepared a few kilometers away, the financial strength of the Agricultural Youth Association is even stronger than that of the external empires. Strong financial impact.

The empire and external powers have controlled gold and silver, trying to use foreign exchange paper money to harvest the raw materials inside the Sky Empire, as well as control the factories. Now the Nongqinghui will barter to prevent these "resources" and "means of production" from being reduced to external forces under control.

This is a severe blow to the external capitalist forces headed by Anglo.

En Ma said to his comrades: "So let's stop thinking about it. Foreign friends from so-called "advanced" countries come to support our just cause of overthrowing the tyrant. After they understand our system, they will want to strangle us directly."

Enma's financial policy has secretly dug a hole for Anglo. Anglo, who has a lot of capital, is now "on the virus, but has no symptoms yet".
Sky Empire, as a terminally ill country, has already begun to get sick.

The backlash of the ominous gold coins broke out, and one came first.

(End of this chapter)

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