out of cage

Chapter 711 Chapter 16.29 Cold War in the Fire

On April 4th, during the Battle of Swan City, behind the Imperial bombardment positions, Imperial soldiers were busy transporting shells from the front line, preparing for the next large-scale bombardment.The war has been fought until now, the imperial soldiers charging forward are numb, and the artillerymen in the rear are also lazy.

Because when the cannonball in your hand is hit, it is no longer a hammer that makes a final decision, but similar to a smashed egg. As for how much to smash, it will make their enemies and the rebels of the empire unbearable?Oh God knows.

Today, the imperial soldiers are still working mechanically, and the locomotive in the distance is slowly passing by with steam and smoke.

On Wanlun Continent, trains are different from the earth. They generally use four-track transportation, which means that the width of the train is at least three times that of the earth, and the track width reaches six meters.This is preset for transporting superheavy armored units.So the train will be like a moving Great Wall of steel, with oppressive force.

Today, the soldiers of the empire don't know that they are identified as their own supply train, and a person is standing on the front of the train, gesticulating at them?Well, it's not a middle finger, nor is it an anti-V mocking gesture, but a very polite, thumbs up to aim.

All the imperial soldiers on the artillery positions did not know that at this time, in the metal carriage of the imperial train, a group of combat motorcycle rangers from the rebel army were already ambushing in the carriage.Get ready to carry out the "Trojan Horse" plan with this hijacked Imperial tank train.

...In the "intelligence" confrontation in the grand army contest, the frontier sentry plays the most important role...

At this time, Enma, as a hero unit, had quietly reached level six in three months of confrontation, and possessed three skills.

The "strike halo" has been changed from one level to two, that is, the ability to mark one's own ballistic trajectory has been extended from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers, which reduces the "circular probability error" of long-range strike accuracy by one-third.

Stealth ability, level two.The optical stealth capability has been completed on the surface for a group of troops, which includes matting stealth and eliminating shadows. In the past, it was used to cover a tank, but now the ability has been expanded. At this time, the five hundred motorcycle riders who boarded the imperial train are Enma. A masterpiece of that ability.

See-through drones, a group of reconnaissance aircraft folded with gold foil and metal brackets, float in the air, like the eyes of the earth, flying to the distance for observation.Now Enma can successfully release three groups and check three perspectives at the same time.

The above three are all common skills and have not been promoted. This is because Enma has determined the "morale" (mana) of his group, which is not enough to support him. The big move he outlined can be used smoothly in this battle.

The "big move" outlined by Enma: phase transmission.

Enma: This requires a large amount of electromagnetic energy, and at least one high-level industrial furnace city is required as the main city of the region to support such a transmission energy supply.And it is necessary to conduct various side effect experiments.

According to Master Wei's logic, it is better to be conservative in this technology without doing animal experiments.

...Enma's level six skills did not improve his big move, but strengthened his "strike aura"...

Before the empire launched the No.11 round of attack, the rebel army began to fire artillery in the urban area and the density reached its peak.The accuracy of the artillery of the rebel army has been qualitatively improved under the digital labeling of Enma's "strike halo".

The artillery quickly suppressed the empire's forward fire positions.

Enma won the orthodox artillery battle.

This is the "positive and odd combination" in the strategy.

Master Wei's military philosophy is to resist head-on, remember to play "odd" in other aspects, otherwise the enemy will play "odd" with you.

... When the frontiers of the Imperial Army were bombed and scrambled, their supplies came. …

When the soldiers on the train got off, a field dining car painted with imperial symbols came down first.Although this thing has never appeared in the empire, the logistics officers who lead the team have the style of "the emperor's capital to the sky" to make this journey go smoothly. The dining car entered the artillery position of the imperial army
After swaggeringly unfolded behind the imperial position, charcoal fire and Malatang appeared on it.A string of mutton smelled fragrant on the charcoal fire, and the meatballs were rinsed in the boiling pot, and the fragrance immediately wafted across the entire position, which refreshed the tired imperial soldiers who had just been in the artillery battle.

The imperial soldiers who were originally on the ground were stupefied and approached, and after hearing "get the military card", you can receive a lunch box

Almost started a chaotic scramble.

When the first batch of imperial soldiers took an oiled paper tube to boil meat, they themselves, who had been treated as livestock for a long time, could not believe that since they worked for the emperor, the empire would have such a humane welfare.

Half an hour later, three cooking vehicles gathered more than 1000 people on the imperial front, and the gendarmerie responsible for maintaining order were all too busy.

However, while the imperial artillerymen were busy eating Malatang, the "reinforcement troops" on the train began to drive motorcycles and approached every artillery firing position.

With the signal gun, it fired on the imperial artillery position.The Imperial artillery positions began to fall.

Half an hour later, when the Empire's motorcycle knights followed the instructions on the "dining car", they made a lightning raid on each artillery ammunition storage node.

The flames rising from the artillery ammunition storage site of the empire made Sugemat, who was commanding the battle five kilometers away, look gloomy and terrifying. He removed the glasses with the mask with one hand.

...In modern land warfare, when one side loses artillery cover, no matter how many troops there are, it is equivalent to not wearing a mask in an 'infected area'...

Five minutes later, another imperial commander, Hughes, after knowing that the revolutionaries directly stole the artillery position, he looked at the undulating defensive position in the direction of Swan City, feeling very bad.

His land cruiser launched the attack four or ten minutes ago, and the attack went very smoothly at the beginning. Wherever the land cruiser went, there were imperial cannons that destroyed these strongholds in advance, but now the artillery fire suddenly stopped.His land cruiser, which had assaulted the city's central street, suddenly became chilly.

General Hughes has already sensed the movement of the rebel army to occupy the commanding heights on both sides.

At the same time, he raised his head, and at the same time, the imperial airship that came to support in the sky was hit by clusters of rockets from the rebel army.The shell of the airship with the symbol of the Imperial Griffin is braving red flames under the attacking rockets.

...On the empty ship, the Imperial soldiers are also panicking now. …

Faced with the many anti-aircraft firepower points that suddenly appeared below the building, he had to release helium to cover the molten aluminum alloy, discard the artillery and other ballast, let the airship maintain a high altitude, and retreat towards a safe zone.

Before the imperial air "griffins" retreated hastily, they caught a glimpse of the armored units of the revolutionary army braving black clouds on the left side of the imperial forward position, and began to start the interspersed scene.

…Increasing artillery counterattack, sneak attack by rear infiltration troops, and anti-penetration by armored troops, Enma’s package is very comprehensive...

Sugemat picked up the phone and asked Hughes, "General Lei Que, didn't you say that the revolutionaries are going to evacuate?"

The bureaucrat overseeing the army that was stuffed by the cabinet gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, my general, my information is like this, but the information does not necessarily correspond to reality."

Sugemat scolded: "Then please screen the information carefully in the future."

He had to look at the armored troops of the rebel army in front of them. The lump-like sandbags hanging on the frontal armor of these rebel army land cruisers were blasted by the machine guns of the empire, blasting pieces of sand mist.

The imperial generals have already seen the red iron stars hanging in front of these car bodies.

… On the other side, En Ma looked at the battle map, where his own armored corps interspersed, and whispered: “I don’t show my power, treat me as a bean bag”…

In the past month, except for Ludis's assault, the defenders of Swan City have been locked in the city to fight.

After the imperial commanders let Ludis go, they stepped up their attack on Swan City.They originally wanted to bully honest people, but they encountered Enma's big pit.

After fighting dozens of times, the entire imperial army acquiesced that the general "Postman" was good at defense.

However, I never expected that the "postman" suddenly started to bite back at this final stage.

Nor is it to blame Sugemat for blaming the intelligence services.This intelligence department is headed by the new cabinet.

In the "micro-management" of the cabinet, he emphasized the so-called "revolutionary party's retreat" key information, forcing him to move the tens of tons of heavy artillery forward, preparing to bomb the railway station and block the revolutionary party's retreat channel .

But now, it is precisely because of the move from the old position to the imperfect position that the old defense and alert system has not been successfully established at all.

Sugemat also missed one point, which is the morale of the soldiers. When the morale has reached a certain level, any mandatory overtime will bring further losses.Moving a cannon is no easy task.Without any "reward", everyone just arrived at the new position and wanted to take a rest.And when it stops, it collapses completely.

This is the reason why the inexplicable cooking truck can make the whole position relax and guard. "People who are hungry and cold don't want to talk, and people who are tired and tired don't want to doubt."

…The imperial army is already, and then declines, and three times exhausted.The one who is demoralized but thinks he has the upper hand is the easiest to steal. …

At this time, Enma, who was on the forward command vehicle, was observing the battlefield through the cameras loaded by his own units.

Although Enma has a "see-through drone" to scout the battlefield ahead, and a "strike halo" to "mark the enemy" on all artillery departments, it will not refuse an additional means of observation and aiming.

At this time, the scene of scrap metal filled with gunpowder smoke in the enemy's artillery position at the front made Enma excitedly wave his fist, and whispered: "I can't kill you sons of bitches."

At the same time, Enma raised his hand high and snapped his fingers. On the rear building positions, Fathead Fish missiles assembled with fiberglass plastic shells and metal engines began to soar into the air.

This wave of heavy rockets flying into the air is used to cover one's own ground armor assault.

Above the heads of the armored queue of the rebel army, pillars of smoke volleyed across the sky, flew over the top of the "Energy Destroyer" chariot of one's own side, leaped several kilometers directly, and landed on the "Heavy Knight" chariot group of the empire.

[-]% of the high-explosive damage, the diffused fire element (heat tunneling), burned the armor of the heavy knight's shell red.

In the ether world, it can be observed that there are traces of molten spots on the roaring mechanical turbofan inside these heavy knight armored vehicles.These "concept" damages can be repaired after the war, but there is no time now,

Enma is taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

From the perspective of the Imperial Army, the Hughes Group, which was about to take down the traitors in one fell swoop, is now caught in a "conspiracy".

His five "heavy knight" heavy tanks and the [-]-ton mechanical spider used for regional air defense had just advanced to the front line when they encountered the rebel army's heavy mechanical equipment interspersed with attacks.

Hughes was very helpless at this time. When his armored attacking troops rushed through the wreckage of a building to form a barrier, before the troops were adjusted and formed an infantry street fighting cover system, the rebel army just pinched at this point to counterattack .

Especially when the super-heavy missile fired from the blind area of ​​the city ruins hit the armored vehicle in front of him heavily, his lips were twitching.

The imperial general roared: "Postman, you must have attended the Imperial Military Academy!"

Enma is "just right" at all counterattack timings, so in the eyes of the professional general of the empire, this is definitely a professional player.

…Enma: It’s not that I’m just right, it’s that you guys aren’t serious enough…

The moment a soldier starts getting involved in politics, wants to be a warlord, that's when it gets rusty.

Hughes, the general, has always been calm and calm, ready to seek benefits from both the conservatives and revolutionaries of the empire by controlling the "temperature" of the war.

Some time ago, it was him who "raised pigs" (released water and let them grow bigger) against the defenders of Swan City.And it happened that Enma intercepted this information through the intelligence chain of the party members.So he was used as a breakthrough point in this battle.

...No. 11 siege battles, fierce battles until three o'clock in the afternoon...

Hughes ordered his own airship to quickly support the battlefield without any mistakes.

Five minutes later, when three reconnaissance planes were shot down by rockets, Hughes finally identified the core of the rebel army group on the heavy armored group.

This core is the "big source" of ENMA's external radiation of industrial machinery concepts in the "Ether Realm".

On the Wanlun Continent, the commanders had a consensus that if they couldn't win a team battle, they would focus on the opposing heroes and force them to retreat.

Hughes consciously identified Enma at the center of the queue.

Enma is now sitting in a command tank that appears to be identical in appearance to the "Energy Destroyer" tank, but with larger internal nuclear power tools, more power and thicker armor.

When Hughes saw Enma, Enma naturally sensed Hughes.In the ether world, the huge concept field with each center as the center is like two huge gears intertwined with each other.

...In the northeast corner of the city, Hughes' main battle mechanical unit rushed towards Enma, and the battle between heroes and heroes began...

When the two sides are close to less than three kilometers.

Hughes opened the energy shield, and then he was in the communication chain of his ether world.He gave an attack command to a special unit in black behind him.

This is his "Death Coiled" special operations unit.This is a combat team of 300 people, 50 people in one group.Usually behind him in an armored personnel carrier.

Hughes has now drawn out such a group of troops.

On the large tank of the Imperial Army, the rear was like a noose gate. The six-meter-high mechanical cover fell, and batches of mechanically transformed infantry in black rushed down. The lower bodies of these mechanical infantry had already turned into spiders. With the mechanical hook lock, the fused strange troops began to quickly pass through the trench and charge towards the armored group of the rebel army.

On the battlefield full of artillery fire, these masked troops, with their morale as if constant, penetrated the line of fire and quickly approached the armored group of the rebel army.

The rebel army quickly noticed this wave of strange imperial army troops that were as dark as a swarm of flies

The side secondary guns of the land cruiser of the rebel army began to pop out from the mechanical window, strafing the group, but as the firepower annihilated these mechanical infantry, the mechanical infantry that had been swept into pieces immediately seemed to be covered in black. The smoke, like mercury, absorbed the surrounding broken parts and recovered. (This is similar to the Terminator t1000)

This is the soldier implanted with special liquid metal material. , because the furnace that produces this thing is bound to the concept of Hughes Twisting, so it cannot expand production. The team code-named Death Coil has a maximum of 300 people.

The insurgents with the combination of infantry and tanks, like sailors on the side of a ship looking at the sea monster below, looked at the debris in front of the car body and felt frightened.

Some veteran tank soldiers sprinkled bottles of pure white salt, which are said to be specially refined exorcism items obtained in the production area of ​​the factory, and sprinkled them near the shooting window of the armored vehicle regardless of the cost.

It was Enma who directly faced the attack of the "Death Coiled" combat team.These infiltrators approached Enma's chariot, braving the hot steam to shoot, and climbed directly along the chimney.

...On the battlefield, the "active soldiers" who have been ignoring the common sense of burning heat are extremely strange. …

Facing this army, Enma, who was sitting in the car body, made prints with his fingers, and as the sun-like spiritual force field in his palm unfolded, the small space in the car body felt like a magic temple.

When En Ma dared to go to the battlefield, he considered various aspects, including a surprise attack by a superhuman team like the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie.As for the attack of a weird team like "Death Coil", it was not unexpected.

Enma patted the shoulders of the other members of his own cockpit, leaving a mental imprint on them, and signaled them to continue driving. Enma walked out of the cockpit, entered the information input, and locked the inside of the cabin door (here is the lock for outsiders. , Enma has a mental verification code)
Enma sensed the invaded area on the car, and walked over it unhurriedly!At each step, "concept strengthening" information was input into the car body program, which made the barrier inside the car body more and more complicated.

Enma came to the "central part" of the land cruiser, where there is a cover exit.

Enma saw a gunner walking towards him from the outside, without saying a word, he turned on the flashlight directly. When the gunner felt blinded, Enma stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

As a result, in the dry cough of his throat, a cloud of ghost-like smoke was directly pinched out. Just as the thing was about to laugh, it retracted into the victim's throat. Enma threw a pill, chili pepper, into the gunner's mouth Beef ball taste.

The gunner came back to his senses in a daze, and quickly saluted Enma. Enma covered his nose and said to him in advance, go to the toilet. After a hasty salute, he ran towards the toilet.

En Ma paused: "Wait,"

The gunner stopped, and Enma added: "Have you brought paper?"

The gunner fumbled his pockets up and down.

Enma took out a piece of toilet paper and stuffed it into his hand.Flashing across this piece of toilet paper are runes.

A few minutes later, in the toilet, as the gunner smoothly pulled it down, and then pressed the flush button, the writhing thing in the urinal was flushed directly into the sewer.

"This kind of spiritual boarding pollution is just a trick."

...The death-coiled corps are the severely burned soldiers collected by Hughes on the battlefield, and they have been transformed by special surgery. …

And Enma walked into the cabin space of the armored vehicle. At this time, it infiltrated in a liquid state. The death entanglement team had just formed. Enma pulled out the saber at his waist to kill the abnormally twisted head.
After one knife and one knife, at this narrow entrance, one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

The nano-metal fusion soldiers who couldn't be killed by machine guns had to become flesh and blood the moment they entered the chariot.This is called "I am the master of my territory".

In the end, the leader of the Death Coiled Squad was thrust into the ground by En Ma with a steel drill, and his feet stepped on him. The captain was severely injured in the chest, and he spat out blood and said in surprise, "You are not a mortal!"

Enma blew on the smoke from the pistol, and said back: "You, don't be a human!"

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