out of cage

Chapter 712 Chapter 16.30 Withdrawal, Chapter Returning to the Original Route

Chapter 712 Chapter 16.30 Withdrawal, return to the original route
"Beep, beep, beep beep, beep beep".

Along with the resonant charge, it sounded in many areas of the dusty Swan City trenches.

The Hughes Group was trapped in the area of ​​"Reed Park" and "Railway Street No. 32".

The rebel army in Swan City has used the tactics of trench extension to divide and surround the aggressive imperial army, leaving a number of small openings for the imperial infantry to evacuate, while the imperial armored forces are tightly trapped in the encirclement, unable to move.

Now the ability of the Empire's heavy armored troops to rampage has disappeared, and the anti-tank mines randomly placed on the block have kept the air pressure lifting device at the bottom of the huge Imperial tracked tanks there. Supporting the imperial infantry in combat has become a decoration.

Under the cover of the firepower of a gas tank projectile, the soldiers jumped off the diesel truck the size of a pickup truck with bolt-action rifles in their hands, and occupied the territories that had been randomly crushed by the empire's heavy tanks dozens of days ago.

On the battlefield, on the armor belts on both sides of the super-heavy vehicles trapped in the ruins of the empire, only the secondary guns were still firing continuously, and the [-]mm quadruple cannons swept across the battlefield ahead like a jet of fire. , The dense suppressive firepower ignited the front position, making it impossible for them to retreat and aim, but the main gun did not dare to act.

Because the soldiers of the empire could not bear this firestorm by themselves.

...Fire tunneling has always been a serious problem in multi-dimensional industrial wars...

As ordinary soldiers, the firearms on hand still have a speed limit.On the eve of the uprising, most of the insurgents could only use six-shot bolt-action rifles. This was not a question of industrial productivity, but a question of whether the spirit could withstand the recoil of "gunpowder tunneling". (Just like the modern Desert Eagle, there are not many people who can hold it and play it steadily.)
If we look at each individual from the perspective of the etheric world, regular soldiers are different from temporarily recruited militiamen, and the contents of iron and fire in the soul are different.
The war gradually turned to night.

Enma confirmed that his trench had advanced to 300 meters from the Hughes armored group, and immediately issued a general attack order.

At this time, the insurgents at the front have deployed the slide rail gas tank artillery, and after deployment, this street fighting ace heavy firepower is ready to fire a salvo.

As the countdown was issued, it was like a grand fireworks display in the city. Gas tank bombs ejected from the cylinder barrels, like heavy rain, hit the six Land Cruisers in "Reed Park" and "Railway Street No. 32".

These land cruisers wanted to escape during the explosion, but they walked in a panic. At Ivy Avenue, there was a loud noise, and the direct chassis of the "Omo" in the center of the cruiser line encountered a "small volcanic eruption".

That's right, the rebel army buried three tons of explosives in the pit on the way the empire's heavy armor retreated, and stacked the hard manhole cover to form a "concave blasting metal jet".

En Ma looked at the Imperial armored vehicle that was completely lying down, and clapped his hands: "Tsk tsk, no matter how thick the armor is, no matter how strong the concept is, the explosives are enough."

Hughes, who was at the center of the explosion, climbed out of the destroyed cruiser hatch, looked at the burning fires around him, and said weakly: "This, this is the rebels, hiding their strength!"

In the eyes of this Hughes, the city defenders led by the postman have been defined as the first-class strong army in the empire.

From the uprising to the present, Enma has clearly defined the combat power of the rebel army: in terms of combat capability, it belongs to the middle and low ranks.The firepower is even more disadvantaged, and the only advantage is that the morale is several times higher than that of the old army.

However, Enma will not adopt the "massive casualties" strategy just because his troops have faith and can withstand casualties.

As a boy from the countryside, Enma has always been very careful in his life, and he is very concerned about any form of loss.Not to mention human lives.In the army, it is emphasized that if you can "use your brain", you should not be reckless, and you must promote successful experience.

Now a unique military spirit has been formed.

And the birth of such an army is as important to Iron Star as transporting away the "means of production" and "workers' organization."

Enma looked at the imperial army fleeing in embarrassment in the night: Regardless of what the conservatives in the empire and the opportunistic factions in the revolution are now calculating, Iron Star has its way.

In the dark night, Enma's complexion was iron, and his gaze on the remnants of the empire was like an eagle's gaze on a mouse.

The "strategic retreat" planned by Enma will not change because of the current situation.

But before retreating, all the stocks, the remaining military surplus, must be deducted from the imperial army that is now besieging him.

… Honest people are also angry, En Ma is not a loyal and unparalleled soldier, En Ma: I am not of high quality...

On the side of the Imperial Army, the five knight-level heavy tanks all collapsed, and even the [-]-ton missile vehicle in the back row, and the [-]-ton mechanical spider were also bombarded, destroying the concept, and began to burn, melt and soften , and eventually become scrap iron.

Sugemat's corps couldn't respond in time, and was intercepted at a distance of [-] kilometers, watching Hughes' corps being blown up on the side of the encirclement.

The combat vehicle that Hughes was riding was also bombed by rows of heavy rockets, and it was blown to pieces. Hughes could only activate the personal transmission device at the end and returned to the rear industrial position.

As a hero unit, his personal vehicle was killed, which meant that the entire imperial army was defeated, and all mecha units were also blocked by various strange things such as entangled steel cables in the subsequent pursuit operations, and turned over into the river.

During the battle, it is impossible for the empire's heavy mechanical units to surrender, because in the central unit, in order to ensure the stability of the concept, the mental power of the soldiers is in the rotation of the mechanical concept. Once the war machine is activated, the mental power of the soldiers cannot be separated.

Therefore, most of them climbed out after being destroyed and were unconscious and captured.

In this battle, the revolutionary army achieved unprecedented victories and captured [-] imperial troops including the artillery positions and the front-line supply corps.The Imperial banner was dropped from the South Shore position, and the Iron Star was welded to the top of the flagpole.

When the news came out, the whole country was shaken.However, just as all parties in the empire are working on this, and the telegraph public opinion begins to game with each other.

There was news from Swan City that the troops at the front of the Imperial Army and the rebel troops were holding peace talks.

Of course, the imperial capital reprimanded the frontline generals for reckless orders, but following the news of the peace talks, after the rebel army withdrew from the encirclement and gave up Swan City, various revolutionary parties began to protest.

...Enma's condition is: the imperial generals let their own side transfer to the north with industrial materials and population, and transfer the city by themselves...

During the Swan City raid, Hughes, who was recuperating in the Imperial Field Sanatorium, watched the radicals of the revolutionaries clamor and crushed the newspapers.

Although he does not deny that this is a complete defeat.This is the first time that the imperial army has been annihilated by an organized and captured division-level combat force in a battle against the rebels.But the main force in this battle is by no means the speculative radicals clamoring in the newspapers.

First of all, he underestimated the enemy and raised the Swan City rebels as pigs for a month, only to be overturned by the reverse.

Furthermore, he admitted that the defenders in Swan City were worthy opponents, especially the commander he had previously regarded as a countryman.Is a tactical genius.

In the end, the two sides, now after the war, decided to reconcile.After starting to break away from the hostile relationship, after the two sides had a conversation and game across the screen, Hughes felt a little heroic towards Enma.

But Hughes understood that once he agreed to the postman and sent this army back to the north, there would be endless troubles in the future.

...But at this time, the imperial army in the direction of Swan City can't afford it anymore. The situation has changed, and the army has become an asset for the generals to live and work...

In Swan City, En Ma watched a series of industrial furnaces such as "steel", "chemical industry" and "mechanical processing and manufacturing" packed and taken away, and let out a long breath.

If the defenders keep the blockade, these thousands of tons of equipment cannot be transported away.

But now it can be transported to the ship calmly, and then transported to the northern base area by heavy-duty railway.Of course, together with all the technicians and family members, a community has been rebuilt according to their needs in the northern base area.

As for why you want to evacuate instead of continuing to hold on.No matter how the outside world discusses, the entire city has reached a consensus.

…During the struggle, if the trachea is pinched, it is not fighting for oneself, but being used as a gun by others...

In the military command, Enma stated this: In the current military situation, although our army has seriously hit the strength of one division of the imperial army, the empire still has three divisions on the periphery, and there are still eight divisions in the direction of the imperial capital , The most important thing is that in the early stage of the battle, the imperial army did not try its best to block our supply line.

And now in other cities in the "recovery zone", the so-called support is also kept in words.Even giving verbal support to us is beginning to be reluctant, for fear that we have made great contributions to suppress their limelight.

As for stabbing us in the back, there are countless more.In this battle, when a large amount of supplies have been almost consumed, I can't find a suitable reason to continue to stick to it.

Enma held a military ration bread bag in his hand and pointed to the price tag on it.There are three price tags on it, the innermost ex-factory price tag is [-]p, but when it is shipped to the front line, the outermost price tag is [-]p.

The bureaucrats in the rear speculatively entered the reform camp, and the black-hearted things that they didn't act out have now become a flame that the rebels in Swan City can't extinguish.

In terms of the civil administration system, Enma mobilized like this: "Everyone, I know that some people want to stay and are unwilling to leave this big city and go to the cold northern regions. It's okay to stay, but after listening to me, I have a few consequences. You judge.

As a big city that has already rebelled, the empire, as the ruling group, will never let go of every "infected rebellion" grass.

Narrator: Enma predicted that once the empire retakes the big city, its top bureaucrats will brutally cleanse the city. Even the top of the empire doesn't want to be so crazy, but they lack manpower, they will have to use cruel officials.

The current situation in the empire cannot tolerate the softness of the upper echelon of the empire. They will use the most tragic means to retaliate against the cities they have recovered to deter other big cities that are still opposing them.So we have to go now, and we have to go with all the women and children.

I can assure you that if all that hadn't happened in Swan City, you could still come back.

...In this way, "Swan" struggled to spread its wings and left the dangerous lake that was about to freeze. …

On April 31th, 4, the rebel army in Swan City of the Empire completed its evacuation after occupying the city for three months, and handed over the defense area to the No.24 Army of the Empire, which is the Sugemat Department. .When handing over the defense zone, the rebels dismantled all the large equipment.

The 300-meter-long airship, like a football, can finally hover directly above the city without being attacked by missiles.Looking at the city where the main roads had been cleaned, Sugemat frowned and said, "Perhaps, the team we let go will have more trouble in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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