out of cage

Chapter 713 Chapter 16.30 City, Country, Bond

Chapter 713 Chapter 16.30 City, Country, Bond
On May 5, there was a heavy snowfall in the entire empire.But all kinds of emotions in the empire are extremely hot.

At the end of January, Dang Enma led a team of 24 people along the road east of Swan City to quickly break out of the encirclement.Both the revolutionary faction and the imperial conservative faction were in an uproar.

Such a large group of rebels from the Imperial Conservative Party passed through the Imperial Army's defense zone as if they were in no one's land, and moved towards the north.It's swearing, it's traitors.

And among the Revolutionary faction, Enma led his troops, abandoned the big city of Shouyi, and fled to the north, denouncing it as a rebellion.

But then, the conservatives and reformers of the empire faced an embarrassing fact, what should they do next.

The fighting in Swan City is becoming more and more fierce. In their respective camps, as long as the two parties yell fiercely, they can show their loyalty to the camp. But now that the fighting in Swan City has stopped, they have to show If you are loyal, you will go on stage and bite each other.

At this moment, it was like "two dogs bared their teeth across the iron railing, as if wishing to swallow each other alive, but after the railing was suddenly removed, they immediately became honest with each other."

...The two-faced factions of the empire are even more busy returning to neutrality...

Enma had no time to mock these people at this time, and published a document in the name of the "lord", welcoming the withdrawal of the Swan City team to the base area, and publicly declared that "building from scratch in the countryside" was the correct way.

Before the urban faction issued a rebuttal, Iron Star issued a new article to counterattack: "The revolution is the revolution of all people, not the revolution of the city people, and the countryside is not the land for this process. We have done our duty to support Swan City .Unlike some "giant babies", except for shouting slogans, they only ask for it."

Of course, it stepped on the backs of those speculators in the urban school.Started a massive attack, the Nongqing Society split the uprising.

This "mouth cannon" is going to be endless, but it is destined not to spend energy here.

The youths of Swan City began to rebuild the factory and prepared all related materials for industrial production.

Among them, food is the top priority and requires strong support from agricultural regions.In a purely agricultural state, a village of 1000 people can only support a dozen full-time soldiers fighting across hundreds of kilometers.

In the early stages of industrial accumulation, most of the industrial population was consumers, which was a huge burden on agricultural areas.

The early colonial empires filled their industrial accumulation by plundering the outside world and starving the agricultural areas of the colonies on a large scale.But as a "social governance" it is absolutely impossible to do so.

It is necessary to carry out precise integration of resources in agricultural areas, that is, precise "grain requisition".And this is a very "high-tech management job", because once the collection is excessive, it will starve people to death.But it is also necessary to face the problem of unbalanced collection.

Because: those who have food have resistance, those who lack food have little resistance, and the bureaucratic system at the bottom will give priority to expropriating "small households and small households" because of "easily asylum".

...Agricultural areas and industrial areas, there is no priority, the development of the two areas is complementary...

Iron Star brought out not only industrial means of production, but also valuable human resources from Swan City.

The engineering and science personnel are in the factory, and the liberal arts personnel are arranged to conduct work investigations in rural areas.

In the countryside, in a temporary stronghold, under the lights erected, a veteran cadre of the Agricultural Youth Association conducted a dialogue with more than 600 groups that were preparing to work in the countryside.

Veteran cadre: "We are not bandits. Bandits cannot use food to add value. They only know how to make their bodies strong. After we obtain resources, we will grow stronger and mobilize a wide range of forces to develop productivity. fair world."

At the beginning of the spring of 32, the Agricultural Youth Association began to spread the empire on a large scale, and the base area extended to all the rural and rural areas of the empire like a beacon of fire.

The collection of taxes has begun.In the process of entering the countryside, the priority is to register, and a large number of pots and pans are given during this process.

During the registration process, a census is completed, along with the "usury" owed by each household.

Then after figuring out these "debtors" in the rural and rural areas, the Agricultural Youth Association began to carry out compulsory loans to the landlord group. (Enma: If you have money to lend to the villagers, why not come and buy my industrial stocks.)
In Geding, a rural village on the east side of the empire, an armed struggle began. A manor owner looked at more than 600 people gathered outside the gate, trembling with fear, as if facing an abyss.

In rural and rural areas, if a village gathers [-] young adults, it will be crushing for other villages.And if more than a thousand young adults are organized by external organizations, they can crush all village-level ecosystems.

The ancient peasant uprising in the east of the main world was surprisingly powerful. Using local materials, ordinary catapults could smash down the landlord’s bunker. At the door of the house, it is basically a one-shot one.Even if the manor owner has a few well-equipped guards.

It is especially worth mentioning that in modern times, when the mind is awakened, the executive power of people gathered together is not comparable to that of ancient times. A hundred organized and executive people are better than two or three people with guns. People are much stronger.

At present, amidst the turbulent changes in the countryside of the empire, even weak women now have the courage to spit on the stubborn grandparents of the manor when facing the manor owner.Don't be afraid of their blows, because if these grandparents dare to act presumptuously, they will encounter a thousand times the anger.

No, after the manor owner and guard team fired a shot, the gas tanks on the three metal slide rails began to take off, and landed heavily on the firing side of the manor, and suddenly the fire cloud rose and turned people off their backs.Then the gates of the manor had to be opened.

The person who started the fire, as well as the owner of the manor as the mastermind, will be tried. Since no casualties were caused to the conscript team, they will be sentenced to two to three years of hard labor.

Of course, once the expropriation team dies, one life will be exchanged for another. In troubled times, no one is willing to obey without heavy punishment.

As manors that resisted expropriation were breached one by one, new authorities began to be established.

Of course, this establishment process is destined to be slandered by opponents.

...Since ancient times, the guy who claims to have drunk ink wears the most colored glasses...

For example, as the manor owners fled into the big cities, the urban factions were naturally furious, claiming that this was a "rogue-style" pseudo-leather.

Just like in modern times, some crooked literati invented the term "rogue and propertyless".The people who invented such words also invented "patriot thief" and "war wolf" in different eras.

Those who invented these words, as the glamorous party, often portrayed the "non-urban revolutionaries" and the homespun revolutionaries as hooligans who joined the chaos at the beginning of the uprising, only to grab the rich. Mentality, pretending to be a part of the trend

Once upon a time, many peasants were not well literate, and they were pua, and they also acquiesced to this statement.

But now, Enma, as a "shaft torch", told all the rural people in the empire: The so-called above theory is pure fart!

Enma: When the city is unwilling to share the “industrial means of production” with the countryside, then the rural faction can only accumulate the means of production by itself. In this process, the part of the people (farmers) who “own the means of production in the countryside” will inevitably be punished. "Key transformation".

This kind of "key transformation" is not through supporting "manor owners" to become parliamentary gentry,
Nor is it to turn these "landlords" into compradors with the so-called "new life and new culture".Instead, let them invest in indigenous industrial activity, keeping capital in rural and rural areas.

The urban literati, as middle-aged people who consider themselves bourgeois, will not be willing to go to the countryside. Once they are forcibly sent to the countryside, they will spare no effort to slander them as "persecution". They only want to be teachers and guide those in the countryside The manor owner seeks a new life and becomes a comprador.

Because the thinking of the so-called "urban people" always wants to flow the surplus capital in the countryside into their mouths through the straws they have laid.

En Ma looked at the smoke from the factory in the countryside: Some city people always want to show off that "smokeless briquettes" can be used in the city, but they don't think about turning straw in the countryside into biomass pellet fuel.

…Looking back at 21st century history,…

Industrialization is an inevitable path for a country.

In the process of primitive accumulation of industrialization, the countryside had to become the supplier.However, as the supply side, rural and rural areas have not mastered the "bonds". Instead, they have become the bearers of the "debt" and have lost the right to speak culturally. This is very irresponsible.

A country based on the rural route cannot let the countryside have nothing because of the correctness of the legal system.

In the process of industrial development, the infrastructure will be continuously updated.Although these rural investments are at a loss in the market.

The industrialized countries (all Western countries) with the urban route will be in a "seemingly fair exchange". After several generations, it is easy to ignore that the manpower and raw materials provided by the countryside in the process of industrial accumulation should enjoy the country's "primitive equity" ".

Enma said to himself: For the sake of justice, the value-added after the development of each city should be divided into dividends, and the infrastructure of surrounding villages should be developed, instead of transforming housing into housing and increasing the value of urban residents' assets.

(End of this chapter)

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