out of cage

Chapter 751 Chapter 17.25 Failure to discredit

Chapter 751 Chapter 17.25 Failure to discredit
The imperialist war continued to collide on the Wanlun continent. In the west of the continent, although the rebel army dealt heavy damage to Anglo's rule, it was still a bit far from overthrowing Anglo.

Anglo is a country with sea power, and a sea power country and a land power country are different in many common senses in governance.

For countries with land rights, the source of wealth is land, and the focus of business is also land.Once the land is cut off and this part of the wealth system comes into the hands of the rebels, the ruling power will be replaced and replaced.

However, the sea power governance model is to control the port. As long as the port is controlled, the rule can be maintained. Therefore, no matter how noisy the rebel army is, with the big city in hand, the ruling power is still very stable.

When the area on the land has been completely impoverished by them (the pirates and the imperialists) and fell into the hands of the rebels, the Anglo only lost a piece of raw material production, and the industry did not lose.

It can even be said that the original inland raw material origin may not be lost, because as long as a small number of uprising leaders are bought in the future, it is nothing more than buying raw materials at a higher price during this period.

Anglo is like a prison warden by controlling the major seaports to hold the gates of major regions, and finally through the method of "imprisonment" to kill each uprising area.

...Mediterranean civilizations like to "lock"...

In modern times, the reason why those countries with sea power were able to pay lip service to internal conflicts without actually realizing it was this logic.

Whether it's disaster relief under a hurricane, or the execution of drug abuse, they always show "I sympathize, I am sad, and I offer flowers." These so-called polite humanistic care, but do not pay attention to practical handling .

Because, what management is needed for the origin of raw materials?As for the origin of raw materials, as long as the contradictions are not aimed at self-government, and the price of raw materials does not rise to harm one's own interests, then everything will be fine.

Therefore, for countries with sea power, when there are difficulties in governance, public relations are enough, and enough "humanistic feelings" are enough.

That's right, their governance of the inland area is the public relations of a big company. Have you seen that the public relations really bring back feedback, and then the company works together to solve the problem?
The public relations in the company only represent the company, telling you to stop making trouble, and will specifically "express sincerity".Well, it’s better to replace compensation with sincerity.”

Wei Keng: The victims couldn't blow up the boss's building, let alone sue their legal department in the local court where they must win.

...The rule of a sea power country cannot be manipulated by a civilized country on the mainland. …

In the 3238 year of the Fire Emblem Calendar of the Wanlun Continent, the rebel army clearly investigated the current situation on the mainland.

At this time in Anglia, the major cities are still well-defended. The reinforced concrete walls tens of meters high are far stronger than the molten steel tower cities that Iron Star defended back then. The loading and firing of the cannon is basically automatic. Unless such a city collapses on its own under a long-term siege, it is really difficult to break through from the outside.

Even if "attacking the heart first" tries to disintegrate this fortress internally, it still needs the backing of a strong external deterrence. This "external deterrence" not only relies on land siege, but also requires a strong navy to block it, ensuring that external food and material supplies are completely cut off. Just like Rome did to Carthage.However, Anglo naval power has always been the best in the continent.So judging from the situation on the mainland at this time, Anglo's enemies are still unable to do this

In addition, Wei Keng also discovered regional cultural issues. The Anglo Sur region and the South Weir region were not connected in many places. In the past, they were connected entirely by seaports.

This kind of governance model, which cuts a piece of area vertically, reduces its horizontal connection, and finally converges into a single big city, also guarantees the stability of Anglo rule to the greatest extent.

Wei Keng: "It's just like the nest of insect swarms. The only place where each area can communicate is the central area. There is no business and cultural exchange in neighboring areas, even if they are very close."

...the uprising within the Anglo-Anglo could not reach the eastern mode of "all the world is against" and "hordes vying for the throne"...

The rebel army brought food to the next door to support the uprising, but they could not bring back substantial help, and because there were too many grains to support the rebel army next door, it even caused emotional problems in the food production base.

Because of the same transaction with the Anglo purchasing officer, Anglo has the advantages of sea and railway, and the purchase price is more affordable.

The locals who joined the rebel army felt that this was good. Relying on the right to speak obtained by the resistance now, the local area gained more advantages. As for the neighbors, they failed to resist successfully. Why should the results of the resistance be distributed to them?
This is obvious hilltopism, a small country with few people.Zuo Cao and other thoughtful people understand that the fact that Anglo is not suppressing now is not due to the kindness of the empire, but because the empire is temporarily unable to spare.

And once the empire is free, how can it be willing to buy food raw materials at the current "high price".At that time, it will definitely counterattack.At that time, if there is no help from the revolutionary forces in the neighboring areas, they will soon be defeated one by one.

But Wei Keng couldn't condescendingly reprimand these later local rebels, because their original ideal was to reduce oppression in their hometown, not to liberate the oppressed in Wanlun.

A goal that is invisible at this stage, and it is not well executed at this stage.How can people believe it?

…The thrust of fate keeps pushing Wei Keng, the resister, to a high and stable position, but Wei Keng is always pivoting so that his feet have soil...

At the end of 3238, Wei Keng left the northern base with his team.Continue to develop southward, but this time it is not so smooth. The Anglos bought the inside line and exposed the direction of the uprising.

3239 10 Month 9 Day.

The individual code-named Zuo Cao was besieged by the troops, blocked by the Anglos, and died in battle after being defeated.

After the Anglo imperial soldiers determined that the enemy was the rebel army who had been a headache for them for several years, instead of respecting their opponents like a gentleman, they cut off their heads mercilessly and stabbed them with bayonets. To vent his desire to kill this big bandit that undermined the stability of the empire.

Of course, pointing out Zuo Cao's traitor didn't have a good time either.The traitor was spreading rumors and testified that the leader of the rebel army was actually a bandit, who robbed women everywhere, and liked to eat human flesh and other strange evil deeds, and eventually lost value to the Anglos.

How could the Anglos, as "righteous" knights, allow the demon king's accomplices to live (return the confession), of course they were executed by cannonball, and amidst the applause of everyone, they executed the demon's attendants, um.

...Wei Keng experienced a dead end woven by the gods, and understood why no one could get through it in the past...

After a period of time, in October 3240, the empire supported a certain pro-imperial element in the rebel army to take power through economic exchanges with the Sur base, and began large-scale friendly transactions with the empire.suppressed the internal revolutionaries,

In the year 3241 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Anglo Empire instigated an internal power struggle in the Suer uprising area, and deliberately set up a reorganization of the radical faction of the rebel army, forcing the pro-imperial faction to clean up the interior.

However, during this clean-up, Anglo also supported the conservatives in the base area, and began to form the so-called "many democratic politics" with the original pro-imperial faction, allowing the Suhr region, which still has an independent tendency, to carry out the next step of "gradual progress". evolution."

This is the next course of treatment, referred to as "gradual evolution". The Angles are professional in suppressing uprisings and dividing uprisings.

…In Anglo history books as victors, all rebellion is defined as a lich who “destroys civilization”…

At the end of October 3239.

In the Anglo Clock Tower City, Lance, who was withdrawn from the front line, was looking at the latest information. Shirley saw her husband coming back, wearing a long western-style dress, and was bringing coffee for him. Next door to the bungalow was a four-year-old Daughter and son are playing,
Lance saw the leader of the rebel army in the photo, and his expression was silent.

Xue Lisi, with a clatter, stretched out her hand to put away the newspaper, a little dissatisfied: "You came back to rest, don't work."

Lance said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my dear, it's really hard to let go of my heart if I don't take a look at it." Shirley put the newspaper aside, glanced at the contents of Lance's newspaper, and sighed: "That gangster It's already dead, but it's a pity for those girls who were killed by him."

Lance: "Yes, the empire is weakened, and all kinds of monsters will come out." Then he raised Xue Lisi's hand and kissed: "My beautiful princess, don't worry, I will always protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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