out of cage

Chapter 752 Chapter 17.25 The Pressure of Valer, Anglo's Abacus

Chapter 752 Chapter 17.25 The Pressure of Valer, Anglo's Abacus
At this time, Anglo's current situation is not good or bad. After suppressing the internal uprising, the external battlefield situation is not good. In the past two years, the Commonwealth of Vers has raised a quite powerful general, Poma.

Just after Anglo wiped out the rebel army, Poma finally received the mission and returned to Vail. (This is obviously the arrangement of the gods, in order to let the Anglos wipe out Wei Keng with all their strength)
In 3240, the Southern Legion mobilized by the Republic of Vernon joined the battlefield.

On April 4, 7 heavy units launched an attack on the Anglo-South town of Somme.As the commander of this battle, Poma used a tentative bombardment. After detecting the opponent's firepower counterattack position, he suppressed it, and then used a light mechanized, five-ton ball tank (refer to the Soviet Russian experiment) to cut in. Position charge.

After this kind of quick and stormy attack on the position, it is to occupy the position in the gap between the enemy's artillery preparations, and seize the opportunity for the follow-up heavy armored forces.

Four hours later, the heavy artillery driven by Poma used energized tungsten steel bullets (skills) to penetrate six Anglo units, successfully cut off the Anglo heavy regiment, and won the heavy armored war.

On the battlefield at this time, since large bombers have not been able to develop, the power of airships is far from forming an absolute advantage over ground mobile air defense firepower, so the status of heavy armor firepower is the same as that of the earth's 21st century air force.In the 21st century, the Air Force's air supremacy is suppressed and gone, and other operations are useless, and it is the same here.

When the heavy armor was contained, the [-] divisions that relied on armor lost their fire cover and were annihilated one by one.

Poma looked at the fallen Somme. The steeple-like cathedral that used to be the center of the surface city had now been cut off a third of the top.

Poma: "Here is a sharp knife that went into Anza."

...On the map, the huge intersecting arrows are the great achievements of the general, but they are the meat grinder for the death of the soldiers...

In the Battle of Somme in 3240, Anglo's decline appeared.It seems that the outcome of the war is about to be decided.

In this kind of large-scale regional war, when one region wins, the victor will have enough troops to concentrate in other theaters, which forms a snowball advantage.Unless Anglo finds a new force to fill this hole.

Anglo is using all its diplomatic power to try to drag more national forces into the war. In the Anglo newspapers, the former Thunderbolt Alliance began to show signs of revival.

However, the Kingdom of Osima politely rejected Anglo's solicitation. In the past few years, the Kingdom of Osima has been a protruding hole opened by Iron Star in the northeast, and it is bleeding in the "oral ulcer" mode.And the rebel forces of the Southern Iron Star model began to increasingly replace the local warlord forces in Osima.

Hundreds of years, layer after layer of defense, the sense of dependence generated, can't be offset if it is broken.

When Iron Star gathered two teams (24 vehicles) of land cruiser machinery groups in the north, the old forces of Osima had to maintain twice as many heavy machinery groups (60 vehicles) to encircle them.

But right now, under the premise that a large number of cement bunkers piled up between Osima and Iron Star have lost their function, Iron Star has retreated the front line, shrunk the stronghold, and concentrated the corps on several nodes.

But Osima can't, Osima is blocking the possible offensive ability of Iron Star in the north in the direction of Kaidi City.The corps under the static defense system composed of reinforced concrete bunkers cannot be dismantled.

It's like once biology starts to evolve toward stacking armor, the armor can't be removed.

...If you want to wait for the "armor-breaking" power to exist, then you have to let some "new shoots" grow up quickly...

After Anglo learned about Osima's situation, he hurriedly set off to find Iron Star, but the price offered by Iron Star was even more unacceptable to Anglo, that is, a series of island bases in the southeast of Wanlun Continent.

This kind of thing to challenge Anglo's maritime hegemony is the reason why Anglo formed the Thunderbolt Alliance at a high cost last time. If Iron Star wins at this time, what is the point of Anglo's war with Val now?

But for Iron Star, it doesn't matter. Compared with the idealist like "Enma" who looks at the whole Wanlun, the current leader of Iron Star, Willie, is a practical faction.

Regarding the "Kady" fortress city, the so-called "Iron Star takes advantage of it" said that Willy did not agree with it at all.

What Willie knows best about this war is: Anglo provoked Osima and fought a blood feud war with the sky for 400 years. Now this blood feud has not been resolved, and he intervened in the early stage of the uprising, and owed the sky empire A lot of so-called legal treaties, these treaties, you have not abolished yourself, and you are going to pull them up for a second transaction.You, Anglo, still maintain the Thunderbolt Alliance, and you will pick up this "chip" threat at any time in the future, so Willie's attitude is very clear.

For the current Iron Star Federation politicians, you used to settle accounts that were not clean, but now you want to bring these dirty old accounts to the negotiating table to negotiate, there is no way!I don't settle the previous accounts with you anymore, and now I will directly settle the new accounts. The southern island base is in stock, will you give it to me.

...Enma looked at Willie's "aggressiveness" and sighed: "If I were me, I wouldn't have a word with Anglo." Because it is different from the position of hegemony, don't bargain for hegemony. …

December 3241, 2.

The Anglo envoy who visited the sky left Iron Star indignantly. After returning to Rota City, he said in the victim's tone, "I came to mediate the war with great sincerity, but was humiliated by the vulgar rural farmers like Iron Star." narrative.

It was a well-told story, and caused the Anglo-nobles, the nobles, and the factory owners, to curse Iron Star.So they have donated money and materials to support the empire to tide over the difficulties now.

Of course, against the backdrop of the dedication of the aristocrats, a higher tax rate was launched in the empire, and a large number of new factories were forcibly taken over, and the management was unified by the "War Assets Management Committee" formed by the Anglo.

Oh, the members of the War Assets Committee have an open director-general (amateur debut), and twenty anonymous senior members. Among these anonymous people who have the right to vote on major events, three of them are members of the Anglo royal family, and the rest are also members of the Anglo royal family. He is the duke and the head of a key industry family.

For things like fairness, if there are no tricksters to dig to the bottom, the ruler will gradually develop a variety of dexterous means to let everyone muddle along and maintain nominal fairness.

In this war, Anglo also found its own way and carried out centralization.

 新年 快乐

(End of this chapter)

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