out of cage

Chapter 769 Chapter 18.03 Guarding for the Fiery Gathering

Chapter 769 Chapter 18.03 Guarding for the Fiery Gathering
At home, Seagate, who came back from get off work in the textile factory, saw the remittance left behind and the letter left by Zheng Nian, and his expression was complicated.

Wearing the combat uniform of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie, she was about to give chase, but when she walked out the door, she glanced outside the window and noticed a black owl staring at her (this is the pet of Anglo mystics. Black owls are often hostile. , while the white ones deliver letters to new wizards).

This made Seagate, who was about to recover Zheng Nian, hesitated.

Over the years, as Zhengnian's caregiver, she already has the feelings of a mother in essence. Seeing Zhengnian's progress in learning and step by step towards a vigorous state, she has a gratifying sense of accomplishment.

And in the past year, she had no choice but to change her identity during the identity screening under the "Operation Zhengfeng" in Iron Star.

It so happened that in the past year, Her Royal Highness's letter made her feel that Zheng Nian would have a good future when she returned.

Over the years, the indistinct closeness that has been left in her mind gave her the idea of ​​starting a new life.Hesitating whether to tell Zheng Nian her life experience? (When Seagate held the idea of ​​salvation that year, he hoped that the idea of ​​salvation would restore the country.)
The "turmoil in the world of mortals" invisibly made her delay in "devotion to duty". As Zheng Nian grew up, Seagate suddenly calmed down.

That is, in Iron Star at this time, Zhengnian seems to be suppressed in the future, so does going to Anglo have a future?Xue Lisi is no longer Her Highness Princess, what is her arrangement for Zheng Nian?Sent into the Compass Tower to become an Oro, and then join some special Anglo administration?In short, now that Xue Lisi is married to Lance, it is impossible to publicly recognize Zheng Nian.

To be honest, Seagate, as an "agent" existence, knows the helplessness in the dark.

And because she knew, she didn't want to let the love that grew up in the sun fall into it.

Wei Keng: "Damn it, young people are already sweating profusely when they walk the right path, and they still need to compete for the normal right to speak with those garbage who have no business to do and are treated as 'consumables'. This is a serious waste, work and study time.

When "love the motherland" cannot be said boldly, it will be crowned with negative words such as "less reading" and "pink".

If you want to integrate into the outside circle, but you are rejected as an outsider, and you want to cut off from the past, those outsiders always feel that you will not look like them after cutting off.

Your self-confidence will sink into your bones and become arrogance instead of pride. Your reflection will deeply develop the essence and will not become inferiority complex.

Instead, they pre-emptively claimed that they were spying on military intelligence, and directly charged this serious crime.

As the old area of ​​the armed uprising in the southern mountainous area, Wei Yun and other representatives clearly realized the importance of maintaining their independence at this time.

…Flying an airplane in the sky consumes a lot of energy. …

Zhengnian said that all the pork ribs were hidden under the rice.

The sacrificial priest sensed the range of spells in the east: "The concept of forbidden spells is decreasing."

At this time, Poma stood in the center of "left" and "right", remained neutral, and maintained his own independent views: Over the years, the Iron Star Federation's ability to ban laws has begun to weaken as the power of destiny has returned.

…At this time, the Wei Keng individual in the non-Iron Star area is now guiding those technicians who have left the Iron Star.This is a job that consumes "spirit"...

Seagate returned home, put away the check, and slowly packed his luggage, actually cleaning up the traces.She has been loyal to her duties for 15 years, and she is ready to disobey the order of Her Royal Highness at this moment.

As a result, the garbage on certain islands, as well as external pornographic media, have been popular on the Internet for decades, so that all correct shouts have become hoarse! "

...This year, the wing knife is being polished...

Wei Keng: "As a middle-aged person, we should buy time for them to complete the correct accumulation. Instead of accumulating for those who can be smart and 'get rich first' decades later."

"Deficiency of mental immunity" is not an intellectual problem. Those who immigrated from the East in the ancient industrial era were all very intelligent people with strong memory and comprehension abilities.

As a result, the 'talents' who can concentrate on studying and pass numerous assessments are all for going abroad. "

The arcanist of the Academy of Sciences said: "This is the war of the gods."

Wei Keng felt that at least Zheng Nian was deeply rooted and there was no loss of will.

... On the multidimensional plane, Wei Keng sneered at the tricks of the gods at this time: "It's still the same as (the main world) thousands of years ago."...

Iron Star immigrants with a loss of willpower are like damp firewood, and it is not suitable for them to come into contact with "hot fire".

In such a heavy and gloomy atmosphere, the knowledge learned will be confused, and there will be no scientists who concentrate on the rise of the country.

Therefore, regarding those people who have lost their will, now there is a Wei Keng split as the leader of these people.

In the current military department of Osima South, the main purpose is to cultivate "hero-level" mainstream combat members.

When returning in the evening, Liu Si made a meal for Zheng Nian, and suddenly asked Zheng Nian before the meal: "By the way, Zheng Nian, for Tie Xing, will you go back?"

Su Ni: "For the sake of the country."

Therefore, the rebel army in the south of Osima's impression of the Dragon Guard system stayed on the "reconnaissance" system.

But it just so happens that Wei Keng is not afraid of death, or the split "Su Ni" is ready to seek death.Of course, after death, there must be a follower.

A few minutes later, Su Ni left, Minlar hesitated and signed the agreement.

Under such sincere instruction, the scientists of Valle reluctantly agreed to some peripheral work.

But it's impossible not to fight!Human energy is limited. When you think about disciplines, you have no time to carefully understand society. Society should be complementary in thought. Technicians help the public to popularize science knowledge, while social people fill in the society that industrial workers usually don’t pay attention to. blank.

After Su Ni went to prison, the officers in the base directly "found" the Anglo-language contact leaflet on the unconscious guy, and then made the matter bigger and directly stabbed it to the Propaganda Department.

Because they do not currently control the resources of industrial furnaces, strictly speaking, the arcanists in Vail are just a group of experimenters.

In the cathedral of Vail, a meeting of industrial priests and seekers of science is held.Behind the scenes of the conference, the head of industry (industrial capitalists), the backbone of the Poma regime, had a dialogue with the chiefs of the Academy of Sciences.

Wei Keng commented: "Split your paralysis, and play balance for the superior!"

When accustomed to an environment, the human will is complete only within that environment.Once there is a huge change, such as leaving home, the relationship has to be cut off.Then the willpower will be broken.

Su Ni: "My project has been stagnant for too long, and some people have even evacuated to areas such as Osima. I think I will go out and reorganize this project."

Inside Iron Star Melting Steel Tower City.

In the 3250 years of the Fire Emblem, Liu Si looked at the sky silently.

Zhengnian listed the air missions: "Information discovery, communication with firepower missiles. It is necessary to establish a good data link to compress combat operations to the second level."

But once you leave your own cultural circle, you will lose your roots.

Now those who have to leave Iron Star, these people have broken wills to some extent.This is the aftereffect of faith starting to crumble.

Domestic scientists do not want to be at the forefront of the battle for the belief in gods.

He pointed his little thumb to the sky, and said confidently: "As long as I do the right thing at the right time, then I will kill the carbine!"

Oh, here's the thing: Yesterday, the politically emerging youth faction in Ronggang Tacheng came over to make trouble.These menacing guys seem to be pleading for the people and want to investigate "incorrectness", but in fact they are the children of some high-ranking old forces. They want to rise to the top, but they have no patience to start from the grassroots.It's just a matter of grandstanding, just to invite straight names.

Fire pattern calendar 3249 November.

On the banks of the Seine in Vernes, the scientific research center is on the left bank, and the church is on the right bank.

Zheng Nian picked up the chopsticks (taught by Wei Keng) and paused: "Well, of course I will go back."

Concentrating on contacting them will certainly make them lose their will to find the "ignition point" again.

…Wei Keng: For boys, the stage does not have to be "gorgeous", but it must be big and wide.The mountains, rivers and plains are far better than the curtains of the deep palace...

The rightists in Vail have an extreme evaluation of Iron Star: "Now there (Iron Star), heresy governs the country, from a state of neutral evil, to chaotic evil. A large number of arcanists began to leave that country, they are non-believers , Now I am confused. The devils and demons have taken a fancy to these people, and I hope the Arcane Association can cooperate with us to guide these lambs."

...The wild geese in the sky are now forming a "people" formation, flying south...

Among the people who leave their homeland, only a very few people can deeply understand the culture of their homeland!Forge deep connections that will last even if you temporarily leave your hometown.

After Zhengnian finished eating, he started to do his homework tonight. This kid needs to exercise and learn mathematics. At this stage, he has a very tight reading schedule, while Liu Si leisurely started to wash the dishes.

Zhengnian took a biplane, looked at the hills under his feet, and opened his eyes wide under the eyepiece to see the smoking factories built on those hillsides in the mountainous area south of Osima.

The young man firmly and immediately thought of what is the foundation of civilization.

…Wei Keng: As a human being, you can have a "axis" in your heart, but you can find a well-unified group on the "information interface" to the outside world. …

Wei Keng: In the ancient industrial era, the oriental scholars who immigrated abroad at the end of the double millennium were actually quite traditional and conservative. They were unwilling to accept some historical changes that were taking place in their own country. Rejected, mistakenly thought that he did not cut thoroughly.I began to follow the standard and further criticized everything in my home country. After "destroying the immune system of my own thinking", I opened everything to foreign countries, and finally became the most despicable sick man ideologically.Find similarities with those "African tribes" who have no cultural accumulation in hip-hop.

Wei Keng: "Oh, I thought you had bad memories there."

Looking at the lovely Zheng Nian, Wei Keng couldn't help but think of the group of scientists who went back and forth before and after the early red of the East in ancient times, they were a group of people with perfect "intelligence" and "will".

Human will does not exist independently, but is related to the world, especially the surrounding environment.

When any technology is steadily accumulated, it is criticized as 'not as advanced as xx'.

Most people can only understand culture superficially, and are proud of some simple cultural characteristics like everyone else.

The perspective of most rebel officers is to follow the "leader in the world", so they don't have much of their own "subjective technical route".

Iron Star is now getting more and more chaotic, and many technicians have to leave Iron Star temporarily.
When these groups enter other countries (Ollie, Val) for identification, one-third of the "evil check" has a slight reaction.

Although the southern mountain area belongs to Osima, its cultural atmosphere is different from that of the Wind Whisper Plain, and they are even in a state of cultural competition.In the early days of the industrial age 1000 years ago, this place was constantly resisting the suppression of the Knights of the North of Osima.

Wei Keng is looking forward to Zhengnian's future achievements, but he has prepared individuals in the cluster to "follow up".

Zhengnian clenched his fists: "I want to study for the rise of truth and justice. Well, now is an important moment for me to grow my body and knowledge. The three skeleton subjects of 'mathematics, Chinese, and physical education', physics, chemistry, and biology. , Sociology, four obvious introductory subjects, they didn't learn well, they were too lazy to learn, and they wanted to find an opportunity to make trouble, I don't have time to waste time with these idiots at my critical moment, but~"

Seagate murmured: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, my son is Hengmu (an allusion to the World Tree)."

Zheng Nian put his hands on his hips and said, "It doesn't mean I'm about to admit defeat,"

This data is quite terrifying, which means that the entire Wanlun Continent's perception of Iron Star is biased towards "evil".This is like the ancient industrial age, when the United States' perception of the Soviet Union has been completely recognized as evil through various film and television dramas and games.

Let's put it this way, Zheng Nian didn't get the so-called attention, but Zheng Nian was not discouraged and continued to train seriously.

On October 3249, 10, Zhengnian met with the first batch of air training class students recruited from the south of Osima.The 10-year-old started his career as a teacher for the first time in his life.

In this belief world, the rules of physics can be changed, not to mention the country, when the world regards you as evil, you are evil.

The priests of Valer are now ready to move. In the eyes of the other side of the arcanist, the existence on the side of the Sky Kingdom is by no means the weak in this confrontation.

Minlar looked at the list above, his expression changed, but then he remained calm: "The appetite is really big."

Whether it's Fengyu's crazy clamor for "diversity and freedom", or Iron Star's current ideological "high fever", Osima South has shown reason!
After Liusi passed on to the declarant here (one of Wei Keng's individuals), his own work expertise, and a whole report on the projects that Zhengnian is good at.

Wei Keng: Young people's vigor is so precious, it should not be wasted on arguing with garbage.

Immediately, Minlar looked at Su Ni with gloomy eyes, but Su Ni stared at him without flinching.

Su Ni, who is serious about studying for the exam, will not be used to this group of people.

A few hours later, Seagate left the home he had lived in for more than a decade and escaped Anglo's pursuit.

Therefore, the industrial priests of Val, who represent administrative power, declared to these free arcanists: The Lord of Wisdom Mechanics once warned believers not to give up their persistence because of the confusion of the road.

The Osima Southern Uprising Army Command has a little interest in this new project of "Dragon Guard", and decided to allocate part of the funds to allow Zhengnian to resume training. Of course, this part of the funds is very shabby.

The rebel army in the south of Osima was unable to copy Iron Star's research and development system, and its combat vehicles were not high-information mechs, but could only use aircraft with wooden wings for alternative training.

"Superficial" is because there are loopholes in thinking in this direction, resulting in arrogance, but the cognition of other comrades with the same goal will fill the loopholes.

Wei Keng, who experienced the ancient times in his previous life, complained in his heart: "At the critical moment of catching up and learning in science and technology, there are no people who should be fighting on the propaganda front. The euphemistic name is 'the people distinguish themselves'.

You must know that those guys who ran into the iron star inner dragon guard plan, the elders of those who rebelled were all factions of the old empire on the eastern front before the establishment of iron star.This was the product of a compromise in order to preserve the vitality of the Sky Kingdom when Iron Star was founded. In short, these troublemakers seem to be the second generation who have nothing to do, and behind them are the conservatives who are fishing in troubled waters.

But Wei Keng was reluctant to let Zheng Nian waste time and energy.

Faced with such a serious political event, Minlar called Su Ni over.After reading Su Ni's report, Minlar said: "For the sake of the overall situation, you go abroad to study.".

Will bide his time, return, and dig deep into the soil again.

As a well-known rebel among the Iron Star Young Men, Su Ni did not use the copy of "they smashed the equipment, we passively counterattack" to justify the accident afterwards.

It stands to reason that the person who threatened him would have died long ago.But Minlar let Su Ni go, for three reasons:

People born in Iron Star, even though they have to leave because of Iron Star's "high fever", are also infected with Iron Starism.

Iron Star technicians who had to leave their homeland, "will damage" means losing their faith, which is equivalent to the destruction of the immune system in spirit, just like the people who got AIDS, they all have some complications.Once the will is damaged, various weaknesses will flow out "thought pus". The characteristics of this disease are that it is particularly easy to be affected by external "lyrical" descriptions, deceived by so-called humanistic care, and forget the "class, group" The gap, if there is no institutional establishment, the so-called humanistic care is just an ideological painkiller.

…The gods invariably strengthened their beliefs in times of intense conflict.The same is true for the multi-plane interstellar era. …

Wei Keng: They just want trainers for light reconnaissance aircraft, and they don't believe in the so-called "super-assault" theory.

The soldiers who heard these advanced theories for the first time put aside their contempt for the instructors as mere children, and began to take notes to record in detail.

She hopes that Zheng Nian will become a "vigorous and unrivaled" genius just like the dream she pursues.

Su Ni's expression was calm, but he bit him to death: "The traitors said it, oh, I said Your Excellency General, if I met some spies with ulterior motives when I was studying abroad, you wouldn't want to hear such rumors, would you? (Min Lal wants to deal with it coldly, Wei Keng, a troublemaker, doesn't care about this, and don't want to let himself go unless he has enough chips.)
Minlar stared at Su Ni: "What do you want?"

...At the beginning "trust" and then "betrayal" is a mental scar...

Min Laer: "Funding?" He wanted to send this thorn away early.

"Su Ni" (one of Wei Keng's third-generation splits) with grass roots in his mouth showed a cynical smile on his expression as he watched the heavy armored tanks rushing over.After tidying up the star titles on his shoulders, he raised his head and faced the Imperial Investigation Gendarmerie.A look of "I am not afraid of trouble".

The sky had no "belief" in supporting the parliament in Osima. These petty bourgeois politicians who came to power were even two-faced between Val and the sky, so that day the sky was in a mess of its own mind.They also immediately began digging corners of Iron Star.

The consequences are disastrous. The next generation cannot find "a foundation of pride and self-confidence to rely on", and it is easier to get close to non-mainstream (degenerate) cultures than foreign natives.That is to say, the language is slang, and the entertainment is leafy.Emphasize the "niche" characteristics of oneself in treating others.

Two months later, Liusi and Zhengnian entered the southern base of Osima, which had not yet been affected by the chaotic thoughts in Iron Star.

What is God's War?That is to create a new concept towards each other's hearts, and at the same time constantly define the unknown.In the past few thousand years, several "modern" gods have confronted each other, and the optimal energy release formula in the concept field has been revised several times.And the mysterious system is constantly changing due to the "quantum tunneling" rules under God's War, and it's all over the place.

Min Laer: "Who said that?" He seemed careless, but he was hiding terrible anger, ready to release it to Su Ni at any time.

Seagate couldn't help digging out the contents of the old newspapers deep in his memory, "Her Royal Highness Princess Xuelisi and Prince Lance's happy union", and under such a huge umbrella, it is impossible for Zheng Nian to be exposed to the sun middle.

In other words, Wei Keng knew that it would be impossible to be kind if he offended them, so he simply did nothing and started to fight them hard.

Finally, at a deep level, it destroys one's own ideological self-confidence.Gradually become a "marionette" who has no standard of thinking and is influenced by others' evaluation.

Su Ni pulled out the list he had prepared long ago: "I want the funds and personnel."

Wei Keng: Most people's nostalgia for their hometown is not a big hindrance if it stays at a "superficial" level, because as long as they are in their hometown and think about the group of people with them, it will become everyone's "neutral" standard. One's own "superficial" thinking is gathered together to form "profound", which in turn will maintain the health and vitality of each individual's thinking.

Hearing this, Liu Si smiled: "Good boy, let's eat first. By the way, eat more vegetables."

Such a pure thought of salvation is a positive example, but Wei Keng will not add an extra burden to him at this time.

Su Ni drove the Dragon Guard mecha and sent them a ground sonic boom, so that all 150 people were unconscious, four of them had their eardrums shattered, and their brains suffered severe concussions.

Facing this kind of old-fashioned operation, Su Ni sneered and took out his bargaining chip: "Your Excellency, these guys who peeped at the military group spread rumors that you were the accomplice who killed General 'Enma', Oh, by the way, General Enma's concept field was disbanded, and you broke it."

The young teenager planned a long-term future for this group of soldiers who thought they would become pilots in the future.

There are some things that cannot be said, but those who say such things must be prepared to die.

First, Su Ni is not sure. Obviously, he is not just a person, but has the ability to plan actions. If he can't kill him completely, then try to turn the enemy into a friend.

Second, (in Minlar’s ​​view) Su Ni’s goal is obviously for military reform, and he has serious ambitions. He is more stable than a person who only wants to drill towards the power field. He must exist in the current situation.

Third, it was the first time that Minlar met a young man who threatened him like this, and he appreciated it, so he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​wanting to tame talents.

Narrator: Minlar was raised by the Iron Star Age, but he still values ​​talents.

(End of this chapter)

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