out of cage

Chapter 770 Chapter 18.04 Informatization leads to the same goal by different routes, pits and light

Chapter 770 Chapter 18.04 Informatization leads to the same goal by different routes, pits and lightning
In 3250, on the mainland of Wanlun, the new military factions separated from Osima and Iron Star: Su Ni and Zheng Nian, put forward the same military theory almost at the same time, "Dragon Guard Assault War Guided Tactics"" High-speed rocket lancers, fortress-style informatization".

The prefaces of the two military tactics both put forward: under the current reform of military ideology and system, the organization of the army has been greatly enhanced.The pace of the campaign began to pick up, and new technological developments had to take this into account.

In the Austrian Railway Southern Military Academy, Zheng Nian: The current strategic direction of technological development should be adjusted, and further accumulation is courting death.

In front of the blackboard at the Sky Military Academy, Su Ni: The focus should be on "super mobile information investigation".

Zheng Nian: "Dragon Guard" accurately uses information to carry out conceptual hacking of traditional large weapons, and at the same time, it is necessary to speed up the embedding of information to maximize the firepower of guided weapons.

Su Ni: For all large-scale military equipment, under the conceptual calculation, its defense loopholes cannot be blocked at all, so it is very likely to "discover and destroy" in future battles.

…Starting from the standpoint of “spear” and starting from the standpoint of “shield”, different routes lead to the same goal...

Strictly speaking, the two ideas are in the same line, which originated from "Enma"'s early development of Dragon Guards.

Oh, in the final analysis, this is actually the "Double Focus of Attack and Defense Curve" model proposed by Zheng Nian's mathematical thinking.

From the perspective of later generations: Su Ni and Zheng Nian belong to the "same family".

Ten seconds later, Liusi grabbed the devil's horn with one hand and pulled the devil out of the magic circle.

Zheng read here, and after analyzing it with the concept of radar, he muttered to the information node (the evil spirit of the devil) at the core of the entire incarnation, artificial intelligence.

Zhengnian stood a little further away, poking the devil with a stick in his hand, he seemed to be very curious, um, he was really curious, he was looking for the devil's ass.

The two human males, one big and one small, have no fear at all, and of course there is no unnecessary "tyranny", they deal with themselves purely rationally.

The firecrackers that Liu Si snatched from Zheng Nian were not thrown around, but the mouth exploded directly in the seemingly terrifying big mouth at the most unstable moment of the entire magic circle.At this time, there are only a few tenths of a second.

Wei Keng instantly recorded the "order code" (similar to the real name of a demon) through the logic chip.

Master Wei took the opportunity to wash his hands, rubbed his hands several times, then turned around and grabbed the head of the snake that was about to attack the devil of order, and pulled it out of the eye socket.

However, Zheng Nian on the side seemed to be "afraid" that his uncle would not be able to withstand the temptation of the devil, so he added a sentence: "Become a cat, um, a crow is also good, it is easy to raise, does not take up the bed, eats less, There is less pulling, just buy a cage."

"Fear and deterrence" has no effect on Wei Keng. Master Wei's luck is cursed by God. Multiple fragments have already fallen in this world, and Wei Keng has experienced "torture" and "spiritual humiliation", and his willpower has long been exhausted. constant.Narrator: When it can't bear it, Wei Keng's split body will also beg for mercy, and Wei Keng's group also defaults to being able to beg for mercy and save his life. This is Wei Keng's self-realization in the dark plane period.In this way, Wei Keng would give the gods the illusion of being "suppressed".

With the dark red light becoming more and more scary.Liusi explained: "The smell you smell is not the real olfactory information, but the conceptual projection of this thing on people. If you feel uncomfortable, don't think about it, and control your brain. If you really feel the smell of blood Too heavy, the aunt in the garbage dump of the girls' school next door~ well, the picture with bloody cloth strips. (This kind of picture is not scary, and it can't evolve a lethal mental scene.)
Anyway, don't follow the scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood (if you follow, you will be dragged into the battlefield of Shura), to deal with spiritual pollution, just don't be led by them, um, what are you doing? "

Mengxina began to barely recover, and the dried mummy tried to turn into snow-white skin.However, she hadn't waited for her to dress up yet. "Bang", Master Wei picked up the washbasin and beat him back to his original shape.

Sting, a firecracker was lit and dropped into the pool of blood in the bathtub, and it happened to fall in the middle of the terrifying big mouth with split sawtooth on its forehead that was emerging from the surface of the bathtub.

The veteran devil was so angry that he immediately activated the contract backlash system, oh, who knew that the backlash was actually the people outside.

Moreover, there is a massive computing system in this room.

Of course, this "big destruction" spiritual willpower corresponds to the "big new life".The completely different mental states are organically combined, the part of the destruction is aimed at the old, and the part of the new life is aimed at the rising sun.

The devil was confused, it thought of a possibility.The people in the world who summoned him didn't even know the situation of these two people.

Neither Wei Keng nor Zheng Nian put extra "anthropomorphic" emotions on this thing.

And Wei Keng set an iron law for the devil.

He has a very rich conceptual structure. If you give him an "industrial energy source", he can launch no less than heroic skills, battlefield projection ability,
Zheng Nian has the ability of "field" around his body, which can distinguish almost all energy waves.

As for Zheng Nian who gave the firecrackers to Mr. Wei, it was just right.The fur was not intimidated either.

And these two guys are doing "fishing law enforcement", squatting and summoning formations.

Mengxina saw with her own eyes that the adult Arcane Master (Liusi) injected multiple compulsory contracts (information deciphering nodes) into herself, and directly forcibly analyzed her real name.

At this moment, a strange magic circle glowed in the bath, and a strong smell of blood wafted out of the sewer. Wei Keng pressed Zheng Nian, and muttered: "Everything is under my command."

As the saying goes, "Heng eyebrows coldly point fingers at thousands of husbands, bow their heads and be willing to be like a ox".

Liu Si ordered: "Carry some water."

Master Wei turned around and said to Zheng Nian: "Guess the boxing game, if I win, I will become a toad, otherwise, if you win, you will become a tortoise."

Wei Keng: "Solving solutions" in mathematics problems is much more difficult than "proving known answers".

Since some arcanists from Anglo came to him, Zheng Nian couldn't hide the fact that Liu Si was a mysterious arcanist. ——Of course, the young Saint Great Wall absolutely doesn’t know what to be afraid of, but wants to increase his knowledge.

The upper body of this devil is a skeleton, with cloth strips tied to the mummy, and all kinds of bugs are crawling around inside.Looks like a glob of garbage stuck in a sewer.This is where the calling didn't quite result. (Regardless of shafts and skins, don't scream fear and sit and wait for the enemy to get ready.)
Zheng Nian put on a mask, a helmet, and plastic gloves prepared earlier, and tied them up with steel wires.

Keng crushed the demon with his icy aura, and Meng Xina felt the terrifying murderous aura on this man!This seems to be possessed only by slaughtering the world's creatures.

The combat power summoned by the devil depends on its "status".The devil is the weakest when he first comes, and he has not had time to absorb fear as strength.

God does not know that Zheng Nian is an independent soul, because it is in many planes that have been observed.The "variable" represented by Zheng Nian is too close to the Wei Keng cluster.

Liusi took out the notebook, and at the same time, the strong interrogation light on the table shone on the devil's face.

Usually, when mages summon demons, they have a very strong sense of ritual and exude mental intimidation, which brings great fear and awe to mortals who have just seen this scene, so that most mortals miss this "time point".

After the second-order traceability is launched.As long as anything gives Master Wei a chance, no matter how powerful it is at other times, it is useless.The spear pierces the throat, no matter how sharp the claws are, it is useless.

On March 3th, Liu Si rented a house next to the city where Zheng Nian went to study and moved in.

Zheng Nian squinted to the left, avoiding Liu Si's questioning, but muttered in his mouth: "I'm scared, I can't sleep, uncle, is there really a ghost in this yin house you bought?" Excitement obviously cannot be hidden.

Ignite it, walk up in three steps, stuff it into the demon's mouth that was just smoking, and even pressed the firecracker with his finger, and pressed the firecracker into his throat, and waited until the last two seconds to explode, and immediately rushed back.

Well, in this world, as a high-achieving student with excellent mathematical talent, and studying in chip factories and electronic radar facilities, Masai Nen is by no means an ordinary high school student.

In 49, Zhengnian was too young at that time and did not have enough credit to guarantee the plan.

After a few minutes, defender Keng suppressed the devil and trapped him inside a "turtle".

Zheng Nian raised his hands.

The project that Zheng Nian is studying at this time is to build an "Informatization Fortress".And "information field capability" is the foundation of "information fortress" in the literal sense.

... Wei Keng seems to think that if the "disagreement" can be handled correctly, it will be very educational. …

Wei Keng: "You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. Well, how do you guard against others? If others want to break in, you dig a hole where they jumped in."

Zheng Nian specially prepared a large number of conceptual structures for investigation experiments, preparing to penetrate the devil.

"It's not for you to interrupt the conversation between the two of us." Wei Keng's concept of "spirit" followed the contract and directly suppressed it to the dark plane where the devil is.

Wei Keng taught Zheng a lesson: "I'll go, shut up now, SpongeBob SquarePants~"

An s-level high-ranking curse-type devil was simply brought down just like that.Together with the person who summoned it, he went to the blood mold.

Zheng Nian was about to take out his pocket to get a big make-up knife, but was stared at by Liu Si, and reprimanded: "Listen to the command!" He smiled embarrassingly.Wei Keng took out the "Fried Fish King" (firecrackers as thick as AA batteries) from his pocket.

The magic family who came out of the divination tower saw the "magical" Muggles as bugs and stepped on them.As a result, he fell into the pit with one foot, and there were mines in the pit.Now being backlashed to death.

Liusi's eagle claw skills were extremely ruthless, with both hands pulled out half a meter like intestines, the devil immediately twitched.

Liu Si himself was a victim, but after discovering the intruder's plot, he prepared a little more.

Wei Keng said with emotion: In horror movies, there must be women, because women scream to have atmosphere.As for the two vigorous men, they are showing each other "who is braver".

At this time, fate misjudged the existence of Zheng Nian as a split in Wei Keng's group.A split body that might break away from the mainstream thinking of the "Wei Keng Cluster", um, so Fate still wants to allocate part of his attention occasionally to play with Zheng Nian.

Zheng Nian's approach was to really bring out the genius's ideas to the extreme, while Su Ni ensured that he could keep up with the "middleman's posture", which added a lot of insurance.

Just like the army, the battle formation is the strongest if it is fully deployed. However, if the surrounding guards are not good, someone touches the nearby high ground, and it happens to form the team at night, a few minutes of rapid fire can reimburse a regiment.

The main attention of the gods is still on the shaft goods, and they can't distinguish the growing fur goods.

The Anglo wizards received the entrustment at the divination tower clock to pick up the "Young Master" (the illegitimate son of the sky royal family) back, but during the execution, they decided to let the people around the "Young Master" (Liu Si) die suddenly.

Liu Si: "What do you want to say?"

Zheng Nian found a firecracker in his hand, and drew inferences: "Don't you want to be rhythmic? How about I take the initiative to interrupt, such as throwing firecrackers in the cesspit."

Zheng Nian: "Okay, huh?" He felt that Uncle Liu Si's words were wrong.Immediately corrected: "Uncle, if you win, it will become a toad, and if I win, it will become a tortoise. The subject must not be missing."

Liusi looked helplessly at this "timid" guy.I wanted to reprimand, but suddenly paused, oh, "catch ghosts together, squat people together, the feeling I haven't seen for a long time".

...Wei Keng has the possibility of "surrender", but it is impossible to be buffed with eternal loyalty...

…A "mysterious" wizard who encountered a pit on the ground and a thunderbolt from the sky, how "lucky" was that...

Liu Si reprimanded: "We have to save some money for you. This is the most affordable house I have found. If you think it is expensive, we will change houses tomorrow and have porridge."

After begging for mercy, Wei Keng (an ordinary person) still has a rebellious heart in his heart. He may kneel down and beg for mercy and flatter him, as if he has no personality, and when the time is right, he will turn around.Of course, after being a new man, Wei Keng, who had to stain his hands with blood like this, would admit that he deserved what he deserved.

...Right now, Liu Si is still the guardian of Zheng Nian, so what Liu Si says counts...

And Su Ni, the "gravedigger" who stayed in Iron Star, after taking over this military resource, began to inherit the research on assault warfare proposed by "Enma" and carried it forward.

Any communication with humans is not allowed, such communication includes language and writing.certainly!Neither toads nor tortoises are capable of acting cute.

After Enma's death, the "Holy Great Wall", who was still in his youth, was severely investigated because of the problems of the old aristocrats. He had to leave Iron Star and continued to study in the southern part of Osima.

[Oh, the ancient arcane masters have some interesting ideas, such as detaining the devil harmlessly in a lamp. Once someone accidentally touches this lamp, the devil must fulfill three wishes, otherwise it will return to the They were tortured in the lamp, such as being burned by the lamp. 】

The devil Mengxina had a bad luck today. Originally, it came to the gate of the human world as usual to see if there were any evil thoughts hanging down from the cableway, so that it could separate a strand of spirit and climb up to the human world.

Narrator: So to say that Liu Si and Zheng Nian are "fishing for law enforcement" is really "excessive".

In all fairness, the "Holy Great Wall" attack is the sharpest, and Su Ni's combat system tends to be comprehensive.

Therefore, in the file, Enma is the leader of the combat system theory.

In fact, Zheng Nian is not hesitating, but wants to take advantage of the time to speak, to dawdling here, dawdling.After all, squatting in the grass, um, the devil squatting in the porch.

But as Zheng Nian crept over, Liu Si who had been dozing off suddenly woke up, turned his head and glared at him: "Still sleeping!"

Then Liu Si gave the devil an order: "Turn into a toad."

There was a loud bang, and sparks shot out from his forehead. The strange red scene was inexplicably joyful.

Zheng Nian responded with an encrypted message channel: "No." He seemed to stay where he was obediently, but Liu Si knew that this guy was ready to "reveal the tiles on the house" at any time.

In all fairness, Wei Kengqun, as Su Ni himself, put forward the theory of Dragon Guards at the same time. In fact, in the final analysis, he copied Zheng's mathematical model of the 3250-year period and then "proved" it again. According to his own understanding, he verified the answer. .

This time it's the devil's turn to be unbearable. Devils are not devils. Higher devils are orderly and evil. They are all converted from "vampires", "fallen angels" and "descendants of black dragons". Asking to become a toad or a turtle is too humiliating.

Liusi basically started a series of targeted operations like handling a chicken. When it was weakest, he suddenly started to wipe its neck and scald it with boiling water.

Just as she was excited to find that a "fish" was hooked, she climbed to the room along the "rope" in hell, and met the existence of these two "ghosts".

Liu Si glared at Zheng Nian who interrupted, and Zheng Nian immediately shut his wicked mouth.

Now Zheng Nian just wants to use the radar to illuminate ghosts!The electromagnetic beam that can cook a rabbit like a microwave oven is irradiating and observing the so-called "spell summoning".

Liu Si: "I'll give you one last chance to reshape, and give me a decent look, otherwise I'll send your body to the incinerator." .)
Then he stretched out his hand and pressed a soul gem. This is a high-level carbon-based chip that can preserve the target's spiritual thinking. It was called a soul spar in ancient times.It has always been something that the devil detains the human soul, but as long as the arcanist is strong enough, he can also detain the devil.

…At this time in the Wanlun Continent, as the two variables advance alternately, the fate is already unpredictable, and the same is true for other planes...

ps: Master Wei's "wise people stepping on the stars" in the Pandora plane meant that the entire planet (world) ecosystem was wiped out once. Wei Keng's mental state at that time happened to be recorded by Bai Linglu.

Zheng Nian shook the back of his hand, as if he was thinking about something, and then said firmly: "I want to eat meat, eh!"

Zheng Nian said, "It's better to become a turtle."

Liusi didn't like the seduction of the devil's beauty Huapi, but he took into account that there was a "minor" beside him.Still banned the devil show ban.

There was a loud "bang", and scolding came from the street next door!It is immoral to set off firecrackers at such a big night.However, when the outside world began to gradually light up, the Anglo-Austrian mages who were hidden on the roof in the distance suffered a collective backlash.

Zheng Nian, who poured boiling water, came back with a water bottle in less than two seconds.

Liu Si snatched the firecracker from Zheng Nian's hand, but then—— added: "Well, let me give you a demonstration first."

The clock rotated to zero o'clock, and Liu Si stayed at the entrance sleepily.

The young man is fearless, facing the intimidation and screaming of the devil, it has no effect.

Well, at this time, Wei Keng, as a huge unmeasurable variable, created a huge blind spot for God.

There is no doubt that the devil staged a "meaningless" revolt.But resistance is tragic, and Master Wei directly blasted the anger that could not be hammered down on it.

Wei Keng always remembered that he was different from the devil's ass. "The reason why it is clanging" is that it will not give the opponent any chance to beautify itself. "Reject sugar-coated bullets, always be vigilant, and always be prepared", this twentieth-century oriental catchphrase was ridiculed decades later, but after reading history, Wei Keng discovered that this is actually the truth.

If the devil loses the ability to communicate in human society, he cannot have any means to seduce human souls.

Wei Keng's suppression may be an extremely cruel punishment for the devil.

 Tomorrow is the end of the holiday, and the workday list will be updated

(End of this chapter)

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