out of cage

Chapter 782 Chapter 18.12 Let the storm come more violently

Chapter 782 Chapter 18.12 Let the storm come more violently
In the early morning of January 3252, 1 in the Fire Emblem calendar, this day in the Wanlun Continent was a day that would break the teeth of the gods.Because some guys choose their own destiny, and they step up to the roof.

The [-]-ton mecha galloped at supersonic speed in the high altitude, and then slowed down to subsonic speed under the action of a strong recoil. The wings were modified to be swept forward, flying close to the ground, and a bunch of radar beams were guided in front.

Zhengnian completed a series of tactical actions excellently, and at the same time successfully avoided a series of "evil bullets".

During the battle, Zhengnian connected information with his teammates and shared the dynamic environment of the battlefield. It can be said that the dangerous orbital area of ​​each beam of anti-aircraft artillery was predicted by the joint calculation of the computer chip in the Dragon Guard's high-altitude, high-altitude, and multi-sorty fighters.

The Dragon Guards Group flexibly selects the point of firefight by increasing the altitude and approaching tangentially within the range of the strike circle, and every time the artillery fires over, it lowers the altitude and breaks away from its locked angle of view.

As the southward suppressing troops against Osima flew around, the informatization was completely locked one by one, and the outer land cruisers were all killed one by one.

The hero skills of the old era are useless in the face of this "various speeds exceeding one order of magnitude" style of play!
For example, one of Wu Zexi's skills: Instantly replenish the speed of heavy land armored machines, and this speed has been tripled.But now, even if the speed of the heavy armor is increased by three times, compared with the high-speed penetration of the Dragon Guard, it is still static.

And the other skill "Corrosion Heavy Cannon" is for dealing with heavy armor. It fires a beam of light to cause huge wear and tear on the enemy's heavy armor mechanical structure, which can't hit the floating fighter.All in all, the two sides are not playing the same game of chess.

...For this kind of existence that eliminated the entire continent's tactical system overnight and smashed the game board of the gods, it should die early, but Zheng Nian came out first...

The troops under Zheng Nian also started to fight according to the training. They locked on many mobile targets at high altitude and ground almost [-]%.

The God of Destiny, who has always been "unknown to the sky", now finally sees what the huge variable is, and is shocked to find that Wei Keng is still resisting pressure, and there is a strong change that explodes directly.

The dragon's eyes are triangular. At this time, a triangle is firmly locked on Wu Zexi's armored cockpit, and the center of the triangle is the center of the ballistic missile's falling circle.

It circled eight circles for about 3 minutes, providing a perfect reflection of the whereabouts parameters for the empowerment missile that fell from the sky.

…there are people in this world who are willing to fight to the death for justice in human development. …

Su Ni, Liu Si, and Wei Yun, one after another, all sang in unison, with the joy of "excitement", "proudness" and "liberation" in their voices.

Now the Yigao people are even more daring, directly greeted the two wingmen, and surrounded the [-]-ton Dixinglong-class land battleship on the train track in a triangle.

...Here, in order to lock the "shaft", fate left room for the insertion of the "skin", ...

Save it!Naturally, he flew three kilometers with his butt attached to the blast wave, then slammed on the brakes and turned back, returning to the battlefield. At this time, his Dragon Guard mech, every time it turned around in the air, had a terrifying sense of power!
In the ether world, when his car reached the highest speed, the afterimage of the Dragon Guard mecha dragged to the back one by one, twisting like a dragon!

Otherwise, with the Wei Keng cluster model, each individual will mobilize a ray of plane rules and use them flexibly. For every historical cycle, social cycle, and natural cycle under the number of days, the gods will have to explode.

Before the sudden rise of "skin", it is necessary for God God (Fate) to tighten the rules of multiple planes.

If the gods didn't lock the rules, then there would be a bullet entrusting a miracle to kill the fur goods. However, the gods changed the rules of the plane in order to lock the "Golden Finger" of the Wei Keng group, so now these gods themselves can't cheat.

The road crossers of the "Gods" have always made Wei Keng their enemy in this era, but they don't know that they are not only encountering Wei Keng.Wei Keng cared about preventing the invasion of "foreign dimension enemies" on the plane, and it seemed that he was only taking it as a "natural" barrier.

When the missile finally pierced through with monstrous force, the Dragon Guard fighters left the circle. Behind the retreat was a terrifying mushroom cloud and a shock wave expanding at the speed of sound.

Wu Zexi looked up at the transparent skylight of the armored vehicle, and murmured, "This is really accurate."

…The exchange of life and wisdom in different regions is not only "language" and "weapon war" but also resonance in consciousness. …

In the communication, after Zheng Nian had completely locked on General Osima's car, he watched his own reflection flying past the slow armor time and time again, and declared: This move is called "finishing the finishing touch".

The God of Knowledge gives a characterization to the opponent after consulting a large number of books: For several epochs (several centuries in the main world), Wei Keng has always defined himself as an ordinary person. In the past, no one knew why he was obsessed with this. From the looks of it now, perhaps he had anticipated the all-out confrontation today and prepared the foundation of "tenacity" in his consciousness in advance.

For a while the wings touched the waves, and for a while it shot straight at the dark cloud like an arrow, and it cried out—in this brave cry of the bird, the dark cloud heard joy. ..."

When the body changes in flight, the wings are raised to break through the sound barrier, and its air flow field is controlled by arcane, forming a wind blade, which to a certain extent also blows clusters of bullets into the air.Deflects all blows.

In the rear ground support center, Su Ni, who was no longer anxious and nervous, looked through the screen and saw the brave soarer at the front, and unconsciously chanted (recited the text): "On the vast sea, the strong wind is blowing Dark clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, petrels are flying proudly like black lightning.

At this time, Michaelena, who was sitting high in the Temple of Destiny and fiddling with the loom, understood the fighting power of the Wei Keng group in certain planes.

Over the past few years, Zheng Nian has practiced the strongest tactics in the laser simulated firepower network.

With the land cruiser of the old era turned into a wreck, the concept field left by Zheng Nian in the ether world is no less than that of a high-level hero, but there is no traditional hero skill mode.

It is a brand new model, and the difference between the two models is just like the difference between a dolphin and a sea giant scorpion of the same size.

Wei Keng in the Dragon Guards queue watched the leader (Zheng Nian) fly across the sky, and said the last sentence of the prose: Brave Haiyan, above the roaring sea, amidst the lightning, flies proudly; this is the prophet of victory shouting:

—Let the storm come more violently!

(End of this chapter)

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