out of cage

Chapter 783 Chapter 18.12 Shooting the Hijab of the Dark "Bride"

On January 1, the heavy armored remains burning on the ground announced that an era had passed.Of course, people from the old era may still claim that the military commander sent by Feng Yu has no military common sense, so if the "aircraft" dragon guards make a successful raid, if it is in a perfect fighting state, the consequences will be another time. thing.

But for the new parliamentary cabinet in Fengyu Capital, this is over!

Before these gentlemen started the war, they never thought that it would arouse armed resistance, let alone that if they could not take down the southern uprising area in a short period of time, their internal economy would go bankrupt.

Zheng Nian was born out of nowhere, directly annihilating the two main armies!This means that this is beyond the cost that the Wind Whisper Region can suppress.

The hardliners in the Southern Rebel Army immediately expressed their firm defense.As for Mr. Wei, he can't do anything else, just procrastinate. Mushroom's methods are top-notch.

Wei Keng, who started directly with "Tianhu": "With their (Osima's old school) garbage finances at this time, can they win a big battle? This is not a foreign war. There can be internal industrial capital willing to borrow money! This is right. Internal repression, even wanting to engage in economic dictatorship, eat meat by oneself, and don’t even give soup to others.”

After Wu Zexi's core group was annihilated, the commanders of the other two armies immediately chose to retreat, preparing to wait and see, but when their retreat to protect their personal honor and fame and fortune shrunk to half, the indomitable light overwhelmed their self-proclaimed The cowardice and incompetence behind the "noble talent" are clearly exposed.

...Dragon Guard's tactical system is very fast-paced, and it will always come over before the old system is ready for battle...

On January 1th, when Fengyu's left troops on the railway line were hesitating to retreat after the first 4 kilometers, the marching ranks were blocked one after the other due to poor order. At this time, Fengyu suppressed the army The railway hub "Hot Fort" city in the rear was captured by the Dragon Guards Group and the Southern Rebels.

When Zheng Nian volleyed over the city of Refort, he directly blocked all information and communication in the industrial city, followed by a large number of hacking beams, thoroughly understanding the inside and outside of the city.

Zheng Nian is now in the process of "making great things happen and building great faith", and finally got rid of the fluffy "cute" image in Uncle Liu Si's eyes, and now he wants to become a man!

"Master General, do you mean that I am not worth enough?" Liu Yina stepped forward, but of course she was quickly stopped by the people around Zheng Nian. Loyal to duty.

Wei Keng glanced at Yan Beixiang on the system: "Let me pick out the information about the last time the devil came."

Zheng Nian rolled his eyes, and then said solemnly: "Miss, I admit that you are very beautiful and attractive, but our military discipline is as good as iron." What he said was serious, but the previous rolling of eyes was more like perfunctory.Dislike her for not being pretty enough.

Zheng Nian's solemn demeanor chilled the scene.

Wei Keng nodded: "I understand." Then he shut down the system.To be precise, the system is blocked.

...The second wave went so smoothly that when Zheng Nian was about to overwhelm Mount Tai with the "Information Hacking", the opponent faltered. …

Liuina looked around and said leisurely: "Aren't you alone, interrogating me?"

Zhengnian turned his head solemnly, and repeated in the most official tone: "Madam, I am very happy that you can make the right choice at the last moment, and you will receive preferential treatment from our army. Please rest assured, your personal property, Personality will be guaranteed, and even if you ask for some treatment, we will satisfy you if it is reasonable. Of course, you can rest assured that our army is disciplined and organized, and will not insult women and children. By the way, due to frontier assaults, we have temporarily not brought female soldiers , Please be patient these two days, and please keep the washing simple. My military situation is very busy, goodbye, if you have any opinions on the treatment, please submit a protest letter through the military police and pass it to me, I will try my best~"

The rebels and assault troops easily took the city with less than 30 casualties.It completely blocked the left legion that originally wanted to retreat from the city of "Hot Castle".

Zheng Nian learned "self-examination" from Wei Keng.

Under the penetrating blast, the city was "dusted" by small rockets like dry flour.

At one o'clock, on the outskirts of the prisoner's camp, Zheng Nian muttered cursingly: "Damn, is there no eggs on the other side? The man who was tough at the beginning, withered at the last moment."

Don't look at the missiles poured in. From the appearance of the fortress, the damage is not enough. The entire reinforced concrete building only shook after the guided bombs that penetrated the weak point of the window penetrated into the interior and exploded. But in fact, these missiles belonged to the "chemical Bone palm", the explosion shock wave poured into the "corridor", "patio" and other fortress gaps along the missile, and all the personnel in the fortress were beaten and howled by the shrapnel poured in.

Of course, Liuina may have misunderstood this too.

Then Wei Keng continued to talk to himself: "Iron Star is a country that does not believe in God. Once its self-confidence is trampled, the huge emptiness left will be easily invaded by demons."

To be honest, this self-healing system is technically no different from the standard system of our main world, but Master Wei still takes a look at it!

Zheng Nian could see that Liu Yina was interested in her, and felt that she was showing "ability to fight" now, which made this female general interested.Other aspects are mediocre in her eyes.

Dragon Guard attack looks very sharp!Because this was not an airbag, the "air fighter shell" directly hit the bottom hatch of the airship, and it still directly hit the control cabin.

In fact, in this world, "demons" can be easily summoned, as long as there is a soul sacrifice.

A light mechanized infantry regiment of the rebel army broke through the barbed wire all the way and suppressed it with machine guns. The sporadic machine guns on the fortress, oh, all the heavy artillery in the fortress were misfired at this time, and the conveyor belt was jammed by shrapnel.

Four hours later, Wei Keng turned on the system.

When Zheng Nian saw Liu Yina, he carefully stared at her face for a full three seconds, which made Liu Yina freeze her cheeks while breathing.But then, Zheng Nian turned his head, and looked coldly at the subordinates who followed behind him, who were now pursing their lips and holding back their smiles.

Any fortress, concrete fortification wall, is seen as if the human body is seen through the organs by X-rays and ultrasound.Throughout the surface and underground fortifications, it is clear where is the ammunition depot, where is the personnel rest area, and where is the evacuation corridor.

Yan Beixiang paused, hesitated, and gave more information: "Here, the quantum frequency bands of matter in some areas are broadcasted, and they are already highly similar to the frequency bands of organic matter areas where demons are located. In the screen, these The area has blood-red moss, and black liquid-like phagocytosis."

With Stormtroopers blasting at close range on the fortress walls.

... There are beauties around the hero, but under the guidance of Liu Si, Zheng Nian (kimbo) is not puppy love...

Liuina stretched out her finger and drew a symbol of three-body symmetry in front of Zhengnian. (The main world's biochemical symbols and nuclear radiation symbols are all three-body symmetry.)
On Wanlun Continent, this symbol means "darkness".Liu Yina noticed that the guards (one of Wei Keng's clones) beside Zhengnian looked serious, and Zhengnian's expression was calm like a lake in autumn.

For example, in the case of arson in some buildings, the smoke often looks like a skull.The Balrog appeared in the mortal world, collecting innocent souls.

Some of the dark laboratories of the Angles were not opened in their own country, but placed here. Liuina felt that in the current war, if they did not explain clearly, it would be very dangerous to the people of Osima.

When Zheng Nian decided to fight for justice a month ago, he had to hold his head high, pierce the world, and become a role model for the world!Then do it from beginning to end!

At this time, she had already passed through the hacked hole in the vehicle body, and saw the Dragon Guard mecha three kilometers away. There is no way to arm them in any way.

After Zheng Nian walked out, Liu Yina came back from the trance of "color and soul grant" at this time, and realized the word "high-value prisoner" that the silver-haired boy said.

What is a real man?That is, in the process of achieving the goal, the will is unwavering, and it does not appear to be deflected by any external objects!

Zheng Nian raised his finger unceremoniously: "Within half an hour, tell me how much ransom her family is willing to pay, and also," Zheng Nian raised his hand, bit his thumb, and announced: " If you are not a high-value prisoner in the future, don't look for me."

Liuina was also slightly startled, then nodded and said calmly: "Yes, I want to be alone with you, but it's because this matter has too much to do with it. This government was supported by the Angles before it came to power. And The Angles didn't leave Osima entirely, but, instead, kept some dark arts experiments."

Zheng Nian dragged the chair over and sat down: "Say it."

"System": The backlash you caused has gradually expanded from Anglo.

Wei Keng paused and said, "Well, in the final analysis, the fragile mortal souls (multiple planes) can only be released easily by attaching themselves to a strong person who is 'kind, bright, and beautiful' and handing over all of themselves."

Zheng Nian: "Miss, now, you need to know your identity, you are a prisoner."

In this way, accompanied by three Dragon Guard knights, Zheng Nian met together, the first Fengyu Group general who surrendered from the "Austrian Army"

But now, the Sunsparrow aircraft in the sky (this airship, the middle body is a slender airbag, the sides are like wings, six 30-meter wings, like a flying sparrow), are all volleyed by the Dragon Guard mech that has appeared in front of her Shoot the guided missile and fall with one hit.

...Zheng Nian looked for an opportunity to attack, Wei Keng looked for an opportunity to infiltrate, and the two consciousnesses cooperated quite tacitly. …

Zheng Nian felt that she underestimated herself. How could her own ambitions and ambitions be summed up from her perspective? Her great journey had just begun.

Sex, money, power, these are all corrosive elements.

Zheng Nian quickly stood up, and ordered to the side: "Arrange a room, I have something important to discuss with General Liu Yina." The room Zheng Nian requested is an interrogation room that can monitor and record outside.

…When Zheng thought of fighting evil with righteousness, he did not hide it from his comrades. He knew it, and Su Ni knew it, so Wei Keng and his group knew it...

When this city was designed 100 years ago, it could withstand at least [-]mm super-heavy artillery bombardment, but now it has encountered missiles.

On January 1th, Liuina (5) looked at the southern army in front, and the ravine fortifications built by more than 17.14 excavators overnight, and took a deep breath. In the past, she did not use such a light armored encirclement. to see.

The monitor played a documentary from 400 years ago: "The demons came from 400 years ago. At that time, the world was in chaos, and the armies of the seven powerful countries on the mainland united to save mankind. Well,"

Wei Keng sent the information obtained here by Zheng Nian to the system that suddenly "recovered". (Yan Beixiang) The system gave the answer. Anglo's black magic experiment here is indeed summoning demons.

…In Liusi’s teaching, one should always keep an eye on one’s feet, but now the flying mind is directed toward the sun. …

In this era, shady human experiments are black magic.

Yan Beixiang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Later, everyone used a card game to commemorate the existence of heroes in this period." During the battle, he was summoned by Zhang Ke and others through the Holy Grail ceremony, and was sealed by Wei Keng)|
Wei Keng fast forwarded, after watching this "little movie", he let out a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "In short, as long as the fear in the world reaches a certain concentration and there are enough souls to penetrate the tunnel, then a demon can be opened. door."

Finally, before facing the ultimatum, at 12:34 noon, the golden satellites pointed their beams at the six Land Cruisers in the Liuina formation. The entrance hatch, within 20 seconds of being destroyed, she announced her surrender.

Liu Yina: "Your Excellency, General, I think you should pay attention to me, I may have what you want~" She puffed up her chest when she said this, but when she saw Zheng Nian deliberately turning her gaze away, she added Said: "Information."

A fortress with major injuries is like a hero who has taken Mongolian sweat medicine, without the slightest resistance.

Because Bai Linglu will not introduce you in a gentle and elegant manner!Every time I do a big job, I "coldly" throw away the information, and then hide the important key points in the horns, and mention it in one sentence.

...Wei Keng's resignation was very "polite"...

At this time in the subspace, Yan Beixiang's fake system platform has been blocked again, and she remains silent.

She whispered: "The world needs the power to defy fate, but it also needs gods to provide support for mortals."

At this point she wanted to hint.But Wei Keng didn't give her a chance to explain why.Because of the appearance of a middle-aged man, he is not good at words.

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