out of cage

Chapter 789 Chapter 18.18 Who should be angry

Anglo Society of Mystics (Dark Arts Studies), what is the purpose of storing undead creatures in the ice bank?

From the perspective of an outsider who thinks about something every day, and who is going around in the low profile life zone, of course he suspects that this is a biochemical experiment!To destroy the world.But in fact Anglo did these things for their own interests, such as the needs of the upper class nobles such as "extending life".

The medical companies in Anglo with the badges of nobles, the knights of the temple, and the symbols of the priest of mercy invest a lot of money every year for the "new human future".

Compared with the so-called "destruction of the world" by the fools outside the curtain, the mystics who conduct this kind of black magic research sneer, and feel disdain to share their results with these "ignorant people".

But the problem is, when such a "great cause" that requires "sacrificing others" cannot reveal the truth to fools, how can mortals who know nothing about it stand on the sidelines and stand on the sidelines after seeing a piece of it? From a calm point of view?

What's more, the people in Fengyu's capital circle have their hearts turned against each other. When they were on the verge of defeat, the attitude of the Anglos was very ambiguous.This made Osima popular among the people, and found out that Anglo, a medical company with a dark history and a lot of thieves, had appeared in the country. How could he be calm about the "biological combat weapons" deployed in the port area of ​​​​the country.

In the northern port, which is considered to be the control area of ​​the Feng Yu Ji Movement, the residents began to protest with signs.Oh, these residents should be regarded as "small traders" and "middle class".The real radicals are already plotting an uprising.

…If it is said that there is a "doubtful" sentiment in the general film in the Wanlun Continent, it is still provoked by Anglo conspiracy theory novelists themselves. …

For the Anglo nobles, "keeping secrets" is an unbearable thing, so they say that bad things are done by others in "small compositions" such as memoirs and novels.

In recent years, absurd books depicting various "dark technologies" have appeared on old book stalls in some Anglo alleys.

Of course, from the point of view of the authors of these pre-determined positions: the evil experiment can only be done by an authoritarian group like Iron Star.Anglo is absolutely impossible.

As for "why it's impossible", this cannot be deeply thought about. Once it goes deep, it will be chaotic. Of course, the Iron Star is rising day by day, but the Anglos have to think deeply.

This is like the end of the ancient industrial era in the main world. After the re-emergence of the East, the intelligence of the West seems to have begun to decline, and the film works have fallen into a state of nonsense.The logic is confusing, and I don't even dare to think deeply.

Because, knowing the truth, but the object of truth accusation is not one's own opponent. Those who know are like a suffocated prophet. On the one hand, they want to say, but they can't explain clearly.

What if the audience thinks deeply and concludes that they are neither righteous nor powerful?
Suddenly, a whole bunch of unsolvable problems will appear in front of you!Waiting to be resolved.

And the Anglo scholars standing on the high platform are all deeply involved in the upper class because of the interests of various academic lords. Whoever dares to "have the brains to speak out" will be "overwhelmed by problems", so they can only wait. After leaving office, IQ dared to regain the high ground by standing on the outside.

In the Anglo-capital area, in the alley outside the military academy, Wen San (separate body), who made skin jelly, looked at the jelly that was solidified with skin and soup on his cold plate: "To persuade the group of people who don't dare to have IQ, It’s very tiring, instead of separating the academic world from the economy, it’s better to cut them together.” After that, Wei Keng cut the skinned jelly into small pieces together, and pieces of chopped skin were inside the jelly, but the knife edge was extremely smooth.

...the curse of darkness, if it doesn't take effect, it's a backlash.This kind of thing doesn't just happen to people, it happens to countries...

On Wan Lun Continent, the ordinary people of Wei Keng Group are working and investigating.

The branch named Chide was quickly discovered after fifteen days of investigation in the north of Osima, and some black market areas in Yuzui Port traded something code-named "frozen meat".

The "frozen meat" in this warehouse is delivered to another merchant.

Although these businessmen tried their best to cover up, but from the lighters they carried and the origin of the insoles, it can be determined that they are a standardized research institute on the Anglo side.

As for the specific price, it is about 50 per undead individual. This price makes Master Wei feel a little cautious. Oh, just search for some ancient creatures thousands of years ago from the frozen forest in the north, and you can sell them for such a high price. price.

But the "frozen meat" discovered later was not a simple ancient corpse, but an individual developed in the freezer after a living person was put into a coma and implanted with necromancer cells.

The whole process is a cruel drug test, the victim's face will melt and turn directly into a skeleton, and then covered with flesh-like hyphae, and finally condensed into horny.

Wei Keng's later investigation found that this was a project funded by the Anglo Mining Company. They were dissecting human nerves in the laboratory and were developing a non-complaint labor technology to replace the current mining workers.

Wei Keng: "Oh, it really is the thinking of a capitalist. How the hell did he think of the job of letting the skeleton grind."

Of course, in addition to this, these undead technologies obviously use Anglo military parts.Therefore, there is no need to ask more questions about the ultimate goal of projects that use military funds.

…Whoever walks at night, walks the dog, leaves shit on the ground, disgusts others, don’t blame others for their malice towards "cute animals"...

In the Anglo-Academic Research Institute that was in charge at this time, their "biochemical samples" are pets that they have devoted countless efforts to. Therefore, if you protest to them properly, in their thinking, it is nothing more than "although..., But taking a step back..., such a meaningful direction...isn't it worth thinking about it from multiple perspectives?"

However, Wei Keng has only one angle of thought: "The meaningful thing for you is to ask me to pay a price that I am not willing to pay without my consent."

On March 3th, the undercover person (Wei Keng individual) in Yuzui Port successfully sent these key information to the Iron Star Dragon Guard Group in the south through members of the Wanlun Iron Star Movement.

Ever since, when the world mistakenly believed that Iron Star's first Dragon Guard group was still preparing for a big battle against the last group in the Wind Whisper Plain, the Dragon Guards had successfully arrived in the north.

Together with the sky, there is also the sky fleet in the Bohai area.The commander of the fleet is An Jiexin, the commander of the Northern Sea, who can be regarded as an old friend.

The Sky Fleet came [-] kilometers away from the northern coastline of Osima, in the high seas area, activated the launcher, and launched a high-precision observation drone towards the top.

This drone monitors the vehicle access of the Anglian company in the biological warehouse in the northern port city of Osimar.

And in this port city, at a certain point in the Wind Whisper Plain to the south, the Austrian Iron Corps also interspersed here, waiting for the Anglo port in this northern city.

The Dragon Guard Corps settled at the former agricultural airport and now it has been converted into a military station.

After hearing this on the gravel-paved ground in the countryside, Zheng Nian jumped off the mecha, looked at the golden cruise positioning machines in the sky, nodded and said: "That's really good, there is an eye in the sky, really good."

...The Anglo side felt that their "overseas assets" were maliciously coveted by "rogue countries", and they also made preparations...

On March 3, the waves were very high, and the giant Anglo ship on the sea was swaying romantically, but the toilet inside the ship was churning and stench.

In this port that Osima (wind language reactionary government) has just leased to Anglo, after the soldiers of the Anglo Overseas Task Force disembarked from the fleet, they are brazenly taking over the city's port facilities.At present, they don't have time to do something that violates military discipline to local residents (especially women).

In the latest Taihe newspaper, there is a "rational" appeal from the Anglo Foreign Minister: Iron Star must respect the legitimate interests of Osima, an international friendly country.

In the Yuzui port, tonight, Lance, the chief of the Anglo task force stationed far away in Osima, was in his fortress, unable to sleep because he always had a feeling of fright.But he looked at the huge barrel of the fortress in the distance, and the fortress on the sea, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it?

The sharpness of the Holy Great Wall is currently only concerned in the territory of Osima and Iron Star.

For Anglo, the world's number one industrial and technological power, and the First Army's Val at this time, Osima is at the bottom of the chain of contempt just like the Kingdom of Sky before the rise of Enma.In the past month, Osima's heavy armor group has been directly attacked and wiped out by ground planes such as the Dragon Guards. These Wanlun powers regard it as a joke.The joke is "Osimar's heavily armored swarms," ​​but that doesn't mean they're quick to value the flimsy Dragon Guards.Unless they themselves become a joke.

Only gods can know how sharp the newly developed "high-speed information-based missile strike" is.

This is the initial stage of the current technological breakthrough, and the military has simultaneously pointed out the most top-level strike methods.

But the gods knew it was useless, and they couldn't change the habitual thinking of mortals so quickly.And now is not the past. Giving one or two aristocrats the Gospel enlightenment can equalize the gap between "Midi and Silly Damu".

Contemporary is a new era of "technology, industry, machinery" development.This era can provide a huge amount of faith, but it also means that everyone's thinking consciousness is very inertial.

At five thirty in the morning.In Yuzui Port, as the high-altitude radar captured the missiles, a large number of light beams appeared in the entire base, and personnel began to alert and enter the battle.

But at this time, the Austrian Railway military offensive began, and the strike fire had penetrated many Anglo-garrisoned positions.

Rows of flying clusters began to appear in the state of steel winds, and they were pushed flat to the position.

Yes, it’s a flat push. When the attack is so high that it can kill you with one blow, what you are fighting for is “quick lock, organization of alternate cover” and the courage to win when you meet in a narrow road.

The troops on the defensive front of the Anglo side have also recently carried out military reforms, but they are still very unfamiliar with this combat mode that takes only seven or eight seconds before and after the encounter. The "Guards" system will hit so fast.

This is the case with aristocratic culture. There is a process for information to pass from the center (nobles with broad vision) to the end (foolish soldiers).

And Iron Star's organization is to "study at the same time from top to bottom", and the soldiers of Saint Great Wall are all college students with basic culture, and they have [-] shock drills as a base, and they have generally completed [-] actual combats in the past six months.

There is no luck in war confrontation right now!It's like a certainty that the score of the god of learning surpasses that of the scumbags.

[The exams for the scumbags have a multi-subject [-]-point system, and only two to three hundred points, so that after the exam, even if you see the answer, you don't know how many teachers' sympathy points you can get.As for Xueshen, after passing the test, he knew how many points he had lost.Even after taking the exam dozens of times, the result is the same. 】

Now, it's time for Saint Great Wall's brigade to attack.Any military observer who sees the Anglo defenses can be sure that the battle has been won.

Because of the defensive position led by Lance, the deployment of firepower was sparse, and it was not organized at all, and there were leaks in all directions.

As the strongest assault force, Zheng Nian, for him, even if the Anglo firepower is fully prepared, it will not be too much. As long as the Austrian Railway is saturated with firepower once suppressed, it will be able to penetrate a little bit, creating a breakthrough opportunity for Zheng Nian.

…However, at this moment, God squeezed his eyes and wanted to create a miracle…

Wei Keng's consciousness on the high-dimensional plane suddenly became awe-inspiring, because he discovered that there was a huge tremor on the crystal wall on the Wanlun plane, and the gods began to choose the lucky ones.

The only bright spot on the Anglo side of this battle is Lance. As a god, he came to his land cruiser ahead of time, and happened to communicate with the battleship at sea.

And during the surprise attack, he was also the only one who fired a salvo, hindering the dragon guards' surprise attack.

But that's it. In the group of Dragon Guards, an arc was separated, and this arc climbed to a height of 1000 meters in a straight line. When a large number of firepower points of Lance's Land Cruiser hurriedly adjusted the elevation angle to a high place, this ushered in this Guy supersonic dive.

Lance saw the pierced translucent hacking passages in his land cruiser, looked at the mechanical phoenix getting closer through the ether field, and couldn't help murmuring: "Really, it's so beautiful. !"

After saying this, clusters of rockets shot down from the air mecha, penetrated the gap when the land cruiser turret rotated, and went down the turret shaft, just like ice water down the neckline in winter.

Fragmentary flames set off precise explosions inside the Land Cruiser. Since Saint Great Wall personally calculated the hacking point, a large amount of ammunition destroyed the entire concept field of the land cruiser in an instant, and Lance died in battle!
Gao Weiwei Keng was slightly taken aback, because all of Lance's confrontations on all timelines were "lost", and the only difference was whether he died or not.

…In short, the Holy Great Wall came in person, and the miracle did not happen at all. …

Lance fell towards the Kingdom of God. In the past 30 years, he first suffered setbacks in the molten steel tower city, then met Enma, and then was missed by the princess for the first time. Well, Yunli and Fenzheng found their mother How could Lance not know about the past.But that was because of his defeat.

Then, in the battle of Val, it was overshadowed by Poma's brilliance.

Finally, today came to Iron Star again with the Dark Arts Experiment.He was cut down by the strongest edge Saint Great Wall of the era, and died.

In general, he has been fighting in the wrong direction all his life.

However, before he entered the Kingdom of God, he suddenly found a strong light hitting him head-on, and then his soul shattered, and the blazing light that shattered his soul rushed towards the world.

Zheng Nian cut down this "metal tempering" mortal hero, and there was a break on the wing of the Dragon Guard with the Iron Star symbol, but then landed safely on the ground, returned to the position, and let the Anglo ships on the sea Cannon can't get angry.

[And this battle caused cracks to appear on the emblem of the God of Metal Refining in the Anglo Palace.Even if it is God's blessing, the fiery Holy Great Wall will not miss it.Wing knife, the direction of the rocket, God can't keep it. 】

When the Holy Great Wall killed Lance, the gods deployed at least hundreds of thousands of timelines, trying to keep Lance alive and achieve an ending of "saving the mind" to die, but in fact, none of the timelines can succeed.God calculated a victory plan, but the skin that escaped fate immediately slipped through the web of fate.

Zheng Nian, who was just young, is the strongest in the world, but has never been bound by the name of "the strongest".

In the shock, it has always been, "Seize the fleeting opportunity correctly, and retreat immediately if the winning percentage is insufficient."

After killing Lance, there are still a large number of Anglo fleets on the sea, which cannot be wiped out with a single impact.

Zheng Nian: But!It didn't say that you can't rush twice, the scoring stage is carried out.Also, I have comrades in arms.

...From a high-dimensional perspective, life variables on a plane have reached the level of "third-order traceability", and they are not destined. …

At 7:06, that is, an hour after Lance burped, the Anglian fleet anchored in the harbor was also blocked by the Iron Star sea and air forces.

Admiral Mina, the commander of the Anglo-Royal Fleet, immediately pulled the anchor and set sail. Under the operation of nuclear power, white weapons were sprayed from the cooling tower of the huge battleship, and the water vapor was sprayed towards the city of Osima like a fart.

But only three hours later, the fleet had to come back and wait anxiously.

Because the Dragon Guard Group has deployed a large number of mines on the sea.These mines forced Anglo to concentrate a large number of lightly equipped demining fleets to mine in front.

During this thunder trip, the fleet was advancing along the safe passage, but at this time, the third group of dragon guards on standby immediately started a surprise attack with torpedoes.

Compared with the battle on land, the blocking battle at sea is a low-intensity battle. Zheng Nian, who is on standby, has not participated in the battle at this time, but looking at the long snake formation on the sea, he can't help but marvel: "This fleet is lined up without using torpedoes. I'm sorry for your butt-pouting posture."

... When he was a teenager, Zheng Nian, who had the cheek to seek out Liu Si for food, had no aristocratic upbringing...

In March of 3252 in the Fire Emblem calendar, seven Anglian battleships of 300 tons broke through the Yuzui Strait, and they capsized under the continuous torpedo bombardment!This caused the largest loss in Anglo naval history in [-] years.

The whole Anglo country was shaken. Of course, the main point of the shock in the royal court was that in the civil war of little Osima, the forces that had not won yet dared to protect the commercial and humanitarian aid fleet of the Anglo Expeditionary Force. To bomb.

...For all those who enter the second level (steam power) plane, justice has long been a thing that can be distorted, and cannon is justice...

Oh, as for this time, the news broke out on the Sky Iron Star, and one by one "necromancer mechanical life" was exposed in Yuzui port.Minlar was furious (furious because of the urgent need for external conflicts to divert conflicts).

However, the Anglo side and their "allies" (dogs) in the Wind Talk Plain are still "immersed" in the anger of their "peacekeeping" fleet being attacked. Under the suppression of Anglo's powerful public opinion, a large number of "rational scholars" will not Promise Austrian Railways to produce evidence.

A wind language scholar of "high-end life" who is serious about it: And it is obvious that this is the despicable Iron Star little plane trying to spread rumors.

And in various cities, Shirley, wearing a black dress with a black veil and white carnations on her chest, looked at her husband's photo in silence.Yun Li had to stay with her mother to prevent the grief from being too strong and hurting her body.

As for Fenzheng, when he got the news, he was temporarily placed under house arrest by the Anglo generals because he was too excited.

The Anglos want revenge!

...However, the karmic backlash brought about by the many injustices in the past thousand years has already begun...

In the port city of Osima, the iron star worker uprising took the city's dominance.

Specialized medical experts wore protective clothing and entered the restricted area designated by Anglo in the port.

As the inspectors opened the freezer, one by one the human corpses sealed in the refrigerator, after blood verification and comparison, and the disclosure of the remnants, one by one Osima and the families of the victims in the northern part of the sky, in the chemical-proof glass Outside the Wall, a sad farewell was made.

This scene of life and death was filmed for the Iron Star Newspaper.

On this chariot, Zheng Nian, who had just won the war, was not proud of himself, but silently stared at the other side and cried.

He pulled out a newspaper from Anglo, which was full of words of international justice such as "destroying commercial freedom", without any mention of what they called the cruel black magic human experiment in business.

Zheng Nian said leisurely: "They don't mention black magic because they think that we are not qualified to discuss this topic with them. They are angry and ask for compensation because they feel that they have the right to be angry. Since it is not about justice, it is only about qualifications. So? Just fight for the qualifications of justice."

Zheng Nian leisurely called Su Ni and made some demands.

The Dragon Guards assault training was going on in the south, and after Su Ni heard what he wanted, he understood what he wanted within ten seconds.

Su Ni reprimanded: "Is it because there are not enough seats at the gate of the Kingdom of God, or is there a deadline set for the invitation letter of the abyss? Make you hurry up and get ready to grab a seat?"

Zheng Nian said leisurely: "The kingdom of God? The abyss! As a warrior with a firm belief, I would rather go to the wall of unbelief than go there to linger on my soul! I——I only believe in myself and only execute myself."

Wei Keng was silent for a while: "Then, how about pressing it temporarily and making a long-term plan?"

Zheng Nian: "While you are making a plan, your opponent is also making a plan, Su Ni! Your flaw is here. You can survive, but you clearly grasp justice, but you lack the confidence to give it a try."

Wei Keng wanted to refute.

Zheng Nian added: "Even if I rush like this, I will always stumble. But if no one retaliates against them, they will always wipe their blood-stained lips with a handkerchief after doing evil, and maintain the nobles at leisure. Appearance. And I just want to suck their blood to death before they are wiped clean. When I come, they don’t want to wipe their mouths with gold handkerchiefs and whitewash their hypocrisy with noble etiquette.”

Just when Zheng Nian began to take advantage of the lesson, suddenly the intelligence department knocked on the door, seeing the two quarreling, the intelligence officer promptly eased the embarrassment.

After Zheng Nian took the report, he suddenly smiled, very brightly. Those who are familiar with Zheng Nian know that this is to "make trouble".

After Su Ni took a look, his eyes showed hostility.Anyone who is familiar with Wei Keng knows that this is to "digging a hole".

Six hours later, the Anglos took the initiative to declare war on the Austrian Railway in the name of "saving Osima from falling into the circle of civilization".

The Anglo "chivalry" was very angry at the "shameless looting" in the port of Osima, and determined to uphold justice.

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